"Index." Intermedia Games—Games Inter Media: Video Games and Intermediality. Ed. Michael Fuchs and Jeff Thoss. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. 277–284. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 1 Oct. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections, www.bloomsburycollections.com, 1 October 2021, 21:51 UTC. Copyright © Michael Fuchs, Jeff Thoss and Contributors 2019. You may share this work for non- commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. Index 2001: A Space Odyssey (fi lm) 96 Baudrillard, Jean 254 7th Guest, The (video game) 53, 54 beat-’em up games, see brawler games Berman, Rick 220 Aarseth, Espen 73, 74 Betts, Tom 191 action-adventure games 47, 117, 236 Bichard, John Paul 86 Adorno, Theodor W. 145 Bioshock (video game) 252 Adventure (video game) 42 Bioshock (video game series) 95 adventure games 43, 52, 54, 95, 154, Bittanti, Matteo 72, 83, 140 167–85, 211–17 Bizzell, Patricia 54–5, 57 Afrika (video game) 75–6, 77 Blacksad (comic) 126 agency 16, 59 blogs 69, 83, 102, 158–60, 250 Alan Wake (video game) 4, 155 board games 199, 234, 236 Alienare (mobile app) 162 Bogost, Ian 98, 101, 252 Alone in the Dark (video game) 52 Bolter, Jay David 2, 37, 70, 196 American Horror Story (TV show) 216 Bond, Jeff 212 America’s Army (video game) 191 Bonk, Ecke 190 animation 117–21, 138, 162, 176 Borroughs, William 176 arcade games 1, 54, 136–7 Bourriaud, Nicolas 139 Arcangel, Cory 2, 191 Boyer, Elsa 47, 48 Arsdoom (mod/artwork) 190 Bradbury, Ray 103 Arsenault, Dominic 37 brawler games 121–2 Artaud, Antonin 155 Brecht, Bertolt 190, 199 Arthur’s Knights II (video game) 50 Brookey, Robert Alan 16, 214, 219 Arve et l’aume, L’ (novel) 155 Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV show) Ashmore, Myfanwy 190 154 Asimov, Isaac 254 Bugs Bunny Cartoon Workshop (video A Slow Year (game poem) 98 game) 49 Assassin’s Creed (franchise) 249 Byron, George Gordon 96, 101, 106 Avengers, The (franchise) 234 Caillois, Roger 244 Backe, Hans-Joachim 3–4, 115, 116, Call of Cthulu (role-playing game) 162 119, 127 Call of Duty (video game) 18 Bader, Hilary 218 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (video Bates, Bob 16 game) 15–31 Bateson, Gregory 231 Canova, Gianni 140 Batman (franchise) 234, 249 Carroll, Lewis 155 Batman: Year One (comic) 126 Cartier-Bresson, Henri 75 Battlefi eld 4 (video game) 15–31 Casetti, Francesco 144 Battlezone (video game) 1 Certainement pas (novel) 154 277 278 INDEX Chattaway, Jay 209, 220 DeLappe, Joseph 101 Choice Chamber (video game) 146 Delaume, Chlo é [Delain, Nathalie] Chronicles of Gor, The (novel series) 153–62 250, 255–6 Dena, Christy 256 cinema 1–2, 15–31, 37–60, 106, Descent (video game) 44 115–19, 126, 138–40, 144–5, Destructoid (website) 49–58 162, 193–4, 199, 208–11, Diary of a Camper (machinima) 139 214–19, 223, 233–40, 243, 249 Dion, Frank 162 Cinemaware (video game) 52 Dole ž el, Lubom í r 179 Clarke, Arthur C. 103 Donkey Kong (video game) 40 Classic Game Room (YouTube Doom (video game) 17, 44, 46, 137 channel) 146 Doom II (video game) 190 Cline, Ernest 2 DOTA 2 (video game) 143 Cluedo (board game) 154 Druillet, Philippe 253 Co, Phil 17 Duchamp, Marcel 199 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 106, 108, 184 Duning, George 212 comics 3–4, 50, 105, 107, 115–29, 207, 249, 253 Eco, Umberto 242–3 Comix Zone (video game) 121–4 É cume des jours, L’ (novel) 155 Computer Gaming World (magazine) Edge of Tomorrow (fi lm) 4 49–58 Egliston, Ben 146–7 Conan the Barbarian (franchise) 249 Eidelman, Cliff 209 Condon, Brody 191 Elder Scrolls, The (video game series) 99 Consalvo, Mia 48 Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The 69, 78 Contact (novel) 109 Electronic Gaming Monthly Corpus Simsi (novel) 153, 156, (magazine) 49–58 157–62 Elegy for a Dead World (video game) Cort á zar, Julio 154 4, 95–110 Counter-Strike (video game) 191 Ellestr ö m, Lars 3 Coupland, Douglas 238 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 252 Courage, Alexander 209–11 environmental storytelling 103 Coyne, Richard 109 Erased de Kooning Drawing (painting) Crawford, Chris 16, 17, 22 193 Creature Shock (video game) 52 ergodic 74, 135 Crysis (video game) 4 Escovar, Fernando 235 cut-scene 39–40, 117 ethnicity 99–100 Eurogamer (website) 98, 102 Dal í , Salvador 178 Dark Eye, The (video game) 168, 176, Fallen London (video game) 154 177–80, 184–5 Fallout 4 (video game) 69 Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe’s Family Card Games (video game) 50 Murders in the Rue Morgue Fatal Frame (video game series) 77 (video game) 167 Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfl y dead-in-iraq (mod/artwork) 191 (video game) 46 Dead Space (video game series) 95 Fer á ndez-Vara, Clara 146 Debord, Guy 160 Ferrari, Simon 143 de Chardin, Pierre Teilhard 254 Ferri, Gabriele 137 De Kooning, Willem 193 Fielding, Jerry 212 INDEX 279 FIFA 16 (video game) 82 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (video FIFA 2017 (video game) 145 game) 83 fi ghting games 144 Grand Theft Auto V (video game) 2, fi lm, see cinema 58–60, 69, 81–2, 87 Fink, Eugen 232 Gran Turismo (video game series) 81 Firewatch (video game) 87 Gran Turismo 6 (video game) 81 fi rst-person shooter (FPS) 15–31, 44, graphic novel, see comic 73, 119, 137, 139, 190, 192–3 Gregersen, Andreas 59 Flanagan, Owen 170–1 Grodal, Torben 59 Flaubert, Gustave 153, 253 Gro ß klaus, G ö tz 193 Forza Motorsport 5 (video game) 81 Grusin, Richard 2, 37, 70, 196 Foundation and Earth (novel) 254 Gunning, Tom 19 Foundation’s Edge (novel) 254 G ü nzel, Stephan 251 Framed (video game) 126–8 Frankenstein (novel) 106–7 Hamilton, William A. 146 Frasca, Gonzalo 252 Halliburton, David 175 Fraschini, Bruno 243 Halo: Combat Evolved (video game) Freud, Sigmund 162, 169–71 140 Fried, Gerald 209, 212, 215 Halo: Reach (video game) 4 FTL: Faster than Light (video game) Halper, Keith 218 222 Hansen, Miriam 144–5 Harris, Duncan 69, 83 Galloway, Alexander 22, 26, 45, Harry Potter (franchise) 234, 251 47, 48, 195 Hassing, Lars 235 Game Boy Works (YouTube series) 142 Heavy Rain (video game) 30, 117–20 Game Chasers, The (YouTube series) Herms, Roc 69 146 Herzberg, Bruce 38 GameSpot (website) 49–58 Hjelmsev, Louis 241 Garretson, Oliver 146 Hobson, J. Allan 170–1 Gates, Bill 109 Huhtamo, Erkki 136 Gaudreault, Andr é 2 Huizinga, Johan 135–6 Gauthier, Jean-Marc 17 Hunger, Francis 192 Gekibo: Gekisha Boy (video game) 75, Hutcheon, Linda 251, 254 77 gender 99–100 IGN (website) 49–58 Genette, G é rard 237, 260 impact aesthetics 16, 19–31 Giddings, Seth 75 Inca (video game) 54 Gijsbrechts, Cornelius Norbertus 196 Indiana Jones (franchise) 234 Gilbertson, Ashley 79–80, 84 inFAMOUS (video game) 117, 118 Glitchhiker (video game) 191, 197–8 installation art 2, 86, 191 Godard, Jean-Luc 38 Intellivision World Series Major Goggin, Joyce 159 League Baseball (video game) GoldenEye 007 (video game) 46 43 Goldsmith, Jerry 211 Ivanhoe (novel) 110 Gorbman, Claudia 214 Ivanhoe (video game) 109–10 Grand Theft Auto (video game series) 103–4, 250 Jahrmann, Margarete 191 Grand Theft Auto 3 (video game) 47 Jenkins, Henry 103, 219, 251 280 INDEX J’habite dans la television (novel) 154 Lego Creator (video game) 236, 244 Jobs, Steve 109 Lego Games (board game series) JODI (artist duo) 189, 191–4 234 Jones, Ron 220–2 Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Jones, Steven E. 3, 103, 104 Traveler (video game) 236 Journey to the Moon (short fi lm) 235 Legoland (video game) 236, 244 Joystick Division (website) 49–58 Lego Movie, The (fi lm) 233, Jurassic Park (fi lm) 196 237, 240 Lego Movie Videogame, The Kafka, Franz 167–8 (video game) 236 Kaplan, Sol 212 Lego Racers (game) 236 Karhulahti, Veli-Matti 144 Lego Universe (game) 236 Kay, Alan 2 Lego Wars (game) 235 Keats, John 96, 97, 102, 106 Let’s Plays 140–2 Kerne, Andruid 146 Leino, Olli 73, 74 Kiner, Kevin 220 Life is Strange (video game) 87 King, Geoff 16, 19, 22, 29, 39, 42, literature 2, 95–110, 153–62, 167–85, 47–8 218, 250–1, 254–9 King of Chicago (video game) 43 live-streaming 142–4 Kipcak, Orhan 190 longplays 140–2 Kirschenbaum, Matthew 107–8 Lord of the Rings, The (franchise) 234, Klastrup, Lisbeth 250 251 Klevjer, Rune 3, 39, 40, 41 Lord of the Rings, The (fi lm trilogy) 239 “Klingon Warrior’s Anthem” (song) Lotman, Yuri 239 217–20 Lovecraft, H.P. 162 Kocurek, Carly 136–7 Lovelock, James 254 Kohlke, Gerrit 192, 199 Luzietti, Brian 221 Krzywinska, Tanya 22, 39, 42, 47–8 Lynch, David 184 “Kubla Khan” (poem) 108, 184 Lyrical Ballads (poetry collection) 105 Lacroix, Christian 157 McCarthy, Dennis 209, 220, 222 Lahti, Martti 159 McCloud, Scott 100, 121 LAN party 138 McLuhan, Marshall 116 La Nuit je suis Buffy Summers (novel) machinima 138–40 154 Magritte, Ren é 178 Last Door, The (video game) 168, 176, Manovich, Lev 2, 44–5, 58, 193 180–5 Man Ray [Emmanuel Radnitzky] 199 Last of Us, The (video game) 4, 69, Margulis, Lynn 254 70, 72, 74, 78, 79–80, 84 mario battle no. 1 (mod/artwork) 190 Leandre, Joan 191 Marks, Aaron 17 Left Behind (video game) 252 Marx, Julius (Groucho) 153 Legend of Chima, The (board game) “Masque of the Red Death, The” 234 (short story) 168, 171–6, 179, Lego 181–3 Lego (toy line/franchise) 231–45 Mass Effect (video game series) Lego: The Adventures of Clutch 99, 222 Powers (fi lm) 237 Matlovsky, Samuel 212 Lego Battles (video game) 236 Matrix, The (franchise) 249, 251, 254 INDEX 281 Max Payne (video game) 115, 116, Perron, Bernard 37, 43, 47, 169 117 Phantasmagoria (video game) 167 Max Payne 3 (video game) 52, 53, photography 69–87, 124, 193 251–2 photorealism 4, 18, 31, 120, 193 Meneghelli, Agata 243 Pilotwings 64 (video game) 71–2 metareferentiality 153, 195–8 Pirates of the Carribean (franchise) Metroid (video game) 100 234 Minecraft (video game) 86 playthroughs 140–2 Moore, Christopher 78–9 Poe, Edgar Allan 167–9, 171–85 Moore, Ronald D.
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