q It's Not Too late To Give To Grosse 'Pointe Grosse Pointe's 99 Kercheul TU, 2.&900 ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes War Memorial Fund VOLUME 9-NO. 33 Entered as Second Class Matter -! at Ihe POSI Olllee at Detroit. Mien. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, AUGUST 12, 194'8 5. Per Copy $2.00 Per 'iear Fully Paid Circulation " Woods Has Own Swimming Hole at Long Last IGifts to Memorial Report Farms oj Jhe Also Likely \VEEK F dA As Compi/ed hy tht un nnouncedas To Ask Shift Grosse Pointe I'-ell's Two Village~ Said to be Thursday, August 5 Drive Is Continued Ready to Ask Voters to this day in 1855 the first 011 Decide on Conversion message was sent over the At. Headquarters Mo~ed to Board of Education Building; Direct lantlc eabte from New York Mail Campaign to ,Be Conducted During September The Village of Grosse Pointe •.• in 1864 the Battle of !\la- bile Bay was fought by Amer. Several additional substantial gifts to thE: Grosse Pointe Park is set to submit the ques- Ican fleet under command of War Memorial Fund have been announced b:v Alger Shelden, tion of a change from village Admiral Farragut (' , dam n campaign chairman. Mr, and lVII'S. George R. F'ink of Cloverlv slatus to city stalus to its the torpedoes"). Farragut be. road have pledged $5,000 to the fund. Their son, Gcorge H. voters next spring. The plan came the first Full Admiral of Fink, Jr. died in the Pacific Thealer during the war, while had been to have this on the th" American Navy ..• in he \';'as serving as a naval officer. village agenda for last spring 1943 the Nazis e\'acuated Orel; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. Hooker~ . but for one reason or another Reds entered eil\' •.. in 1914 of Uni\"ersity place have pledged' it was put off until the 1949 the Yanks were 'onl~' 38 miles from Sl. Nazaire and in 1945 $1,000. Mrs. Hooker is president Whz-tt;e}" Rd elections, of the Grosse Pointe Friends of (; , • It is not a new q'.leslion in the MacArthur took ovcr com- mand of all raeific invasion the Library and also heads the B ttl E I Park. For rcars the agitation for bases. clubs and organizations division a e nc'Q city status has been millntained . o~ the memDl'ial drive, P and on l\\'o occasions at least Another gift of special inlerest ROllt put to the touch of the citizen's E I G H TEEN' SPECTATORS was made following the meeting l,t Full decision, WEHE lNJURED, five seriously, of the campaign committee and The last attempt to convert into when a hot rod racing automo. sponsoring organizations in. the 47 Out of 51 R"s'ldents Want a city was at the municillal eleco bile erash~d into a grandstand Neighborhood Club on Augu.~t 3. - tions held on March la, 1941. filled with spectators at the Mrs. Oscar E. Keller, represent- One-way T r.affic Regula- At that time the move Wat Owosso Motor Speedway 1', s t ing the Ladies' Auxiliary of A1. tion Retained emphatically rejecled by the vat. night: gel' Post 995, Veterans of Foreign ers, Out of a total vote cast of • • Wars, announced that that group . 2,608, which is a fair representa- THESE KIDS WEHE AMONG THE FIRST to dunk in the swimming basin at Grosse Pointe Woods' lakefront park was donating $200 to the drive The Great Protest agamst, lion of E'lectorate strength, as the AN AMERICAN ZONE denaz- when the village council and Dr. Thomas E. Davies, Pointe Health Commissioner, announced that the ban on swim- fund, the one-way regulation on Park usually goes, only 810 vot. ification court at Stuttgart, Ger. i ming there had' been lifted. This picture was taken from the end of the mole which has been constructed to keep Accompanying the gift was a Whittier from Jefferson to: ed for the cit~' and 1,755 against, many, clears Dr. Hugo Echencr, 11 f 11 79. German Zeppelin designer, po ulion rom co ectlllg" 111 tl 1e b asm.' ""11"t 1 Ii"'lacom IJ C oun t y sen d'Il1g 1'tS d'rall1age an d sewa;;e d own tl.1e III t ercep t or 1etter'from D01'OtllY Frl'ck, pres,'. 1\" k I' h tl t 1IIor on a percentage baSIS 31 per of Nazi charges. drain and keeping it out of Lake St. C lair, the la k.1' waters h ave tested unusua 1ly pure th roug I1 t Ile present sW1I111l11ng.. dent of the auxiliary, expressing 'lac W lIC was uea enec I centTl 101' and 69 perf centd against.. " appreciation for the effort being for the Park Council meeting . le arguments ?r an aga~nst season. made to honor the Pointers who on August 9 turned out to be elt,\' statu, would f,ll a good Sized -------------------.------'------------------------------- I served and died in World War II. a dud book. The proponents of the THOUGHT THE FRENCH 1 She had two brothers in service.' ., : change argue that city form would AIR LINER Latecoere may still Th. M- W ods G ts V-roo 0 P t st pr rk Councz"Z One of them died on Bataan. On the contrary Attorney WI,-,' permit many improvements in be. afloat , • '. French frigale I Z,{)l 'es 'ZSS 0 e I~or US .ro e lil. la.ld C.arpenter presented a pet.l- the local administration but it is '-'..... L:1 Following last week's meeting, t d b 47 t f tll I I pIcks up two famt messages ... f F L - R I C R f B " when it was decided to enlarge 10~ slgne y 011 0 . e.~ not ,eriollsly argue~ that it would disappeared in the South At- $1000 In Cash or ettl'1g ea tors over e uses lte the board of directors of the reSidents along the hll:h\\aj, 1e- result in anvmatertal betterment lantic several days ago with 52 . 1. '. campaign organization, letters questing the ~ilIage to ,retain the of the taxpayer's lot. persons aboard, have been sent out to 50 Pointers. ?ne-way trafflC reguliltlOn It had The opponents argue that there I I R bb B- A W"th D t -t R f Of H t P t t THE MET.R;PO~ITAN OP-I n 0 ery 19'rea 1 e 1"01. e Ilse 0 0 a 0 asking them to serve on the board. 1mposed some months ago. is no necessary function of local -------- Authorization to conduct a con- Attorney Carpenter spoke at government which the present ERA in New York, one of the i -- F d • k R' t. Ch S f Fl. d R t H thllling campaign was granted length on the benefits of the pre. village slatus cannot carryon as world's greatest, has cancelled ISte.al $760 in Silver and Other re enc ems eln. arges warms 0 tes an . a save Shuns Giving Opinion on and there will be an intensive sent regulation. It had reduced well as the city form. The op- plans for its 1948-49. season be. Items from Hector Invaded Neighborhood as Result of Dumping Manager's Suggestion for direct mail drive during the accidents on the street, which ponents also argue that the crea- cause of its inability to com e C H . NOd' month of September. were formerly numerous, to a tion of a lot of small cities in the to terms with the 12 unions in- ouvreur ome A vigorour. objection has been r_aised against the dumPinr:(, ew. r mance Campaign headquarters have minimum. He said that prior to Pointe ~vouldmake their political volvr:d. of refuse from Detroit on a plot belonging to Johnstone:and:'>: --- - been moved from the temporary the one-way regclaHon, accidents position more rigid and make leu " • • The thief or thieves who Johnstone, realtors, which lies in Grosse Pointe 'Woods in the When Park Village Man- location on Kercheval avenue to of a more or less serious nature easy the eventual consolidation DETROIT POLICE COMMIS. broke intI) the Hector Couv- rear of properties fronting on Lal,e Shore road. ag'el' Lane .suggested at the the Board of Education Building had happened about every other of all of Grosse Pointe into a SIONER Harry S, Toy, decrees reur home at 420 Moross road Frederick K. Reinstein, of 971'v>--------------- Council. meeting on August 9 in St. Clair avenue. Mrs. W. R. childrenweek, He himselfsail! thatand hemanvhad timessmall whichsingle munic;palmany taxpayersentity, sincerelya result against special parking privi. on the night of August 4, over- Lake Shore, says that the refuse flies and rats and throws ofT the. Frizzell of McKinley road has he had to act as 11 traffic" cop to hope will some' day come. leges for beer. truck~ and mem- looked $1,000 in currency de- is within 800 feet of his home and stench. that the VIllage should enact been engaged as a permanent assure their safety in crossing One obvious result of the Park hers of the D.A.C, spite the systC'''TlaLic search tha.t a .ste,:ch emanal:s from it MI'. Reinstein then appealed j'l an ordinan2e placing con- emWpllOthye'atotal of $T,3,OOO an. the street. withdrawing from the township • • • marle of the residence. Stolen whl~h 1S highly obJectionable. In Dr. Thomas Davies, the townshin trol over the use of puhlic would b" to hasten the demise A '1 addItIOn he sa"s the refuse has nounced 1a,t week, the campainn The great majority of the resi- ~ .
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