Canada's Railway Magazine since 1945 JANUARY 1995 THIS MONTH IN RAIL AND TRANSIT 3 CANADIAN ATLANTIC RAILWAY ABANDONED AND SOLD Gordon Webster takes us through the confusing story of CP's sale of its Atlantic lines to three new short line railways 8 TORONTO'S NEW SPADINA STREETCAR LINE NUMBER 541 - JANUARY 1995 Photos and diagrams of the TTC's new line and new cars PUBLISHED BY 10 Upper Canada Railway Society RESEARCH AND REVIEWS RO. Box 122, Station A RAILWAY ARCHAEOLOGY... Toronto, Ontario M5W IA2 ... The railways of northem Quebec (Part 2) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 14 MARCH 17, 1995 TRANSCONTINENTAL EDITOR THE RAPIDO CP sales and abandonments Notice is liereby given tliat tlie annual gen• Pat Scrlmgeour ... Parliamentary task force on CN eral meeting of tlie Upper Canada Railway 250 Queens Quay West #1607 THE PANORAMA Moose control on BCR Society, Incorporated, will be held in tlie tliea- Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N2 MOTIVE POWER Photos of new power tre of tlie Metropolitan Toronto Archives and E-Mail: 73 1 [email protected] IN TRANSIT TTC streetcar trackwork Records Centre, 255 Spadina Road, Toronto, Ontario, on Friday, March 17, 1995, at tlie CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ON THE CALENDAR hour of 8:00 o'clock in the evening. Eastern John Carter, Art Clowes, Standard Time, for the purpose of receiving Scott Haskill, Don McQueen, Friday, February 17 - UCRS Toronto meeting, and considering the directors' reports and fi- Sean Robitaille, Gray Scrlmgeour, 7:30 p.m., at the Metro Archives theatre, iiaiicial statements for the year ended Decem• Chris Spinney, Gordon Webster Spadina Road at MacPherson, just north of ber 31, 1994, electing directors, appointing an Dupont subway station. Reg Button will show auditor, and for the transaction of other such photographs of railways around Hamilton from business as may properly be brought before Please send news and short contributions to the 1950s to the present. the meeting. the addresses shown with each news section. Friday, February 24 - UCRS Hamilton meet• Dated January 30, 1994. By order of the board Articles and photos should be sent to the ing, 8:00 p.m., at the Hamilton Spectator au• of directors. editor at one of the above addresses. If you ditorium, 44 Fiid Street, just off Main Street (Signed) [b G. Eastman - President are using a computer, please use electronic at Highway 403. The programme will be re• S. Haskiii - Secretary mail or send a WordPerfect, Word, or text file cent news and members' current and histori• on an IBM-compatible (5'A" or 3 A") disk, cal slides. JANUARY 1995 - A MONTH OF along with a printed copy. Saturday, March 11 - Forest City Railway So• CHANGE FOR CANADIAN RAILWAYS ciety 21st annual slide trade and sale day 1:00 This has been a more active month than most Subscriptions to KaW and Transit are available to 5:00 p.m. All Saints' Church, Hamilton and for railways and railway enthusiasts in with membership in the Upper Canada Rail• Inkerman, London, Ontario. Admission $2.00. Canada. way Society. Membership dues are $29.00 per Friday, March 17 - UCRS annual general meet• On the last day of 1994, Canadian Pacific abandoned its connection in Canada with the year (12 issues) for addresses in Canada, and ing, Metro Archives theatre, Toronto, 7:30 p.m. Atlantic coast, leaving only one isolated op• $35.00 (or $27.00 in U.S. funds) for addresses Friday, March 24 - UCRS Hamilton monthly eration east of Quebec. Within the next week, in the U.S. and overseas. Student member• meeting, 8:00 p.m. three new short line railways - the Canadian ships, for those 17 years or younger, are Saturday, May 27, and Sunday, May 28 - The American, the Eastern Maine, and the New $19.00. Please send inquiries and changes of Central Electric Railfan Association electric Bninswick Southern - had taken up where address to the address at the top of the page. railway weekend in Toronto. Saturday a visit CP had left off, with plans to increase busi• to the Halton County Radial Railway and a ness by reducing labour costs. presentation on transit in Toronto; Sunday a Then, the same week that the new lines UPPER CANADA RAILWAY SOCIETY FCC excursion over TTC tracks. Price for the began, the newest railway line in the country DIRECTORS full weekend is $50.00 (U.S.); CERA, PC. Box opiened, GO Transit's extension to Oshawa. John Carter, VP-Sep,nces 4 16 690-6651 503, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. 60690. With this extension, not only does the com• Pat Semple, VP-Administration 416 923-9123 muting territory of Toronto expand, but it now Sco« Haskill, Secretary 416 604-2071 COVER PHOTO becomes possible to commute by GO train to Art Clowes 514 934-5549 a major city other than Toronto. Rick Eastman 416 494-3412 Track construction on the new Spadina AIMaitland 416 921-4023 At the end of the month, the Aigoma Cen• streetcar line in Toronto, looking north on George Meek 416 532-5617 tral Railway ceases to be an independent line, Spadina Avenue from Spadina Circle. Pat Scrlmgeour 416 260-5652 and becomes a subsidiary of a U.S. railway. Streetcars should be running on the new line Chris Spinney 416 281-8211 Who ever thought that the Wisconsin Central beginning in early 1997. would have an interchange with the Ontario Completed January 30, 1995 -Photo by Ted Wickson, September 6, 1994 Northland in Hearst? 2 • Rail and Transit • January 1995 By Gordon Webster A brief history of the Canadian Atlantic Railway CP Rail abandoned its Canadian Atlantic Railway unit on • September 1, 1988 - The CAR is created. December 31, 1994. Within the next few days, three new • June 4, 1989 - Ex-CPR 4-6-2 1201 arrives in Saint John from Montreal to short line railway companies began operating the CAR line celebrate the 100th anniversary of the fust through Montreal to Saint John train, which arrived June 3, 1889. to Saint John, New Brunswick. Except for an isolated eight • January 15, 1990 - VIA Atlantic cut from daily to tri weekly service. miles of track in northwestern New Brunswick, the Cana• • January 16, 1990 - Notice of intent is filed with the NTA to abandon track dian Pacific system no longer runs east of Quebec. from Aroostook to Grand Falls, from Upper Kent to Southampton, from CP Rail created the Canadian Atlantic Railway in 1988 as Woodstock to McAdam, and 0.5 miles of track in Edmiindston. • January 29, 1991 - NTA hearing opens into the abandonment. an extension of its 1987 reorganisation into units - • Vebruary 1, 1991 - CAR proposes a two-year contract to move 10 400 trailer Intennodal FreightSystems and HeavyHattl Systems. The loads of McCain's traffic by train between Fiorenceviiie and Toronto at broker- creation of the CAR was "to give increased emphasis to competitive rates during the closing arguments in the NTA abandonment hear• the railway's operations and marketing activities in the ing. This offer was not accepted by McCain's. evolving Atlantic Canada transportation marketplace." In• • April 14, 1992 - CAR files notice of intent to abandon the St. Andrews Spur, stead, it became the prelude to the closure and sale of the Champiain Spur, the Fiedericton and Southampton subdivisions, and the CP's Maritime network. Gibson Subdivision between Southampton and North Devon, also known as the The CAR was built from the former CP Saint John Nackawic Loop. • October 1992 - Rumours surface tiiat CP is negotiating with CN for the sale of Division and the Dominion Atlantic Railway, which to• the CAR within two years. State of Maine forgives CPS2-miiiion in taxes. gether comprised 909.3 miles of track and 18 subdivi• • November 17, 1992 - CP files notice of intent to abandon ail railway opera• sions. The sale of the DAR in 1994 and line abandonments tions east of Lennoxviiie, and applies to the U.S. Interstate Commerce Commis• had trimmed the unit down to only 365.5 miles of track sion to abandon its track through Maine. Not included in this application was by December 1994. tiie DAR, wiiich CP also offers for sale, except that the line between New Minas Dtiring those years, the railway reduced its staff, modi• and Coidbrook was included. fied operations to meet customers' needs, streamlined Continued on Page 4 >- administration, and invested in intermodal infrastructure to maintain service to customers not close to track. But CP SD40-2 5741 led the last train to operate on the Canadian Atlantic this was not enough to keep the railway a feasible opera• Railway, Train 281-30, seen here at Megantic, Quebec. tion in the eyes of CP's upper management in Montreal. -Photo by Pat Scrimgeour, December 31.1994 Rail and Transit • January 1995 • 3 A brief history of the Canadian Atlantic Railway The abandoiunent of the CAR attracted a lot of attention ^ Continued from Page 3 north and south of the border. People accused CP of aban• • November 26, 1992 - The federal court of appeal dismisses an attempt by doning Canada when it decided to abandon the CAR but McCain's to prevent the CAR from abandoning its Tobique Subdivision and seg• was spending rmllions of doUars on capital improvements ments of the Shogomoc Subdivision. Ftermission was originally granted to aban• on the Delaware and Hudson Railway, which it had ac• don various segments of these lines between May 1989 and June 1991. quired two years after the CAR's creation. Now people • December4,1992 -The last GAR train leaves the McCain's piantat Fiorenceviiie. say CP is no longer a transcontinentai railway, overlook• • Febmaiy 24, 1993 - CP files application to abandon all of its track east of ing its U.S.
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