SHORTRIDGE DAILY ECHO VOL. XXV. NO. 116. ;HORTRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL, INDIANAPOLIS, MONDAY, MARCH 12, 192?.. TWO CENTS SHORTRIDGE DEBATERS WIN CHAMPIONSHIP INTELLIGENCE TESTS CAPTURE TRI-STATE, OELEN JACOOS ELECTED GIVEN TO FRESHMEN WINNING O VER BO TH SENATORIAL PRESIDENT OPPOSING TEAMS Frances Westcott Elected Vice- Mr. Lowry Prepares Examina- President; Harlow Hyde. lions for Freshman in Math Cincinnati Defeated at Shortridge—Louisville Loses to Locals al. Secretary. and English Classes. Louisville—Cup Practically Cinched. Mr. Lowry is conducting a' Short ridge debaters won the Tri-State Debating Champion­ . At the meeting of the Short­ series of intelligence tests in j ship in the annual tri-angular debate with Walnut Hills High School of Cincinnati, and Louisville Male High School, last Friday. ridge Senate on Friday, after the English I and llg, and Shortridge, on the affirmative, defeated Louisville at Louisville* the reading of the minutes and Math. I and llg classes. He and taking the negative, defeated Cincinnati at Caleb Mills Hall. has been giving them in his administering the senatorial The question was ."Resolved that the present policy of isolation oath. Senator Kellogg (Helen Psychology classes and feels of the United States be abandoned." Jacobs) introduced a resolution that they greatly aid the teach­ The victory practically cinches the cup for Shortridge. The er in co-operating with the stu­ score now is Shortridge, 6; Cincinnati, 4; Louisville, 2. expressing appreciation of the dent. He has therefore gained The debate marked the fourth of (ho series of debates with kindly attitude of ex-Senator permission from the heads of I ho two schools. Barry S. New toward the Short- the English and Math, depart­ Cincinnati Falls 3-0 l idge Senate. ments to give the freshmen Shortridge debaters, uphold­ intelligence tests in order that CINCINNATI DEBATERS The Senate then entered upon ing the negative, scored a de­ the elections of officers which the teachers may know how to cisive victory over Walnut Hills handle each newcomer. High School of Cincinnati, in GUESTS OF S. H. S. TRIO resulted as follows: Presidency The finished lists are no yet n debate, last Friday night at j * fell to-Senator Kellogg (Helen compiled. Caleb Mills Hall. The judges' Luncheon at Board of Trade Jacob*) ; vice-presidency, to verdict was unanimous in favor • Given in Honor of Visiling Senator Williams (Frances REGIONAL RESULTS of the winners. Westcott; secretary to Senator The members of the Short­ Speakers. At Lafayette. Page (Harlow Hyde) ; reading •Crawfordsville 28, Logansport 23. ridge team were Robert Har­ Lebanon 2l>, Jefferson 23. rington, James P. Wheatley and Cincinnati debaters were the clerk,."hi Senator Reid (Francis Bainbridge 40, Brook 21. Arthur Long, captain. Mitchell guests of the Shortridge speak­ Lees); page, to Senator Sim­ Martinsville 21, Manual 17. Levisohn, Harold Steiner, and Greentown 32, Walcott 20. ers last Saturday in an onto** mons and custodian to Senator Frankfort 17, Emerson 11. Louis Beichman represented Mouses (Leonard Schloss). Jr Perrysville 21, Brazil 17. Walnut Hills. tainment given in honor of the Mt. Comfort 30, Covington 21. Shortridge exhibited a Cincinnati team, alternate and Tin- following took the sena­ Anderson 35. Michigan City in. marked superiority in all de­ coach. The program included a torial oath: Ruth Gardner, Crawfordsville 25, Lebanon 12. partments of the debate. The Julia Brefeman, Leefe Worth, Martinsville 30, Bainbridge 23. sight-seeing ride in the morn­ Virginia Brookbank, Hugh Bak­ Frankfort 21, Greentown 16. losers were unable to refute the ing and luncheon at the Board Perrysville 30, Mt. Comfort 10. co-operation — without — par­ er, Thehwii Carter, Margaret ticipation plan of the winners. of Trade at noon. The visitors Barlet, William Hadley, Charles Al Fori Wayne. Jefferson, Don Tullis, .Meredith Kendallville 30, Liberty Center 16. The judges for the debate left for Cincinnati at 3:15 p. m. Muncie 35, Rochester (>. were Dr. Robert Aley, presi­ James Whitcomb Riley's home Pleasant. Warsaw 37, Losantville 16. dent of Butler College; Dean and the Indianapolis Motor Fort Wayne 29, Garrett 21. Senator .Moses nominated Sen­ South Bend 35, Culver 8. Rohback of the Indiana Law Speedway were the chief points ator Kellogg for the office of Mooreland 30, Shelbyville 25. School, and Judge Frank Lahr of interest on the automobile president ; Senator Reid nomi­ Richmond 31, Marion 12. of the Marion County Juvenile ride. Joseph Furnas and Robert nated Senator Johnston and Huntington 33, Cohnersville 16. Court. Mr. Buck acted as chair­ Wabash 23, Hartford City 20. Harrington acted as chauffeurs, Senator Shortridge nominated Muncie 28, Kendallville 24, overtime. man for the debate. Besides the two debating Senator Williams. On the third Warsaw 10, Ft. Wayne 16. Affirmative Wins at Louisville teams, Mr. Buck, Mr. Shoe­ vote Senator Kellogg was elect­ Soutli Bend 30, Mooreland 14. ed by a vote of 14-3. Senator Richmond 34, Wabash 6. The Shortridge debating maker, Mr. Insklep of Cincinnati, team, taking the affirmative and Mr. Otto attended the Aleves, Senator Johnston, and Vi Rlonniinnrton. side of the question, proved too luncheon. Senator Williams were nomi­ Franklin 15, Seymour 12. strong for the trio from Louis­ Similar entertainment was nated for the office of vice- Bedford 21, Bloomington 13. president, Senator Williams be­ Sullivan 28, Brookville 7. ville Male High School. The _give n at Louisville for the Columbus 27, Central (Evansv'Ie) 20. Blue and White team winning, Shortridge affirmative team "jy ing ejected. Senator Page was Vincennes til, Hanover 8. 3-0, in an interesting battle, the Louisville speakers, elected secretary and Senator Lyons 15, Winslow 12. » ville Male High School—the Reid (Francis Lees) was elected Shortridge team was composed VITKXTION. .IIMOIIS reading clerk over Senator Caro- - Junior Drama League. of George Wilson, William How­ Bring bottles and boxes to your way, Senator Nelson and Sena­ Owing to the fact that the ard antl Robert Hutchinson, session rooms. Your session room tor Pittman. Senator Simmons auditorium is needed for a con­ captain. agent will take care of them. Don't was elected page and Senator forget the Wiggly Piggly. Start now 1. cert rehearsal Thursday, the Louisville could not cope with to bring these things in. Moses was elected custodian. Junior Drama League meeting (he winners, both in construc­ The president announced that will be postponed until March tive speeches and rebuttals, the Stale tickets for the Indiana Uaskel (he trial committee would con­ 22. On that day the club will Kentuckians being at a loss to Hall Tournament are on sale al I lie sist of Senator Kellogg, chair­ present "The Pot of Cold," a I refute the winners' contentions. Box Office tin's neck. Price $1.50. man ; Senator Kendrick. Sena­ tor Shortridge, Senator Ball, playlet based on a Greek myth. The debate marked the All candidates for Spring Football, Miss Love's Expression II i fourth consecutive Shortridge and Track Team report at Room !), Senator Reid. Alternates, Sena­ class will give a pantomime. I victory over Louisville. 2:35 today. F. H. GORTON. tor Moses and Senator Caroway. 2 SHOJITUIDGE DAILY ECHO. MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1923. SHORTRIDGE DAILY ECHO member of the State Oratorical SHOHTRIOOK HIOH SCHOOL Association to which Shortridge METROPOLITAN Telephone Lincoln 3630 then belonged. As a weekly School of Music GOLF r L outlet for his lovc of ar umen North and Pennsylvania Sts. '^mNm JaaS m£ * - Opposite Shortridge. bHORlRIDGE ECHO PRESS fc t} h f fl h Wll.l.lAM N. OTTO..Managing Editor ideal place. His over-abundance Lessons 75c to $3.50 O. l-.iiiereiH. CHOSSLANDl as second-clas. BuBlneas mattes Manager Sei>-r of enthusiasm is shown in the According to teacher teJected. SWEATERS tember 17. 1909, at the yostofflce at st0ry that the censor of the! Baldwin and Ellington Pianoa Uaed. Indianapolis, Indiana, under the act of Phone.: Lincoln 87B3. Main 2715. March 3, 1879. ^^^^^^^^^ Senate relates about him. He '•• Subscriptions—$1.50 per year In ad­ introduced a bill one time in the! vance. Semester rate 85c, delivered ARTHUR BERIAULT at the school Senate which he thought would i The Managing Editor and Manager provoke a great deal of ai'gU- Expression, Oratory and | $6.95 ure members of the Shortridge High j fc However, he thought School taculty. ... Dramatic Art Advertising rales made known upon,that the opposing Side was not METROPOLITAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC TO application to the Managing Editor. taking advantage 0f all the Phone*: Main 27IS. Lincoln 87B3. Residence: Irvington (617. MmuUy staff-Lucy Ashjian. editor.' Points it could use. So he wrote phone Wash. I32G. Assistants — Helen out, each week, a speech in op- buttons up close around the Owen. Nathan Davte, *«*a»J* *°?* position to the bill, and gave it throat, like any peasant's ru- $12.95 Rowena Smith, Josephine Henderson, i » e> bashka, without mark of dis­ Mariana Kennedy, Barbara ciatt, Mil- to a freshman Senator to learn tinction of any kind." dred Pleasant. amj deliver, so that there Tuesday Staff—Frances Westcott, .... , „ .-. In his artcle on "Vodka or editor, Wash. 1726. Assistants-Paul might be more points tor him to Ruin," Mr. Hibben informs us A jauntily pleated skirt topped Dartlell, Wells Hampton, Elizabeth dispute in rebuttal. that in Russia the question of by one of these bouyant golf JameHurd s ElizabetLesh, Marh Heffernany Emily ,Star .loar n Wall, „ , prohibition is not a moral but sweaters will make a striking uuuilind., jjiwuEdwari <->.•d •Chapman . Phili^BHp He was also one of the group an economic one. He says, "Had appearance on the golf course or Wednesday •St-n'i" Edith Corya, ed­ of boys at that time including there been any success in the tennis court. itor.
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