Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00065-0 - Modern American Drama on Screen Edited by William Robert Bray and R. Barton Palmer Index More information Index 8½ (1963), 195 Basinger, Kim, 205 Baudelaire, Charles, 183 Abbett, Tom, 219 Bay Kinescope Productions, 245 Adam’s Rib (1949), 179 Bazin, André, 6 Addy, Wesley, 113 Becker, George, 14 Aeneid, 283 Beckett, Samuel, 51 African Queen, The (1951), 71 Bel Geddes, Norman, 9 Albee, Edward, 132 Belasco Theatre, The, 9 Aldrich, Robert, 113 Belasco, David, 5 Alfie (1966), 191 Bell, Nelson B., 25 All My Sons, 52, 61 Benedek, László, 58 American Film Institute, 60 Ben-Hur (play), 6 American Repertory Theatre, 241 Ben-Hur (film 1959), 152 Ames, Richard Sheridan, 50 Benshoff, Harry M., 166 Anderegg, Michael, 47 Benson, Sheila, 218 Andy Hardy, 171 Bentley, Eric, 72 Angels in America (play), 257, 271 Beowulf, 283 Angels in America (film 2003), 259 Bergen, Candice, 201 Antonioni, Michelangelo, 204 Best Years of our Lives, The (1946), 151 Aristotle, 5 Bethesda Fountain, The, 275 Armory Exposition, The 3 Bianco, Robert, 283, 287 Atkins, Eileen, 262 Bianculli, David, 271 Atkinson, Brooks, 9, 67 Big Knife, The (1955), 112 Atlanta, Georgia, 257 Bigsby, C. W. E, 4 Biloxi Blues (1988), 271 Baby Boom (1987), 204 Birth of a Nation, The, 6 Back Bay Theatre, The 241 Bisset, Jacqueline, 201 Bacon, Francis, 266 Black, Gregory D., 21, 27 Bad Companions (1930), 149 Black, Stephen A., 167, 184 Bad Seed, The (1956), 160 Black Bourgeoisie (1957), 133 Baer, William, 88 Black Fury, 22 Bainter, Fay, 155 Black Metropolis (1945), 133 Baldwin, James, 131 Blackmer, Sidney, 92 Balkin, Karen, 160 Blair, Rhonda, 236 Ballard, Clint Jr., 109 Blakemore, Michael, 169 Baraka, Amiri, 132 Booth, Shirley, 92 Barnes, Howard, 63, 68 Bordwell, David, 27 Barrie, Wendy, 20 Borreca, Art, 284 Barrymore Theater, 130 Bosanque, Simon, 292 Barton Fink (1991), 126 Boston Phoenix, 206 Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel, The, 220 Bottoms, Stephen J., 217 293 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00065-0 - Modern American Drama on Screen Edited by William Robert Bray and R. Barton Palmer Index More information 294 Index Boy Scouts of America, 12 Clansman, The, 6 Boys’ Clubs of America, 12 Clement of Rome, 270 Brady, Thomas F., 108 Cleopatra (1963), 194 Brando, Marlon, 65 Clurman, Harold, 50 Brantley, Ben, 25, 96 Clybourne Park (2010), 133 Bray, William Robert, 68 Cobb, Lee J., 58 Brecht, Bertolt, 51, 284 Cocteau, Jean, 275 Breen, Joseph, 16, 21 Coen brothers, The 126 Brenman-Gibson, Margaret, 129 Cohen, Carol, 269 Brietzke, Zander, 185 Cohn, Harry, 58 Brighton Rock (novel 1938), 151 Cold War, The, 62 British Film Institute, The, 153 Columbia Pictures, 57, 190 Broadhurst Theater, The, 61 Combs, Robert, 90, 109 Brown vs. the Board of Education, 136 Combs, Sean, 133 Bullough, Bonnie, 134 Come Back, Little Sheba (play 1950; film 1952), Burbank, Rex, 48 91 Buried Child (1978), 204 Cook, David A., 27 Buried Child (1979), 204 Corey, Wendell, 113 Burroughs, William S., 189 Costa Mesa, California, 257 Burton, Richard, 192 Costello, Donald, 170 Butler, Samuel, 238 Coulbourn, John, 283 Counsellor-at-Law (1933), 149 Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (1920), 31 Country (1984), 204 Café Cino, 203 Couvares, Francis, 188 Cahir, Linda, 85 Cowboys, 203 Cahn, Sammy, 48 Craven, Frank, 33, 292 Callender, Colin, 258 Crimes of the Heart (1986), 204 Callens, Johan, 253 Crowther, Bosley, 36 Camino Real (1953), 71 Crucible, The, 127 Canby, Vincent, 213, 218 Cruising Paradise (1996), 204 Cannes Film Festival, 168 Cukor, George, 201 Cannon Films, 211 Cunningham, Frank, 169 Career of a Salesman, The, 66 Curse of the Starving Class (1978), 204 Carey, Gary, 184 Curtiz, Michael, 22 Cargill, Oscar, 186 Carpenter, Frederic, 183 Dark Angel (1935), 149 Carpenter, Frederic I., 186 Davis, Bette, 194 Carter, Betty, 265 Days of Heaven (1978), 204 Cartwright, Veronica, 160 de Rougemont, Denis, 192 Caspar, Drew, 200 Dead End (play 1935; film 1937), 9 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (film 1958), 71 Dead End Kids, The, 18 Cayton, Horace, 133 Death of a Salesman (play 1949; film 1951), 5 CCNY’s Midtown Business Center, 66 “Death of Ivan Ilych, The,” 262 Central Park, 275 Dee, Ruby, 138 Chalfant, Kathleen, 257 Defiant Ones, The (1958), 57 Chandler, Harry, 292 Delinquency Areas (1929), 11 Chang, Chris, 221 Dell, Gabriel, 23 Chicago School of Sociology, 11 Demastes, William W., 4 Children’s Hour, The (play 1934; film 1961), DeRose, David J., 218 149 Dick, Bernard F., 154 Chothia, Jean, 185 Diff’rent (1924), 183 CineCittà Studios, 194 Dixon, Ivan, 289 Cinemascope, 63 Dixon, Thomas, 6 Circle Repertory Theatre, 205 Doherty, Thomas, 188 Citizen Kane (1941), 194 Donne, John, 255, 269 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00065-0 - Modern American Drama on Screen Edited by William Robert Bray and R. Barton Palmer Index More information Index 295 Doucet, Catherine, 292 Gentleman’s Agreement (1947), 75 Drake, St. Clair, 133 Georgetown University, 257 Dramatists’ Guild, The, 116 Geraghty, Christine, 232 Drazan, Anthony, 220–221 German Expressionist cinema, 40 Dunnock, Mildred, 60 Gilbert, James, 25 Dyer, Richard, 179 Gilliat, Penelope, 153 Gitlin, Todd, 57 Eads, Martha Greene, 257, 269 Glaspell, Susan, 7 Ebony, 139 Glass Menagerie, The (play 1944; film 1950), 52 Edinburgh International Film Festival, 258 Glengarry Glen Ross (play 1983; film 1992), 245 Edson, Margaret, 255 Glennon, Bert, 292 Edwards, James, 65 Godard, Jean Luc, 195 Eisenstadt, Debra, 245 Goddard College, 241 Elley, Derek, 285, 288 Goldblatt, Stephen, 289 Embassy Pictures, 291 Gold Coast and the Slum, The (1929), 11 Eros and Civilization, 56 Golden Boy (play 1937; film 1939), 114 Evans, Dixie, 115 Golden Gate Bridge, The, 275 Evans, Richard I., 65 Goldman, Susan, 47 Experimental Theater, Inc., 3 Goldsmith, Lee, 109 Goldstein, Steven, 247 Fagin, N. Bryllion, 186 Goldwyn, Samuel, 9, 16, 56 Fallen Idol, The (1948), 151 Gone with the Wind (novel 1936; film 1939), 39 Feldman, Charles K., 74 Goose and Tomtom (1987), 220 Fellini, Federico, 195 Gorcey, Leo, 21 Ferguson, Otis, 50 Goudsouzian, Aram, 133 Fiedler, John, 289 Graduate, The (1967), 194 Film Comment, 221 Granada Television, 109 Fisher, Carrie, 109 Grant, Barry Keith, 288 Fisher, William J., 186 Granville, Bonita, 151 Foertsch, Jacqueline, 148 Grayson, Bette, 121 Fonda, Henry, 194 Great Depression, The, 11 Fool for Love (1983), 204 Green, Sarah, 291 Foreman, Carl, 63 Greene, Graham, 151 “Forensic and the Navigator,” 204 Greenwich Village, 3 Fortune, 62 Greenwich Village Theater, The, 3 Frances (1982), 204 Greenwood, Jane, 245 Frankenheimer, John, 194 Grieveson, Lee, 27 Franklin, Nancy, 271, 276 Griffin, Sean, 166 Frantzen, Allen, 287 Griffith, D. W., 6 Frazier, E. Franklin, 133, 141 Griffith, Richard, 48 Freedley, Vinton, 51 Group Theatre, The, 79 Freedom, 131 Groves, George, 202 French New Wave, The, 178 Guitry, Sacha, 36 Freud, Sigmund, 104 Frings, Ketti, 132 Haberman, Donald, 47 Frontain, Raymond-Jean, 264 Hagen, Jean, 112 Fuller, A. Howard, 62 Hagen, Uta, 194 Fuller Brush Company, The, 62 Hall, Huntz, 18 Halop, Billy, 22 Galdston, Iago, 266, 270 Hamlet (1948), 46 Garfield, John, 120 Hammett, Dashiell, 153 Garner, James, 152 Hansberry, Lorraine, 130 Gateway Arch, 275 Harries, Martin, 288 Gelb, Arthur and Barbara, 167 Harris, Mark, 200 Genet, Jean, 51 Harry Ransom Center of the University of Texas, 81 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00065-0 - Modern American Drama on Screen Edited by William Robert Bray and R. Barton Palmer Index More information 296 Index Hawk Moon, The (1973), 204 Kantor, Ronald, 47 Hawke, Ethan, 221, 223 Kardiner, Abram, 141 Haworth, Ted, 49 Katz, Sam, 63 Hayes, John Michael, 152 Kaufman, Boris, 291 HBO (Home Box Office), 258 Kazan, Elia, 54 Head, Walter W., 12 Keavy, Hubbard, 28 Hecht, Larry, 219 Keitel, Harvey, 223 Heller, Adele, 3 Kellogg, Robert Leland, 182 Hellman, Lillian, 18, 56 Kelly, Richard, 227 Heroes for Sale (1933), 11 Kennedy, Scott, 30 “Heroin,” 204 Kerouac, Jack, 189 High Noon (1952), 57 King, Martin Luther Jr., 136 Higham, Charles, 108 Kingsley, Sidney, 9 Hill, Anita, 242 Kingston Trio, The, 253 Hill, George, 194 Kinsey, Alfred C., 90 Hitchcock, Alfred, 155 Kirk, Justin, 271 Hoffman, Dustin, 61 Kirwan, Sian, 258 Hoffman, Philip Seymour, 60 Kiss Me Deadly (1955), 127 Holbrook, Hal, 29 Klaver, Elizabeth, 267 Hollywood Ten, 120 Klaw and Erlanger, 6 Holy Modal Rollers, 203 Kliewer, Brent, 254 Home of the Brave (1949), 63 Knopf, Robert, 1 Hopkins, George James, 202 Kolin, Philip C., 59 Hopkins, Miriam, 150, 155 Kramer, Stanley, 57 House of Games (1987), 244 Kruger, Alma, 162, 292 House Un-American Activities Committee Kruger, Steven, 272 (HUAC), 62 Kryzwinska, Tanya, 109 Howe, James Wong, 91 Kullman, Colby H., 67 Humoresque, 114 Kuner, Mildred, 48 Hunter, Kim, 70, 289 Kuper, Theodore, 47 Hurlyburly (play 1984; film 1998), 220 Kushner, Tony, 259, 271 Hurt, William, 223 Hutcheon, Linda, 236 La Belle et la bête (1946), 276 La MaMa E.T.C., 203 I Was a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932), 10 “La Turista,” 204 Ibsen, Henrik, 4 Lahr, John, 253 “Icarus’ Mother,” 204 Landau, Ely, 291 Iceman Cometh, The (1939), 167 Langton, Paul, 112 Iliad, 283 Latham, Caroline, 154 Inge, William, 90 Lawton, Charles Jr., 289 Inherit the Wind (play 1955; film 1960), 57 Le Cage aux folles (1978), 271 Instincts and Their Vicissitudes, 104 Leff, Leonard, 21 Irenaeus, 270 Legion of Decency, The, 21, 54 Ivey, Judith, 223 Lehman, Ernest, 202 Leigh, Vivian, 92 John Meade’s Woman, 22 Leiter, Robert, 235 Johnson, Jeff, 90 Lemmon, Jack, 194 Johnston, Eric, 66 Leon, Kenny, 133 Jones, Derek Anson, 257 Lerner, Michael, 126 Jones, Marcia Mae, 151, 292 LeRoy, Mervyn, 10 Jordan, Bobby, 18 Lesser, Sol, 29 Judgment at Nuremberg (1961), 57 Lev, Peter, 69 Levander, Caroline F., 26 Kane, Leslie, 253 Levine, Joseph E., 291 Kanfer, Stefan, 89 Lewis, Allan, 128 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00065-0 - Modern American Drama on Screen Edited by William Robert Bray and R.
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