November 14, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 37093 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TI:ME OF MEMORIES HERE FOR Mrs. Eisenhower '"rlngs for her breakfast All gifts from heads of state were sent MAMIE at 8:30 a.m." at her farm bome near here, to the Eisenhower Museum in Abilene, Kans. although she often awakes an hour earlier. The home and farm wlll become a public "Do you like to maintain a busy schedule?" shrine--and operated by the National Parks HON. GEORGE A. GOODLING she was asked. Service of the U.S. Dept. of Interior-after OF PENNSYLVANIA Mrs. Eisenhower, in reply, said that she Mrs. Eisenhower's death. She is entitled to likes a busy schedule, but does conserve her continue to live there as long as she wishes IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES strength. to do so. Wednesday, November 14, 1973 Gen. Eisenhower rested at noon after his Mrs. Eisenhower said she will leave some luncheon, she recalled. of the furniture in the residence, but will Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, today, Does Mrs. Eisenhower have special hobbies? give the remainder to her grandchildren, and November 14, 1973, is the bi.rlhdate an­ She answered in the negative. She does have son, John Eisenhower, who resides in Phoe­ niversary of Mamie Doud Eisenhower. a kitchen garden and a rose garden but she nixvllle. I have the high honor and privilege doesn't work in either one herself. of claiming Mamie as a constituent for, As for acceptance of invitations to par­ PEACE FOREVER as all of us know, she resides in historic ticipate in civic or related projects, Gettys­ Gettysburg, Pa. burg's first citizen said she gets all kinds or requests, and "will accept anything that is Birthdays always seem to suggest age, a worthy project." HON. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI because they are a measure of time. How­ Mrs. Eisenhower is active in the Gettysburg OF n.LINOIS ever, in Mamie's case an exception can Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution. m THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be claimed, for it can be said that she She is honorary chairman of hundreds of is, in truth, 77 years young. organizations throughout the country. Wednesday, November 14, 1973 She is very active, both around her After reading and answering letters (she Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, tn home and in community affairs. She re­ declines face-to-face personal news media many PB.l'ts of the country, Veterans Day ceives a heavy stream of correspondence interviews) , Mrs. Eisenhower relaxes by play­ is still being commemorated on the tra­ ing cards with "old friends'~, reading or from all parts of the world, and much watching televtston. ditional date of November 11, and this of her time is spent in answering this. One o! her husband's closest military was the case in many communities in the She is also active in club and social friends, Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, former State of Illinois. work, contributing a great deal of her SUpreme Allied Commander in Europe and A weekly newspaper which serves sev­ time to drives designed to accomplish an Ike bridge partner, will participate in a eral communities. in my district, the real social services. While she is not eager convocation marking the Eisenhower birth­ Press Publications, carried an editorial to accept. speaking engagements, she day anniversary at 11 a.m., Thursday, on November 11 that emphasizes the never turns aside any worthwhile causes. Oct. 18, at Gettysburg College Student Union considerations that should be made for Mamie Dond Eisenhower is a remark­ building. (Gruenther was unable to be pres­ the cause of peace. The article follows: able and charming woman, and I join ent, had the event been held Oct. 14.) The public is invited to the observance. PEACE FOREVER with the host of people from all over the Friends close to the Eisenhowers remem­ There are a few strange individuals who world in extending her a happy birth­ ber Ike's standard procedure when touring profess to believe that by ignoring Veterans day greeting. May the years before her the nation, or while abroad; he would intro­ Day they are showing their disgust for war­ reflect the happy and meaningful years duce his wife this way: ,.Now I want you to fare and killing. of the past. meet my Mamie." But most of those who participate in such An article that appeared in the Octo­ The late President and Mamie were ex­ ceremonies know that 0'! all persons, veter­ ber 7, 1973, issue of the Sunday Patriot­ tremely fond of their grandchildren, and. ans are most in opposition to battle, kllling News of Harrisburg provides some highly he expressly enjoyed taking David along on and other acts of aggression. the golf course. David is married to Julie The prisoners of war in Vietnam are fresh interesting background information on Nixon, daughter o-r President Nixon, who in our memory, and there were several from Mamie Doud Eisenhower. On this occa­ was Eisenhower's vice-president. DuPage county who lived !or years under sion of her birthday, I submit this article Mrs. Eisenhower recalled that when young strict Communist supervision. But there are to the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD and com­ the grandchildren loved to put on plays and many others who, in prior wars, were taken mend it to the attention of my col­ liked children's movies." into custody and held as prisoners of war. leagues: (David Eisenhower, who is presently a law Far too many others were kllled in battle. school student, will be the featured speaker There are many slogans about patriotism REMEMBER INTEGRITY, SHE AsKs: TIME OF such as "peace with honor" and "anything MEMORIES HERE FOR :MAMIE at the annual York-Adams County Scholastic worth having is worth fighting for" and simi­ (By Harry McLaughlin) Press Assn. conference at York's William Penn Senior High School on Tuesday after­ lar catch phrases which may sound pretty GE'rrYSBURG.-Mamie Doud Eisenhower, noon, Oct. 16. He formerly attended Gettys­ but don't have much meaning for a person who !our years and seven months ago was burg High School, which is a long-time mem­ being shot at. widowed by the death o! President Dwight D. ber of the school press association.) Veterans Day is a fine time to exhibit patriotism and surely there is a great need Eisenhower, hopes future generati-ons wlll The former First Lady said she doesn't remember him !or his "honesty, integrity and envision any members of the Eisenhower for allegiance and support of the democratic patriotism:' all family becoming actively engaged in politics principles that men are created equal and Om.e week !rom today, world attention or government. endowed with certain rights which cannot be again will be focused on the anniversary taken away from him. salute to Ike's 83rd birthday. His friends and David's name has been mentioned from This Veterans Day would be a wonderful time to time as a possible candidate for the neighbors, however, wll1 celebrate ~t on time for every citizen to pause and take cog­ Thursday. Oct. 18, at Gettysburg College. U.S. House of Representative from the 19th nizance o!f two things. In a written reply to questions answered District of York, Adams and Cumberland Counties, but he and his wife, Julie, botb Rights which can be conferred can almost exclusively !or the Sunday Patriot-News, Mrs. as easily be denied. They can be denied by Eisenhower lists '"the freedom to live in her reject the idea-at least for the moment. They are both registered Adams County force of arms or in a court of law, by preju­ own home--after the White House yea.rs" as dice, !ear or ignorance, by lack of concern or one of her cherished moments. Republicans, and last Fall joined his grand­ mother in voting for her father for president. wlllingness to protect and insure them, and Mrs. Eisenhower, who wlll celebrate her by many other ways. own 77th birthday on Nov. 14, especially "Yes," Mamie Eisenhower told The Sun­ noted two cherished moments: day Patriot-News, she would urge "young Also, we should give serioU3 thought not "When Gen. Eisenhower received his first people to enter politics." about war itself but the causes of armed star; and at Columbia University, the satis­ Her late husband-Mrs. Eisenhower said conflict, the ideologies which tolerate force faction it gave my husband to deal with assuredly-would be pleased with both the to impose a belief or a way of life upon un­ young folks." growth of Eisenhower College, in Seneca concerned or unwilling citizens. The former First Lady nf'ver has a boring Falls, N.Y., and the success of the Eisenhower This Nov. 11 in the observance of Veter­ day. .Just keeping up with her mall from Society scholarship program at Gettysburg ans Day let us think about. what the veterans friends. and answering letters with the assist­ College. were fighting for, and vow that we will find ance of her personal secretary, Mrs. Ethel The Eisenhower farm daily attracts many peaceful methods of insuring that those M. Wetzel, could cover an eight-hour session. tourists, but only a few have ever seen the goals will be met and maintained ... peace She has an o.tnce in the Gettysburg Post interior of the home, which Is :t'urn!shed with on earth to all men ... not just in our time Office building. items the family has had for years. but for all time. 37094 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Novembe1" 14, 1973 GASOLINE MILEAGE THE AGNEW CASE: EQUAL JUSTICE? the country through the long ordeal of a trial and the resultant verdict and sentenc­ ing, but very few black Americans can read­ ily accept the two-tier system of criminal HON.
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