July 10, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 8 11039 am very proud of their accomplishment. In tors to support these regions through tourism. ness, compassion, and tolerance. These prin- particular, Village Trustee, Margaret Sabo has He was responsible for the processing of 94 ciples are enduring cornerstones of a demo- been a stalwart supporter of this initiative, and tons of commercial traffic valued at $18.6 bil- cratic society. Yet, as we mark over 60 years she deserves special acknowledgment. lion dollars through nine locks and dams. He since the adoption of the Universal Declaration In 2007, Homer Glen passed the first city oversaw the ongoing construction of the of Human Rights, it is a travesty that those ordinance of its kind in Illinois. By setting Bluestone Dam including communication of who hold Falun Gong beliefs have been per- guidelines for the amount of light commercial risk in the event of dam failure and held a secuted and tortured. I look forward to the day business can emit, the village eliminated the Combined Emergency Exercise to educate af- when Falun Gong practitioners can freely ex- need for establishments to escalate the bright- fected federal, state and local governments to press their beliefs without fear of reprisal. ness of their signs to garner attention. The or- potential dangers. As a result, the Huntington Mr. Speaker, peace and justice are not only dinance also included a lighting cutoff at night, District was selected by the Great Lakes and values but calls to action that we must live out which reduces glare for pedestrians, cyclists, Ohio River division as the Regional Dam Safe- every day. I will continue to act here in Con- and motorists, and protects the natural cycle ty Production Center and soon after, selected gress to promote peace for all persecuted of night and day for local wildlife. I also want by the Corps of Engineers Headquarters as communities and work for a more just world. to recognize several establishments in Homer the Corps’ national Mandatory Center of Ex- f Glen that responded to the ordinance with ef- pertise for Dam Safety. fective and responsible lighting plans: Eagle I had the honor to work with Col. Peterson PAYING TRIBUTE TO MAJOR GEN- Rock Community Church, Firestone Complete as he executed nine Project Partnership ERAL FREDERICK ‘‘BEN’’ Auto Care, Silver Cross Health Center, and Agreements for environmental infrastructure HODGES’ SERVICE TO OUR NA- Midland Federal Savings and Loan. All of the projects providing water and sewer service to TION organizations will be recognized at the event unserved and underserved residents of the tonight as well as Debra Briggs Luginbuhl who Second Congressional District, resulting in im- HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG has been a leader in developing the ordi- proved public health and safety. He has prov- OF FLORIDA nance. en to be an effective communicator in a vari- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES While saving energy, the city ordinance has ety of public venues on the federal, state and Tuesday, July 10, 2012 also allowed for local residents to view the local level, including such forums as the Ohio breathtaking beauty of our night sky, some- River Basin Alliance of which I have been in- Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise thing so many Americans cannot do or take volved. And lastly, he issued 800 permits for to pay tribute to Major General Frederick for granted. Every summer, local organizations mining, highway construction, and flood emer- ‘‘Ben’’ Hodges, United States Army, for his ex- hold a stargazing event at Trantina Farm, gency, including the permit to place West Vir- traordinary dedication to duty and selfless where thousands of local residents can clearly ginia’s newest resident, the Boy Scout Jam- service to the United States of America. Major view constellations including Bootes, Hercules, boree on a post-mining land site within our General Hodges will be moving on from his the Corona Borealis, and much more. This beautiful state of West Virginia. present assignment as the Chief, Office Con- year, the event will be this Friday, July 13th. Col. Robert D. Peterson is an outstanding gressional Legislative Liaison (OCLL) for the Over 1000 stargazers have attended since the soldier, friend, husband and father. He is a United States Army to become the North At- beginning of the event, and local amateur as- 1985 graduate from the prestigious academy lantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Land Com- tronomers from Kankakee Area StarGazers, of West Point, graduating with a Bachelors of mand, Chief. the Naperville Astronomical Association, and Science and from the U.S. Army War College A native Floridian from Quincy, Major Gen- the South West Astronomy Observers Group with a Masters Degree in Strategic Studies. eral Ben Hodges graduated from the United come to help others recognize the various ce- Col. Peterson was awarded the Bronze Star, States Military Academy in May 1980 and was lestial bodies. three Army Commendation Medals, two Army commissioned as an Infantry Officer. After his I commend Homer Glen for joining Flagstaff, Achievement Medals, the Armed Forces Expe- first assignment as an Infantry Lieutenant in Arizona, Borrego Springs, California, and Sark ditionary Medal, Master Parachutist Badge, Germany, he commanded Infantry units at the Island in the English Channel as an Inter- and the Bronze Order of the deFleury Medal. Company, Battalion and Brigade levels with national Dark Sky Community. The residents Col. Peterson’s work has greatly enhanced the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and of this village have shown initiative and leader- the state of West Virginia and the world in combat during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. ship in appreciating our night sky and I hope around him. Congratulations to Col. Peterson His most recent operational combat assign- others will follow. on his numerous accomplishments. ment was as the Director of Operations, Re- f f gional Command South, in Kandahar, Afghani- stan during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. TRIBUTE TO COLONEL ROBERT D. IN RECOGNITION OF THE 2012 Major General Hodges has served in a vari- PETERSON WASHINGTON, DC FALUN DAFA ety of Joint and Army Staff positions to include EXPERIENCE SHARING CON- Tactics Instructor at the Infantry School; Chief HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO FERENCE of Plans, 2nd Infantry Division in Korea; Aide- OF WEST VIRGINIA de-Camp to the Supreme Allied Commander IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SAM FARR Europe; Army Congressional Liaison Officer; Task Force Senior Observer-Controller at the Tuesday, July 10, 2012 OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Polk, Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to LA; Chief of Joint Operations for Multi-National recognize the accomplishments of Colonel Tuesday, July 10, 2012 Corps—Iraq (MNC–I) in Operation IRAQI Robert D. Peterson; who has served West Vir- Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to welcome FREEDOM; Chief of Staff, XVIII Airborne ginia through his leadership for the past 3 participants of the 2012 Washington, DC Corps at Fort Bragg, NC; and Director of the years at the United State Army Corps of Engi- Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Pakistan Afghanistan Coordination Cell on the neers, Huntington District. Col. Peterson is re- and Rally. Joint Staff. sponsible for the 300 navigable miles of the I share Falun Gong’s commitment to free- Mr. Speaker, it has been a pleasure to rec- Ohio River basin. Col. Peterson employees dom of expression and peaceful demonstra- ognize Major General Hodges’ long and deco- over 800 staff members to maintain 35 res- tion. As the Universal Declaration of Human rated career today and also the great benefit ervoirs, and nine locks and dams. I want to Rights states, every person has the right to to the Nation he has provided as the Chief, personally congratulate Col. Peterson for his freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, Office Congressional Legislative Liaison continued success. and we must do all that we can to ensure that (OCLL) for the United States Army. We work The awards of Col. Peterson are just a frac- citizens here in America and around the world closely with Major General Hodges to accom- tion of what he has truly accomplished. Col. have access to these fundamental rights. plish the toughest tasks for our Service Men Peterson has successfully managed 35 flood Since Falun Gong’s inception in 1992, it is and Women and Ben has always achieved ex- projects that prevented over 11.3 billion dollars estimated that millions of individuals have cellence daily during his tenure. On behalf of in damages while allowing over 30 million visi- been drawn to its guiding principles of truthful- a grateful Nation, I join my colleagues today in VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:48 Apr 28, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\TEMP\BR12\E10JY2.000 E10JY2 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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