LIM Express Newsletter INSIDE THIS ISSUE: SPRING 2013 Message from the Director: Pope Francis, S.J. News Notes 2 from Cecelia By Thomas Ryan, Ph.D. Where were you when the new My first reaction was to be quite as, “How many Jesuit popes are Diocese of 3 pope was announced? What moved, but some amusing ques- there now?” Well, two—a black were your initial thoughts? What one and a white one. (Some non- Baton Rouge are you thinking now? Post a Jesuits refer to the Superior Hosts Annual reflection on LIM’s Facebook General of the Society of Jesus as LIM Event page: http://goo.gl/RvKXY. the Black Pope because he wears I was in a LIM meeting. Professor black and, with his worldwide order, has global influence that Summer 3 Daniella Zsupan-Jerome was monitoring her iPad and, seeing bears some resemblance to the Classes at the white smoke, beat the Cardi- pope’s.) Also, does Pope Francis LIM nal Proto-Deacon to the punch- have to obey himself since Jesuits line, “Habemus Papam!” I could- take a fourth vow of obedience n’t access the proceedings on my to the pope? And what would Announce- 4 computer, and so I sought out a happen if his provincial ordered ments spot in front of a TV in Loyola’s him to live in Rome’s Jesuit com- Communications building. Class munity instead of in the Vatican’s Pope Francis I let out as the new pope appeared Santa Martha guesthouse, or Credit Alessandro Bianchi/Reuters/ on St. Peter’s balcony, and we what if he ordered him back to Landov Buenos Aires? (-; Calendar of 6 greeted him with pleased re- sponses, “A Jesuit,” “a South Events continue American.” tions also occurred to me, such Summer Institute for Catholic Educational Leadership The sixth Summer Institute for flows from prayer. Catholic Educational Leadership Jennifer Coito, M.P.S., will facili- co-sponsored by the Loyola Insti- tate the Summer Institute this tute for Ministry and Archdio- year. She has worked in faith cese of New Orleans Office of formation for over ten years and Catholic Schools and Office of currently works for the Califor- Religious Education takes place nia Province of Jesuits in the on Loyola’s campus 10-13 June Christian Life Community (CLC) Learn more about the 2013 and will focus on the Program. Catholic Spiritual Leader. Christian Life To learn more about the Sum- This summer’s institute will bring mer Institute and how you can Community of the USA together leaders and aspiring attend, you may contact Eileen where SICEL facilitator leaders from schools and par- Chapoton at 504.865.2109 or ishes and concentrate on the [email protected] or view Jennifer Coito works. centrality of prayer, recognizing information about the Summer that authentic and effective edu- Institute online. GO» GO » cational leadership rests on and Page 2 Notes from Cecelia By Cecelia Bennett, J.C.L. On the Road at NCCL and 21 May, at 3 p.m. NALM Come join LIM at the National Con- NALM Conference ference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) and National Association for Lay Ministry (NALM) conventions in And he departed from our May and June. It is still not too late to sign up for either conference, both of sight that we might return to which offer wonderful opportunities The National Association for Lay Min- our heart, and there find to network with others working in istry (NALM) Annual Conference him. For he departed, and catechesis and other lay ministries. takes place from 30 May to 1 June in Las Vegas, NV with the theme Lay behold, he is here. If you are able to attend either of Ministry: Beating the Odds. Pre- — St. Augustine these conferences, please stop by our conference events for parish pastoral booth for a visit and a treat. You may ministers, business managers, pastoral also participate in workshops by planners, and formation directors Daniella Zsupan-Jerome at NCCL and begin on 29 May. A group registration Cecelia M. Bennett at NALM. If are rate is available. The keynote address willing to come by the booth and by Rev. Michael White and Thomas share your great LIM experiences with Corcoran is “Rebuilt: Changing conference participants, please let me Church People from Consumers to know at [email protected]. If you Contributors.” GO» are not a member of either organiza- tion, please consider joining one or both. LIM Director Tom Ryan just was Cecelia M. Bennett, J.C.L., presents a featured in the NALM student news- workshop “Playing by the Numbers: letter. Canon Law for Business Managers” in a breakout session on 31 May. GO» May the risen Lord's victory NCCL Conference over death put hope in our Graduation hearts as we celebrate the The National Conference for Cate- chetical Lead- For those students who will graduate joy of Easter. ership this spring, a few final deadlines are (NCCL) Con- upcoming: ference and Happy Easter to each of you 12 April Deadline for degree and cer- Exposition and yours, tificate students to RSVP for the LIM takes place 20 liturgy and reception. To do so GO» -23 May in Cleveland, OH. Its theme is Ignite the Fire of Faith. On Monday, 8 May Deadline for requesting physical — LIM Faculty and Staff the day after the Feast of Pentecost, assistance or designated seating for Father James Mallon opens the confer- the physically impaired at either the ence with his keynote address: Over- 11 May Baccalaureate Mass or the shadowed: “The Holy Spirit, the True LIM Liturgy. To do so, contact Diane Fire Starter.” GO» Blair Professor Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, Ph.D., will present a workshop at NCCL entitled “Proclaiming Good News through Digital Media: Facing the Challenges and Exploring the Pos- sibilities.” It takes place on Tuesday, LIM Express Newsletter Page 3 Diocese of Baton Rouge Hosts Annual LIM Event The Diocese of Baton Rouge held its Attendees mingled and enjoyed re- entation, Rhonda and alumni shared second annual Loyola Institute for freshments. Rick Beben offered a their stories of Betty and her influ- To read more Ministry evening on 7 March 2013 at ence on their work in ministry and the Diocesan Catholic Life Center on spoke of her many years of service about Tom’s talk Acadian Parkway. It was a very special to the diocese and bringing LIM to gathering with the diocese honoring catechist in Baton Rouge. Rhonda and the Betty Bourgeois, MRE ‘85 and former presented Betty with gifts of grati- presentation director of their office of Religious tude following Betty’s comments. Education. The evening included re- Tricia Greely closed the meeting in honoring Betty, freshments, prayer, a talk on spiritual- prayer. read the story in ity, a presentation of thanks to Betty The Office of Evangelization and Bourgeois, and sharing. Catechesis hopes to make this an the Catholic Rhonda Parenton, director of the Of- Rhonda Parenton (l) presents annual event for gathering alumni Commentator, the fice of Evangelization and Catechesis, Betty Bourgeois (r) with a candle and current students of the Loyola Gloria Vanderwall, and Mila Gernon, in recognition for her years of ser- Institute for Ministry. Mark your Diocese of Baton also with the office, hosted the event 2014 calendar for next year’s gather- Rouge’s newpaper. to which all Loyola Institute for Minis- prayer before Dr. Ryan gave his talk ing on 13 March. try alumni and current students were entitled “Faith and Popular Culture: A GO » invited. Spirituality for Today.” After his pres- On-Campus Summer Courses Online Summer Courses Study on campus in New Orleans this summer! Study with us from wherever you are! The summer online session runs 17 JUNE – 17 JULY from 27 MAY to 22 JULY. Thomas Aquinas, His Theology and Spirituality Introduction to Practical Theology • Evelyn Thibeaux, Ph.D. Discover another side of Aquinas in this course that examines the This initial course in ministry education introduces students to a process range of his writings from Summae to biblical commentaries to of “pastoral praxis,” through a method of keeping theological reflection hymns. in constant dialogue with action. Mondays-Wednesdays 3-6 p.m. Curriculum Development • Kathleen O'Gorman, Ed.D. Tom Ryan, Ph.D. This course enables participants to distinguish models of teaching and learning that are practiced in various educational contexts and to con- 10 JULY – 23 July sider their strengths, weaknesses value, relevance, and appropriateness. Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling Ministry in the Marketplace • Carol Holden, D.Min. This popular course explores pastoral dimensions of the clinical practice of counseling. This course investigates work and profession from the standpoints of vocation and community. 6:20-9:05 p.m. (except for July 11 and 18, which run from 7:15 – 10 p.m.) Spirituality for Ministers • Staff James O’Neill, Ed. D. This course discusses the theological foundation of Christian life and For more information about the summer on-campus courses GO» explores how ministry is rooted in and gives expression to the minister’s relationship with God Universe as Divine Manifestation • Staff This course engages students in a process of discernment, interpretation, and response to the natural world as revelatory, as a primary mediation and distinctive focus of divine presence and activity. Page 4 Announcements Keeping Up with Student and Faculty Successes LIM forms a community of example. older posts you may have believers striving to do God’s We share those accomplish- missed. work intentionally and faith- ments on the LIM homepage in Let us know about your suc- fully. Like any healthy commu- the Student and Faculty Suc- cess by emailing the details and nity, we celebrate the accom- cesses section.
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