ID Title Pub. Date Author 166 Akro Agate Company, The Complete Line of the Hardy, Roger & Claudia 175 Akro Agate Glassware, The Collectors Encyclopedia 1992 Florence, Gene 274 Albany Glass- w/pg 1997 Teal, Ron, Sr. 279 American Glass of the Roaring 20s & Depression Era, Bk 2 2000 Measetl, J. and Berry Wiggins 278 American Glass of the Roaring 20s & Depression Era--w/pg 1998 Measell, J. and Berry Wiggins 233 American Glass: The Mills Collection, Old 1975 Hartley, Julia Magee 291 Anchor Hocking Decorated Pitchers & Glasses: The Depression Years 2002 Hopper, Philip 290 Anchor Hocking Decorated Pitchers & Glasses: The Fire King Years 2002 Hopper, Philip 326 Anchor Hocking Fire King & More (3rd Edition) 2006 Florence, Gene & Cathy 139 Animals & Figurines, Glass 2003 Coe, Debbie & Randy 111 Animals A to Z, American Glass 1978 Zemel, Evelyn 155 Animals Dishes, Covered 1991 Grist, Everett 137 Animals of the Depression Era, Glass 1993 Spencer, Dick & Lee Garmon 145 Antique & Collectors Reproduction News Notebook — 365 Antique Glass (Antique Collector’s Club) 1998 Sandon, John 323 Antique Trader - 2006 Price Guide - Antiques & Collectibles 2005 Husfloen, Kyle 255 Art Deco Glass, Depression Era - w/pg 1999 Pina, Leslie & Paula Ockner 329 Art Glass, American (2nd Edition) 2006 Schuman, John A. 149 Art Glass, The Collectors Encyclopedia of American 1991 Schuman, John A. 022 Autumn Leaf Story Price Guide, The (1979-1980 Update) 1979 Cunningham, Jo 345 Barbie Fashion Vol. I (1959-1967) 1995 Eames, Sarah Sink 223 Bauer Pottery, Collectors Encyclopedia of 1998 Chapman, Jack 123 Bedroom & Bathroom Glassware 1990 Whitmire, Margaret & Kenn 265 Bells, Glass 2001 Trinidad, A. A., Jr. 271 Black Glass 2, A Collectors Guide To 1999 Toohey, Marlena 318 Black Glass Encyclopedia, The 2005 West Virginia Museum of Glass 174 Blenko Glass, 1930-1953 1987 Eige, Eason & Rick Wilson 147 Blue & Some American Views on Staffordshire, Something 1967 Fennellv, Catherine 190 Blue Willow Dinnerware 1992 Gaston, Mary F. 343 Bottles (Kovel’s) 13th Edition 2006 Kovel, Ralph & Terry 341 Bottles Identification & Price Guide 2006 Polak, Michael 267 Brilliant Cut Glass, Handbook For American 2001 Boggess, Bill & Louise 107 Bryce Brothers Co., 1916 Catalogue of Lead Blown Glassware By 1984 234 Bryce, Higbee and J. B. Higbee Glass - wlpg Higby, Lola & Wayne 253 Buffalo Pottery, The Book of - w/pg 1987 Altman, Seymour & Violet 352 Cake Stands & Serving Pieces - Early American Pattern Glass 2009 James, Bettye S. & Jane M. O’Brien 349 Cake Stands (Early American Pattern Glass) James, Bettye S. & Jane M. O’Brien 173 California Pottery, Collectors Encyclopedia of 1992 Chapman, Jack 096 Cambridge Fine Handmade Table Glassware by -w/pg 1978 104 Cambridge Glass Co. A Reprint of Parts of Old Catalogues 1970 Welker, Mary, Lyle & Lynn 066 Cambridge Glass Company, The 1976 National Cambridge Collectors, Inc. 105 Cambridge Glass, Colors in 1984 National Cambridge Collectors, Inc. 327 Cambridge Glass, Colors in (2nd Ed) 2007 National Cambridge Collectors, Inc. 095 Cambridge, Fine Handmade Table Glassware by 1940 Cambridge Collectors 040 Candlestick Book, Glass - Vol. 1 (Akro Agate -Fenton) 2003 Felt, Tom & Elaine & Rich Stoer 041 Candlestick Book, Glass - Vol. 2 (Fostoria to Jefferson) 2003 Felt, Tom & Rick Stoer 042 Candlestick Book, Glass - Vol. 3 (Kanawha to Wright) 2005 Felt, Tom & Elaine & Rich Stoer 248 Candlesticks of the Depression Era, Glass 2000 Florence, Gene 324 Candlesticks of the Depression Era, Glass Vol. 2 2006 Florence, Gene & Cathy 038 Candlesticks, Glass 1977 Archer, Margaret & Douglas 082 Candlewick, The Jewel of Imperial 1981 Wetzel, Mary 199 Candlewick, The Jewel of Imperial (Book II) 1995 Wetzel & Tomalka 017 Candlewick: Colored & Decorated Lines 2003 Garrison, Myrna & Bob 358 Candlewick: The Crystal Line (1st ed) 2003 Garrison, Myrna & Bob 359 Candlewick: The Crystal Line (2nd ed) 2005 Garrison, Myrna & Bob 348 Carnival Glass - the Magic & The Mystery 2008 Thistlewood, Glen & Stephen 018 Carnival Glass Price Guide, The Standard 1981 Edwards, Bill 061 Carnival Glass The Early Years, Imperial 1980 Edwards, Bill 049 Carnival Glass, Millersburo The Queen of 1982 Edwards. Bill 184 Carnival Glass, Northwood Collectors Guide To 1994 Burns, Carl 071 Carnival Glass, Northwood King of 1978 Edwards, Bill 016 Carnival Glass, Price Guide No. 9 1981 Hand, Sherman & Charlotte Williams 181 Carnival Glass, The Standard Encyclopedia of 1994 Edwards, Bill 308 Cartoon Promotion Drinking Glasses 2004 Hervey, John 335 Celery Vases: Art Glass, Pattern Glass, and Cut Glass 2007 Daugherty, Dorothy 304 Central Glass Works - The Depression Era 2004 Schmide, Tim 193 Character & Promotional Glasses, Tomarts - wlpg 1993 Markowski, Carol 296 Charleton Line, The 2002 Palmer, Michael & Lori 099 Children Glass Dishes, China and Furniture 1983 Lechler, Doris 093 Children’s Dishes 1984 Whitmire, Margaret & Kenn 028 Children’s Glass Dishes, A Collector’s Guide to 1976 Lechler, Doris 366 China and Glass in America 1880-1980: From Tabletop to TV Tray 2000 Venable, Charles 237 Cobalt Blue Glass - w/pg 1998 Clements, Monica L. & Patricia 257 Collectible Glass 1920-1970, Fifty Years of Vol. 1 --w/pg 1997 Bredehoft, Tom & Neila 258 Collectible Glass 1920-1970, Fifty Years of Vol. ll--w/pg 2000 Bredehoft, Tom & Neila 002 Confusing Collectibles (Guide to Repros), More 1972 Hammond, Dorothy 212 Cookie Jar Book, The Complete 1991 Schneider, Mike 100 Cookie Jars 1983 Westfall, Ermagene 350 Corning Pyroceram Cookware 2009 Coe, Debbie & Randy 275 Coudersport Glass 1900-1904 1999 Majot, Tulla 238 Crackle Glass, Collecting - w/pg 1997 Alford, Judy 160 Cranberry Opalescent From A To Z 1987 Heacock, William & William Gamble 276 Cruets Cruets Cruets Vol. I - w/pg 1991 Ezell, E. & G. Newhouse 277 Cruets Cruets Cruets Vol. II - wpg 1993 Ezell, E. & G. Newhouse 224 Crystal Stemware Identification Guide 1997 Page, Bob & Dale Frederiksen 217 Crystal, A Collection of American 1995 Page, Bob & Dale Frederiksen 164 Cut & Engraved Glass of the Brilliant Period, American, w/pg 1986 Swan, Martha Louise 163 Cut Glass, Identifying American Brilliant 1990 Boggess. Bill & Louise 084 Czechoslovakia, Made In 1982 Forsythe, Ruth 262 Delee Art 1997 Schaefer, Joanne Fulton 182 Depression Era Glassware 1994 Burris, Mary & Carl Luckey 135 Depression Era, Colored Glassware of the (Vol. 2) 1974 Weatherman, Hazel Marie 297 Depression Era, Elegant Glassware of the (11th Ed) Florence, Gene 370 Depression Era, Elegant Glassware of the (13th Ed) 2009 Florence, Gene & Cathy 109 Depression Era, Very Rare Glassware of the 1988 Florence, Gene 176 Depression Glass (18th Ed) Florence, Gene & Cathy 067 Depression Glass (Vol. I) - w/pg Stout, Sandra 044 Depression Glass (Vol. II) - w/p Stout, Sandra 085 Depression Glass (Vol. Ill) - w/pg 1976 Stout, Sandra 209 Depression Glass, Collector’s Encyclopedia of (12th ed.) 1996 Florence, Gene 228 Depression Glass, How To Identify Reproduction 1979 Morris, Dallas 252 Depression Glass, Mauzy’s - w/pg Mauzy, Barbara & Jim 298 Depression Glass, Mauzy’s (4th Ed) 2005 Mauzy, Barbara & Jim 367 Depression Glass, Pocket Guide to (15th ed) 2007 Florence, Gene 186 Depression Glass, Pocket Guide to (9th ed) 1995 Florence, Gene 148 Depression Glass, The Collectors Encyclopedia of 1992 Florence, Gene 108 Depression Glass, Treasures of Very Rare Florence, Gene 346 Depression Glass, Warman’s 1997 Schroy, Ellen T. 368 Depression Glass: Collector’s Encyclopedia (14th ed) 2000 Florence, Gene 344 Depression Glass--Rare, Unusual & Unique 2008 Mauzy, Barbara & Jim 150 Depression Years, Very Rare Glassware of the 1993 Florence, Gene 239 Digest, Glass Collector’s - 6 misc. issues 1987-1997 241 Digest, Glass Collector’s - Vol. 11 Nos. 1,2, 4, 5 1997-98 242 Digest, Glass Collector’s - Vol. 12 Nos. 1,2,3,4,5 1998-99 240 Digest, Glass Collector’s - Vol.9 Nos. 1,2,4, 5,6 1995-96 260 Dime Store Glass, Depression Era - w/pg 1999 Miller, C.L. 222 Dinnerware, The Best of Collectible 1995 Cunningham, Jo 075 Dinnerware, The Collectors Encyclopedia of America 1982 Cunningham, Jo 140 Dorflinger American Finest Glass, 1852-1921 1988 Feller, John 0. 218 Dugan/Diamond, The Story of Indiana, Pennsylvania Glass 1993 Heacock W., J. Measell, & B. 078 Duncan 1865-1955, The Years of 1980 Krause, Gail 019 Duncan Glass, The Encyclopedia of 1976 Krause, Gail 250 Duncan, Depression Era Glass - w/pg 1999 Pina, Leslie 280 Durand The Man and His Glass 1998 Meschi, Edward J. 283 Egg Cups 1995 Blake, Brenda C. 310 Elegant Glass with Corn Flower 2005 Lemiski, Walter T. 369 Elegant Seneca: Victorian, Depression, Modern 2000 Lindbeck, Jennifer & Jeffrey Snyder 319 Fenton Art Glass - Hobnail Pattern 2006 Whitmire, Margaret & Kenn 339 Fenton Art Glass (1907-2007) 2007 Coe, Debbie & Randy 371 Fenton Art Glass (1939-1980) 2nd Ed 2004 Whitmyer, 307 Fenton Art Glass Colors 1939-1980 2005 Whitmire, Margaret & Kenn 244 Fenton Art Glass Patterns 1939-1980 1999 Whitmire, Margaret & Kenn 015 Fenton Carnival Glass 1981 Edwards, Bill 337 Fenton Glass (2nd Edition) 2007 Moran, Mark F. 289 Fenton Glass (The Big Book) 1940-1970 2002 Walk, John 287 Fenton Glass Compendium 1940-1970 2001 Walk, John 288 Fenton Glass Compendium 1970-1985 2001 Walk, John 325 Fenton Glass Made For Other Companies (1907-1980) 2005 Domitz, Carrie & Gerald 023 Fenton Glass The 1980s Decade 1996 Measell, James 220 Fenton Glass The 1980s Decade Price Guide 1996-199 089 Fenton Glass, The First Twenty-five Years 1907-1932 - w/pg 1978 Heacock, William 360 Fenton Glass, The Second Twenty-five Years 1980 Heacock, William 363 Fenton Glass: The Third 25 Years 1994 Heacock, William 364 Fenton Glass: The Third 25 Years Price Guide 1998 Fenton Art Glass Collectors of America 372 Fenton Glass: The Third Twenty Five Years 1994 Heacock, William 226 Fiesta - Homer Laughlin China Company’s Colorful Dinnerware Snyder, Jeffrey B. 251 Fiesta, Lu-Ray & Other Colorware, Collecting - w/pg Gonzalez, Mark 136 Fiesta, The Collector’s Encyclopedia of Huxford, Bob & Sharon 074 Figurine Facts & Figures Newbound, Betty 162 Findlay Glass, 1886-1902 1986 Measell, James & Don Smith 227 Fire King, Anchor Hocking’s (4th Edition) 2010 Florence, Gene & Cathy 050 Fire-King Glassware (Vol.
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