CANTON BOOST PROTEIN WITH S0Y% H SoftbaH ® ™ 93 f o o d , B8 HALL01 FAME ONE ACTS ^ IS YOUNG FESTIVAL DAU'OV («A 1 2 AT HEART ENTERTAINMENT, B6 »«»TO SP0RTS- B1 Google seminar PLYMOUTH I Plymouth business ow ners w ill have a chance to learn new ways to grow their business online w ith a Google seminar offered by the Plymouth Downtown O b s e r v e r Development Authority a n d Luna Tech 3D. P R IC E : $1 • THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2013 • hometownlife.com The seminar takes place Thursday, Jan. 24, from 7:45-9:30 a.m. at Panache 447 in down­ town Plymouth. The featured speaker will be Ana Owczarak from Rock Bar the Google AdWords team in Ann Arbor. "It's im portant for business owners to take control of their Google faces search results," said Tony Bruscato, director of operations of the Plymouth DDA. "This closure seminar w ill help teach our local business own­ ers how to grow their online presence." under deal To register for the seminar, visit Iunatech3d- By Matt Jachman plymouth.eventbrite.com Observer Staff Writer or call (734) 260-1069. Downtown Plymouth’s popular Rock Bar and Grill, under scrutiny Literacy help by city officials for repeated liquor license violations, nuisance com­ The Community plaints and public safety incidents, L ite ra cy C o u n cil, a will have new management — or volunteer, nonprofit PHOTOS BY BILL BRESLER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER close altogether — by Friday, Feb. 1. organization whose Richard Teeple, who is retired from Henry Ford Community College (here judging a recent carving compe­ Owner Kevin Montagano told the aim is to improve adult tition w ith Doug Ganhs of Oakland Community College) said the annual Plymouth Ice Festival has helped Plymouth City Commission at its literacy in Plymouth- revive the art of ice carving in Michigan. meeting Monday that he is seeking Canton and surround­ to sell the bar on Penniman, and that ing areas of western the Rock will close after this month Wayne County, needs unless new ownership is at least volunteers. pending and new management is in The agency provides place. The Rock opened in late 2009. free literacy tutoring to C ulinary carving Following Montagano’s brief state­ adults via one-on-one ments, made with Keith Kecskes, instruction or small con­ the attorney representing the bar, versation groups. Tutors at his side, the commission voted to undergo 14 hours of recommend to the Michigan Liquor training and customize Ice sculptors carved revival with festival’s support Control Commission that the Rock’s each o f their lessons to license to sell alcohol by the glass be the individual needs of By Matt Jachman revoked. their students. Observer Staff Writer But the City Commission, under In 2012, tutors volun­ agreement reached with Montaganon c \ teered more than 3,000 The Plymouth Ice Festival has strengthened just before the meeting, also agreedid \ hours promoting literacy culinary education programs and helped revive not to file the recommendation for in the community. the art of ice carving in Michigan over the last 90 days in order to give Montagano The group's biggest three decades, according to a veteran carver and time to m arket the bar and reach a event o f th e year, its 22nd instructor. purchase agreement. In turn, Mon­ annual Spelling Bee, Richard Teeple, who recently retired from Hen­ tagano agreed not to contest alleged takes place March 13 at ry Ford Community College, where he taught in license violations and also not to con­ the Canton High School the culinary arts program for more than 30 years, test, at the local level, the recom­ DuBois Little Theater. said “there’s no question” the festival has been a mendation that the Rock’s license be boost to his school and to ice carving in general. revoked. “Many of my students over the last 30 years If Montagano does not have a Free throw have gotten their start there, and they have signed purchase agreement for the opened up very successful ice-carving business­ Rock, plus proof of earnest mon­ contest es,” said Teeple, who still advises at HFCC and ey and evidence that the sale would Knights of Columbus, will help coordinate the collegiate competition be to an unrelated entity, within the Father Victor J. Renaud during this year’s festival. 90 days, the city can forward the Council No. 3292 of The 2013 edition of the Plymouth Ice Festival, license revocation recommendation Plymouth, hosts a free- the 31st annual, is Friday, Jan. 18, through Sunday, to the state, the agreement says. throw shooting contest Jan. 20, at Kellogg Park and nearby downtown The agreement comes after a 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. streets. It will feature more than 100 ice sculp­ December public hearing on the 19, at St. John Neu­ tures, team and individual competitions, the pop­ license revocation and intense dis­ mann Catholic Church ular “Dueling Chainsaws” competition, entertain­ cussions in recent days between city in C a n to n . ment, refreshments, wintertime sports and more. officials and the Rock’s representa­ All boys and girls Teeple said the art of ice carving “was dying” at tives. ages 9-14 are invited to the time the festival began in the 1980s, and that The development took some at participate in the local by providing a venue for student carvers and the Macomb Community College student Sean Ess Monday’s meeting by surprise. level of state competi­ worked on this sculpture right down to the final tio n . Please see CARVING, A2 minutes of competition. Please see ROCK BAR, A3 For e n try fo rm s o r additional information, contact Andrew Bishop at [email protected]. Barrett gets second term leading school board John Barrett was re­ vice president. cation Center, 454 S. Har­ INDEX elected as president of the Barrett and Paton, a vey in downtown Plym­ Business................... A11 Plymouth-Canton Commu­ financial analyst at the outh), naming banks and Crossword Puzzle. B10 nity School Board of Edu­ University of Michigan other depositories for Entertainment....... B6 ■I Food........................ B8 cation Tuesday. Health System, were elect­ school funds and invest­ Homes..................... B10 A Plymouth resident, ed to the board in Novem­ ments and naming general Jobs.......................... B11 former high school princi­ ber 2011. Paton is the only counsel (Collins and Blaha, Obituaries.............. B5 pal in Farmington and for­ board member with chil­ P.C.) and special counsel Opinion.................. A12 mer Plymouth city com­ dren attending Plymouth- for specific legal issues Services.................. B10 missioner, Barrett thanked Canton schools. (LaPointe and Associates, Sports...................... B1 W heels................... B12 his colleagues, applauding All officers were elected P.C.; Thrun Law Firm, P.C.; the talent of the district unanimously. The terms Lacey & Jones, LLP and © The Observer ( t Eccentric and adding “I am proud to end Dec. 31. Clark Hill, PLC). Volume 126 • Number 44 be part of this board.” Other business conduct­ Stauder, Barch and Asso­ Also elected were Judy ed at the board’s annu­ ciates was named the Hom e Delivery: Mardigian, vice president, al organization meet­ financial consults for 2013. (866) 887-2737 Adrienne Davis, secretary, ing included approv­ The board’s next meet­ and Sheila Paton, treasur­ ing bylaws setting reg­ ing is Jan. 22 at which Return Address: er. Mardigian, the board’s ular meetings (7 p.m. on trustees are expected to Dr. John Barrett, here presenting 2012 graduate Alan 41304 Concept Dr. League w ith his diploma dt last year's commencement, Plymouth Ml 48170 longest-serving mem­ third Tuesday of each discuss a bond issue to pay ber, served as secretary in month at the board office for new technology and won a second term Tuesday as president of the Plym­ 2012 while Davis served as — E.J. McClendon Edu­ building improvements. outh-Canton Board of Education. Free Checking C o m m u n i t y F i n a n c i a l Now with Mobile Banking right here right for you www.cfcu.org V isit cfcu.org today! (877) 937-2328 PLYMOUTH CANTON NORTHVILLE NOVI Federally insured by NCUA. t-T Equal Housing Lender. ©2013 Community Financial * * A2 (P) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday, January 10, 2013 LOCAL NEWS online at hometownlife.com New pact restores pay to DPW workers By M att Jachman sweep streets, clean sew­ small percentage of their leader position, which Observer Staff Writer ers, maintain the town­ salary to 10 percent of didn’t require water-sys­ ship’s water system and the cost of the premium. tem certification. Three years after a respond to em ergencies “This group saw the Courter said the new contract slashed their like water-main breaks, wisdom of working with positions will help the pay and increased their plus do other mainte­ the township to take con­ DPW bring all sew er­ health insurance costs, nance work. cessions at the time with­ cleaning work in house, em ployees in Plym ­ The new contract, out layoffs,” and cut their starting this year, rath­ outh Township’s Depart­ which runs through pay without taking fur­ er than having to contract ment of Public Works are December of 2015, was lough days, Reaume said. out som e of it. regaining some ground. unanim ously approved The new contract does The contract also estab­ Township officials and Tliesday night by the include a giveback on the lishes a financial incen­ Teamsters Local 214, township Board of Trust­ part of the Teamsters: tive for workers to obtain which represents sev­ ees.
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