Session A4: Browsers CCS’17, October 30-November 3, 2017, Dallas, TX, USA Hindsight: Understanding the Evolution of UI Vulnerabilities in Mobile Browsers Meng Luo, Oleksii Starov, Nima Honarmand, Nick Nikiforakis Stony Brook University {meluo, ostarov, nhonarmand, nick}@cs.stonybrook.edu ABSTRACT in combination with an ever increasing number of apps and con- Much of recent research on mobile security has focused on mali- stantly decreasing prices, are attracting more and more users who cious applications. Although mobile devices have powerful browsers entrust their devices with sensitive data, such as personal pho- that are commonly used by users and are vulnerable to at least as tographs, work emails, and nancial information—making mobile many attacks as their desktop counterparts, mobile web security devices an increasingly popular target for attacks. has not received the attention that it deserves from the commu- Even though the most common form of abuse in smartphones nity. In particular, there is no longitudinal study that investigates is that of malicious applications, it is most certainly not the only the evolution of mobile browser vulnerabilities over the diverse possible kind of abuse. One must not forget that smartphones have set of browsers that are available out there. In this paper, we un- powerful browsers and, as such, are susceptible to at least as many dertake the rst such study, focusing on UI vulnerabilities among problems as desktop browsers. A user visiting a malicious website mobile browsers. We investigate and quantify vulnerabilities to 27 through her mobile browser can be the victim of web application UI-related attacks—compiled from previous work and augmented attacks (e.g., XSS and CSRF), attacks against the browser (e.g., mem- with new variations of our own—across 128 browser families and ory corruption [24] and application logic issues [11]), as well as 2,324 individual browser versions spanning a period of more than attacks against the user herself (e.g., phishing and malvertising). 5 years. In the process, we collect an extensive dataset of browser Especially for phishing and malvertising, prior research has versions, old and new, from multiple sources. We also design and shown that users of mobile browsers may be more susceptible implement a browser-agnostic testing framework, called Hindsight, to such attacks than users of traditional desktop browsers [2, 3, 15, to automatically expose browsers to attacks and evaluate their vul- 27, 30, 32]. The limited screen real-estate of hand-held devices, com- nerabilities. We use Hindsight to conduct the tens of thousands bined with mobile browsers’ desire to maximize the space allotted of individual attacks that were needed for this study. We discover to a webpage means that parts of the browser UI, under certain con- that 98.6% of the tested browsers are vulnerable to at least one of ditions, disappear. These parts, such as the address bar, are critical our attacks and that the average mobile web browser is becoming for identifying the true nature of a website and if they are missing, less secure with each passing year. Overall, our ndings support an attacker can more easily trick users into divulging their personal the conclusion that mobile web security has been ignored by the and nancial information. community and must receive more attention. A major limitation of the aforementioned research is that the quantication of which mobile browsers were vulnerable to what CCS CONCEPTS attacks was done once and was done manually. Therefore, the re- ported ndings could only capture the state of vulnerability at the • Security and privacy → Browser security; Software and ap- time when the researchers performed their experiments. The quick plication security; Mobile platform security; Vulnerability update cycles of modern software, coupled with the fact that the scanners; app stores of modern smartphones house hundreds of dierent mo- KEYWORDS bile browsers (each advertising a wealth of features, such as tracker blocking, voice-control, and reduced data consumption) means that Mobile browser security; vulnerability testing; user interface; phish- we currently do not know which browsers are vulnerable to what ing attacks; Hindsight attacks and how the vulnerability of the mobile browser ecosystem has evolved over time, i.e., are mobile browsers becoming more or 1 INTRODUCTION less vulnerable to specic UI attacks? The recent years have seen a steady increase in sales of mobile Recognizing this gap, in this paper, we collect the attacks against devices as even more users purchase smartphones and tablets to mobile browsers discussed in prior research and, after expanding supplement their computing needs. The smartphones’ cleaner UIs, them with novel variations, we distil from them a series of attack building blocks, i.e., techniques that attackers could use, either Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed stand-alone or in unison, to perform one or more attacks against for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation mobile web users. on the rst page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM To test mobile browsers against these building blocks, we design must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specic permission and/or a and implement Hindsight, a dynamic-analysis, browser-agnostic fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. framework that can automatically expose any given mobile browser CCS ’17, October 30-November 3, 2017, Dallas, TX, USA to an attack and assess whether the attack succeeded or failed. Our © 2017 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-4946-8/17/10...$15.00 https://doi.org/10.1145/3133956.3133987 149 Session A4: Browsers CCS’17, October 30-November 3, 2017, Dallas, TX, USA framework is able to overcome a series of challenges, such as by- trends that demonstrate that the evaluated threats have been passing the splash screens of browsers, dealing with idiosyncrasies largely ignored and need urgent addressing. of dierent browsers, and, most importantly, extract information about a browser’s UI in a browser-agnostic fashion without relying 2 ATTACK BUILDING BLOCKS on browser-specic web drivers (e.g., those used by Selenium) and without the assistance of the browser itself. To evaluate the UI security of mobile browsers, we started by per- In this paper, we focus on Android and its web browsers, due forming a thorough investigation of prior work [2, 3, 6, 15, 16, 30, 32, to the platform’s popularity, the large number of ocial and third- 38], in search for known attacks. In addition to the attacks that we party app stores, and its open-source ecosystem which greatly discovered, we also reasoned about interactions of mobile browsers faciliates the implementation of a framework like Hindsight. By with websites and how browsers could attempt to maximize the crawling Android app stores and third-party websites for current screen real-estate for the rendered websites. Through a process of and past versions of mobile web browsers and ltering out dupli- trial-and-error we were able to identify novel variations of existing cates and those browsers that do not conform to our denition attacks. Table 1 shows the results of this process in the form of of a modern web browser, we expose 2,324 APKs belonging to yes/no questions. We name each of these 27 questions an attack 128 distinct browser families to 27 dierent attack building blocks. building block (ABB). For any given browser, if the answer to an By launching more than 62K individual attacks and automatically ABB is “yes”, then the browser is vulnerable to that building block. assessing their success or failure, we are able to quantify the vulner- We chose the term “attack building block” to stress the fact that ability of modern mobile web browsers and how this vulnerability these vulnerabilities can be used either stand-alone or combined. has evolved since 2011 (the year of our earliest APKles). In the next paragraphs, we discuss each class of ABBs and provide Among others, we nd that 98.6% of the evaluated browsers a few characteristic examples. are vulnerable to at least one attack, with the average browser ABBs #1–6: Event Routing. Event routing attacks abuse the non- being vulnerable to twelve. Depending on the specic browser intuitive routing of events across overlapping elements typically evaluated, we nd that attackers have typically more than one way belonging to dierent origins. Clickjacking is a well-known case of of hiding a browser’s address bar, confusing users about the exact an event routing attack from the desktop browser world. Mobile URL on which they are located, and stealing browser cookies due to browser event routing attacks have the potential to cause more the rendering of mixed content. Contrary to our expectations, we damage since users interact with small screens and tap (as opposed discover that mobile browsers, even some of the most popular ones, to click) which covers wider regions of a page. In 2012, Amrutkar appear to be becoming more vulnerable as years have passed. We et al. [2, 3] showed that some mobile browsers did not always also quantify the attacks that have the widest applicability across follow the event-routing policy found in desktop browsers where, dierent browser families, nding attacks that are applicable to in the case of multiple overlapping elements, the topmost element more than 96% of all our evaluated browser versions. Our results receives the click/tap events. The authors showed that, at the time, are a clear sign that mobile web security has been ignored by the the Android stock browser, Nokia Mini-Map and Opera Mini would community and must receive more attention before attackers start trigger the event handlers of elements that were underneath opaque abusing the many vulnerabilities that they have at their disposal.
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