-------------------y T T r---------- f h ’ IM O .N S p o r t s Does other people's drool disgust you? If so, Soccer's the game and PJ's the man. Learn all you might wont to steer clear of the opinion about him... page. P a g e 4 P a g e 8 C A L J F o R N I A POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. S A N ’ L U I S .OBISPO Musiang Da iiy N O V E M B E R 14, 1997 G VOLUME LXII, No. 33 FRIDAY 5 Homecoming raises school spirit ••• . !'■ Week-long celebration ends tomorrow ly trioii fT I 0o4y SloH Ó This year'.» homecoming. I "Spirit I'nder Construction.” is ■ y going on in full force Thi? w hole \ week has featured events that began .\Ionday. and will culmi­ An ortist s reoditioo ol MoW Gyrn wrtK increased seating nate with Saturday's football game at I p m in .Mustang 4 > U .^tadium Laura Miller, agriculture More seats added tobusiness senior and publicity coordinator for homecoming, said she is excited about home­ Mott Gym next yearcoming "There are more activities ihere are more clubs involved. ly (vrtM posed with the entire sports It's just bigger and more fun,” DWy StpH complex project almost two she said years ago Included in that plan Damien Johnson, agriculture Students and stafi may want was a seating re-configuration business junior and homecoming to add a hard hat and work on the north and south chair, said he was also excited to their list of Q iit x Fm t s lobbies to the tune of $4 million about this year's homecoming supplies over the A much more scaled-back He said it was just a few years next few quar­ version, focusing mainly on the ago that ('al Poly was lacking in ters Although seating re-configuration. is in spirit But now, he said, the the L'tilidor pro­ the works now .According to camaraderie is back • K» »*••» »» -Athletic Director -lohn ject will he over, |uiti <4 < -»I I'.J» • “Three or four years ago. four new projects t.< lUi; X. .< Mci'utcheon. work will begin as homecoming wasn't happening will begin next soon as the basketball season is The parade was maybe 10 floats year over, in mid-March and Now it's going to be abc ut 60.” Thret' of the four — the park­ should Wi ready before- classes -Johnson said ing garage over the L-shaped resume in September Today's activities include the field, the engineering building Mcf'utcheon said the prelimi­ l>augh fMympics. and one of its near the library and the sporti^ nary estimates are for the addi­ events invoh'es mackerel Each complex — have already- tion o f only about 400 seats. participating club will send two Ho»w©co»w*ng eversi induded o bodaecoe d ir'o g U U Actooty Moor Right now. the gym holds about received a lot o f attention people onto the field fine mem­ 3.200 and could be increased to The last team with an unbroken synching and dancing skills, The fourth, a renovation of ber sits on the other's shoulders 3.6fK) with the renovation An egg wins originality and crowd participa­ Mott (>ym. IS unknown to most and holds the deceased fish, and athletic department pamphlet Another event scheduled for tion The athletic department, the one on the ground holds an also states that some of the today IS Mock Rc<k For thi<^ The homecoming parade will however, has been working egg on his or her head When it's additional seating will include clubs dress up and perform a take place downtown on toward the Mott iiym renovation time, the teams run around song of their choice They are Saturday Floats will be judged for several years each trynng to crush everyone judged on their appearance, lip The project was initially pro­ See MOTT pcx»e 3 else's egg with their mackerel See WEEK pooe 5 ASI rejects proposed city alcohol policies Special Homecoming Edition ty Aiweede leBec Board of Directors. then asked area is unlawful D»i*j Stofl Ibiii-» -ASI to state its stance on thè Howexer, it was not these ordinances statements that .ASI had difli- Ears pc-rkc-d up during a dis- The SC'IX'. made up of culty digesting Sections cu.ssion concerning alcohol and Cuesta and Cal Poly student.s as 9 05(*10 and 9 05 Ct 20 dealing j e f . minors at well as representatives from with consumption of alcohol in \V e d n e s d a y vanous city and university private areas and h<*mes. caught night's .A.^'I groups. is a go-betw«-n between the board's attention and criti­ Board mcH-ting thè student h(*dy and thè city cism The topic cen­ ‘ If it's endorse*d by students "I felt the two city ctrdinances tered on a rx-xeiit fJtK* Fmtv it will be easier to pass by thc> fete used on the punishment and dr ait f'i the ( it y s city.” said Board Vice C'hair .\'<-el fear instead the r<K*ts of the prop'i-al to crack iUl4i*tH4 |i4 "Bubba” .Murarka rroblem.” Murarka said An eight'poge dn*n t»n njinnrs 1 : m- 1 The board did cndorM.- twr« <4 Those ordinances deal with «HhÍ» i c4< Ill4 tfo four pr< poscxl s-*-( tions to thè two issues prohibiticm and hc*st - u -t--’ homecoming fauglit witlj Jt alcohol ordinance reviewed by SC'IjC' ing a gathering Sf-ctic.n edition devoted The fjtc ■»•IV C tne of thè propetsed c)tv ordì 9 05 010 states that no pe r sem entirely to sports brought prohibi­ '4»tl s would make it rilegai (or under the age c*f 21 is ls*gally tion ordinances an^ j,ersoi. under thè age of 21 jerm itted te consume alcohol is ovoiloble to the i-»tudent to bave a blo'«d-alor«ho] concen- unless fuy»orvised by a parent or NOW on news­ t'ommunity LaaisKin C ommittee tration of 01 percent or itK»re guardian SCI.X' This committee, with while in any public area It als« Section 9 05 020 states that stands. Don't one of its memf»ers on the -ASI States thè consumption of alcx»- miss rt! hol by any permn in any publK See ASI pooie 3 2 fPIDAV NOVEMBER '4 '997 m u s ta n g DAJIY Tuition decrease made up for in state funds Kevé witness By S«ieM Lay i ir- " Ivelxm' -aid "fv* it's really a graduate.«. the governor’s office .system will be given $19 4 million DoBy >»aH Wfrtcf shift in the si>urce of funds for reprirted. from the general fund, or whatev­ links Nichols running the institution." Cal Poly winter-quarter fees, er amount is necessary to fully Th«' .Vp<*rcent *011100 d»*crea>e .State Sen. Jack O’Connell said including .ASI and Health reimburse the 5-percent dc-crea.se ('a! Holy and ai. there is an exces- amount of .Services fees, add up to $743 for for the 1998-99 fiscal year. to McVeigh California public Qi ICK F%CTS money in the state general fund six or more units Assistant Beatrice fTarcia, biology sf>phi>- university stu- . “It’s a result of the expanding Director for Fiscal .Servnces Stan more, .said she is happy about the By Stevw K. Reetsee dents will si'e '• i^r economy," O’Connell .said “It’s a Rijsenfield estimated that, for current fee freeze. Assodoled he» next fall won’t cut <" function of a healthier economy. next fall, full-time tuition will be “1 think it’s great that they’re reduced from $528 to $502. Part- back any univer- That's why the revenue is on the not raising the fees," Garcia .said. DENVER— Terry Nichols plus." timers should expect a decrease sitv funding or • f hat lr4ti>Ul«-> “We need the money and we can tried to back out of the plot to program^ even The College Affordability Act from .^306 to $291. The state hardly make it the way it is now, bomb the Oklahr^ma City feder­ though reduced • utuUrsr^iu of 1997 A B I 3 I 81, proposed in won’t add to that amount until so if they keep increasing the fees, al building a month before the -tudent fee« will «•»-- March by .Assemblywoman Denise 2000. In the meantime, the combi­ then It would be hard." explosion, but TinK)thy McVeigh be coming in Ducheny <D-National City», nation of university costs and would not let him. a key prose­ Sean Averill, business .senior, Frank l>eben.s. reduces student fee.s for the reduced revenue could cause an cution witness testified said the fee freeze will help him administration and finance vice University of California; increase. Thursday. .save .some money. president at Cal Poly, said the cut California State University and It took almost eight months for “Tim told me that Terry no “Itll help me .save a lot extra will be balanced by additional California Community colleges AB1318 to be approved, but now longer wanted to help him mix 'tate funds Governor Wilson approved the students are assured that tuition pennies," Averill .said. “And it the bomb," said Michael Fortier, ■‘The tuition decrease' is law on Oct. 10. fees will not increa.se, at least make.s it more stable so you know adding that McVeigh told him, accompanied by a replacement of Tuition for the 1998-99 schord until 2000.
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