1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 4107 SENATE Mr. TYDINGS. Mr. President-- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Maryland. MONDAY, APRIL 8," 1940 Mr. TYDINGS. Out of order, I ask unarlimous consent for the immediate consideration of House bill 8913, the legisla­ The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the following prayer: tiv ~ appropriation bill. The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the request 0 God, the everlasting Lord and Father, who art with us in of the Senator from Maryland? all our ways, we beseech Thee, as we bow our hearts in prayer. Mr. BYRD. Mr. Presiden-t, I inquire if the motion of the to fill us with the strengthening peace of Thy conscious pres­ Senator from Maryland takes precedence over a resolution ence and with the knowledge that love is at the root of every­ which has been on the desk for some time and which went thing, for it alone can bring us back from the solitude which over under the rule. is haunted with perplexity into our true relationship with our The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Maryland is fellow man and the Christ who knows the joys and sorrows of asking unanimous consent to dispense with the morning hour our ever-changing life. May we always place the value of the for the purpose of considering a certain appropriation bill. soul above the body, character above circumstance, and with Mr. BYRD. I will have to object. A resolution submitted s1mple loving worship, by continual obedience to the call of by me has been on the desk for nearly 30 days, and it is very duty and by purifying ourselves, even as Thou art pure, may important, I think, that it should be acted on. .we creep ever closer unto Thee who art the last great cer­ Mr. TYDINGS. Mr. President, would a motion be in order tainty of life. We ask it in the name and for the sake of to proceed with the consideration of the bill to which I ·have Jesus Christ our Lord and Savi our. Amen. referred? THE JOURNAL The VICE PRESIDENT. No. The Senate met this-morn­ ing following an adjournment, and the provision of para­ On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, the . graph 3 of rule VII as to the call of the calendar on Mondays reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar day is effective. Friday, April 5, 1940, was di~pensed with, and the Journal Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, let me say that the morn­ was approved. ing hour will probably not last long; it does not usually do MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT-APPROVAL OF BILL AND JOINT so; and I think there ·will probably be no difficulty about RESOLUTION having the bill of the Senator from Maryland considered. Messages in writing from_the President of the United States TRIBUTE TO THE LATE SENATOR BORAH were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one of his secretaries, who also announced that the President had ap­ Mr. HO;LT presented resolutions adopted as a tribute tc. proved and signed the following act and joint resolution: ·the memory of Han. William E. Borah, late a Senator from On April 4, 1940: the State of Idaho, by Townsend Club, No. 1, of Moundsville, s. 1955. An act to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to W.Va., which were ordered to lie on the table. delegate certain regulatory functions. RELIEF OF M. E. M'GIVERN On April 5, 1940: The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter s. J. Res. 226. J.oint resolution providing for the filling of from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of a vacancy in the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti­ _proposed legislation for the relief of M. E. McGivern, which, tution of the class other than Members of Congress. with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Commit­ CALL OF THE ROLL tee on Indian Affairs. Mr. BARKLEY. I suggest the absence of a quorum. RELIEF OF GUY F. ALLEN The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk ·Will call the roll. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter The Chief Clerk called the roll,. and the following Senators from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of answered to-their names: proposed· legislation 'for the relief of Guy F. Allen, Chief Dis­ Adams Donahey King Schwellenbach bursing Officer, Division of Disbursement, Treasury Depart- Ashurst Downey La Follette Sheppard , ment, which, with the accompanying paper; was referred to Austin Ellender Lee Shipstead Bailey Frazier Lodge Smathers the Committee on Claims. Ba!!.khead George Lundeen Smith Barbour Gerry McCarran Stewart PETITIONS Barkley Gibson McKellar Taft The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a cablegram Bilbo Gillette McNary ·Thomas, Idaho Bone Green Maloney Thomas, Okla. 'from the president of the Senate of Puerto Rico, stating Bridges Guffey Mead Thomas, Utah that "The Senate of Puerto Rico at the meeting held on Brown Gurney Miller Tobey April 3, 1940, unanimously resolved to request from the Bulow Hale Minton Townsend Byrd Harrison Murray Tydings United States Senate the approval of Senate bill 2547, intra- Byrnes Hatch Neely Vandenberg . duced by Senator MURRAY, to impose additional duties upon Capper Hayden Norris VanNuys Caraway Herring O'Mahoney Wagner the United States Public Health Service in connection with Chandler Hill Overton Wheeler the investigation, treatment, and control of tuberculosis," Clark, Idaho Holman Pepper White which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Clark, Mo. Holt Pittman Wiley Connally Hughes Reed Mr. HOLT presented a paper in the nature of a petition Danaher Johnson, Calif. Reynolds from members of Local No. 25, American Flint Glass Work­ Davis Johnson, Colo. Schwartz ers' Union of North America, of Pennsboro, W. Va., praying Mr. MINTON. I announce that the Senator from Florida for the imposition of higher tariff duties on glassware, and [Mr. ANDREws], the Senator from Nebraska [Mr. BURKE], also that the control of all tariff legislation be retained in the Senator from New Mexico [Mr. CHAVEZ], the Senators the Congress, which was referred to the Committee on from Illinois [Mr. LUCAS and Mr. SLATTERY], the Senator Finance. from Maryland [Mr. RADCLIFFE]. the Senator from Georgia REPORTS OF COMMITTEES [Mr. RussELL], the Senator from Missouri [Mr. TRUMAN], Mr. CLARK of Idaho, from the Committee on Irrigation and the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. WALSH] are de· and Reclamation, to which was referred the bill <H. R. 8498) tained from the Senate on important public business. to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to permit the pay­ The Senator from Virginia [Mr. GLASS] is unavoidably ment of the -costs of repairs, resurfacing, improvement, and detained. enlargement of the Arrowrock Dam in 20 annual instal~­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five Senators have an­ ments, and for other purposes, reported it without amend- swered to their names. A quorum is present. ment and submitted a report (No. 1379) thereon. ORDER OF BUSINESS Mr. O'MAHONEY, from the Committee on Irrigation and The VICE PRESIDENT. The presentation of petitions Reclamation, to which was referred the bill (S. 1777) grant­ and memorials is in order. · ing the consent of Congress to the States of Montana. North 4108 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE APRIL 8 . Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming to negotiate and enter Missoula Chamber of Commerce, of Missoula, Mont.; to the into a compact or agreement for division of the waters of the Committee on Military Affairs. Little Missouri River, reported it with amendments and sub­ By Mr. CLARK of Idaho: mitted a report <No. 1381) thereon. S. 3725. A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of Mr. ELLENDER, from the Committee on Agriculture and 1938; to the Committee on Education and Labor. Forestry, to which.was referred the bill <S. 3237) to amend S. 3726. A bill for the relief of Fred Larsen in connection section 301 (a) of the Sugar Act of 1937, reported it with with the construction, operation, and maintenance of the an amendment and submitted a report <No. 1382) thereon. Fort Hall Indian irrigation project, Idaho; to the Committee Mr. FRAZIER, from the Committee on Agriculture and on Claims. Forestry, to which was referred the bill (H. R. 3800) to amend By Mr. THOMAS of Oklahoma: section 8 (e) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- . S. 3727 (by reque.st). A bill limiting the operation of sec­ ment Act, as amended, reported it with amendments and tions 109 and 113 of the Criminal Code and section 190 of submitted a report <No. 1383) thereon. the Revised Statutes of the United States with respect to Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado, from the Committee on Mili­ certain counsel; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. tary Affairs, to which was referred the bill <S. 3496) to pre­ By Mr. JOHNSON of California: vent retardation in promotion and in pay and allowances of S. 3728. A bill to confer to certain persons who served in permanent professors of the United States Military Academy a civilian capacity under the jurisdiction of the Quartermaster appointed by the President from the commissioned officers of General during the War with Spain, the Philippine Insurrec­ the Regular Army, reported it without amendment and sub­ tion, or the China Relief Expedition the benefits of hospitali­ mitted a report <No. 1384) thereon. zation and the privileges of the soldiers' homes; to the Com­ He also, from the same committee, to which was referred mittee on Finance. the bill (S. 2888) to amend the Act of June 6, 1924, entitled By Mr. SHEPPARD: "An act to amend in certain particulars the National De­ S. 3729.
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