Chronicles of Oklahoma Volume 16 1938 INDEX

Chronicles of Oklahoma Volume 16 1938 INDEX

Chronicles of Oklahoma Volume 16 1938 INDEX -A- Abbott, Judge Warren D., 94 Abert, Lieut. John J., 112-113 Adair, John L., 39n Adams, John Quincy, 63 "Address, An," By Judge Thos. H. Doyle, 52-57 Ainsworth, Thomas D., 237 Alabama, State of, 31 Aldridge, Samuel, 171 Algonquin, 110-111 Allen, J. K., and Augustus C., 199 American Aborigines, 100 American Indians, 103, 109 American archaeology, 115 American Revolution, 24 "Anadarko, Historic Sites around," by C. Ross Hume, 410-424 Anthony, Major Scott J., 455 ff Archaeological study of Mound-Builder Cultures, 97-117 Arkansas, state of, 59-61, 63, 65-66, 90, 94, 117 Arkansas, Federal Court, 92 Armstrong, Maj. F. W., 234 Arthur, Dora Fowler, 207n Athapascan, 113-114 Atkins, Commissioner, 46 Atta-culla-culla (The Little Carpenter), 5, 7-8, 10-22 Audubon, John J., 204 Austin, Stephen and Moses, 79 -B- Bacone University, 317 Beaver (Okla.), 190 Bell, J. M., 45 Bell, Sen. L. B., 136-137 Belt, Acting Commissioner, 47-48, 51 Bennington Station, 175 Bienville, French explorer, 61, 467-478 Black Kettle, 452-453, 458 Blount, William, 25, 28 Book Reviews: (Washington Irving on the Prairie, Ellsworth,) 118-119 Book Reviews: (Adventure on Red River—Marcy, Foreman), 119-120 Book Reviews: (Trumpets Calling, Aydelotte), 120-123 Book Reviews: (Carbine and Lance, the Story of Old Fort Sill, Nye), 123-124 Book Reviews: (A Political History of the Cherokee Nation, Wardell), 378-379 Book Reviews: (A History of Historical Writings, Barnes), 380-382 Book Reviews: (Old Frontiers, The Story of the Cherokee Indians from Earliest 493-495 Times to the Date of their Removal to the West, 1838, Brown), Book Reviews: (Geronimo's Story of His Life, Barrett), 495-497 Botalye (Kiowa Indian), 241 Boudinot, Elias, 33, 152n, 155 Boundary Dispute, Okla-Texas, 86-87 Bowie, James, 79 Brainerd Mission, 32 Breckenridge, Maurice A., 96 Brewer, Judge David J., 45 Brinton, Dan'l G., 111n Brown, John P., 35n Brown, Loren N., 425, 443n Bryan, J. M., 46 Bryce, Rev. J. Y., 237 Burnet, David G., 198 "Burney, Governor Benjamin Crooks," by John B. Meserve, 221-233 Bushyhead, D. W., 39n, 315, 320 Bushyhead, Jesse, 148n, 315-325 Butler, Rev. Marcus Lafayette (necrology), 261-265 Butterfield Overland Mail, 238 Butterworth, Judge Chas. W., 95 -C- Caddo County (Okla.), historic sites in, 410-412 Caldwell, Norman W., 492n Calhoun, John C., 66 Camp Phoenix, 71 Campbell, Judge Ralph E., 95 Campbell, Joshua Buchanan (necrology), 271-272 Canadians, the, 468, 472, 475, 477 Carolina, North and South, 3 Carolina, State of, 164 "Catholic Missions, Sources for the Study of Oklahoma," by Sister M. Ursula, 346-377 Cattle industry, 59, 81, 135-136, 303-304, 326-336 Cattlemen, 36, 326-336 Chapman, Berlin B., 36, 51n, 135, 162n, 337, 345n Chase, Og, 190 "Checote, Chief Samuel, With Sketches of Chief Locher Harjo and Ward 401-409 Coachman," by John B. Meserve, "Cherokees, Notes of a Missionary among the," edited by Grant Foreman, 171-189 Cherokee (Indians), 3-35, 36-51, 76, 91, 315-325 Cherokee (Indians), towns occupied by, 4-5 Cherokee (Indians), clan division of, 4 Cherokee (Indians), delegation to England, 5 Cherokee (Indians), "Emporer" Moytoy, 6 Cherokee (Indians), troubles of the (in Va.), 9n Cherokee (Indians), Prominent, 33 Cherokee (Indians), removal of, 33-34 Cherokee (Indians), Eastern Band of, 34 Cherokee (Indians), "Eastern Chiefs of," by John P. Brown, 3-35 Cherokee (Indians), lands of, 36-51 Cherokee (Indians), Other chiefs of, 34 Cherokee (Indians), treaty of 1866, 40-41 Cherokee (Indians), treaty of 1835, 42 Cherokee (Indians), treaty of 1833, 43 Cherokee (Indians), removal, centennial of, 397 "Cherokee Outlet, How Acquired and Disposed of," by Berlin B. Chapman, 36-51, 135-162, 326-336 Cherokee (Nation), 43, 93-94 Cherokee (Nation), Commission, 40, 48, 135, 155 Cherokee (Nation), National Council, 144 Cherokee (Nation), Strip Livestock Assn., 137 Cheyenne and Arapahoe treaty (of 1867), 44, 48 67-69, 76, 82, 215-220, 221-233, 425- Chickasaw (Indians), 443, 465-492 "Chickasaw Threat to French Control of the Mississippi in the 1740's," by 465-492 Norman W. Caldwell, Chickasaw-Choctaw migration, 111-112 Chicken, Col. George, 4 "Chiefs, Eastern Cherokee," by John P. Brown, 3-35 "Chivington, Colonel John M., Military Investigation of,—Following the Sand 444-464 Creek Massacre," by Wm. J. Mellor, Choctaw and Chickasaw (Indians), 67-69, 76, 82, 214-220, 425-443 "Choctaw-Chickasaw Court Citizens, The," by Loren N. Brown, 425-443 Choctaw (Indians), 65-71, 214-220, 234, 240, 425-443, 465-492 Choctaw (Indians), Capitol, dedication of, 396 Choctaw (Indians), Mission, 173 Choctaw (Indians), Nation, 234 Church, Catholic, 346-377 Church, Baptist, 422 Church, Methodist, 401, 423 Church, Presbyterian, 423 Church, St. Patricks, 348 Clements, Dr. Forrest, 104 Coachman, Ward, 406-407 Coffee, Gen. John, 235 "Colbert Ferry on Red River, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory," by W. B. 302-314 Morrison, Colbert, Benjamin Franklin, 305n "Colonel A. W. Evans' Christmas Day Indian Fight (1868)," edited by C. C. 275-301 Rister, Columbus, Christopher, 163 Comanche and Kiowa (Indians), 70-71, 411-412 Cooper, Douglas H., 238 Coronado, 60, 109 Court, Choctaw-Chickasaw Citizenship, 425-443 Coweta (Okla.), 91 Crawford, Samuel J., 50n Crawford, Gov. S. J., 279 Creek (Indians), 3-4, 6, 91, 337-345, 401-409 Creek (Indians), Nation, 93-94, 326 Creek (Indians), "Unratified Treaty with the," by Berlin B. Chapman, 337-345 Crockett, David, 79 Cuming, Sir Alexander, 5-6 Curl, Joseph John, 130 Custer, Col. George A., 279 -D- Dale, Professor (E. E.), 39 Dancing Rabbit Creek, 67 Dancing Rabbit Creek, treaty of, 219 Davis, Edwin H., 99n Dawes, Senator, 37 Dawes Commission, 425-443 Dean, Miss Sarah, 174 Debo, Angie, 120 Demere, Capt. Ramond and Capt. Paul, 7 De Soto, 3, 60-61, 163, 214 de Vaca, Cabeza, 60 Devens, Atty-Genl. Charles, 46 Dinwiddie Papers, 9n Doak's Stand, 66 Doaksville, treaty made at, 68, 74, 238 Doan's Crossing, 74 "Downing, Chief Lewis, and Chief Charles Thompson," by John B. Meserve, 315-325 Downs, Henry D., 66 Doyle, Judge Thomas H., 52, 57n Dragging Canoe, 19-27 Dunlop, Robert, 504-505 Dunn, Agt. J. W., 338 Durham, Virgil, 266 Dwight Station, 176 -E- "Eastern Cherokee Chiefs," by John P. Brown, 3-35 Eaton, Rachel Caroline, 509-510 Emory, W. H., 113n Enabling Act, an, 90 English(men) 471, 475, 479, 481-482 English(men), relations of the, and the Indians, 164 Enslavement of southern Indians, 164 Eskimo race, 100 "Evans', Col. A. W., Christmas Day Indian Fight (1868)," edited by C. C. Rister, 275-301 Evans, Gov. John, of Colorado, 446-459 Expedition, Dunbar-Hunter, 64 Expedition, Canadian River, report of, 281-301 -F- Fairchild (Gen. Lucius), 36n Federal Court, 91-96 "Ferry, Colbert, on Red River, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory," by W. B. 302-314 Morrison, Ferry, Rock Bluff, 302 Fite, Dr. Richard L., 132 Folsom, David, 67 Forbes, Gerald, 163, 170n Foreman, Grant, 171, 189n Forts, Bascom, 244, 279, 281n Forts, Coffee, 72 Forts, Cobb, 73 Forts, DuQuesne, 9 Forts, Gibson, 72-75 Forts, Hays, 277 Forts, Loudoun, 7-8, 11-17 Forts, Military, 71-75, 241-249, 444-464 Forts, McCulloch, 73 Forts, Payne, 22 Forts, Prince George, 10 Forts, Washita, 72-73 Fort Smith road, 244 Fowler, Rev. Littleton, 206 France, 89 Frankish invasion, 109 Frederick, J. V., 190, 196n French, 60-63, 89, 465-492 -G- Gaines, George S., 218 Gallatin, Albert, 98-99 Gambrell, Herbert P., 197, 213n Gardner, James H., 119 Georgia, state of, 3, 31, 33 Gill, Judge Joseph A., 94 Glass, Polly and Lizzie (Cherokees), 177 Glen, Gov. James, 6-8 Gold, discovery of, 32 Grand Canyon, 61 Green, Edward B., 147 Greer County (Okla.), 83-85 Grinnell, George B., 288n Gubser, Judge Nicholas J., 95 -H- Hancock, Clement Allen, 502 Harbour, Emma Estill, 58, 88n Hare, DeWitt, 112n "Harjo, Chief Locher, and Ward Coachman," by John B. Meserve, 401-409 Harper, Roscoe E., 326, 336n Harris, C. J., 156n, 223 Harris, R. M., Governor of Chickasaws, 427 Harris, Giles Edward (M. D.), 503 Harrison, President, 36, 38 Harrison, John J., 315 Hastings, W. W., 269-270 Hayes, Samuel W., 95 Hazen, Gen. W. B., 279 Hefner, Judge R. A., 399 Herring, Francis Elgin, 507-508 Hinds, Gen. Thomas, 66 "History of the Red River Country Since 1803, A Brief," by Emma Estill- 58-88 Harbour, Hitchcock, Dr. Deight W., 177n Hitta, Father Aloysius, 346 Hiwassee, 31 "Homesteading in Northwestern Oklahoma Territory," by Roscoe E. Harper, 326-336 Houston, Sam, 79, 198-213 Hoyt, Commsr. (E. A.), 46 Hughes, William Christopher (W. C.), 511 Hume, C. Ross, 410, 424n -I- Indians, Absentee Shawnee, 48 Indians, American, 103, 109 Indians, Cherokee, 3-35, 36-51, 91, 135-162, 171-189, 315-325 Indians, Chickasaw, 67-69, 111, 213-233, 425-443 Indians, Cheyenne and Arapahoe, 44, 48, 50n, 444-464 Indians, Cheyenne, 109, 448 Indians, Choctaw, 66-71, 111, 234-235, 425-443 Indians, Creek, 3, 4, 6, 91, 111, 401-409 Indians, enslavement of the, 163-170 Indians, Iowa, Sac and Fox, 48 Indians, Iroquois, 105 Indians, Iroquoian family of, 3 Indians, Kiowa and Comanche, 41, 70, 275-276, 411, 444ff Indians, Kiowa, 241 Indians, land claimed by the, 3 Indians, land of Osage, 45, 65, 90 Indians, Muscogee, 3 Indians, negotiations between government and the, 135-162 Indians, Natchitoches, 61 Indians, Omaha, 106 Indians, Osage, 106, 139-140, 396 Indians, Quapaw, 66 Indians, Sioux, 224, 404 Indians, treaties of the, 3-35, 36-51 Indians, of southern tribes, 466 "Indian Fight, (1868) Col. A. W. Evans' Christmas Day," edited by C. C.

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