Book of Abstract Collective Electronic Excitations in 2D FP7 INDEX Conference Scuola Normale Superiore | Pisa IT September 20-24 | 2015 Organizing Scientific Committee François Dubin, ICFO (ES), Vittorio Pellegrini, Scuola Normale Superiore & IIT (IT), Aron Pinczuk, Columbia University (USA), David Ritchie, University of Cambridge (UK), Massimo Rontani, Cnr Nano (IT), Thomas Satzoukidis, Scuola Normale Superiore (IT), Masha Vladimirova, CNRS (FR). Organizing Committee Thomas Satzoukidis, Elisa Guidi, Gisella Chiné, Scuola Normale Superiore (IT), Luisa Neri, CNR NANO (IT). Websites http://web.nano.cnr.it/CEE2D/ http://indexitn.coulomb.univ-montp2.fr/ CEE2D | PISA IT | 2015 3 INDEX PROGRAM 5 POSTER SESSION 9 ABSTRACTS OF TALKS 11 ABSTRACTS OF POSTERS 40 INDEX PROGRAM POSTER SESSION ABSTRACTS OF TALKS ABSTRACTS OF POSTERS CEE2D | PISA IT | 2015 5 PROGRAM Sunday September 20th 18:30 Welcome cocktail, Sala Gran Priore in Scuola Normale Superiore. Monday September 21st 08:30-09:15 Registration 09:15-09:30 Conference opening: V. Pellegrini, M. Rontani Aleksey K. Fedorov, Russian Quantum Center, Moscow (RU) & LPTMS, CNRS (FR)* 09:30-10:15 Roton Phenomena of weakly interacting dipolar excitons in a semiconductor layer Anton Nalitov, Clermont Ferrand University (FR) 10:15-10:45 Topological polariton states and Kibble-Zurek mechanism in zigzag chains of pillar microcavities 10:45-11:15 Coffee Break Cory Dean, Columbia University (US)* 11:15-12:00 Hofstadter’s Butterfly in the strongly interacting regime Massimo Rontani, CNR NANO S3, Modena (IT)* 12:00-12:45 Giant orbital magnetic moment and spin-orbit coupling of a carbon nanotube as an excitonic insulator 12:45-14:30 Lunch Break Serguei Andreev, CNRS, Orsay (FR) 14:30-15:00 Resonantly paired gas of dipolar excitons Fedor Fedickhin, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, University of Montpellier (FR)* 15:00-15:30 Transport of indirect excitons in polar GaN/AlGaN quantum well structures grown on sapphire and GaN substrates Dario Ballarini, NNL Istituto di Nanotecnologie CNR, Lecce (IT) 15:30-16:00 Non linear interactions in high-speed organic polariton flow at room temperature 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break Andrea Gamucci, Laboratorio Nest Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (IT)* 16:30-17:15 Evidence for electron-hole pairing in graphene-GaAs double layers Guido Pupillo, CNRS Strasbourg (FR) 17:15-17:45 Cavity enhanced transport of excitons and charge 6 www.web.nano.cnr.it/CEE2D Tuesday September 22nd Yuliya Kuznetsova, Columbia University, New York, NY (US)* 09:00-09:45 Artificial Graphene: Lattices in Nano-patterned Semiconductors François Dubin, ICFO (ES)* 09:45-10:30 Looking for the dark exciton condensate 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break Daniele Sanvitto, NNL Istituto di Nanotecnologie CNR (IT)* 11:00-11:45 Quantum fluid dynamics of polariton condensates Ursula Wurstbauer, Technische Universität München TUM & Nanosystems 11:45-12:30 Initiative Munich NIM (DE)* Confocal shift interferometry of coherent emission from trapped dipolar excitons Free afternoon, social event, dinner Wednesday September 23rd Jeremy Baumberg, University of Cambridge (UK)* 09:00-09:45 Ultralow Energy Switching of Ferromagnetic Condensates in Semiconductor Microcavities Masha Vladimirova, CNRS & Université de Montpellier (FR)* 09:45-10:30 Spin coherence in coupled quantum wells amended by in-plane magnetic field 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-11:45 Alexey Kavokin, University of Southampton (UK)* Jelena Klinovaja, University of Basel (CH)* 11:45-12:30 Engineering Topological Quantum States: From 1D to 2D 12:30-14:30 Lunch break Peristera Andreakou, Laboratoire de Photonique et Nanostructures, CNRS, Marcoussis (FR)* 14:30-15:15 Transport of indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells: Basic physics and devices Karsten Leding Vendelbjerg, Cnr Nano S3 & University of Modena & Reggio 15:15-15:45 Emilia, Modena (IT) Manipulation of spin transfer torque using light CEE2D | PISA IT | 2015 7 15:45-16:15 Coffee break 16:15-18:30 Poster session 18:30-20:00 SB meeting Index Project 20:00-22:00 INDEX dinner Thursday September 24th Rainer Mahrt, IBM Research Zurich (CH)* 09:00-09:45 Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Polymer: Towards Quantum Simulation Ugo Siciliani de Cumis, University of Cambridge (UK) 09:45-10:15 Electronic transport and optical properties of electrically-generated electron- hole bilayers with minimum inter-layer separation Vanik Shahnazaryan, University of Iceland, Reykjavik (IS) 10:15-10:45 Adiabatic preparation of a cold exciton condensate 10:45-11:15 Coffee break Marco Polini, IIT Graphene Labs & Nest Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (IT)* 11:15-12:00 Collective non-local transport in graphene heterostructures Federico Grasselli, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia & Cnr Nano S3, 12:00-12:30 Modena (IT) Time-Dependent Quantum Dynamics of 2D Spatially Indirect Excitons 12:30-14:30 Lunch break Carlo Andrea Rozzi, CNR NANO S3, Modena (IT)* 14:30-15:15 Ultrafast dynamics in light-harvesting and photovoltaics: a theoretical and experimental investigation Gabriel Gil, Cnr Nano S3 & University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Modena (IT) 15:15-15:45 Excitation energy transfer in hybrid nano-systems by a multi-scale beyond- Förster approach 15:45 Conference closing, discussion remarks * Invited Speaker 8 www.web.nano.cnr.it/CEE2D INDEX PROGRAM POSTER SESSION ABSTRACTS OF TALKS ABSTRACTS OF POSTERS CEE2D | PISA IT | 2015 9 POSTER SESSION Room-Temperature Rectification In Graphene/LAO/STO Heterostructures 40 I. Aliaj, E. di Gennaro, V. Miseikis, I. Torre, A. Gamucci, C. Coletti, M. Polini, F. M. Granozio, V. Pellegrini, F. Beltram, and S. Roddaro Macroscopic Occupation Of Dark Excitonic States In A Trap 41 Mussie Beian, Mathieu Alloing, Romain Anankine, Edmond Cambril, Carmen Gomez Carbonell, Aristide Lemaître, and François Dubin Lateral Transport Of Indirect Exciton Spins In Double Quantum Well Structures 42 S. Büyükköse, C. Hubert, A. Violante, and P. V. Santos Oxide Heterostructures As A Possible Innovative Road For Studying Indirect Excitons 43 L. Maritato, A. Galdi, C. Sacco, and D.G. Schlom Cavity Polaritons Under The Influence Of The Landau Quantization, Rashba Spin-Orbit 44 Coupling, Zeeman Splitting And Gyrotropy Effects S. A. Moskalenko, I.V. Podlesny, E.V. Dumanov, and M.A. Liberman Magnetoexciton In Nanoring Of Non-Uniform Thickness 45 L. C. Porras and I. D. Mikhailov Biased Controlled Dipole Oriented Polariton Bistability 46 Pramod K Sharma, Simeon I. Tsintzos, Gabriel Christmann, Zacharias Hatzopoulos, Jeremy J Baumberg, and Pavlos G Savvidis Exciton Dynamics In Disk-Like Quantum Dots With A Magnetic Impurity 47 V. Moldoveanu, I. V. Dinu, R. Dragomir, and B. Tanatar Quantum Rings And Quantum Dots: Optical Properties And Annealing Process 48 M. Triki, D. Elmaghraoui, and S. Jaziri 10 www.web.nano.cnr.it/CEE2D INDEX PROGRAM POSTER SESSION ABSTRACTS OF TALKS ABSTRACTS OF POSTERS CEE2D | PISA IT | 2015 11 ROTON PHENOMENA OF WEAKLY INTERACTING DIPOLAR EXCITONS IN A SEMICONDUCTOR LAYER A.K. Fedorov1,2, I.L. Kurbakov3, and. Yu.E. Lozovik3 1Russian Quantum Center, Skolkovo, Moscow 143025, Russia 2LPTMS, CNRS, Univ Paris Sud, Universite Paris-Saclay, Orsay 91405, France 3Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow 142190, Russia Many-body systems with dipole-dipole interaction provide an interface between physics of strongly and weakly correlated quantum matter. The anisotropy and the region of attraction of the dipole- dipole interaction potential provide a set of interesting many-body phenomena. In the limit of strongly correlated system of in-plane dipoles, the ground state of the system has the chain structure; the 3D system of parallel dipoles has the chain structure as well. Being typical for strongly correlated systems, local minimum in a non-monotonic excitation spectrum – roton-maxon character – originally observed in liquid helium appears in a weakly interacting gas [1]. This facts itself opens fascinating a prospective for revealing of non- conventional structural properties of dipolar condensates close to the threshold of instability. In this contribution, we predict the formation of the roton-maxon excitation spectrum and the roton instability effect for a weakly correlated Bose gas of dipolar excitons [2]. The formation of the roton minimum and the roton instability is the result of important features of the dipole- dipole interaction – anisotropy and attraction region – as well as the layer geometry, which passes through unstable 3D and stable 2D regimes. According to numerical estimations, the threshold of the roton instability for Bose-Einstein condensed exciton gas with roton-maxon spectrum is achievable experimentally in GaAs semiconductor layers. References [1] L. Santos, G.V. Shlyapnikov, and M. Lewenstein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 250403 (2003). [2] A.K. Fedorov, I.L. Kurbakov, and Yu.E. Lozovik, Phys. Rev. B 90, 165430 (2014). 12 www.web.nano.cnr.it/CEE2D TOPOLOGICAL POLARITON STATES AND KIBBLE-ZUREK MECHANISM IN ZIGZAG CHAINS OF PILLAR MICROCAVITIES D. D. Solnyshkov, A. V. Nalitov, and G. Malpuech Institut Pascal, PHOTON-N2, Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, 4 Avenue Blaise Pascal, 63178 Aubière Cedex, France. We theoretically consider a zigzag chain of coupled pillar microcavities, taking into account the polarization. We show that the TE-TM splitting leads to the appearance of topological polariton states at the edges of the chain. Their polarization depends on the parity of the number of pillars. This follows from a tight-binding model and is confirmed by full numerical simulations.
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