CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 VOLUME IX-MADRAS PART X-i VOLUME-II DISTRICT CENSUS llANDBOOR COIMBA~rORE p_ K. NAMIHAR . of the Indian Administrative Service SUPlIIB.INTEliDlllNX OF OENSUS O.PEBATIONS, MADB.A.S PRINTBD AND PUBLISHED BY TlP!I DIRECTOR OF STATIONERY AlID p.B.INTmG~ MADRAS 1964. This ;s the second part of the District Census Hand Book on Coimba:t0re containing the following statistical information :- I. Village _Directory 2. Official Statistics 3. Gazetteer of Place Names 4. Calendar of Outstandi~g Occurrences It also contains nine taluk maps. I wish to acknowledge the able assistance given by the following members O! my staff in the preparation and presentation of the statistics contained in thlt Volume: ' Sri D. Ranganathan, Tabulation Officer ., Sri A. V. Vallinatha'n, Statistical Assistant Sri C. K. Somasundaran, Upper Division Clerk Sri C. Gangadharan, Lower Division Clerk It has bee n possible to get the two volumes on Coimbatore printed in Government Press, Madras because of the special interest taken by SrJ._ M. M. Rajendran, the then Director of Stationery & Printing, Madras. The present Director Sri E. C. P. Prabhakar and his staff have also done their best to complete the printing in time. In view of the heavy workload in the Government Press, the Government of Madras have been pleased to authorise the printing of District Census Hand Books in private presses. It will be possible to complete the printing of all District Census Hand Books by the middle of 1965. P. K. N ambiar C-IA. CONTENTS PART IV P~GES PANOH.AYAT BLOCKS AND VILLAGE DIRECTOBr Village Directory-Introd uction-Industrial 411-439 Esta.blishments-Standard Industrial claSSi­ fication-Type of Soil, Terrain, etc.-:- Explanation for the abbreviations u~ed' in 440 Primary Census Abstract and notations for bal'lic amenities. Village Directory-(Primary Census Abstract). 1 Bhavani Ta1uk 441-467 2 Gopicbettipalayam Taluk ..• 469-515 3 Erode Taluk 517-601 4 Dharapuram T""luk 603-631 5 Pall!l.dam Taluk 633-693 6 Avanashi Taluk 695-733 7 Coimbatore'Taluk 735-851 8 Pollachi Taluk 853-933 ~ Udumalpet Taluk 935-961 PARTV OFFICIAL STATISTIOS Introduction 965-969 Table 1 Temperature recorded at Coimbatore .. 970-971 Table 2 Rainfall statistics as recorded at Coimbatore, 972-976 - Anamalai, Dharapuram, Erode. and Palladam. Table 3 .. Land u tiliza. ti on statistics-Classification of 977-978 areas in the district. Table 4 Acreage under different crops 979-984 Table 5 Area. irrigated and its sources 985-986 Table 6 Area irrigated under different crops 987 Table 7 Particulars of water-supply (sources) .. 987 Table 8 Details of irrigation projects 988 2 PAGES- Ta.ble 9 Sources of irrigation a.nd wat acreage 989 Table 10 Details of cropped area 989 Table II Percenta.ge of a.rea under principal crops 990 Table 12 .... Total out-turn of seleoted crops 990 Table 13 Average yiel~ (per acre) for different; 991 commodities. Table 14 Monthly average wholesale prices of staple 991-995 products. Ta.ble 15 Average retail prices 01 prinoipal foodgrains in 996-997 fairprice shops. Table 16 Livestock census data .. 998 Table 17 Utilization of principal classes of livestock _ 998 Table 18 Number of veterinery institutions, livestock 999 farms, etc. Table 19 Estimated production of milk .. 999 Table 20 Statistics relating to the Employment 999 Exchange Offices. Table 21 Growth of factories 1000 Table 22 Employment in textile and non-textile 1000 factories. Table 23 Factories c~assified by industry with average 1001-1007 daily member of workers. Table 24 Educational institutions and pupils 1008-1011 Table 25 Alphabetical list of coUe-ges 1012-1014 Table 26 Institutions for technical education 1014-1015 Table 27 AlphabetiCal list of high schools - 1016-1018 Table 28 Details of library and reading room iacilities. 1019 Table 29 Registered births 1020-1021 Table 30 Deaths due to specified causes 1022-1024 Table 31 Details of anti-adulteration activities' - 1025 Table 32 Maternity and child welfare centres 1025 I Tabli!l 33 Medical faoilities available in the distriot 1025 Table 34 Number of judicial officers in the district ... 1026 Table 35 Number of civil and criminal ceses tried 1026 and disposed of. Table 36 Strength of police force 1026 Table 37 The number of police stations. 1027- Table 38 List of poJice stations/out-posts l027-lQ28 Table 39 Details of criminal justice 102S-1032 Table, 40 Number of jails and average number of 10;33, Prisoners. 3 PAGES 'Tabl~ 41 Milea.ge of different c~tegories of roads 1034: ' Tabl~ 42 Mileage of extra municipal a.nd municipal 1034 roads mainta.ined by Public Authorities. Table 43 0 The number of motor vehioles ta.xed 1035 Table 44 Locatioll of touristjr€lst houses run by the 1035 municipalities. Table--45 .. List of Public Works Department bungalows. 1036 T.a.ble 46 Location of the tDuristjinsl?ection bungalows 1036-1037 maintained by the Highways and Rural Works Department. "- Table 47 Railway stations in the district a.nd distance 1037-1038 from State and district headquarters. 'Table 48 Railway stations and. various amenities 1039-1040 provided. 'Table 49 Number of Post and Telegraph Offices. 1040 Table 50 List of towns and villages with Post Offices. 104:1-1057 Table 51 Cost of living index numbers .' 1057 Table ~2 .0. Receipts from sa.les tax 11)58 Ta.ble 53 Receipts from stamp duty and land ravenue. 1058 Table 54 Excise revenue receipts from various items. 1058 I Table 55 Gross sale of small saving scheme securities. 1059 Table 56 Life insurance statistics 1059 'Table 57' Pa.rticulars of registered documents and value 1060 of prDperties transferred. 'Table 58 The number and loca.tion of branch offices of 1061 'sbheduled and non-scheduled banks incorp<>rated outside Madras State. 'Table 59 •.. Numb6r and location of branch offioes of 1062 blilonks illcorporated in the district. Table 80 Certain assets and liabilities of banks incorporated inside the district. Table 61 The number of entertainment halls, 1064: spectatDr~. receipt therefrDm, etc. Table 62 N umber of cinema theatres, films exhibited, 1064 tickets issued, etc. Table 63 Details of electricity consumptiDn under 1065 l'ykara Hydro-Electric Project. Table 64: Details of electricity generated, sold, total demand, etc., under Pykara Hydro-Electric Projeot. Table 65 Details of financial position of licencees and 1000 IDcal authorities distributing electricity_ PAGES Table 66 Number of printing presses at work 1066 Table 67 Details of forest areas .. 1066 Table 68 Statistics relating to community 1067-106S development programme. Table 69 Statistics relating to credit a.nd non-credit 1069 co-operative societies. Ta.ble 70 Particulars of ancient monuments 1070-1073 Table 71 Protected monuments 1074 PART VI GAZETTEER OF PLACE NAMES AND CALENDAR OF OUTSTANDING OCOURRENCES Gazetteer of place names 1077-1087 Calendar of important events and outstanding 1088-1090 occurrences. MAPS. FACING PAG. 1 Map of Bhavani Taluk 442 2 Map of Gopichettipalayam Taluk 470 3 Map of Erode Taluk ... ,. .1. 518 4 Map of Dharapuram Taluk .- 604 5 Map of Palladam Taluk 634 6 Map of A vanashi Taluk - 696 7 Map of Coimbatore Taluk - 736 854. 8 Map of Pollachi Taluk - ,"'f 9 Map of Udumalpet Taluk - - 936 PART IV PAKCHAYAT BLOCKS AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY C. G! VILLAGE DIRECTORY INTRODUCTION This is an abstract giving a complete list of all villages Apart from these particulars, certain additional and and towns in each taluk in the distriot along with the special particulars have been incorporated. In order to dit'tribution of population by sex and various categories assess the extent to which the basic amenities are available of workers. Vil1agewise statistics embodying the results in every village which go to make it self-contained and of Census were first compiled and published in 1872 and self· sufficient villagewise particulars regarding the availa. this has been the regular feature of every census except bility of educational, medical, iITigational and other fa:ci­ in 1041 when, owing to war conditions, no villagewise data lities were called for from the Tahsildars and Block Deve· W[l~ tidJUlated. The.particulars, however, were restricted lopment Officers and incorporated in the table. The deve· to tOt;1! population by sex and religion. A radical change lopment activities in rural areas are reflected in the exis­ 1I",1" illtrodu('~.d in 1951 ,,"hen population ,ras classified into tence of primary schools. middle schools, high schools, va.ri mer; livelihood classes in each village. In the case of higher institutions including colleges, dispensaries, rural Urban areas, data was presented in respect of each ward, health centres and hospitals, maternity and child welfare locality, or division. (But in 1961 census, information centres, post offices, etc. These data have been shown bas been compiled for each enumerator's block in the inmmediately next to the names of villages in suitable ease of Urban areas). Conssquent on the shift in emphasis notations, the explanations for which are given at the from income or economic independence, in earlier censuses end. ' especially in 1951, to actual work irrespective of remune­ Apart from this information, a few statements have been ration, the livelihood classes shown in the rural statis­ prepared based on authentic sources as indicated below:- tics of 1951 have undergone a complete change, giving place to ten important categories as indicated below:- STATEMENT I Prior to enumeration in March, 1961, a detailed listing I. Working as Cultivator. of all houses was conducted in October, 1960 when essen­ II. Working as Agricultural Labourer. tial data relating to industrial establishments were collected, III. Working in Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Fores­ the complete details of which have been presented in a.
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