FM 23-31 FIELD MANUAL 40-MM GRENADE LAUNCHERS M203 AND M79 HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY MAY 1972 ■ 1 *FM 23-31 F ie ld M a n u a l ~| HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 23-31 W a s h i n g t o n , D.C., 1 May 1972 40-MM GRENADE LAUNCHERS M203 and M79 Paragraph Page Ch apter 1. INTRODUCTION _______________________________________________________ 1 -1 — 1-3 1-1 2. CHARACTERISTICS, LAUNCHER CONTROLS, AND SIGHTING EQUIPMENT OF 40-MM GRENADE LAUNCHER, M203 Section I. Characteristics___________________________________________________________ 2 -1 — 2 -3 2-1 II. Controls___________________________________________________________________ 2 -4 — 2 -6 2 -2 III. Sighting equipment_______________________________________________________ 2 -7 , 2 -8 2 -4 , 2 -5 Ch apter 3. MECHANICAL TRAINING, OPERATION AND FUNCTIONING Section I. Disassembly and assembly _____________________________________________ 3_1 _ 3 -3 3-1 II. Operation and functioning______________________________________________ 3 -4 , 3 -5 3 -2 CO CO III. Stoppages and immediate action________________________________________ 3 -6 — 3-8 1 3 -7 Ch apter 4. AMMUNITION __________________________________________________________ 4 -1 — 4 -9 4 -1 — 4-3 5. M AINTEN AN CE ________________________________________________________ 5 -1 — 5 -6 5 -1 — 5-3 6. MARKSMANSHIP TRAINING (M203) Section I. Introduction ______________________________________________________________ 6 -1 , 6 -2 6-1 II. Sight, aiming and sight manipulation___________________________________ 6 -3 — 6-5 6 -1 , 6-2 III. Positions and rapid fire __________________________________________________ 6 -6 — 6-14 6 -2 — 6-9 IV. Sensing and adjustment of fire__________________________________________ 6-15— 6-17 6-11, 6-12 V. Zeroing procedure and range determination____________________________ 6-18— 6-21 6-12, 6-13 Ch apter 7. RANGE C O N STR U C TIO N _____________________________________________ 7 -1 , 7 -2 7-1 8. RANGE FIRING ________________________________________________________ 8 -1 — 8 -4 8 -1 — 8-4 9. CHARACTERISTICS, LAUNCHER CONTROLS, AND SIGHTING EQUIPMENT OF 40-MM GRENADE LAUNCHER, M79 Section I. Characteristics___________________________________________________________ 9 -1 — 9-3 9-1 II. Controls___________________________________________________________________ 9 -4 — 9 -6 9 -2 , 9-3 III. Sighting equipment______________________________________________________ 9 -7 , 9 -8 9 -5 — 9-7 Ch apter 10. MECHANICAL TRAINING: OPERATION AND FUNCTIONING: AND MAINTENACE Section I. Disassembly and assembly_______________________________________________ 10-1 — 10-3 10-1 11. Operation, functioning, and troubleshooting____________________________ 10-4 - 1 0 - 6 10-3 , 10-4 III. Maintenance______________________________________________________________ 10-7 , 10-8 10-7 Ch apter 11. MARKSMANSHIP TRAINING (M 79)___^____________________________ 11-1 — 11-4 11-1 - 1 1 - 4 12. INDIRECT FIRE ROLE, M 79 _________________________________________ 12-1 — 12-5 12-1 — 12-5 A p p e n d ix A . REFERENCES __________________________________________________________ A -l B. AMMUNITION __________________________________________________________ B -l C. LESSON OUTLINE— 40-MM GRENADE LAUNCHERS, M203/M79 C -l D. TRAINING A I D S ________________________________________________________ D -l I n d e x ______ Index-1 This manual supersedes FM 23-31, 10 May 1965; (C) FM 23-4, 22 September 1964 and TC 23-10, 7 April 1966, including all changes. FM 2 3-31 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1. Purpose Chapters 1 through 8 of this manual provide guidance for training with the 40-mm grenade launcher, M203 and Chapters 9 through 12 provide guidance for training with the 40-mm grenade launcher, M79. 1-2. Scope This manual contains a discussion of the launchers and their characteristics, disassembly/assembly pro­ cedures, launcher controls and sighting equipment, operation and functioning, types and functioning of standard ammunition, safety precautions, and marksmanship training. 1-3. Recommended Changes Users of this manual are encouraged to submit recommended changes or comments to improve it. Com­ ments should be keyed to the specific page, paragraph, and line of text in which the change is recom­ mended. Seasons will be provided for each comment to insure understanding and complete evaluation. Comments should be prepared using DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) and forwarded to the Commandant, US Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia 31905. * 1-1 FM 23-31 CHAPTER 2 CHARACTERISTICS, LAUNCHER CONTROLS, AND SIGHTING EQUIPMENT OF 40-MM GRENADE LAUNCHER, M203 Section I. CHARACTERISTICS 2-1. Description 2-3. Data The 40-mm grenade launcher, M203, is a light­ a. Weapon. weight, single-shot, breech loaded, pump action Length of launcher------------------------- 15 A in. (sliding barrel), shoulder-fired weapon attached Length of barrel____________________ 12 in. to the M16/M16A1 rifle (fig 2-1). It consists of a Weight (unloaded)_________________ 3 lb (approx) handguard and sight assembly group, receiver as­ Weight (loaded) ____________________ 3.5 lb (approx) Weight (loaded) (M16A1 and M203) 11 lb (approx) sembly, quadrant sight assembly, and barrel as­ Trigger pull-------------------------------------- 5 lb sembly. b. Ammunition. Caliber_______________________________40-mm, 2—2. Ammunition W eigh t______________________________ 8 oz (approx) a. The grenade launcher uses fixed type ammu­ c. Operational Characteristics. nition. The two major assemblies of a round are Action ______________________________ Pump the cartridge case and the projectile. There are Maximum range_____________________400 m (approx) varieties of high explosive, training, multiple pro­ Maximum effective range (area jectile (buck shot), illuminating, and signaling targets) ___________________________ 350 m rounds (both standard and developmental types) Maximum effective range (point ta rg e t)_______________________________ 150 m available for use in the M203. Minimum safe firing ranges (HE and TP): b. For detailed information on ammunition, see Training _________________________80 m chapter 4. Combat______________________________ 31 m (1) Left side view. Figure 2-1. The i0-mm grenade launcher, M203 attached to the M16A1 rifle. 2-1 FM 23-31 SIGHT LEAF B A R R EL SIGHT STOP - WINDAGE SCREW ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT MACHINE BARREL LATCH RECEIVER ASSEMBLY HAND GRIP IDENTIFICATION MARKINGS SAFETY TRIGGER (2) Controls and identifications. Figure 2-1.— Continued. Section II. CONTROLS 2-4. Safety the trigger. Depressing the rear portion of the trigger guard allows the trigger guard to rotate The safety is just forward of the trigger, inside down and away from the magazine well of the the trigger guard. To fire the launcher, the safety rifle thus allowing the grenadier to fire the must be in the forward position (1, fig 2-2). To weapon while wearing gloves or mittens (2, fig place the launcher on safe the safety must be in 2-3). the most rearward position (2, fig 2-2). The safety must be manually placed on the safe or fire 2-6. Barrel Latch position. The barrel latch is on the left side of the barrel 2-5. Trigger and Trigger Guard (fig 2-4). This latch locks the barrel and receiver The position of the trigger and trigger guard is together. To open the barrel, depress the barrel shown in 1, figure 2-3. The trigger guard protects latch and slide the barrel forward. 2 -2 m 23-31 / TRIGGER (1) In the firing position. (2) In the safe position. Figure 2-2. Location of the safety. Figure 2-2.— Continued. (1) Trigger guard. Figure 2-3. Trigger and trigger guard. (2) Trigger guard rotated down. Figure 2-3.— Continued. 2 -3 FM 23-31 Figure 2-U. Operating the barrel latch. Section III. SIGHTING EQUIPMENT 2-7. Quadrant Sight range quadrant, move the sight latch rearward. This rearward pressure unlocks the quadrant The Quadrant sight assembly mounts on the sight arm allowing it to move along the range left side of the carrying handle of the M16/ quadrant so that the desired range number can be M16A1 rifle. The quadrant sight assembly con­ centered in the window on the quadrant sight sists of a mounting screw, quadrant sight assem­ arm. To lock the sight in position, release the bly clamp, sight bracket assembly, sight latch, sight latch. rear sight aperture, sight aperture arm, front sight post, and sight post arm. c. Front Sight Post (2, fig 2-5). The front sight a- Quadrant Sight Assembly Clamp, Sight post mounts on the quadrant sight arm by means Bracket Assembly and Mounting Screw (1, fig of a pivot bracket that can be opened when the 2-5). The quadrant sight assembly clamp and sights are in use or closed when not in use, to sight bracket assembly hold the quadrant sight prevent damage to the sights. The sight post can assembly to the carrying handle of the M16/ be used to make minor adjustments in elevation M16A1 rifle and are secured by a mounting screw when zeroing the launcher. For elevation adjust­ inserted through the right side of the quadrant ments, turn the elevation adjustment screw on the sight assembly clamp, into the sight bracket as­ sight post to the right to decrease elevation and to sembly. the left to increase elevation. One full turn on the elevation adjustment screw will move the impact b. Quadrant Sight Arm and Range Quadrant of the projectile 5 meters at a range of 200 me­ (2, fig 2-5). The quadrant sight arm serves a dual ters. purpose. It mounts the sight aperture arm (which holds the sight aperture) and the sight post arm d. Rear Sight Aperture (2, fig 2-5). The rear (which holds the front sight post). This permits sight aperture connects to the sight aperture arm, the sight to pivot on the range quadrant to the which is attached to the rear portion of the quad­ desired range setting. The range quadrant is grad­ rant sight arm. The sight aperture arm serves the uated in 25-meter increments from 50 to 400 me­ same purpose as the sight post arm. The rear ters. To move the quadrant sight arm along the sight aperture can be adjusted for minor changes 2 -4 FM 23-31 UPPER RECEIVER GROUP ALINEMENT PIN AND HOLE QUADRANT SIGHT ASSEMBLY CLAMP SIGHT BRACKET (1) Quadrant sight assembly clamp, sight bracket assembly, and mounting screw. Figure 2-5.
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