Sci.Int.(Lahore),27(4),3601-3603,2015 ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 3601 CONCEPT OF RIBA (INTEREST) IN ISLAMIC LAW: ITS IMPACT ON SOCIETY *Muhammad Zubair, Sadia Khattak Law Department, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan K.Pk Pakistan. *Email: [email protected] , (00923459003028, 03009301171 iABSTRACT: The concept of Riba occupies a significant position in economic system of Islam. Riba is an act of taking advantage of an individual who needs money to meet his/ her basic needs through renting money at a price known as interest. The Holy Qur’an and Hadith (Practices of the Prophet) manifestly forbid Riba in human relationship side by side associate it with human enslavement. This article is an attempt to elucidate position of Riba in the light of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith (Practices) of the Prophet (P.B.U.H). It also highlights kinds of Riba and identifies impact of Riba on society. KEY WORDS: Riba, Usury, Islam, Qur‟an, Economics, Sharia, Religion. INTRODUCTION: have to repay interest/usury as well as the principal amount. The economic system under Islam has a main focus on the In 1983 the Islamic Ideology Council of Pakistan reported concept of Riba and therefore it may be stated that its denial that there is consensus on the concept of riba among the lies at the heart of the concept of the moral economy which Muslims and is equal to all kinds of usury and interest. Thus Islam profess. It (Riba) is clearly prohibited in the Holy Riba is the Qur‟anic word for interest, mark up or usury Qur‟an and Hadith, and equated in these as something that which means an addition, increase or excess to the amount would be a bar to individual salvation [1]. Riba is basically lent [1]. the act of taking advantage of those people who need money Qur’anic Injunctions Concerning Riba: to meet their basic needs/necessities through the act of The ban on riba (usury) has come at four different places in renting them money at a price called „„interest‟‟ [2]. the Holy Qur‟an. The Holy Qur‟an in the first verse Islam is not only the major religion of the World which emphasise that riba deprives a person‟s wealth from Allah maintains a prohibition/ban on riba/usury. Similar provisions blessing. are also found in other religions as well. In Ancient India, the Another verse of the Holy Qur‟an places riba juxtaposes to old scriptures of Hindus, Veda have condemned riba the wrongful appropriation of others property and condemns (interest) as an evil and have made restrictions on their it in strong words. The third verse instructs the believers to operations. In Judaism, the Torah has also negated riba keep themselves away from the riba, if they want their (usury) amongst the Jews; while Christianity has similar welfare. The final verse of the Holy Qur‟an draws a clear line views just like the other religions and prohibit riba in-between the trade and riba, by emphasises upon the (usury/interest) for more than 1400 years [3]. believers to take the principal amount only and if the Grammatically the noun riba‟s meaning is ‘yarbu rubuwwan borrower has no means to repay even the principal amount riba’n’, which‟s past simple verb, Raba’s meaning, is to then even leave that as well [3]. increase and grow. The meaning of the words “yurbe the Qur‟anic injunctions clearly state that anyone who is doing charities” in Qur‟an is to “grow the charities.” This prohibited the practice of riba (interest) is waging a war against Allah word riba was taken from here. Almighty Allah said, “The and His Messenger (P.B.U.H). The Quran states in Chapter 2, crime you commit in the form of riba in-order to increase the Al Baqara: Verses: 278-279: ٌَب أٌَُّ َٓب انَّ ِزٌ ٍَ آ َي ُٕ ْا احَّقُٕ ْا ّّللاَ َٔ َر ُسٔ ْا َيب بَقِ ًَ ِي ٍَ ان ِّشب َب ئٌِ ُكُخُى ُّي ْإ ِيٍٍُِ amount does not increase with Allah” [4]. The word usury‟s فَاٌِ نَّ ْى حَ ْف َعهُٕ ْا َفأْ َرَُٕ ْا بِ َح ْش ٍة ِّي ٍَ ّّللاِ َٔ َس ُسٕنِ ِّ َٔئٌِ حُ ْبخُ ْى فَهَ ُك ْى ُس ُؤٔ ُس أَ ْي َٕانِ ُك ْى ﻻَ :definition by various English language dictionaries are حَ ْظهِ ًُٕ ٌَ َٔﻻَ حُ ْظهَ ًٌُٕ money loan practicing with the agreement to pay back with„„ سٕسِ انبقشة:2 , آٌج:high interest rate‟ (Collins Dictionary) and „additional 279-278 amount charged with the principal amount usually described You who are Muslims! Fear Allah and stop what is remaining as interest‟ (Wilson 1987) [5]. Therefore when there is an of your demand for riba, if you are in reality Muslims. If you additional amount/value over the principal (original) don‟t obey, take notice of war from Allah and His Prophet: amount/value, then it is known as riba (Wilson 1985: 24). but if you turn back, you shall have your principal amount; Thus technically the term riba means interest and usury, and deal not unjustly, and you shall not be dealt with unjustly. generally it is unjust excess in money without any Chapter 4, An-Nisa, Verses: 160-161: فَبِظُ ْه ٍى ِّي ٍَ انَّ ِزٌ ٍَ َْب ُدٔ ْا َح َّش ْيَُب َعهَ ٍْ ِٓ ْى َطٍِّبَب ٍث أُ ِحهَّ ْج َنُٓ ْى َٔبِ َص ِّذ ِْ ْى َعٍ َسبٍِ ِم ّّللاِ compensation given [5]. The definition of riba in the decision َكثٍِ ًشا of the Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan is that the term riba is َٔأَ ْخ ِز ِْ ُى ان ِّشبَب َٔقَ ْذ َُ ُٕٓ ْا َع ُُّْ َٔأَ ْكهِ ِٓ ْى َأ ْي َٕا َل انَُّب ِس بِب ْنبَب ِط ِم َٔ أَ ْعخَ ْذ َب نِ ْه َكبفِ ِشٌ ٍَ ِي ُْ ُٓ ْى equal to both interest and usury; and it is not limited to َع َزابًب أَنٍِ ًب double and redoubling interest; but it is applied to all kinds of سٕسِ انُسبء:4 , آٌج:usury, whether it is in fractions or high, simple or compound; 060-061 and therefore Islam condemn riba in all forms and For the iniquitous behaviour of Jews, We made certain food manifestation irrespective of their charging rate [3]. goods unlawful for them and beneficial things which had Over the centuries the consensus/Ijma of the jurists/Ulema been lawful for them, in that they hindered many from has been that riba should be understood as any interest/usury Allah‟s way. That they took riba; although they were charged on a loan, regardless of the willingness of the prohibited; and that they devour Man‟s property wrongfully. borrower to enter into an agreement by which he/she will July-August 3602 ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),27(4),3601-3603,2015 We have prepared a grievous punishment for those among Messenger of Allah said: Associating someone with Allah them who reject. (S.W.T), Sorcery; killing a person other than those reasons Chapter 3: Aal-Imran: Verse: 130: allowed by Allah (S.W.T); to devour interest; to devour the orphan‟s properties; fleeing the battlefield; and falsely ٌَب أٌَُّ َٓب انَّ ِزٌ ٍَ آ َي ُٕ ْا ﻻَ ح َأْ ُكهُٕ ْا ان ِّشبَب أَ ْض َعب ًفب ُّي َضب َعفَتً َٔاحَّقُٕ ْا ّّللاَ نَ َعهَّ ُك ْى حُ ْفهِ ُحٌٕ implicating chaste, innocent, believer women of سٕسِ آل عًشاٌ:3 , آٌج:031 „Oh you believers! Devour not riba, double and redoubled; vulgarity.” [Sahih-Bukhari] but fear from Allah; that you may really successful‟. 2. Jabir.b.Abdullah (R.A) reports that the Messenger of Allah Chapter-2: Al-Baqara: Verse: 275 (P.B.U.H) has cursed those persons who receive and who pays usury along with the recorder and witnesses of that انَّ ِزٌ ٍَ ٌَأْ ُكهُٕ ٌَ ان ِّشبَب ﻻَ ٌَقُٕ ُيٕ ٌَ ئِﻻَّ َك ًَب ٌَقُٕ ُو انَّ ِزي ٌَخَ َخبَّطُُّ ان َّش ٍْ َطب ٌُ ِي ٍَ ا ْن ًَ ِّس َرنِ َك transactions. All these persons are equally responsible in بِأَََُّٓ ْى قَبنُٕ ْا ئََِّ ًَب ا ْنبَ ٍْ ُع ِي ْث ُم ان ِّشبَب َٔأَ َح َّم ّّللاُ ا ْنبَ ٍْ َع َٔ َح َّش َو ان ِّشبَب َف ًٍَ َجبءُِ َي ْٕ ِع َظت [this guilt. [Sahih-Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ahmad ِّيٍ َّس بِّ ِّ فَبَخَ َٓ َى فَ َهُّ َيب َسهَ َف َٔ َأ ْي ُشُِ ئِ َنى ّّللاِ َٔ َي ٍْ َعب َد َفأُ ْٔ َنـئِ َك أَ ْص َحب ُة انَُّب ِس ُْ ْى Abdullah b. Ishaq (R.A) has reported that the Prophet .3 فٍِ َٓب َخبنِ ُذٌٔ P.B.U.H) says: „Riba has 73 doors or 70 grades; the) سٕسِ انبقشة:2 , آٌج:275 Those who practice riba wouldn‟t stand except as one stand lesser one is equal to commit adultery with his own whom the evil-one by touch has driven to madness. The mother‟. [Ibn Majah] reason behind this is they said that trade is like riba; but Allah 4. Abu Sa„eed al-Khudari (R.A), reports that the Messenger has allowed trade, and prohibited riba. After such orders from of Allah (P.B.U.H) said: “[Exchange] gold with gold, Allah, those who stop riba will be forgiven for their past, silver with silver, wheat with wheat, barley with barley, their case is for Allah to judge; but others who are repeating dates with dates, salt with salt in equal quantities and spot. such practices are the companion of fire; they will live there- Anybody who asks for increase in quantity or actually in forever.
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