SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH VoU92-No. 34 Published Every Thursday Thursday, September 5,1985 USPS 136 800 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 25 CENTS! In brief School's open plan priorities Clean Up debut From kindergarten... Clean Up Week curbside pickups of household debris start rearranged and expanded Monday in Section I. That's the By STUART AWBREY jects is estimated to cost $3.76 which the consulting firm of WRT area west of Springfield Ave. and Priorities for the first phase of the million, somewhat higher than the sees as a "Western Gateway" to Riverside Drive north of Crane's Downtown Improvement and Im- seven-part first phase presented in Cranford, are also combined as one Ford and north of the Raritan plementation Plan have been rear- June which was estimated between project priority. Total estimated cost Valley(old CNJ) railroad tracks. ranged and somewhat expanded. $2.9 and $3.3 million. is $800,000. The northeast quadrant is Streetscape improvements along A mix of public and private funds is covered starting Sept. 16. North Union and Walnut avenues, proposed to underwrite the projects. The changes evolved out of a connected by a revamped and ex- Some of the private funds will be meeting last month among Class trash panded public plaza at the railroad raised by a Special Improvement Downtown Committee, government underpass and linked to Eastman District through which downtown officials and WRT. The firm also Last year's Clean Up set a Plaza, remain a focal point of the property owners will be assessed* see came up with three sets of less expen- record for communal trashing first phase. But traffic and parking related story on this page). sive alternatives for the first phase. and this one promises to be even particularly along Miln St. has been Fish said these were developed with Conversion of. Municipal Parking an understanding that the full nine- bigger and classier. Page 7. added to the priority roster. A "river Lot No. 1 adjacent to the Manger gateway" project has been removed part package was "clearly prefer- Building and the firehouse to an all red" by Downtown Committee from the first phase roster in, favor of shopper's lot also ranks high on the Art shows downtown circulation changes. members who have worked on the new priority list. At $10,000 it's the plan but that the township might.not Art lovers will have ample op-' The amended priorities as reported least expensive item on the list. be able to implement the entire pro- portunity this weekefld to.browse by John Fish of Wallace Roberts & ^A reconfiguration and new gram for political or economic through all media of art work and Todd(WRT) include a new municipal signalization of the intersection at reasons. The alternates represent ab- purchase their favorites^ There -parking lot off Miln St. adjacent to Springfield and North avenues breviated variations of the nine-part will be alWay art shows in the First Church of Christ Scientist, costing $250,000 also moved up. It's first phase listing. downtown Cranford Saturday estimated to cost $500,000. A more ex- designed to provide a right-turn lane and at the Harding School field in pensive expansion of the Park & Shop West off Springfield. This, too, is part Doug Nordstrom, mayor, will Kenilworth on Sunday. See lot was removed from the first phase of the pre-streetscape circulation present various elements of the plan page 1.1 for details about the roster: work. to property owners and business Cranford show and page 13 for The revised priorities include new owners in the core of the town center the Kenilworth show. traffic signals at the junction of Miln North Avenue would be altered on Sept. 30 and Oct. 2. with North Ave.(at Post Office downtown to include two westbound Meantiirie.the drafting of an or- Plaza) and of Miln with Springfield moving lanes and one eastbound dinance which would create the Garwood Her first day: Liz and ArtKusiv say goodbyes to their daughter moving lane along with curbside Special Improvement District and a Lauren who launched her school career at Orange Avenue Ave., at $300,000, and changes in Garwood's third annual signalization of the intersection of parking where appropriate, at a cost District Management Corporation to Dedication Run will take place School with an orientation yesterday. Classes started "for real"- North Union and North avenues. of $50,000. run it is underway in the township Sunday, Sept. 22...St. Anne School today. Phdto by Greg Price. _. These projects moved higher on The public plaza or "Farmer's government. Nordstrom said that the I .has^-new-principal^Page 14. :— the list in order to put the one-way Market" setting at Eastman Plaza corporation will ultimately make system _of North ynion^eastbound.1. Jias_ been lumped^ into one project decisions on the priority elements. - to^senior^class and Miln(westbound) in place so that with the Walnut Ave. streetscape im- The township administrator, Ed- nKenilwortlr streetscape improvements along provements which would extend ward J. Murphy, is developing a se- The office staff at the borough North Union can proceed. This south to Chestnut St. Together, these quential approach to the improve- hall would like to vote on joining a $800,000 streetscaping tops the new two projects come to an estimated $1 ment roster predicated on the same union, but has faced some pro- priority roster but the Police Depart- million of the $3.76 million package! conclusions reached by Fish-that blems...The state Division of ment feels it can't be accomplished Streetscape and public plaza im- traffic flow problems must be ad- Criminal. Justice has found no im- until traffic changes are made. provements to the Railroad Station's dressed before streetscape changes propriety in the Grand Jury in- The revised package of nine pro- north side and the Post Office plaza, can be started. vestigation process...White water rafting makes a hit with a borough couple. Page 13. Denman plan Mix of private and public The township goyernmetit has I fte^toecl Id broceejl be*tiear,*li;b. I plans to redesiggn a half mile %gtchof benffian R&' that h«$ beeii pltjgue<jwith drainage and A blend of public and private funds implementation should not take to acquire federal and state monies. other Rrobtemg ^l^tcd; cost is being considered for underwriting place until it is sold beforehand "to Some government officials and is |380,00ft. A Kxup bfthe Walnuf the first phase of * downtown im- the people who will pay for it." That members of the Downtown Commit- tennis courts Is also being con- provements. will be a job of the corporation, he tee believe that the government com- sidered. Page 5 ; •.'' •'. •' The private funds would be raised says. mitment could be larger because through assessments to property Meantime, he will outline the im- many of the improvements, like hired owners in a Special Improvement provement district, the corporation streets and roads, are traditionally District. The public funds would be and the proposed phase one roster to public projects which will benefit the \j^he.!it(^nvdiid(sch^l:.gpyern sought through grants or through ap- the downtown community in sessions entire community. ments7'haye liired a substance propriation from the Township Com- Sept. 30 and Oct. ?. Invitations are go- Private investment is encouraged I abuse counselor He is Angelo J. Ecuadorian student with her' hosts: Sylvia Holguin of Quito arriv- mittee. ! ing out this week and summaries of in buildings and facddes as part of I Pierri, a clinical counselor, and The creation of funding and ad- the plans will be distributed in ad- the plan which includes a design he will be available to help ed to take up studies as a Rotary exchange sti/denjat Cranford ministrative procedures is moving on vance. manual for improvements along a I students and, other residents. High School this year. She's shown with her' hostess, Jackie a parallel track with selection of Edward J. Murphy, township ad- common Victorian theme. Meantime, Common Sense Paterson, ,and the Rotary youth service chairman, Bill Gusmer. priorities for implementation. The ministrator, said the special assess- Nordstrom hopes that money can reports an increase of 30 pjedges Story on Page g. / consulting firm, WRT, has been hon- ment process would be similar to that be saved on'the public and joint "to':thet.Safe;Homes-Safe Parties ing the first phase roster with the employed in residential public-private ventures by using Prbgrarn. Page 2. ' Downtown Committee and govern- neighborhoods for, items like new local "engineering skills to ^draw .. • to the college ment officials(see related story on curbs or sidewalks where costs are specifications. this page). At the same time, the apportioned on the basis of benefits. In the absence of any federal or Locker searches Township Committee is developing The cost can be spread over a 20 year state grants for downtown develop- an ordinance that will create the im- period, he said. Student lockers at Cranford ment, the parties who have worked provement district and set up a The estimated total cost of the on the plan over the past year believe High School will be searched District Management Corporation to latest phase one project list is $3.76 the Special Improvement District periodically by administrators administer the changes. • this school year. Page 2. million. The Township Committee, provides the best mechanism for The governing body is defining the which raised funds for the WRT plan underwriting from the private sec- boundaries of the district which as of through federal money and its own tor.
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