Vol. III Tuesday, Number 21 OffieiCll Publication of jije United States (bess'fedetati on July :i, 1949 DISTANCE IS . NO HANDTCAP Position N". 57 P"Iiti"n No. '8 Log Cabin Chess Gets' Revenge B y A. Hachaturov (USSR) By Harold Branton ( Houston) ALL PREPARED In Telephone Match With Chicago Shakhmaty, 1947 California Chess News, 1949 FOR U.S, JUNIOR Plans are all prepared for• the S marting under the defeat given by the Chess Club of Chicago when U. S. Junio)' Championship Tourna­ touring the country on its famous Ion g->tllstance tour, the Log Cabin Chess m ent at For t Wortb, with a ban­ Club 60ught and found solace lor It6 wounds by besting a strong Cblcago quet lor the pla.yer s and a special team in long-dlstancc telephone match of five boards by the score of a. trip to Carswell All' Base where 3-2. Albert Sandrln, young Chicago master, salvaged a point on Board tentative arrang:ements have been three against F ranklin Howard, and Paul Paschel and R. Herwlb. drew made to permit the junior players ngainst H . Hesse and A. Rothman on boards four and five. But on Boartl to ins pect a B-36 and gain a factual o ll e \Veaver Ati aDis bested the veteran Lewis J. Isaacs and on Board two view of the life of the U. S. Alr­ J . ~~auehcr outmaneouvered J. Shaffe.~,.=============~ fore at an all' base. With this victory tucked under ,.. Early advance registrations In­ their belts. the Iron'Incn of the Log dicate that Paul Poschcl, Illinois Cabin Chcss Club are ah'cady on SAVE THESE DATES Junior Champion and contestant their way [or Oma ha and the U. S. July 25-30, 1949 In the recent U. S. Chnmplonehip, Open 'Tournament, with a pr08J)ee-­ fo r the will be among the enlrants, to­ live tour of Canada and tbe U. S. U. S. Junio r Championship gether with Ramlro Cortes, Jr. of Southern chess citadels before they Fo rt Worth, T exas Denver and Billie Addison of Baton turu tbeir faces homeward, ail re· Make reservations for bouslng Rouge. Cleveland has made reser· Il0rted In the June 5th Issue of early by writing Frank R. To vatlons tOI' four players trom Ohio CHESS LIl~E . Graves, 202 Farm & Home Bldg. White Play And Win! and Toronto has reser ved places or Col. D. F. Walker, BO::l: 3125 Conducted by William Roiam lor sevon Cauadlan entrants. Othel' Poly Station, Fort Worth, T exas. entries a.re pour ing in every day to OSITION NO. 67 represents the current treud tor tactnal positions GARTLAND WINS Registration and all inquiries Indicate all interesting atteudance eX )ll olted by modern Russian composers. In this partlCll lo_r position may bo addressed to either. P and a very exciting tournament. R, L. HIGH TITLE (whic}l might well occur In allY player's endgame) it is ouly by very l'Jntry fee $5.00 to USCF mem­ All entrants aJ'e reqUested by careru l choice of moves and propel' timing that W h ite can avoid the draw bers. (Non·members may enter the tourllament committee to bring lhnt the nverue-e j' Phlyer w(m ' ,1 find in(>vi hhl 0e0 . Rou.rl U C... :u·lllUliJ (lit) flr I..a· 1)1 ' 1Il ning fa,OO "lIDIl"1 nUot (0 n clock It )lvtot;ilJlu, us We sllortnge Posilion No. 68 Is the work of a teen·ago COIIlJ)OhCT or CalUornla BIllie Acrulomy WOll tho nnt (III, tho usm~.) Or chess clocks 1s the only flaw n unl High School Oho.mlllonlllllP who hilS con trllJuted sovornl brilliant positions to the CnIlMI'III(\. Choss that ca ll lJ e tound In tlle tourna­ IIponsored by the Rhode Island News, puhllshed by George Koltnnowsk1. Here again very careCul timing illelll arrangements. 'Chesll Assn !~t the 1"rov' ...... .:; .. FOX RE1"AINS ;;.lon '-l ~rlng5 'Tl cts y to Whtr-e :-- ' YMCA Chess Cluh, with the per­ Please t u r n to page four for solutions, fecl Icore of flvo Wlllll III Ills II rc­ MONTREAL TITLE ADICKES TAKES .'. IImlnar,)' ,eellon lind t Wo Wl1l 8 In Maurice Fox I)y vlrtne or his 1aat SO. CAR. OPEN " til(l [Junls. Tho two other [Ina lists. round 'Victory over S. WI'cschner Hans Berliner Grabs D, C. Title Palll i'rol'oB t (18) and Goorg Lam· made certain of r etaining the Mon· Thirty players assembled at the oureauX (1 7), 1I1It{) won their pre­ treal chuDiploushllJ with a 13-2 From Stark, Shapiro and Chauvenet Cievehlnd Holel ill Spartanburg to Ilmlnury soctlous with 5·0 scores. SCOl·C. With several games yet to pn1'llclpate in the largest tourll n· Win ncr o[ lho cOIISO l1l tion event be played. no one CUll ma tch his At the age of 20 Hans Berliner became the youngest D. C. Champion mcnt In South Carolina history. was WIIIIIII\I I<lrllly (14) of Woon­ tlnal total. }<'ox lost to I. Zalys, and In 111 8tOl'y by winning the hartl-foug-ht toul"llament lleld a t tile Washing_ Seven States were represented in socket Junior High. 1\lraly tied for drew with P. Drunet nnd liT. Cohen ton Chess Dil'lIn. Facing a field which included defending Champion Os­ the Open 5·round Swiss event. second In his vrell mlno ry section to gain his second leg on the Napo­ car Shaillro, fonner Champion Martin Stark, and Vh'glnla Champion Vi ctory went Oil s·n point.!! to wHh C. Gorlllal1 (IS) of Classical leon Courtcmllllche trollhy. Russcll ChnuvenC l, DcrllnCl' strotle 1I0wn to victory with a convincing William C. Adlckes, Jr. ot Ashville High with a seore o[ 3·2 bllt out· E. Dance won the Premier Re­ score ot 9!h-l I)J. He lost to Shapiro In the opening rOllnd autl Inter COil­ (:>". C.) with a 4t,2·'-h score, dra.w­ pointed GOJ'I\I1111 In tIle consolntloll servcs with 3·0, wilh P. Brnult sec­ ceded n draw to Chanvellet, but was otherwise InvincabJe. ing wlth Jerry Sullivall. Second finals. Mark Tbomn!!, secretary of antI with 2·1. W. Kellll1 with 1-2 Defending ChamJllOll Oflcal' SlmpJro pacetl Berliner most of the wny place wont to PaulL. Cromelln of the R. I. Chess Assn., and 'Valier was third, and S. Lnk(J fo urth WIUI until n costly loss to Chauyenet In tho lOth rOl1nd gavo the young champ. ColullllJla (S. C.) with 4%-% .... B. SuesnHlll acted all tournament dl· 0-3. Ion the edge. Shnplro lost uo other games but drew with Nash, Reys! nn d urnwlug w ith Kit Crittenden: alld reelors, ond Albert 1\1(1l'tln flervetl thh'd place to J eny O. Sullivan, as referee. ___"'" __ -- Schwartz, [01' a tle for thlnl place with Cbanvenet. Murtln Slink. losing to Bel" ".:::-"--"-"'=.::..-------­ Jr. or Knoxvillc (TElllll.) with 4.1. IIII CI' nllli Slt!lVlro, was other­ Tile State Chulllpionship tlUe wise vlctorl011S and earned OMAHA WI LL HOLD was uWllnled to Paul Crolllelill ns hi s lIec01l11 1)lace, % point he· hlghcllt , ranking South Carolinan hind Borllner. Chollvo11et who U, S. LIGHTNING In the t0111"lIey with Bpbraitn Sol­ drew WIUl lJerllner and best- koff of S part~nbul'g (who placed ed Shulliro. lost his CllRnces By resolutiO'n of the USC l~ Boarel ninth in t he Opcn) as runner·up by conceding a win to O. S. of Directors at Baltimore last year, Thollllifl In addition to his loss for the S tato !Hle. Third In the to Shirk. H e fi nished In a tie the annual U. S. Lightning Chese State title race was John C. Bell [or third wit It Shapiro. Tournament will be held on alter­ S r. of Illman (who placed eleventh nato years In connection with the III the Open). Firth place went to CHESS U. S. Open Clt aml)ionsblp. So the Among the surprise of the LIFE columnist E dmund Nash, 1949 U. S. Lightning Cbamplonshlp tournament was the I)oor showing lost to Berliner, Stark will be held at Omah a. on Saturday, Chnnvenet, a nd drew with of Karl Stamm ot Spal'tan bul'g who Shapiro l!lId Schwarta for a 7-4 July 16th, and all rounds ot the U. was runner·up In last year's event score. Twelvo contestants parti­ S. Open will be s uspended tor tha t North Oarollna. Champion Kit CrU: Cipated In tho tl lIe cODtest which day to permit a il ,players to parll· londen, wllo outpointed Cromelin was hard fought throughout. Ger­ cipate. in the recent East North Ca rolina ald GroSB, Jr., lost his last two -~~~~ Opell, could not hold the pace this point on fortelt when called up tor­ OAKER TAKES time nnd finished seventh, behind Naval Reserve duty, which explains Charleston (W, Va.) City Champ. his poor score, TORONTO JUNIOR Ion A. II. Duvall, but ahead ot Southern Ass'u President Martin In a ra.ther midget event, "v. Southern ot l{lloxville. Stephen OMAHA BECKONS Oaker ca ptured tIle 1949 'foronto Shaw placed tenth. Junjor Champlonllhlp with a score At It/I d "itll' 0/ BOYllown, FdthtT of 4 l,f·~. J. Kagetsu finished sec· Fldnds"n's /i";"8 mtm",i"t, Abo"t tht ond with 4·1 ;Jnd Ross SlelOms CRAIN CAPTURES lorylin Mtmo,inl-Om"hlI lint i"Slilutt third with 'Ph-1%. All three nre TACOMA SPEED ,,} " rl. well known In tile U.
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