INDEX From Jarvis’s Secret Files Alcibiades (Plato), 74–75 Black Widow, 84, 87–88, 120, 156, 188, allegory of the cave, 20 204–205, 208–209. See also Romanova, American monomyth, 162–163 Natasha Anscombe, G. E. M., 159 Blonde Phantom, 64 Ant-Man. See Lang, Scott; O’Grady, Eric; body theory, 44–45 Pym, Henry “Hank” Bor, 14 appreciative-love, 195–196 Bowie, David, 47–48, 49, 53 Aquinas, Saint Thomas 159 Braddock, Brian (Captain Britain), 28 Arendt, Hannah, 84–85 Braddock, Elizabeth (Psylocke), 28 Ares, 25, 26, 73, 77–78, 184 Bradley, Eli (Patriot), 29 arête, 99, 101, 103, 104–107, 109, 110 Bradley, Isaiah, 29, 124–125. See also Aristotle, 33, 99, 101–102, 103, 109, Captain America 114–115, 119, 195 Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, 87–88, 118 Asgardians, 6, 14–15, 186. See also Siege of Bullseye, 21, 23, 24, 73, 77 Asgard Butler, Bishop Joseph, 85–86 Augustine, Saint, 172 Byrne, John, 58–59, 62, 64–66 Austin, Terry, 65 Cabal, 18, 78 Banner, Bruce, 60, 158. See also Hulk Cage, Luke (Power Man), 104–107, 121, Barnes, Bucky, 6, 34, 35, 47, 49–51, 166. 148, 156–157 See also Captain America Campbell, Joseph, 162 Barton, Barney,COPYRIGHTED 204 Captain MATERIAL America Barton, Clint, 24, 49, 54, 83, 106–107, 148, change and, 156, 157–158 204–219. See also Hawkeye character and, 28–29, 34, 35, 36, 39 Beetle, 121 ethics and, 5–6, 8–10, 11–15 Ben, Uncle, 164 forgiveness and, 87–88, 89, 92 Bentham, Jeremy, 7 identity and, 44–45, 48–51, 54 Bishop, Kate (Hawkeye), 49, 212 justice and, 19 Black Knight (Dane Whitman), 86 political community and, 99, 103, 106 Black Panther, 28, 34, 208 rehabilitation and, 113, 114 227 bbindex.inddindex.indd 222727 225/01/125/01/12 22:55:55 PPMM 228 INDEX Captain America (continued ) doctrine of double effect, 159–161, 163 self-awareness and, 64 Doris, John M., 115–117 Taoism and, 205, 206, 210–211 Dreaming Celestial, 190 time travel and, 180 Captain Marvel, 25, 132, 137–140 Einstein, Albert, 172–173, 174, 175, Carter, Sharon (Agent 13), 9, 12 177–178 cave, allegory of the, 20 Eisenhardt, Magda, 30 Celestials, 185, 189 Eisenhardt, Max, 30 Chaos King, 185, 186 Eros, 195, 197–199 character, 28–40 Eternity, 185, 188 accountability and, 37–39 ethics. See deontology; utilitarianism; childhood experience and, 34–35 virtue ethics moral exemplarism and, 32–34, eudaimonia, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 36–37 108, 109–110 parental responsibility for, 29–31, 35–37, 39–40 Fantastic, Mr. (Reed Richards), 105 rehabilitation and, 115–119, 125–126 Fantastic Four, 92, 184, 190 Cho, Amadeus, 108 Foot, Philippa, 159, 163 Chronology Protection Conjecture, Forever Crystal, 180 178, 181 forgiveness, 83–97 Chthon, 185 avenging and, 95–96 Chuang Tzu, 207–209, 213 offering, 87–88 closed timelike curves, 176 paradox of, 94–95 Collector, 185 predicament of irreversibility and, Contact (Sagan), 177 83–87 Coogan, Peter, 164 redemption and, 83–84 Cooper, Valerie, 50 repentance and, 90–92 Crimson Dynamo, 7–8 third-party forgiveness, 88–90 Crossfi re, 211 unforgivable crime and, 92–94 Crystal, 173 Forms (Plato), 20, 185 Freeman, Duane, 191 Daken, 21 Fritz, 202 Danvers, Carol (Ms. Marvel), 25, 30, Frost, Byron, 38 102–104, 105, 138 Frost, Loretta, 38 Dark Avengers Fury, Nick, 18, 25, 51, 73, 77, 155–157, change and, 159 160, 165–166 justice and, 18–20, 21, 22–27 political community and, 108 Gaea, 185, 186, 188 power and, 72–74, 78 Galactus, 65, 185, 189 rehabilitation and, 122–123 Giant-Man, 52–54. See also Pym, Henry values and, 143, 149 “Hank” Deadpool, 59 gift-love, 195–196, 199 Death, 185 Glaucon, 22–23, 25 deontology, 6, 8-10, 15-16, 142–144 Gödel, Kurt, 176, 178 just war theory and, 139–140 Goliath, 47, 52–54, 187, 204, 209. See also Derrida, Jacques, 94–95 Barton, Clint Devak, 190 Gorgias, 72 divine gift-love, 199 Grandmaster, 116–117, 185 Doctor Doom, 92 Graviton, 187 Doctor Strange, 103, 106, 145–146, Green Goblin, 18, 24, 71, 75–76. See also 183–184, 189 Osborn, Norman bbindex.inddindex.indd 222828 225/01/125/01/12 22:55:55 PPMM INDEX 229 Gremlin, 96 Jewett, Robert, 162–163 Gyges, ring of, 22–23 Jones, Jessica, 102–107, 110 Jones, Rick, 132, 140 H.A.M.M.E.R., 18, 19, 72, 73, 158–159 Juggernaut, 67 Hand, Victoria, 73, 78 justice, 18–27 Hate (Sire), 185 being and, 25–26 Hawkeye belief and, 26–27 change and, 159 evil and, 22–23 character and, 35 identity and, 21 forgiveness and, 83, 85, 87–88, 91–92 knowledge and, 23–25 identity and, 49, 54 metaphysics and, 19–20 justice and, 18–19, 21, 24 just war theory, 131–141 power and, 73, 77 cause and, 133–135 rehabilitation and, 113, 114, 115–117, consequentialism and, 138–140 119, 120, 121, 122, 125–126 justifi cation and, 135–138 Taoism and, 209, 214 morality and, 132–133 values and, 144, 151 values and, 146–148 See also Barton, Clint Hawking, Stephen, 178, 181 Kang, 84, 99, 123–125, 171–174, 175–176, Heimdall, 77 177–178, 179–181 Hela, 15 Kant, Immanuel, 139 Hera, 187, 189 Kirby, Jack, 184 Hercules, 108, 109, 184 Klaw, Ulysses, 34 hero’s journey, 162 Kooky Quartet, 87-88, 113-119, 125-126. Hill, Maria, 24–25 See also Captain America; Hawkeye; Hood, 123 Quicksilver; Scarlet Witch Hulk, 8, 57, 99, 108, 147, 148, 158, 172, Kree, 2, 131–140, 209, 211–214 187, 188, 189 Kronos, 185 Hyde, Mr., 187 Lang, Cassie (Stature), 32–34 identity, 43–56 Lang, Scott (Ant-Man), 32–34, 36, 105 body theory of, 44–45 Lao Tzu, 205–207, 210, 211, 212, 214 justice and, 21 Lawrence, John Shelton, 162–163 mantle theory of, 47–51, 52–55 Lee, Stan, 184 “psychology” theory of, 45–46 Le Fay, Morgan, 24 self-awareness and, 59–61 Lehnsherr, Erik. See Magneto values and, 148–150 Lewis, C. S., 195, 197–199 Illuminati, 158 Liberators, 156 Immortus, 171–172, 179–180. See also Kang Living Tribunal, 185 Invisible Woman (Sue Richards), 105, 185 Locke, John, 45 Iron Lad, 124–125, 172, 180–181. See also Loki, 14, 76, 99, 187 Kang Lord Nightmare, 186 Iron Man, 5–15, 35, 39, 43, 87–88, love, 194–203 108–109, 116, 145, 191, 205, 210. appreciative-love, 195–196 See also Stark, Tony friendship and, 195, 196–198 Iron Patriot (Norman Osborn), 74 gift-love, 195–196, 199 need-love, 195–196 Jameson, J. Jonah, 148 ontology and, 191 Jarvis, 107, 108 personhood and, 194, 199–201 Jenkins, Abner, 121 pragmatic maxim and, 201–202 Jesus, 184, 189 unreciprocated, 198–199 bbindex.inddindex.indd 222929 225/01/125/01/12 22:55:55 PPMM 230 INDEX Love (Mistress), 185 Noh-Varr, 25, 26, 75 Love-Himself, 199 numerical identity, 44–45 lying, 142-153 secrets and, 144 Odin, 186, 188 O’Grady, Eric (Ant-Man), 36 MACH-1, 121 Omni-Wave Projector, 137–140 Madame Masque, 38 Onslaught, 120 Magneto, 30–31, 33, 37, 87–88, ontology, 183–193 117–119, 213 defi nitions, 187–189 mantle theory, 47–55 as equal opportunity, 191 Marvel, Ms., 18, 21, 25, 26, 30, 102–104, God and gods, 184–187 110, 159. See also Danvers, Carol moral goodness and, 189–191 Mar-Vell, 200. See also Captain Marvel Order, Master, 185 Mason, Louise “Weezie,” 61–62, Osborn, Norman 63–64, 68 change and, 154, 158–159, 165–166 Mason, Mark, 64 ethics and, 6, 14 Masque, Madame, 38 justice and, 18–20, 21, 22–27 Masters of Evil, 21, 86 political community and, 99, 108 Maximoff, Django, 30 power and, 71–79 Maximoff, Marya, 30 rehabilitation and, 122–123 Maximoff, Pietro. See Quicksilver values and, 149 Maximoff, Wanda. See Scarlet Witch McCloskey, Deirdre, 12 paradox of forgiveness, 94–95 Mephisto, 189 Parker, Peter, 10, 104, 164. See also metaphysics Spider-Man identity and, 44–45 Patriot (Eli Bradley), 29, 124–125 justice and, 19–20 Peirce, Charles S., 201–202 self-awareness and “metafi ction,” 58–59, philia, 99, 101–102, 103, 106, 110 61–62, 64–67 Phobos, 77–78 MGH (Mutant Growth Hormone), Plato, 19–20, 21, 22–23, 25, 74–75, 185, 195 124–125 political community, 98–112 Mighty Avengers, 32 arête and, 99, 101, 103, 104–107, 109, 110 Milgram, Stanley, 115 defi ned, 100–102 Mockingbird (Bobbie Morse), 107, 205 eudaimonia and, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, Modok, 99 105, 108, 109–110 Moonstone (Karla Sofen), 21, 26, 120, 121 philia and, 99, 101–102, 103, 106, 110 moral exemplarism, 32–34, 36–37 polis, defi ned, 99–100 moral goodness, 189–191 society and, 100–102 Morse, Bobbie (Mockingbird), 107, 205 zoon politikon, 100 Polus, 72 Namor the Submariner, 64, 75, 99 Popeye, 65 Narcissus, 198 positive duties, 163–165 need-love, 195–196 power, 71–79 Nefaria, Count Luchino, 38 authenticity and, 74–78 Nefaria, Giulietta (Madame Masque), 38 responsibility and, 78–79 negative duties, 163–165 sophistry and, 72–74 Nelson, William, 39–40 Power Man. See Cage, Luke Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 101–102, pragmatic maxim, love and, 201–202 114–115 predicament of irreversibility, 83–87 Niebuhr, Reinhold, 206 Punisher, 9 bbindex.inddindex.indd 223030 225/01/125/01/12 22:55:55 PPMM INDEX 231 Pym, Henry “Hank” character and, 30, 35, 37 change and, 158 forgiveness and, 83–84, 87–88, 93–94 character and, 29–30, 31, 37 love and, 194, 196–198, 199–201 ethics and, 5 rehabilitation and, 113, 117–119 forgiveness and, 92–94, 96 Taoism and, 205, 211–214 identity and, 44, 45, 46, 47–49, 52–54 time travel and, 173–174 political community and, 107–109 values and, 151 rehabilitation and, 123 Secret Avengers, 149–151, 166 Taoism and, 209 secrets, 142-153 values and, 143, 148 lying and, 144 Segar, E.
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