April 29, 1952 W. R. STORY 2,595,112 ADHESIVE COLLAR STAY PACKAGE Filed Oct. 15, 1949 INVENTOR, BY 20oo.4 (217, 4- y 21 arroa M/ sys Patented Apr. 29, 1952 2,595,112 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,595,112 ADHES WE COLLAR STAY PACKAGE Walter R. Story, Bellevue, Ky. Application October 15, 1949, Serial No. 121,589 2 Claims. (C. 206-56) 1 s 2 This invention relates to shirt collar stays . Sequently, it will be apparent that the use of and is particularly directed to a self-supporting stays of this type will not only permit a material adhesive stay adapted for use with practically reduction in the manufacturing cost of shirts, any make or style of collar and which may be but the Wearing life of the Shirts Will be sub repeatedly used and re-used on the same shirt stantially prolonged. The stays of this inven Or on different shirts for a great number of tion are adapted for repeated use with the same WearingS. shirt or different shirts having a variety of collar In Order to prevent starched and soft collars styles for a great number of wearings. Thus, from curling and wrinkling, it has been conven in the event that a stay becomes mislaid or lost, tional to stiffen and support the collar wings by 10 it can be easily replaced with a similar stay means of elongated Stays or ribs which are re Without necessitating the construction of a movably held in cloth pockets formed on the substitute fitted to a particular collar pocket. underside of the Wings. Before the shirt is Moreover, the stays of this invention can be laundered, the stays are removed from the pock quickly and conveniently placed in concealed etS SO that they are not bent or broken during 5 Supporting position at any desired angulation laundering or ironing. With respect to the collar Wing without mussing Although pocket-Supported stays have been or soiling the collar, even though the shirt is generally adopted in many medium and high being Worn at the time of attachment. priced shirts, they have not been completely Described in more detail, the collar stay of Satisfactory for a number of reasons. In the 20 this invention comprises a collar tab stiffener first place, the formation of the pockets materi having a face Surfaced wholly or in part, with a ally increases the manufacturing cost, so much preSSure-responsive adhesive which is effective as to make their use impracticable in shirts of to hold the Stay in association with the fabric the leSS expensive grades. Consequently, the of the collar Wing. In use, the stay is placed Collars of inexpensive shirts have no provisions 25 in concealed position against the undersurface for Supporting the stays and, in their absence, of the collar wing where it remains until it is Wrinkle or curl without restraint. forcibly removed. Although the bond estab Moreover, the sizes of the pockets and stays lished, under finger pressure, between the collar are not standard, between shirts but vary con fabric and the adhesive material is quite strong siderably with the make and cut of the collar and Will not permit accidental forceless detach With the result that it is usually not possible to ment of the stay, the adhesive selected has a interchange stays between different collars. greater affinity for the material of the stay than Hence, if a stay for any particular shirt becomes it does for the shirt fabric. Hence, When the lost or broken, it is virtually impossible to find a stay is removed from the shirt, the adhesive ready made replacement and the user must im adheres firmly to the stay surface and detaches provise a stay from a stiff material, such as card from the collar cleanly without leaving residual board, alter a stay designed for another shirt, or Spots of the adhesive clinging to the collar fabric. do without. In Order to keep the adhesive in a tacky con Because the stay pocket openings are usually dition and to prevent it from air drying when not located near the collar neckband and are self 40 attached to a shirt collar, this invention also closing to prevent the stay from working out contemplates the provision of a protective fac of the pocket, it is difficult or annoying for the ing Strip which is adapted to be placed over user to insert and remove the stays from the the adhesive face of the stay, thereby shielding pockets without wrinkling or soiling the collar, the adhesive from air and preventing the ac particularly if the Wearer has forgotten to place 45 cumulation of dust, dirt and foreign particles the stays in the pockets before putting on the Which would otherwise tend prematurely to de shirt. Wire stays, on the other hand, are ob prive the stay of its adhesive characteristics. jectionable because they are held in place by When the stay is to be used, the facing strip is collar penetrating cleats, which tear or fray the renoved and the stay is pressed into place on collar fabric. 50 the underside of the collar. During use, the This invention is directed to the provision of collar fabric supplants the facing strip as the a Self-Supporting, self-adhering collar stay ca protective shield for the adhesive. m pable of being utilized on a shirt collar without Other advantages of this invention will be the aid of external supporting means such as apparent to those skilled in the art from the stay pocketS or collar penetrating cleats. Con 55 following description of the drawings in which: 2,595,112 3 4. Figure 1 is a front view of a series of paired does not leave Spots of adhesive clinging to the stays mounted on a card in a manner con collar which would be difficult to remove. By Wenient for merchandizing, showing one pair the same token, the collar does not pull the removed. adhesive from the stiffener and the stiffener Figure 2 is a front view of an individual stay retains its adhesive over long periods of use. showing the non-collar engaging side of the stay. While a preSSure-responsive adhesive is pre Figure 3 is a view showing the collar engaging ferred and entirely suitable for use in conjunc side of the stay with the facing strip peeled back tion with this stay, the invention also contem to expose the adhesive. plates the use of a heat-responsive adhesive. Figure 4 is a front view of a shirt showing the O If the latter type of adhesive is used in the stay, nanner in Which the stay is attached. it may be utilized to advantage in laundries Figure 5 is an enlarged fragmentary side view. or in Shirt manufacturing plants where the stay of a preferred embodiment of this invention may be placed in position on the collar and the which is slightly different from the embodiments adhesive activated by a hot iron during the ShOWin in Figures 2 and 3. Shirt preSSing operation. As best seen in Figures 2 and 3, a typical collar A convenient means for marketing and han stay which is constructed in accordance With dling the adhesive collar stays of this invention this invention comprises; a generally rectangu is shown in Figure 1. A rectangular cardboard lar stiffener or rib 0 which, forms the main panel 6 Serves as a Support and mount for the body of the stay. The lower edge of the Stiffeiner StayS. A heavy paper backing sheet 7 is de is angulated as at to conform to the angular tachably fastened to one face of the panel by point of the collar Wing. As best seen in Figure any convenient means such as spots of adhesive 3, one face of the stiffener is coated with a pres or cement, and can readily be detached there Sure-responsive adhesive 2. In the embodi from by a quick pull. Pressed on the face of ment shown, the entire face is covered With ad 2 5 the backing sheet are a Series of complementary hesive but it Will be apparent to those skilled pairs of Stifieners. Each pair includes a stiffener in the art that the adhesive can be applied in 8 for the left collar wing and a stiffener 9 for strategically located areas or SpotS Without de the right collar Wing. The respective pairs are parting from the Spirit of this invention, held to the facing Strip by means of the pressure The stiffener rib can be formed from a variety 30 responsive adhesive on the underside of the of stiff material such as thin metal, or heavy stiffener. When it is desired to use a pair of paper or cardboard. However, I have successfully StayS, a right and left stiffener are peeled from utilized and prefer a stiffener fabricated from the the back of the sheet and applied to the shirt vinyl chloride-Vinyl acetate copolymer resin, Collar. During the removal of the stays the containing stabilizers necessary to produce the backing sheet is held to the panel by means of desired end product. the paste or cement previously described. After In order to keep the exposed surface of the USe, the stays are then pressed back into the adhesive tacky and to prevent it from air-drying, vacated position on the backing sheet. a facing strip 3 formed from paper is Supplied One of the chief advantages of this construc to cover the exposed adhesive Surface. The fac- : tion resides in the fact that it is not necessary ing strip is configurated to cover the adhesive to utilize individual facing strips which easily contact areas and it may be provided with a tab become lost when not attached to the stiffener.
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