May Have to Keep Draft, Truman Warns WESTERN EUROPE EDITION THE STARS A TRIPES Unoflicial Newspapers of U.S. Forces a^^VVyJ^^^^ In the European Theater Vol. 2—No. 188 S^HS^8* * Tuesday, Jan. 22, 1946 750,000 Steel Workers Out in Greatest U.S. Strike Trial Told Guard Sang\ *** s Hit 5£ate Zoot Suit To Muffle Beating Cries Walkout A Kansas City haberdashery displays single and double-breast- PITTSBURGH, Jan. 21 ed barrels to point out the plight By Art White (UP).—The greatest single- of discharged servicemen who industry strike in American can't buy civilian clothing. Stars and Stripes Staff Writer LONDON, Jan, 21.—The cries of a Negro prisoner being history, involving 750,000 steel beaten in the Lichfield guardhouse and the noise of the and aluminum workers in blows were drowned out by a guard singing the "Indian 1,292 plants in 30 states, be- De Gaulle Quits for Good Love Call," the guard, T/5 Ellis D. Adcock, testified today. gan early today, following Adcock, one of the defendants in the Lichfield trial, said ' refusal of the U.S. Steel Corp other guards brought Pvt. Joseph to agree to President Tru- Mallory to his office for the beat- man's compromise offer of Over Political Quarrels ing. While the other guards beat an 18 1/2-cent hourly wage boost. Mallory, Adcock, who was duty ser- Congress Gets Thousands of pickets in the geant, sang the "Indian Love Call" freezing East and Middle West, in and two other songs to cover up The young Fourth French Republic was plunged into its the South and on the Pacific Coast the sound. Truman Views j formed at the gates of mills and gravest political crisis yesterday following the "irrevocable" Volunteered Evidence marched with placards vowing to resignation of Gen. de Gaulle as head of the three-party One of three accused enlisted WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 (UP).—' fight to the last to win the 18 1/2- coalition government. men who volunteered to give "fur- President Truman asked Congress j cent pay raise. ther evidence" under a grant of today for a budget of $35,860,000,000 : Murray Takes Charge De Gaulle's resignation was made in a letter read last immunity from a charge of per- in a combination budget and State I The steel strike brings to 1,425,000 ; night to the cabinet assembled in jury, Adcock. told the court he re- of the Union message. the number of workers made idle the Hotel Matignon. It left no turned to the stand to "tell the The President said it would be throughout the country by walk- doubt that this time the General truth." necessary to extend the Selective outs, according to latest unofficial UNO Unit OKs had quit for good and that he Questioned by Capt. Earl J. Car- Service law beyond its expiration estimation. was hot making another bid for a roll, assistant prosecutor, Adcock date of May 15 if the campaign for Philip Murray, president of the vote of confidence. admitted that he lied to Lit. Col. volunteers does not produce enough; n^g,^™?' Sw'S^w°£J£5 mpn r.n maintain ani armpri fnrr-P— CI°' hurried to Pittsburgh today Pact oil Atom The tall soldier-leader, hampered Lawrence W. Varner, an IG invest- men to maintain an armed force from Washington to take charge of by growing opposition in the Com- igator, who went to Lichfield to including Army, Navy and Air negotiations with U.S. Steel in an Force—of 2,000,000 men. LONDON, Jan. 21 (UP).—The munist-dominated Constituent As- probe charges of mistreatment to effort to bridge the gap between United Nations Assembly's Politi- sembly, had threatened several prisoners. Concerning the touchy subject of the 15-cent offer of the manage- cal and Security Committee today times before to resign. The last Adcock declared he was instruct- demobilization, he asserted that ment and the 18 1/2-cent . proposal. time was on New Year's Day,1 when ed by .Maj. Richard E. LoBuono, nine out of every ten men who were Murray will make a radio broadcast unanimously adopted the Moscow he received an overwhelming vote of former Lichfield provost marshal, in the armed forces on VJ-Day resolution to set up an atomic would be out by the end of June, to the nation tonight to present the energy commission. confidence and agreed to continue. and 1/Lt. Granville Cubage, former steel workers' case. prison officer, now awaiting trial, 1946. Benjamin Fairless, president of The vote was 46 to 0 in favor of Official Reason to tell Varner that no one was Other Proposals the resolution as drafted by the Offical reason for De Gaulle's U.S. Steel, addressed an open letter Big Three. The Philippine Com- beaten up or mistreated at the The President warned against to President Truman by means of resignation was said to be his refus- guardhouse. any increases in taxes, terming monwealth abstained from voting al to accept slashing cuts in mili- full-page advertisements that ap- after her delegate previously raised 'Rough Them Up' such proposals "ill adviced." He peared in major U.S. daily news- tary expenditures demanded by also proposed: objection to the composition of the left-wing parties, but fundamental Adcock said that Cubage had tola papers. "In our opinion, there is proposed atomic commission. and sweeping differences over the jailers that the guardhouse was 1— Rent and price controls no just basis from any point of The vote came unexpectedly after new constitution and bitter quarrels not tough enough and ordered them through Jpie, 1947. view for such an increase in wages," the Big Three appealed for quick inside the government over France's to be rougher on the men, stand 2— Food subsidies to prevent Fairless emphasized. action. Sen. Tom Connally, one of food crisis were widely accepted as them up against the wall, double- price increases. Biggest Strike the American delegates, said the additional reasons for his quitting. time them, and "rough them up." 3— Extension of the War Powers Never before has a strike in the Moscow resolution- provided neces- "I accepted to guide the country When 1/Lt. Leonard W. Ennis Act to continue priorities and U.S. involved so many workers and sary safeguards for atomic bomb towards its liberation and to lead took over as prison officer, he told equitable distribution of scarce had such likely far-reaching ef- secrets "at every stage" and »m- it through the necessary transition the jailers: "Don't use your hands materials. fects. The biggest strike previously phasized that the commission would which today has been accomplish- on the prisoners," and demonstrat- 4— Admission of Hawaii and was the mass walkout of 450,000 be authorized to "make recommen- ed," De Gaulle said in his letter of ed how they were to control them Alaska to statehood. coal miners in : 919. dations, but not compel action." resignation. France still has grave with the butt of a rifle, Adcock The President renewed his pro- (In Washington, Secretary of (Earlier story of UNO on Page 4.) problems, but is not in grave danger, said. posal for" settlement of labor dis- Labor Lewis Schwellenbach has in- he said. Adcock told the court that a "Sgt. putes by setting up fact-finding vited the presidents of General "After last November's elections Nunes," who is not among the boards to prevent strikes when col- Electric and Westinghouse Electric 3th Army to Ship I regarded my task as finished," he accused,' informed two Negro pri- lective bargaining, conciliation and Cos. to meet him tomorrow to dis- continued. "The assembly thought soners: "You are going to dig your voluntary arbitration fail. cuss the dispute, which last Tues- EM With 21/2 Yrs. otherwise and asked me to head own graves," and made them dig Discussing the requirements of day had sent 175,000 electrical the government again, to which I for about 20 minutes. the armed forces, the President workers off their jobs. agreed. Such a coalition govern- "When I spoke to him about it," said: "Our national safety and (The walkout of 263,000 meat in- * YOKOHAMA, Jan. 21 (AP).— Adcock said, "Nunes replied: 'Oh, ment could only succeed if there is security of the world will require (Continued on Page 8, Col. 2) Eighth Army Headquarters said to- real permanent unanimity among Hell! I'm just having a little fun.' " substantial armed forces, particu- day that enlisted men with 30 the ministers. I regret to say, larly in overseas service." He said months' service by April 30 or of- (Continued on Page 8. Col. 1) the governing factor now has be- Base Sections to Join; ficers with 45 months' service by Congress to Get come "requirements for troops in that date probably would be En sufficient strength to carry out Three Ports Stay Open route home by mid-February. Bodies of 6 U.S. Fliers Leave Pay Plan their missions. The announcement was released by Col. L. B. Shaw, Eighth Army Found Near Hong Kong 'Must Clinch Victory Western Base Section will absorb personnel officer, to clarify an an- WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 (AP).— "We have tna^task of clinching Delta Base Feb. 1, Chanor Base and nouncement that enlisted men with Congressional action on a bill pro- the victories we have won—of mak- the London Area Office on March HONGKONG, Jan. 21 (UP).—The 1- and the port of Marseille will be 45 points or 30 months' service and viding lump-sum terminal leave ing certain that Germany and officers with 67 points or 45 bodies of six U.S.
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