FEBRUARY 1921 When Are We Old? ~ Wrestling Center Speed- Its Relation to Strength ~ The Bent Press Stark Price, F'ifteen Cents Vol V Copyright 1921. hy rhe Milo 1Ja,r J}el/ Go. No. 8 The Strength of a Strong Man OU don't want it , of courae­ wou ldn't have i' fo-r a gift. But Y you do want the bounding energy and vitality - th e limitless endurance and vigor that only the tJtl'on g man enjoys. Just the b1·ute •tr ength alone may not b e of much value to you. but th e confidence in your own abi lity that cornea from lhe assurance that you r well -trained body is capable of meeting nil emergencies--whnt j~ that worth. lo you) The •lreni;tth of a strong man­ not ju8 t a strong arm. OT 4' strong hac k-but to be really strong in all par ts of the hody. •01.md organi­ cally ""d active physically and men ­ t,illy- thi• is go i·ng to be worth real money to you in everyday life. You may be ii bra in worker, and may figure that you have no need Of hrnwn, hul of what value arc your 1-n·a'ins when the doctor shakes l,.;11 lu:1ul and CO llnts you out? Yov,_r JlOOr. weo.k. undeveloped body will l;e a.n aetua l hnndicap then. a happy huntinj>: ground for germ• of nll descriptions, Center The .i .reniith <>fa •~rong mnn ­ tu be able to meet your fellow m~n on the ground of physical equality. To have sufficient faith in your own i\bil ity and enough pep and vigor to back that self-reliance to your own personal advantage . Strength is a breeder of confidence. You must have both tc succeed. The strc1lgth of n :,:lron g ma:n­ to have good . red blood singing th roug h your veins and to feel that the worlcl i• a pTetty good place to live in. All these tl,ing• we C<1n give you, orStark Tather c,un $how y·ou how to obtain them for yourself. 01.1r iliustrated booklet will ,how you how you can obtain all these thin gs by cxcrc:sing lo, n h~lf ho•,r every other day. Begin th e new yea r right. Send for it today. E. W . GOODMAN A MILO-BUILT MAN The Milo Bar Bell Co. Dep t. 17, 301 Diamond Street Philadelphia, Pa. February, 1921 STRENGTH 1 Anew-Gillette _~_,.,,.:a; the Big Fellow HIS is it-the Big We never knew how T Fellow-the sensa­ many big men there are tional new Gillette. jn America untilCenter a few No Stropping At once the greatest months ago when the razor advancement of demand from big-fisted No Honing a generation and the chaps for the Big Fellow most instantaneous swept over the country. success. Speak for your Big The razor big-handed Fellow today. Put one men everywhere have of those tried Gi!Jette expectantlyStark waited for. Blades in it-and shave. C•1t•tll•• ftJ<lo,-.: New Yorio. .,.,:. Cupu1b ■ -cc1 Svcfncy Selo11iki 73 S1. Alnanorr Chio•to Mil tn Am 3,tcrdor» Sb ■nth•i Pore l,li¥-• botb S1tut S.n fN DCi lCCI' M•<Jrid <:e.nc-v1 Si,.toore ~io de Janc irc, Mon1tr•l, Ovcbcc Loadon Uruucl• Buc:1101Aire• Caleuua Tol.yy 2 STRENGTH February, 1921 New Secret in Jujitsu Makes ·you Master of Men A Score of Secret Grips Neve1· Before Published Now Clearly Revealed by Capt. Smith OU are m.01·c than able to take care of your ­ sclr ir you i<now Juj it.iu. ln 1t.ny umei ·­ 253 Photographs -i;ency you become a })antbe1·Hke fi_ghtlrtg "'Th• Secrets of Jujitsu .. consist or 69 less ons Y ma.Chine th'a.l is lH~st le!t alone. profusely llluslrated b)• 253 photo,n-aphs con­ toine<l in seven lntcre3ting booi<S:. lt is the H )'OU u1.·t strong you al'e able to h~e ~•our moMt recent and the most complete and authori ­ strength to betler :iu\w\_ntagi;. tative course on Jujitsu ever 1>ubUshed in this lC you ttre we:ak l).hysicaUy ro,1 may overco me countn •, Each trick Is lllustnlte<l by scve,·al a. giant who kno,vs how to use his musc les only actu,i,I 1>hologravhs and these a re so clea.r that a.s a. brute . »ny on e can do lhe trick aCtcr seeing them . The 1>l101o• are right on lhe same pagc so that the A woman c~1uipi,cd wlt.b th!$ science rs no ey o lc-arns from the. mustra.Uons j ust what to do 1onge1· at. the- nH:n~~Y ,,r ~1, ru_rnun and how to do IL. This makes it or bully. but ts a.hie to <le-fend tdl ~mu,7.ingl) , simple and easy. he rself tl!ft'ect.lvuly aml i:s nblo. lo retain her prc~ence rntn<l. Cavtaltt Smlth g ives you rlgl\t or RI J.h~ sUJ.rt I.he l,oile<l down , Cl"YS• .l'ujlts u tea-ch•• you how to utl• What Would ta llized secret which you will Uzc JO(l J)CJ' cent. of your $tl·cngU1 o.;;rco ls in itscll worth more a.nct l)Ut )'Olll' OPOOll(mt In Suell a You Do? u,an tho small sum aske<l for tho 1>osft!on that he cau on ly u~e 20 entire Course. The publishers of per cent. or hht at rc-ngth. I l -If a ma n grab­ this Jllust1·ated Com·se by Captain teaches YOU l'IOW to tl\l'OW 8.l'ld Smith arQ so abso lut ely sure tho.t hancllo ~tro1 1g(>r mun than ~•our• bed YOU from once you h3.ve a chance to ex­ sel! with ea.se. \Yh et hel' you.r­ behind? ami ne an<l test out ror yourscll opponenlSt nr (! ai:nlcd with guu, tht, wonderful SMH'Cl tricks . YOU clul.J or l<nlre. tll,•y rt1-e h~lple.ss -if he seized you wlll find them to b6 just What against your $cjcnc<:. ABO VE the you have u\wa)'S: wa.ntcd. t hey Jaf)a nesE- tcacbc i-JJ ,to nor. _g.ivc arms? ha.ve attowetl me to make you the the und~rlying sco1·ct or Juj tt~u ronow i ng otr".>1·. when ~,<-pl aining n 1hrow or u·lck. - if he seized you The)' teach the u:«' of arms. legs , BELOW the Send No Mo ney hlJ">s. ru1<l shouh;l01·~ bot clo not arms? reveal the basis or tht: ·whol e sci .. CenterD'='n't send a single. penny , ettce. It is thel'e ro,·~ an avC".ruge -if he seized y ou .Me.roly mail t ho coupon and the of ten )'e~rs ber01·e a stotlent ar com1)lt-te: coui·Be. will be sent at Jujitsu mnstors l ht.< !-;Cicncc. J u .. around the Jitsu is not done wlLh 1,he •trength neck? once all charges prepaid . of tho arm an<l •~s· !Ind it is be ­ -if he secured 3 Ir you ar& no~ entir ely satis­ cause ot the falluro 10 grasp tho fied send tho co u rse bac .k .any underlying 1u-lnclvle thnt ft lal<c~ Rear Str ang le? ti me w(thin five da y s and you so long to master t h e ;).t't. wm owe. nothing. On the other Captai n Smlth te lls you ju~L what to tlo to hand IC YOU are ll$ pleased 11$ I Re veals The Secrets fre e yourself in ::ttant­ Know you wl)l b e, send only $5 of Jujitsu h· in ~vct·y case . He in tu n p1,yn1ent. Mail Coupon g l VC.$ YOU the secret today ! .. The SecTcts of J11Jll811," ·writ• fair niethods and also Stahar a Pub. Co. 122 Exc hange um by CflPtain Allan C. Smith , other ,ne::l.n& which 1 fo rmerly chler lnstl'lleto ,· ot Ju ­ you c::ao use in easro ot Bldg., Columb us, Georg ia, j itsu In the Unite d Sla.tes Am>) •, need. reveals for Lhe nr st lime tho unw FREE EXAMINAT ION derly in g- secrets ot this rema.rk • able science. 't'housands of wh ite COUPON m.cn have trjed to learn the art o_r Juj itsu, but : ■• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ J ■ ■ ■ I • I I. f I I I I I I I I •• I • ca ntaln Smith Starkhas lhe reputat.lon in .ta.pan of being U\o only foreigner to l'ea Hy master lta ST AHARA PUBL I SHING C OMPANY mysteries. In 1916 h e won the "Black Bclt ..-«i 122 Ex change Bldij. Columbus, Georgia mark or ittcat distinction i,.nd unassa ilable evl• donce or his su prt:m e skUl. Rei la u,e on ly citi~ zen or th& 'Uni ted States wit h fhe right lo "·ear PIN1se $<lnd m• Captain SmlLh's complete It. Thus tho elusi ,·<>secrets which Captain Smith cOm•s·e or sev en books, containing 59 utus­ discovered only arter ten years or constant tratc.<1 ics..,onS on the i•secl·ets or !uJitsu." etrort In Ja 1>an a re impa1·ted to you · during your ,vith ln 'i" days atte1· rece ip t I wm etther re­ first ten min11tes · study of his course .
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