Received: 19 November 2020 | Accepted: 12 January 2021 DOI: 10.1111/epi.16859 LETTER Impact of carbamazepine and lacosamide on serum lipid levels To the Editors: if the authors would have explored some subgroups in this We read with interest the recent article titled “Effects of post hoc analysis, such as whether those with elevated liver lacosamide and carbamazepine on lipids in a randomized transaminases, those receiving higher doses, and those hav- trial” by Mintzer et al.1 The authors have shown that carba- ing higher serum CBZ levels, as mentioned in the original mazepine (CBZ) elevates serum lipids, whereas lacosamide study results, had more significant dyslipidemia. Patients re- (LCM) does not affect lipids levels. We wish to add certain ceiving enzyme- inducing ASMs with certain CYP450 poly- points. morphisms are more likely to have more hepatic dysfunction The authors have used analysis of covariance to determine and dyslipidemia.5 As the authors have not performed any whether the difference between the two groups in terms of el- analysis for cytochrome P polymorphism, CRP, lipopro- evation of serum lipids was significantly different. However, tein (a), and other markers of atherosclerosis in the original in the results, they have not mentioned the variance explained study protocol, they could have explored the subgroup with by the independent variable (i.e., between- group variance) drug- induced transaminitis as a potentially high- risk group and unexplained variance (ie, within-g roup variance).2 It for having more dyslipidemia.6 Similarly, the authors should could have revealed how much of the difference in change of also have screened for whether the cases with well-contr olled lipid profile parameters between the LCM and CBZ groups epilepsy and uncontrolled epilepsy had any significant differ- was truly due to the effect of antiseizure medications (ASMs) ence in change in serum lipid levels. and how much was due to covariates such as age, sex, body The authors have mentioned that only 271 of 886 patients mass index, and baseline lipid level. The p-v alue as men- randomized were included in this post hoc analysis, so the tioned by the authors only signifies that the two groups are study is more likely a subgroup analysis rather than a true ran- different with respect to the distribution of serum lipid levels. domized controlled comparison as mentioned by the authors. Second, the authors could have included a few more clini- They have also mentioned that the included sample size in both cally relevant covariates such as dietary habit/daily caloric arms in this post hoc analysis is sufficient to detect any level intake, daily physical activity, presence of diabetes, smoking, of change in lipid parameters. They should have corroborated and alcohol use, which are important determinants of serum this opinion by calculating the post hoc power analysis for this lipid levels. study. Lastly, in such cases, number needed to harm provides Moreover, the authors have compared the change in indi- a more comprehensive overview of the increased risk of dys- vidual serum lipid levels between the two groups. However, lipidemia incurred by administration of CBZ instead of LCM.7 they have not compared whether the changes in these indi- vidual serum lipid levels are corelated with each other in the CONFLICT OF INTEREST same group, and few individuals are at risk for the elevation Neither of the authors has any conflict of interest to disclose. of multiple serum lipid level parameters. The patients with derangement in more than one serum lipid parameter are at Prateek Kumar Panda higher risk of acute coronary ischemic events and other ath- Indar Kumar Sharawat erosclerotic complications than those with derangement in a single parameter. Pediatric Neurology Division, Department of This subgroup analysis is clinically more relevant to med- Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, ical professionals, as Phase II studies in lacosamide have Rishikesh, India previously shown no significant dyslipidemic adverse effects and carbamazepine has been shown to cause dyslipidemia Correspondence in multiple previous studies.3,4 The authors have mentioned Indar Kumar Sharawat, Pediatric Neurology Division, that CBZ elevates serum lipid by activation of CYP5A1 Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical and also causes elevation of lipoprotein (a) and C-r eactive Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand-249203, India. protein (CRP). Thus, it would have been more informative Email: [email protected] © 2021 International League Against Epilepsy 1034 | wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/epi Epilepsia. 2021;62:1034–1035. LETTER | 1035 4. Yamamoto Y, Terada K, Takahashi Y, Imai K, Kagawa Y, Inoue ORCID Y. 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