Louisiana Radio KXKW(AM) -Nov 15, 1960: 1520 Khz; 10 Kw (CH), Nie Orgeron, News Dir; Bill Averitt, Chief Engr

Louisiana Radio KXKW(AM) -Nov 15, 1960: 1520 Khz; 10 Kw (CH), Nie Orgeron, News Dir; Bill Averitt, Chief Engr

Louisiana Radio KXKW(AM) -Nov 15, 1960: 1520 khz; 10 kw (CH), nie Orgeron, news dir; Bill Averitt, chief engr. Rates: 500 w-N, DA -2. Box J (70501). (318) 232 -2632. S6; 5.50; 5.50. KXKW Inc. (acq 8- 31 -69). Net: APR. Rep: Torbet. For- mat: C &W. James V. Hoffpauir, pres & gen mgr; KVVP(FM) -Jan 20, 1977: 105.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 KCIL(FM) -Co -owned with KJIN(AM). Dec. 31, Clark L. White, coml mgr; Mike Kitchens, news dir; ft. Stereo. Box 1573 (71446). Stannard Bcstg Co. Net: 1965: 107.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Prog sep Charles Juneau, chief engr. Rates: $12; 12; 12; 9. MBS, Louisiana Net. Format: C &W. John S. Stannard, from AM. Format: Btfl mus. Rates same as AM. pres; Alan Taylor, coml mgr; Doug Stannard, prog dir & Lake Charles gen mgr; Les Reed, news dir; Rick Barnickel, sports & Jena mus dir; John Coburn, chief engr. KAOK(AM) -May 10, 1947: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 KCKW(AM) -Oct 4, 1962: 1480 khz; 500 w -D. w -N. Box S (70602). (318) 436 -7541. E. J. P. Inc. (acq Mansfield Drawer KK (71342). (318) 992-4155. LaSalle Bcstrs. 5- 22 -64). Net: ABC /C, ABC /E, Louisiana. Rep: Cowart - Net: MBS. Rep: Beaver. Format: C &W. R. W. Wagner, Smith. Format: Young adult, contemp, talk. Spec prog: KDXI(AM) -June 15, 1954: 1360 khz; 1 kw -D. pres; Robert C. Wagner, gen mgr & chief engr. Homemaker 2 hrs, Fr 1 hr wkly. Ed J. Prendergast, Drawer 740 (71052). (318) 872 -4414. Heart of Dixie owner & pres; Buddy Sepaugh, coml mgr; Ray Carroll, Bcstg (acq 10 -67). Net: ABC /E. Format: C &W, gospel. KJNA(FM) -Co -owned with KCKW(AM). Oct., 1976: news dir; Ron Smith, chief engr. Rates: $8.50; 7.50; Spec progs: Black 10 hrs, farm 3 hrs, wkly. Bennett 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Dups AM 100 %. Strange, pres & chief engr; Bob Axtell, coml mgr; Vera Strange, prom mgr. Rates: $5; 3; 3; 3. Jennings KJVC(FM) -Co -owned with KDXI(AM). September, KJEF(AM)- November, 1950: 1290 khz; 1 kw -D. 1976: 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Net: Loui- Drawer 1248 (70546). (318) 824 -2934. Jennings siana Net. Prog sep from AM. Format: MOR. Spec 4. Bcstg Co. Net: ABC /I. Format: Black, C &W.. Spec prog: prog: Farm 3 hrs wkly. Fr 12 hrs wkly. Clovis L. Bailey, pres, gen mgr & chief engr; Jerry Dugas, prom & coml mgr; Bill Bailey, prog Many dir. Stream Broadcasting Inc. KWLV(FM) -Nov. 12, 1977: 107.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 KJEF -FM- January 1963: 92.7 mhz; 2.9 kw. Ant 220 ft. Box 1005 (71449). (318) 256 -5924. WLV -TV Inc. KGRA(FM) -Jan 23, 1976: 103.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant ft. Stereo. Dups AM 100 %. Net: MBS. Rep: Mid Spot Sls. Format: Div. Spec prog: 470 ft. Box 3306 (70602). (318) 433 -0700. Stream Farm 4 hrs, Gr 9 hrs wkly. E. T. Baldridge, pres & Bcstg. Rep: Carpenter. Format: Album Rock. Tony Jonesboro chief engr; Ted Wayne Dumas, gen & prom mgr; Vicki Reed, gen mgr; Scott Kelly, prog dir; Bob Hartnett, sls Dawn, coml mgr; Sandy Dumas, mus dir; Rick Tarver, mgr; Fred Chateau, chief engr. Rates: 58.50; 8.25; KTOC(AM) -Dec 4, 1958: 920 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 550, news dir. Rates: $2.50; 2.50; 2.50; 2.50. 622 Hudson Ave., (71251). General Communications 8.50; 8.25. Inc. (318) 259 -4600. Tracy H. Rushing Sr. (acq KWLA(AM) -Aug 1962: 1400 khz; (CP 1400 khz; KIKS(AM) -See Sulphur. 2- 23 -76). Net: UPI. Format: C &W. William J. Clark, 250 w -N). 1 kw -D; 250 w -N; DA -1. Box 1029 (71449). pres; Mary Ratliff, coml mgr; Tom Ayers, news dir. Toledo Investments Inc. 7 KLCL(AM) -May 12, 1935: 1470 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. (318) 256 -5177. (acq -67). Rates: $7; 6; 7; -. Box 3067. (70601). (318) 433 -1641. KLCL Radio Inc. Net: APR. Louisiana Net. Rep: Keystone. Donald T. (acq 6- 21 -71). Net: NBC. Rep: Torbet -Lasker. Format: Lyons, pres, gen & coml mgr, prog dir; Kenny Carter, KTOC -FM -Oct 1, 1967: 104.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 245 ft. C &W. Fr hrs, 10 hrs, wkly. Perry chief engr. Rates: $2.25; 2.25; 2.25; 2.25. Stereo. Format: Rel. Spec progs: 3 black S. pres; Jim Toth, VP & gen mgr; Jack Samuels, Marksville Kaplan O'Reilly, coml mgr; Dale Goodman, prog dir; Ray Kruger, news dir; A.E. Montgomery, chief engr Rates: KAPB(AM) 28, 1954: 1370 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 7 S8; 8; 8; 8. -Oct NEW -FM -Not on air, taget date unknown: 97.7 mhz; (71351). (318) 253 -7206. Avoyelles Bcstg Corp. Nat: 3 kw. Ant. 300 ft. Box 349 (70548). Mid -Acadiana KLCL -FM -Nov 8. 1965: 99.5 mhz; 33 kw. Ant 400 ft. Smith. Format: C &W. Guy C. Billups Jr., pres; Chester Bcstg Corp. Prog sep from AM. Format: MOR. Jerry Methvin, prog J. Coco, exec VP; Chester A. Coco, gen mgr; John dir. GarthLer, mus dir; Mike Neck, news dir; Donald J. Bor - Lafayette delon, chief engr. Rates: $5; 5; 5; -. KLOU(AM) -1947: 1580 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -N. 311 follows KPEL(AM). KTDY(FM)- Listing Alamo St., Box 1725 (70602). (318) 436 -7277. Dixie KWLB -FM -Aug 14, 1971: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 204 Bcstrs Inc. (acq 5- 2 -60). Rep: PRO Radio. Format: Top ft. Stereo. Format: Adult Contemp. Dup AM 50 %. 40. Albert D. Johnson, pres & gen mgr; Mike Rates: S6.50; 6.50; 6.50; 6.50. KPEL/KTDY Mitchell, stn & coml mgr; Jerry Lousteau, prom mgr, prog & mus dir; Lyles Martin, news dir; David Minden Chimeno, chief engr. Rates: $11.75; 8.80; 11.75; 9. F. KASO(AM) -April 1, 1952: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 KSNS(FM) -Co -owned with KEZM(AM) (Sulphur, w -N. Box 1240 (71055). (318) 377 -1240. Cook En- La.). Jan 1976: 96.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 430 ft. Stereo. terprises Inc. (acq 11-15-63). Net: Keystone. Harold KPEL(AM) -Jan 2, 1950: 1420 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w- Box 324, Sulphur, La. (70663). (318) 527 -5202. Media Ray (Boe) Cook, pres & gen mgr; M. S. O'Dell Jr., prog N, DA -N. Box 52046 (70505). (318) 233 -7003. I Inc. Net: ABC /FM. Rep: Savalli- Gates. Format: dir & chief engr. Lafayette Bcstg (acq 5- 28 -76). Net: ABC /I, CBS. Rep: Top -40. L. Russell Keene II, pres; Roger E. Rabalais, H -R Stone. Format: MOR. Spec progs: Fr 1 hr wkly. in coml mgr; Gary Shannon, prog dir; Mike Guidry, prom KASO -FM -Jul 1, 1978. 95.3 mhz; 3 kw; Ant 150 ft. Ronald Gomez, pres; Ron Strother, coml mgr; Don mgr; Patrick Manual, chief engr. Rates: S8.75; 8.75; Box 1240 (71055). Cook Enterprises Inc. Net: MBS. Allen, sports dir; Bob McManus, opns mgr; Cherry 8.75; 8.75. Format: C &W. Rates: $5.25; 5.25; 5.25; 5.25. Fisher, news dir; Charles Ellis, chief engr. Rates: $18; 15; 18; 15. Lake Providence Monroe KTDY(FM) -Co -owned with KPEL(AM). Sept 15, KLPL(AM) -June 27, 1957: 1050 khz; 250 w -D. Box KLIC(AM) -June 23, 1950: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 1966. 99.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 450 ft. Stereo. Format: 231 (71254). (318) 559 -1882. La Reside Bcstg Co. w -N. 1700 Parkview Dr., Box 153 (71201). (318) MOR. Ron Gomez, gen mgr; Chuck Taylor, coml mgr; (acq 8- 4 -78). Net: Louisiana. Rep: Walton, Beaver. For- 388 -3090. Golden South Bcstg (acq 9- 19 -77). Net: Conrand Maxwell, prog dir. Rates: $27; 23; 27; 23. mat: Black. Larry G. Wade, gen mgr; Ernest R. San - MBS. Rep: Bolton. Format: C &W. Dave McCormick, didge, pres. Rates: S4.50; 4.50; 4.50; 4.50. pres & gen mgr; Bud DeViller, coml mgr; Charlie *KRVS(FM) -1962: 88.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 100 ft. Col- lier, prog dir; Ben Robbins, Stereo. Box 2171, USL Station (70504). (318) mus dir; Loretta Go, news KLPL -FM- Jan 28, 1975: 92.7 mhz; 2 kw. Ant 145 ft. dir; Rodney Evans, chief engr. 234 -9495. USL Student Corp. Net: UPI. Format: Div. Rates: $12; 12; 12; Prog sep from AM. Format: C &W. Spec progs: Farm 10 12. Spec progs: Black, 17 hrs, Fr 10 hrs, jazz 7 hrs wkly. hrs wkly Rates: S4.50; 4.50; 4.50; 4.50. Jerry Brigham, faculty mgr. KMLB(AM) -July 1, 1930: 1440 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw- N. Box 4808 (71201). (318) 388 -2323. KSMB(FM) -July 1965: 94.5 mhz; 56 kw. Ant 450 ft. La Place Cyrene Bcstg Corp. (acq 9- 11 -72). Stereo. 666 Jefferson St. Box 3345 (70502). (318) Net: NBC. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Farm 7 hrs 232 -1311. Communications Broadcasters, (acq WCKW(FM) - January 10, 1966: 92.3 mhz; 51 kw. wkly. Robert E. Powell, pres; Jo Allen Dickerson, mgr; 10 -75). Rep: Masla & Assoc. Format: AOR. Tom Ant 440 ft. Stereo. Drawer B, Garyville, La. (70051). coml Steve Shear. prog dir; Richard Garrett, chief engr. Galloway, pres & gen mgr; Mike Mitchell, stn mgr & (504) 535 -2424. 222 Corp. Net: ABC /I, Louisiana Net. mus dir; Bill Bessan, coml mgr; Jay Walker, mus dir; Rep: Midsouth. Format: MOR, C &W. Sidney J. Levet KWEZ(FM) -Co -owned with KMLB(AM).

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