BROADCA ST EXPERIMENTER PUBLISHING, COMPANY, NEW YORK, PUBLISHERS OF RADIO NEWS - RADIO LISTENERS' GUIDE - - FRENCH HUMOR - AMAZING STORIES EVEREADx C®LLTMBIA Dry Batteries -they last longer you needn't experiment with batteries THE field for building things We did the fixing. Into it we and experimenting with new put all our 33 years of bat- ideas is so big it's a waste tery making, and believe us of time to try out different when we say the Eveready kinds of dry batteries. If Columbia Dry Battery has there is anything in the elec- no superior. trical field fixed, it's that's NATIONAL CARBON CO., Inc. cell the six-inch dry with the New York ? San Francisco EvereadyColumbia label. Unit of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation oyfr Science and Invention for March, 1928 969 Tra ining Employment PREPARING FINDING you you to fill a fine the better -paid position and Drafting job at PLACING you a substantial in it, or money raise in pay .. refunded ... ll_ position bine into Draiiin qnara Incrcoased Pay Men who can read blue -prints and draw plans are "sitting pretty" these days. No wonder, when you consider that every machine, every building, all industrial activities start on the Drafting table! Intensive production, record -break- TO d,Js,icrvonfin 9,"" WEGUA ing construction operations, have created a great demand for expert Draftsmen mw,o.;tme ol .. i.h our capable of designing and calculating original plans. )rafting: furiher. s. ,,tcns;on%a t And, ar .o m rc paR.ANTL ar1 tscnr ''. $50 to $125 a week paid to Expert Draftsmen WE GU la r°l d rour Pr` 2 `rlovld i isn't just one line of work-it reaches out a Get this point-that Drafting Yo1 :elr thn $4 into the Electrical, Manufacturing, Building Construction, Automotive v industries. That is why you'll find well -paid Drafting ¡ Fdio vu ° and Structural iharnronha.cPa positions advertised in all industrial centers of the U. S. 70,000 vacancies reported in the past 12 months. And that is why I advise men to go into or college ( f Drafting, particularly if handicapped by lack of high-school education. Today you are in competition with high-school and college graduates for the better -paid jobs. You must have specializedtraining to win. Success A Drafting Job GUARANTEED The Entering Wedge to paying 50% more than you earn today in all Building and Manufacturing Lines not a penny of cost! I recommend Drafting, too, because it can be QUICKLY learned at home, in spare time-with- -or out quitting your job, without losing a day's time or a dollar in pay. Because you're sure there Now, at a cost you can afford, on terms of only will be a good position waiting when you are ready for it. And because the work is so fascinat- $6 per month, you can actually BUY a fine ing and offers better -than -ordinary chances for advancement. For the Draftsman is in close con- and a substantial increase in tact with important work and BIG MEN, and he is right in line for promotion to Superintendent Drafting position and other executive positions. pay. A million -dollar institution guarantees both-the training, then the employment. Under money -back penalty. This agreement brings you your SECOND Drafting Lessons CHANCE. To repair a neglected education, to specialize, to change to a line where you can get ctuaZZFREE. ahead more rapidly. Read it, and investigate id J9 The American School to prove you can learn at Chartered 30 years as an EDUCATIONAL in- home, in your spare time! best resident schools and stitution and like the You will never have a more seri- colleges, conducted NOT FOR PROFIT. We up-to-date instruc- ous personal problem than decid- offer complete, thorough ing your future life-work-so we tion, built by 200 leading Educators, Engi- neers and Execu- merely urge you to LOOK INTO See you like it, see if you learn as tives. A unique in- Drafting. how readily as most men do, get the facts about the op- struction, built to the open, the meet the specifica- portunities, the salaries paid, jobs tions of well -paid chances for promotion. This is why, on receipt jobs as laid down by employers them- of your name, we will selves, yet simplified for send you the first three ready understanding by lessons of our Drafting men with only common course witho-it cost or schooling. obligation. And we are the first in the home study field to recog- nine the need of giving a COM- PLETE SERVICE to ambitious men O. C. MILLER, Director Extension Work, -training, plus employment. Which THE AMERICAN SCHOOL, O. C. MILLER takes you as you are, supplies the Dept. D-3z6A-Drene: Ave. &58th St.. Director Extension Work equipment you lack, and lands you Chicago, Illinois in the better job you seek. Without risk to youl Please send without cost or obligation: I. Three Drafting Lessons. 2. Facts about the opportunities in Drafting. 3. Your Guarantee to train and place me under money -back penalty. ' Name American ` _iF <ìo Address Dept. D-3z6A Drexel Ave. & 58th St., Chicago, Ill. Age Occupation Met and-Th? In tntio Formerly ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER COMBINED WITH "THE EXPERIMENTER" Member Audit Bureau of Circulations EDITORIAL, ADVERTISING AND GENERAL OFFICES: 230 Fifth Avenue, New York City Published by Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc. (H. Gernsback, Pres.; S. Gernsback, Vice -Tres. and Treas.; C. E. Rosenfelt, Sec'y. Publishers of SCIENCE AND INVENTION, RADIO NEWS, RADIO LISTENERS' GUIDE, AMAZING STORIES and FRENCH HUMOR Editorial Staff Contributing Editors HUGO GERN SBA( K, Editor -in -Chief. Astronomy- Automotive Sub George A. Lures IL WIN FIELD SEcoR, Managing Editor Dr. Donald H, Menzel, Ph.D., Lick Observatory; W. J. Luyten, of the Harvard College Observatory. Radio- A. P. Perk, Herbert Hayden. T. O'CON OR SLOANE, PH. D., Entomology and Allied Subjects- Magic and Psychic Phenomena- Associate Editor. Dr. Ernest Bade, Ph.D. .toseph Dunninger, Joseph F. Rinn, Edward Merlin. JOSEPH H. KRAUS, Field Editor. Physics- Foreign Correspondents- PAUL WELKER, Radio Editor. Dr. Harold F. Richards, Ph.D., Ernest K. Chapin. Dr. Alterai Gnadenwitz, Germany; Dr. H. Becher, SI.A., Dr. Donald H. Menzel, Ph.D. Germany; C. A. Oldroyd, England; S. Leonard Bas- S. GERN SPACE. Wrinkles Editor. tin, England; Count A. N. 311 rzaoff, France; Hubert Chemistry- Slouka, Czecho-Slovakia; P. C. van Petegem, Hol- W, J. ROMAINE, Art Director. Raymond it. Wailes, Dr. Ernest Rade, Ph.D. land; Richard Neumann, Austria. IN APRIL ISSUE CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER Real Spirits? GENERAL SCIENCE S. & I. Three -Tube A.C.-D.C. Set 1020 in- Editorial 977 By Paul Welker The very latest European By Hugo Gernsback ,Radio Oracle .. 1021 vestigations on the production The Case of the S-4 978 ASTRONOMY of spirits or materializations at By H, 11'infield Secor Largest Associate :Member, American Insti- Reflecting Telescope in Europe 994 spiritualistic séances will be \ i.siting Other Planets 998 tute of Electrical Engineers By James Nevin published in picture and story. 'thought Konzentrator-latest Swindle 981 Miller By Hugo Gernsback AUTOMOTIVE Do Animals Grow New Limbs? Member, American Physical Society What Makes an Automotive Mechanic? 991 Longest Concrete Bridge at New Orleans 983 By Henry Townsend One of the greatest questions New Boat Propelled Like Fish 983 Motor Hints 1004 of all time is-why can't a man Fish Harvester 987 Conducted by George A. Liters Scientific Progress 988 HOW grow a new limb, if he should Strange Hobbies and Crafts of Successful Men 992 -TO-MARE -IT lose one in an accident? How By George H. Doer Miniature Cities-Clow Built 997 respond under such con- The Month's Scientific News Illustrated 99( By Lee Black, the Man Who Builds Them animals By George 14'all Model Department-Prize Cup Each Month 1006 ditions will he explained by an The Metal Emperor-Sixth Installment 1000 HIow to Make a Barometer 1009 expert. By A. Merritt By Raymond B. Wailes Can Y'ou Answer These Scientific Questions? 1002 Magazine Mysteries 1010 Sea Serpents? Magic-a Monthly Feature 1003 By Bert Douglas By Dunninger Howo-Make-It-t Department .. 1012 Do you believe the stories told Everyday Chemistry 1005 Wrinkles. Recipes and Formulas ............... _. 1014 for generations regarding im- By Raymond B. Wailes Edited by S. Gernsback Experimental Chemistry and Electrics 1007 MEDICAL mense sea serpents? The latest Readers' Forum 1013 appear Can Siamese Twins Be Separated? 984 scientific explanation will Scientific humor 1022 By Joseph Latest Patents 1023 II. Kraus in the next issue. Water asid Its Impurities 1008 Oracle ..... 1024 By Dr. E, Bade Patent Advice - 1034 Moving the Tower of Pisa AERONAUTICS RADIO The greatest engineering feat Eliminating Fatal "l'ail Spin" 990 imaginable - necessitated by Radio Guides Torpedo Boat 1015 By C. 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