- From head of the company to head of the class ""PAGE26 Vol. 8, No.14 44 Pages 3 Sections 7 5¢ ~ Community Newspaper Company www.ullstonbrightontab.com FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2003 McDermott Voters return leaves 'Bagel four At-Large Man' on shelf councilors By Jill Casey By Jiii Casey and STAFF WRITER Eunice Kim STAFF WRITER ncumbent Dist:Jict 9 City Councilor Jeny McDermott oters Tuesday decided in I squashed his opponent Dan the end to back experi­ "The Bagel Man" Kontoff, by tak­ Vence ahead of youth, re­ ing close to 82 percent of the All­ turning all four at-large incum­ u ston-B1ighton vote on Tuesday. bents to Boston's top board. McDermott had a clear lead Incumbent Michael Flaherty over his op­ topped the At-Large ticket with ponent 18.3 percent of the unofficial R throughout votes, followed by councilors the election. Felix Arroyo of Hyde Park, with McDermott about 17.4 percent; Maura Hen­ will now serve his first full term nigan of Jamaica Plain, with on the Boston City Council, about 16.9 percent; and Stephen since he was elected just last Murphy of Hyde Park.. with ll November in a special election about 15.3 percent. ir. to fil l the seat of the late City Newcomer Patricia White, rr Councilor Brian Honan. daughter of former Mayor Kevin re "I am feeling good, we had a White, slid to fifth place after h big victory in Allston-Brighton. It beating both Felix and Hennigan a. wa<; a nice vote of confidence in the preliminaries when she from the people of A-B," said came in third. McDermott, on his lead over his "I am surprised," White said at opponent. According to the elec­ her West Roxbury · Pub party tions commission's unofficial re- PHOTO BY DAVID GORl·~N Felix Arroyo fan Maureen White of Allston celebrates her candidate's victory Tuesday. All the City Councll Incumbents won, Including Jerry Tuesday night. "We put together McDERMOTT, page 6 McDer111ott In the race to represent A-B. The surprise loser was Patricia White, who finished fifth despite her second place win In District 9. AT-LARGE, page 23 / .r ~. Let's talk l r Waterworks' future slowl)'; takes shal)e ~ ,:r McDermott wants Torah Academy ·; to discuss 142 Bigelow St. Design ideas and goals the main building blol•ks so far By Jiii Casey alreadj exist on the site. team hm week and put them on cou~e to By Jill Casey McD rmott aid this weel-. that STAFF WRITER "New construction need not be imitative ?evelnp some more definitive design plans the nc.: t likely step should be to The Boston Landmarks Commission and should not be imitative of an earlier m the L oming weeks. The Torah Academy, the engag~ the Torah Academy in gave the Waterworks Development building," said Ellen Lipsey of the BLC. "\\-i.; went there looking for guidance. owners of the infamous 142 the d1.,cussion with the neigh­ Team the green light to design the future The BLC's role is very pertinent in the rat~er than us telling them what we were Bigelow St. property in Oak borhplld. residential building on the historic redevelopment process because it will be gom& lo do [and] I guess the overall im­ Square, have been ex-facto Mc.: Dermott was recently Chestnut Hi ll site in a contemporary reviewing all exterior changes to the exist­ ~ress111n was that we were moving in the members during much of the given a tour of the Torah Acad­ fashion. The BLC told the team that the ing structures and the landscaping due to nght tlirection," said Menill Diamond, dealings between prospective emy\ current location in design should preferablj not mimic the the site's designation as a Boston land­ presid .. nt of Diamond & Company. Dia­ developers and the community. Broo~ line, and had a chance to architecture of the historic buildings that mark. The BLC met with the Wateiworks mond & Company, along with EA Fish District 9 City Councilor Jerry meet'' ith the academy's rabbis WATERWORKS, page 6 BIGELOW, page 23 INSIDE Toasting Washington Allston Assume the pO,\'ition Mltin Streets has breakfast in honor of community namesake By Jiii Casey plucked from a de igner runway. School on Halloween, Allston s·.. Ff~ITER From greasy spoons to funky business owners, city officials Man} people consider New­ gift stores, A II ston Vi II age·~ and members of the university bury Street to be the mecca for amenities can fulfill just about community celebrated the suc­ people watching, but a stroll every tangible de~ire - and cess of the Allston Village Main down Harvard Avenue mid-af­ even some not-so-tangible ones. Streets program, which has been ternoon ma} sway that notion. It'. a destination where you can working since 1996 to revitalize Sort of an antidote to Newbul) get your palm read, or your hair the Allston commercial district. Stre~t, All<iton Village is where st} led, all within the confines of Dubbed the Washington All­ proh;.,sronah in suits mingle one business district. ston Birthday Breakfas4 every with the hip urban set that make Over eggs and bacon at the year AVMS holds this benefit to thrill shop garb look like it wru. Harvard University Busine$s raise money for the program and ENTERTAINMENT also to pay tribute to the historic figure from whom Allston draws its name. Wang boss The artist Washington All­ ston wa born in 1779 and is M.I.A considered one of the country's first romantic painters and ..,,.SEEPAGE 15 poets. Allston is one of the few places in the country to be named after an artist. ''The Main Streets mission is INSIDE more than just [revitalization]. AVMS does not want to beautify Commentary 10 and improve the neighborhood, only to have those artists dis­ Community Notes 3 placed when the neighborhood is gentrified," said Jennifer Crime 5 STAFF PHOTO BY KATE FLOCK Rose, executive director of Dan Ellas, owner of Elias Flne Art, speaks about the spirited ch racter and artist, Washington Allston, at thje fifth annual AVMS, who was dre sed as STAFF PHOTO BY KEITH E. JACOBSO!< Entertainment 15 Wru.hington Allston. At Beacon Light Yoga Ccmter, Laurel Wicks assumes a yoga Wa hlngton Allston Birthday Breakfast at the Harvard Business position during a recent class. Yoga Is a great way to relleve Scf\ool's Spangler Center on Friday. With the holidaj season fast Ubrary Notes 9 stress and to learn to rolax. See story on page 24. BREAKFAST, page 23 Obituaries 28 :\I .\Et FREE ONLINE Political Notebook 12 \t\i it .. ~ Al.io •/•.. 1.i "°""' BANKING •"' ,.... ~ ,. ........... (:lllHOPH \C:TIC: <::,~~ ~·\\'· c\<- • 1 • , N.,. 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Key contacts: • c;9~MUNITY 1• AOL Keyword ...• r ~~~.:: THIS WEEK on townon 1ne com Town Online I Editor. • • • _••••••••••• Wayne Braverman (781 ) 433-8365 Welcome to lhe Allston-Brighton . • • • . • • • . • • • • , • , . ••..•.... wbraverma~tnc.com The Allston-Brighton TAB is published online at www.al/stonbrightontab.O()m and America Online 1 TAB! We are cager to serve a<> a Reporter . • . • • . Jill Gasey (781) 433-8333 Keywprd: Town Online. Town Online features news from more than 45 loQul publications, profiles of forum for the community. Please - . • . •........................... [email protected] more than 200 Eastern Massachusetts communities, and items of regional interest. send us calendar listings, social Editor in cnief . • • . • • , , Greg Reibman t781) 433-8345 .•.• , . • . • . • • • [email protected] news and any other items of com­ Arts & Entertainment Lost FlJtures munity interei,t. 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