The Potter Cove coastal ecosystem, Antarctica Synopsis of research performed within the frame of the Argentinean - German Cooperation at the Dallmann Laboratory and Jubany Station (King George Island, Antarctica, 1991-1 997) Das Kustenokosystem der Potter Cove, Antarktis Eine Synopsis der Forschungsarbeiten im Rahmen der argentinisch - deutschen Kooperation im Dallmann-Labor und an der Jubany-Station Christian Wiencke, Gustavo Ferreyra, Wolf Arntz & Carlos Rinaldi Ber. Polarforsch. 299 (1998) ISSN 01 76 - 5027 Christian wienckel 3 Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Gustavo ~erreyra~ Research, Colurnbusstrasse, Wolf ~rntzl 27515 Bremerhaven, Germany Carlos ~inaldi~ 2 Institute Antartico Argentino, Cerrito 1248, (Editors) 1010 Buenos Aires, Argentina The joint research at the Dallmann Laboratory was supported by: Bundesrninisterium füBildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (BMBF), Ref. 126, Bonn, Gerrnany Ministerio de Defensa, Buenos Aires, Argentina Internationales Bürdes BMBF Nord- und SüdamerikaBonn, Germany Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnologia (SECyT), Buenos Aires, Argentina Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, Germany Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina Alfred-Wegener-Institut füPolar- und Meeresforschung, Brernerhaven, Germany Instituto Antartico Argentino, Buenos Aires, Argentina TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1. THE ENVIRONMENT OF POTTER COVE C. MüllerA. Eckstaller, Seismological observations at JubanyIDallmann W. Jokat & A. Zakrajsek M. Pohl, T. SchöneA. Global positioning System (GPS) observations at Zakrajsek & H. Schenke Jubany/Dallmann T. SchöneM. Pohl, A. Tide gauge measurements, a contribution for the long term Zakrajsek & H. Schenke monitoring of the sea level S. Wunderte, H. Sauer & Meteorological conditions and snow Cover dynamics on the H. Goßman Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica J.B. Winkler, F. Schulz & Seasonal variation of abiotic factors in terrestrial habitats L. Kappen L. Varela Hydrology of Matias and Potter Creeks M. Roese & M. Drabble Wind-driven circulation in Potter Cove D. Abele, G.A. Ferreyra & Dynamics of hydrogen peroxide accumulation in Potter Cove I. Schloss 2. STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF THE ECOSYSTEM F. Schulz, J.B. Winkler & Components of terrestrial vegetation, Patterns and processes L. Kappen I. Schloss, G. Ferreyra & Seasonal variation of the conditions for phytoplankton growth H. Klöse in Potter Cove I. Schloss, G.A. Ferreyra Phytoplankton prirnary production in Potter Cove, King & A. Curtosi George Island M.L. Quartino, H. Klöse Communities of benthic marine algae at a sheltered site in A. Boraso de Zaixso & Potter Cove, King George Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica H. Zaixso C. Wiencke, M. Clayton, Biodiversity, life cycles and evolution of Antarctic macroalgae & A. Peters I. Gbmez, C. Wiencke & Life strategy of Antarctic macroalgae G. Weykam H. Klöse Habitats and distribution Patterns of benthic diatoms in Potter Cove (King George Island) and its vicinity J. Kowalke & D. Abele A first record of the soft bottom infauna community of Potter Cove. M. Tariin, R. Sahade, Some aspects of Antarctic ascidians (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) of 1 13 M. E. Doucet & Potter Cove, King Georg Island G. B. Esnal M. Mayer & M. Spindler Habitat demands and zonation of benthic foraminifera in the 11 9 Potter Cove: First results R. Sahade, M. Tatifin, J. Epifaunal communities in Potter Cove, King George Island, 123 Kowalke, S. Kühn& G. Antarctica B. Esnal G. Veit-Köhle Meiofauna study in the Potter Cove - Sediment situation and 132 resource availability for small crustaceans (Copepoda and Pera- carida) G. Mercuri, K. Iken, On the distribution pattems and density of the Antarctic in- 137 B. Ledesma & R. F. Du- faunal bivalve Laternula elliptica in Potter Cove, King George bois Island, Antarctica F. Momo, E. Bogazzi & Amphipods of Potter Cove: Community composition, biology 144 F. Duttweiler and growth K. Elwers & H.-U. Dahms Species composition and seasonal population structure of 150 Oithona similis (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) in the Potter Cove (King George Island, Antarctica) E. Barrera-Oro & Ecology of demersal fish species from Potter Cove 156 R. Casaux H. Bornemann, J. Plöt & Southern elephant seal migration and Antarctic sea ice 168 S. Ramdohr & L. Sell- mann S. Hahn, H.-U. Peter, P. Population estimates of the birds of Potter Peninsula 174 Quillfeldt & K. Reinhard W.P. Mac Cormack, S. C. Studies on the bacterial flora associated to the brown skua 182 Vazquez & D. Montalti (Catharacta antarctica Ionnbergi) 3. ECOPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES ON KEY ORGANISMS IN THE ECOSYSTEM J.B. Winkler, L.Kappen & CO; exchange of two chionophilous lichens in the maritme 188 F. Schulz Antarctic - preliminary results I. Gomkz, G. Weykam & Photosynthetic light requirements of Antarctic macroalgae in 193 C. Wiencke relation to their depth zonation F. Latumus, C. Wiencke, Speciation of volatile organohalogen compounds released by 198 B. Giese & F.C. Adams Antarctic macroalgae S.C. Vfizquez, W.P. Mac Protease-producing psychrotrophic Antarctic bacteria 204 Cormack & E.R. Fraile M.E.I. Marquez Some biochemical data On fish and southern elephant seals 212 from Potter Cove J. Kowalke Particle retention and pumping rates of seven species of 219 Antarctic suspension feeding animals R. Sahade, M. Tatih, F. Seasonality in reproduction of Antarctic ascidians (Molgula Mattio & G. B. Esnal pedunculata, Cnemidocarpa verrucosa and Pyura setosa) H.-J. Urban Upper temperature tolerance of two Antarctic molluscs (Laternula elliptica and Nacella concinna) from Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula D. Abele, P. Wencke & Oxidative Stress and ternperature acclimation in Antarctic H.-0. Pörtne shallow waters molluscs S. Rarndohr, J. Plötz Studies On the lipoproteins of the southern elephant seal H. Bornernann, C. Engel- (Mirounga leonina) during the breeding season at King schalk, J. Thiery & R. George Isand Eisert A.R. Carlini Energy Investment in pups of southern elephant seals and mass changes in females while at sea at King George Island 4. FOOD WEB STRUCTURE AND ENERGY FLOW IN THE POTTER COVE ECOSYSTEM K. Iken, M.L. Quartino, Trophic relations between macroalgae and herbivores E. Barrera-Oro, J. Paler- mo, C. Wiencke & T. Brey E. Marschoff, B. Gonzales Studies on krill from penguin stornach contents at Potter Cove & S. Vivequin R. Casaux, E. Barrera-Oro, Fish as prey of birds and marnmals at the South Shetland N. Cona & A. Carlini Islands A study of shells of the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna at Dallrnann station, King George Island K. Reinhardt, S. Hahn & The role of skuas in the food web of the Potter Cove System - H.-U. Peter a review S. Hahn & P. Quillfeldt Different predational pressures On two Antarctic stormpetrel species M.P.S. Rodriguez & Kelp gulls (Larus dominicanus) and Antarctic limpets (Nacella M. Favero concinna): their predator-prey relation at Potter Peninsula and other localities in the South Shetland Islands 5. HUMAN IMPACT AND EFFECT OF INCREASING UV-RADIATION ON THE ECOSYSTEM C. Vodopivez & A. Cur- Trace rnetals in some invertebrates, fishes and birds from tosi Potter Cove W. P. Mac Corrnack, L. N. Bacterial hydrocarbon degradation in Antarctica Rios Merino & E.R. Fraile G.A. Ferreyra, I. Schloss, UV-absorbing cornpounds in surface waters of Potter Cove: & D. Abele prelirninary results Alnhabetical list of authors and addresses The Three Brothers Hill, Potter Cove and Jubany Station with the Dallmann Laboratory The Dallmann Laboratory The Potter Cove Coastal Ecosystem Iritroduction The Antarctic Treaty strongly encourages international scientific and logistic coope- ration in Antarctica. During the past two decades, the Scientific Council of Antarctic Research (SCAR), through various types of working groups, has undertaken great efforts to arrive at an international approach to study the waters around the Antarctic concinent. The BIOMASS project centred multidisciplinary research of many coun- tries around the krill and its ecosystem, CCAMLR has been in charge of the multi- national management of living resources, and large international and interdiscipli- nary research cruises were carried out within the European "Polarstern" Study (EPOS), the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (SO-JGOFS) and the SCAR program- me Ecology of the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone (EASIZ). Simultaneously, many land- and ice-based stations started opening their facilities to researchers from other coun- tries, and international cooperation gradually began to enrich the investigations which had formerly been done by single countries. The compilation of results from joint Argentinean-German shallow-water research in this volume is based on another, quite innovative, approach. In September 1985, an agreement of cooperation was signed in Bremerhaven between the Direccion Nacional del Antartico (DNA, Argentina) and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). This agreement involves exchange of scientists and logistic cooperation between the AWI and the Institute Antartico Argentino (IAA). Cooperation in the field of biology consequently started at the Argentinean base Teniente Jubany (Potter Cove, King George Islandllsla 25 de Mayo, South Shet- land Islands) during the 1991-92 summer season. As an annex to Jubany, the Dallmann laboratory, named after the German whaler and explorer Eduard Dall- mann who studied part of the South Polar Sea in 1873174, was constructed as an Argentinean-German research facility, representing
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