Trades Directory) 1915. 1819

Trades Directory) 1915. 1819

PUB TRADES DIRECTORY) 1915. PUB 1819 Duke of Cambridge, Edwin Talmash Hayden, Duke of Wellington, Mrs. Kathleen Wise, 119 Earl Grey, James Lee, 96 New North road N Falcon, Edwin Charles Edmunds, 1 J.isJestree' 28 Loddiges road, Hackney NE Ball's Pond road N Earl of Lonsdale, Henry Hobson Finch, 16 WC & 20 Wardour street W - A.lbert Frederick Hills,37 Cottington street, Duke of Wurtemberg, John Henry Major, 44 Archer street, Notting hill W - Arthnr Mather Lees, 10 Fetter lane E C KPnnington S E Hatfield street. Stamford street SE Earl Percy, William Joseph Alabaster, 225 - Herbert Charles Mayes, I Victoria Jllll"k - Thos. Wm.Horne,25Felix st.Hackney rdN E Duke of York, William Baker & Co.l32 & 134 Ladbroke grove W square E & I Green street, Bethnal gr E - Joseph Klein, 345 Whitecbapel road E Victoria street SW Earl of Romney, Mrs. Sarah Ann Sibbett, 50 - Alfred Aylett Moore, 6 Pemberton row E C - Mnrray & Chappelow, 30 St. Peter's street, -Hamilton Edward Barker, 8 Dering st W Deptford green SE -John Russell, 234 Great College street NW Islington N - Waiter Evans Brundell, 7 Henry street, Earl Russell, Thomas Banks, 24 Mortimer st W - Ambrose Wiltshire, 67 Blyth street NE -Mrs. Clam Scanes, 64 Lawford road NW Gray's inn road WC - Arth. Harding, 60 Isledon rd. Holloway N Falkland, Mrs. Florence Amy Jennings, 66 - Mrs.LizzieThomson,52High st.Deptfrd S E - Follan Chandler, 287 Evelyu street SE - George Smith, 2 Pancras road NW Falkland road NW Duke of Clarence, George Bentley, 154 - Albt.Geo.Churchill.57 York rd.Lmbth SE Earl of Warwick, John .Abrahams, 214 White­ Farringdon Hotel, Levy&Franks,Snow hillE C Manor place, Walworth SE - Herbert0lover,46 New Cavendish street W chapel road E & Farringdon street E C - Jdrs. Sarah David. 21 Horseferry road SW - David Cross, 37 Bagshot street SE - Alfred Thomas Davie!l, 36 Golborne road W Father Red Cap, Henry Thomas Gill, 919 - Harry Dew, 103 Holland park avenue W -Thomas Cutmore, 26 Berger road NE Earl of Zetland, Robert J ames Bnrt, 116 Camberwell road SE - William Finch, 49 Alfred street, Bow rd E - Mrs. Emily J ane Dann, 18 North Wharf Princes road, N otting hill W Faunce Arms, John Chesterton, 2 Faonce - Harris Fishman, 71 Commercial rd. east E road, Paddington W - Albert Henry Hackman, 50 Lee street, street, Kennington park SE - William Arthur Freeman, 69 Tooley st SE - Thos.Dowsett,6 Shetland st.Bethnl.grnN E Kingsland road NE Feathers, Edwin Bratt, 50 Duke street, Bt. - Albt.Edwd.Garrard, 181 Camberwell rd SE - Ernest Arthur Everett, 2 Gateforth street, Earl's Court Tavern, George Carpenter, Ja.mes' SW - Olaude Wm. Hamilton, 32 Pancras rd NW Lisson grove NW 123 Earl's court road SW -Mrs. Harriet S. B. Chattey, 20 Broadway, - JonathanChas.Hammond,60VauxhallstS E - Pizer Gold, 241 Brick lane E East Arms, William Fuller, 44 Hurley road, Westminster SW -Henry Harrison, 98 Osnaburgh street NW - Jas.Geo.Gomm,8 Charlotte pl.Goodge st W Lower Kennington lane SE - Jesse Divall, 1 Waterloo road SE lk 75 - AlbertHy.John Heard, St.George's cir SE - David Hawkins, 29 Shadwell High street E East India Arms, Edward Arthur Cook, 67 Commercial road, Lambeth SE - Samuel Ohas. J acobs. 61 Hackney road N E - George Thomas Heywood, 24 York road N Fenchurch street E C - Goo. Horton Harrild, 1&3 Deptford grn SE - George Charles i{elsey Jeves, 133 Grundy - Mrs. A.nnie Moore, 129 Antill road, Bow E - William O'Neill, 31 Broad street,Ratcliff E -Mrs. Marie Luer, 15 Hobart place SW street, Poplar E - Wm. Richard Parker, 1 Kensington pl W - Mrs.AliceMaud Mary Pettersson,l25 Poplar - Arthur Benjamin Lund, 6 Dockhead SE - George Fredk.Lewin,l86Rotherhithe stS E - William Emest Reyuolds, 45 Queen street, High street E - Mrs. Bessie Rose, 42 Brown street, - William J amesMunday, 106 Scawfell street, Edgware road W East London, Jack Woolf, 100 Whitechapel Bryanston square W Hackney road N E - Rolles Brothers, 2 St. Ann's terrace, St. road E Fellmongers' Arms, William James Henderson .. - George Frederick Pryer, 140 Rotherfield John's wood NW Eastnor Castle, Daniel Edward Shingles, 65 25 Crimscott street, Bermondsey SE street, Islington N - George Simmonds,156 Clerkenwell rd EC Stibbington street, Somers town NW Ferry House, George Charles Stevenson, Funy - Fras.Hy.Swainson,8 North st. Lissn.groNW - Frederick Slater, 47 & 48 Borough rd SE Edinburgh, George Thomas Layton, 125 street, Cubitt town E Duke of Cornwall, Louis Chaplaid, 127 Led­ - Wm. Charles Sprinks, 29 Gloucester st E C Newington green road N Final, Chas.Wm. Hussey,6 KingWilliamstWC. bury road W - Rattle Stevens, 33 Downham road N -John Frederick Wetjen, 1 Richmond road, Finboro' Arms, Mrs. Mary Ann Lydia Finch~ -John RossGabb, ll Lismore circus, Haver­ - Johann Tholcke, 10 Dod st. Limehouse E Shepherd's Bush W 118 Finborough road SW stock hill NW - Montagu Alfred Treadaway, 59 Osnaburgh Edinburgh Castle, Charles Chambers, Park Finish, Henry Y eomans, 142 Lyuton road,.. - George Procter, 3 Sherborne place, Bland­ street NW crescent mews west, Marylebone road W Bermondsey S E ford square NW -Wm. Walt. Turner, 202 Blackfriars rd SE - Henry Mark Kingston, 297Caledonian rd N Fins bury Park tavern,WilliamAlfred Browne,. Duke of Cumberland, Mrs. Kate ElizaMosley, - Alex. Welland, 24 Wenlock st. Hoxton N -Wm. Fras. Middleton,57 Mornington rdNW 263 Seven Sisters road N 16 Kensington High street W Duke's Arms, Peter Henry Moore, 27 Upper Edinburgh Stores, John Boss, 1 Milford lane, Fish & Ring, Henry Solomons, 141A, Whit6·. Duke of Devonshire, George Holford, 72 Darn­ marsh, Lambeth S E Strand WC Horse street, Stepney E ley road, Hackney NE Duke's Head, Joshua Abrahams, 181 White­ Eight Bells, Daniel Thomas Birkbeck, 31 & Fishing Smack, Mrs. Mary Ann Ewen, ~8. Duke of Edinburgh, Robert Stevens Tiling, 93 chapel road E 33 Collingwood street & 19 Meymott Stowage, Deptford S E Queen's road, Bayswater W - Mrs.CatherineMoore,268Rotherhithe st SE street, Blackfriars road SE - Goorge Kelly, ll Cold harbour, Poplar E - Geo. Keagle, 140 Albany rd. Cambrwll SE Dun Cow, Thomas William Layton, 279 Old - George Thos. Keen, 28 Ironmonger row E C Fishmongers' Arms, John Green, IS St. - Arthur Louis Wade, ll4 Fairfoot rd.Bow E Kent road SE Elder Tree, J oseph George Davis, 1 Elder st E George's road, Southwark SE Duke of Glo'ster, Mrs. Helen Matilda Allkins, Dun Horse, Waiter John Cattermole, 24 Kings­ - Ernest Thomas Payne, ll9 Chrisp st E Fitzroy, John Carminati, 16 Charlotte streetW · 26 Seabright street E land road NE Elephant,Harry Bennett,ll9 Fenchurch stE C Fitzroy Arms,Henry Frederick Bailey, 21 Olip­ - Arthur Sidney Boxall, 44 Gurney street, Duncannon, Henry Serle Rocke, 3 Duncannon -Samuel Maurice, 81 Kingsland High st NE stone street W Walworth SE street, Strand WC . Elephant & Castle, Ernest Frederick Ander- Five Bells, Philip Aris Berrisford, 21 Moor- - Francis George Innell, 40 St. John's rd N Dundee Arms, Mrs. Annie Cope, 339 Cam­ son, 308 Wick road NE fields E C - Pioneer Catering Co. Ltd. 497 Oxford st W bridge road E - William Arthur Atkins, 46 Gt. Peter stSW - Barnett Blitsten, 5n5 Old Ford road E Duke of Grafton, Pioneer Catering Co. Ltd. - Francis William Porter Worsnop, 61 Artil­ - Charles Burrough, 464 Harrow road W - Chas.Crockford,l53 & 155 New CrOtll:l rd SE" 278 Euston road NW lery street, Horselydown S E - Wm. Goslleron, 2 South Lambeth road SW Five Bells & Blade Bone, Richard Manning, Duke of Kendal, Mrs. Mary Ann Milne, 38 Dunstan Arms, Horace Buries, 50 East rd N Elephant & Oastle Tavern, Thomas Ellis, 27 Three Colt street, Limehouse E Connaught street W Durant Arms, William Hearn, 35 Durant 1 Newington butts SE - Fleece, Charles Rucks, 26 Upper Rllll5ell stS E Duke of Kent, Charles Bradshaw, 365 Old street, Bethnal green E Elephant's Head, .Mrs.Georgina Kate Herbert, - Edward Park!l,l60Abbey st.BermondseyS E Kent road SE Durham Arms, James William Dunn, 41 224 High street, Camden town NW - Frederick Thomll.l! Slaughter,1 Duke street, Duke of Lancaster ,ArthurW esthorpe.Jennings, Harleyford road, Vauxhall SE Elgin Hotel, Thos.Robinson,96La.dbroke groW Stamford street S E 36 Laburnum street, Kingsland road NE - James Sansome, 24 Blenheim terrace, St. EllerthorpeAnns,LazarusCohen,60Kerbey st E Fleet Tavern,George Turner,90 Parkhill road, Duke of Marlborough, Edwin John Vidler,212 John's wood NW Empire Hotel, Oharles William Luker, 62 Haverstock hill NW Richmond road, Dalston NE - Alfd. Ohas. Tibbitts, 408 Hackney road NE Speedwell street, Dcptford S E Fleur-de-lis, Mark Pragofi', 17 Fleur-de-lill Duke of Norfolk, Robert Alfred Johnson, 30 Durham Castle, Alfred Davis, 165 Seven Empress of India, Harry William Dawson,130 street E Norfolk street, Globe road E Sisters road N Lauriston road, South Hackney NE Flint House, William George Miles J ones, &:> · - George Robert Wright, 202 & 204 West­ - Vernon John Whitaker, 30 Alexander - Richd. Smith, 285 Rotherhithe New rd SE Hyde road, Hoxton N bourne grove W street, Bayswater W Empress of Russia, Mrs. Elizabeth Winter, Florence Tavern, Alfred Smith, 110 Florence­ Duke of Richmond, Cllarles Edwin Elstone, Dyers' Arms,A.lfd.John Cope, 78 Cannon stE C 360St.John street E C & 1 Owen's row E C street, Islington N 270 Caledonian road N Eagle, John Hy. Budde, jun. 52 Wellclose sqE Engineer, Hy. Middleton, 65 Gloucester rd NW Flower of the Forest, Mrs. Mary Conpland, . - Geo.Hy.Henwood, 176 Queen's rd.DlstnN E ·- Harry Wm. Lambert, 250 Ladbroke groW Enkel Arms, William Prance, 34 & 36 Seven 123 Blackfriars road S E Duke of Suffolk, Mrs. Wilhelmina Curtis, 59 - Maurice William Edward Smith, 159 Far- Sisters road N Flower Pot, Goorge Parnham, 120 Bethnal ~ Brandon street, Walworth SE ringdon road E C Ennismore Arms,Benjamin Fickling,2 Ennis­ green road E - William Henry Mills, 59 Hawkstone rd SE Eagle Tavern, Henry Richard Bayues, 2 more street SW Flying Horse, Arthur Bailey, 52 Wilson st E C .

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