S470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 23, 2018 SENATE RESOLUTION 378—CON- SENATE RESOLUTION 379—TO AU- S. RES. 380 GRATULATING THE NATIONAL THORIZE THE PRODUCTION OF Whereas, on December 2, 2017, the Univer- TREASURY EMPLOYEES UNION RECORDS BY THE PERMANENT sity of Charleston Golden Eagles won the Na- ON ITS 80TH ANNIVERSARY AND SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGA- tional Collegiate Athletic Association (re- COMMENDING THE DEDICATION TIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON ferred to in this preamble as the ‘‘NCAA’’) TO FEDERAL EMPLOYEES OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND GOV- Division II Men’s Soccer Championship at AND CONTINUED SERVICE BY ERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Swope Soccer Village in Kansas City, Mis- souri, which was the first national cham- THE NATIONAL TREASURY EM- Mr. MCCONNELL (for himself and PLOYEES UNION AND THE MEM- pionship in the history of the University of Mr. SCHUMER) submitted the following Charleston; BERS OF THE NATIONAL TREAS- resolution; which was considered and URY EMPLOYEES UNION Whereas the University of Charleston agreed to: men’s soccer team finished their historic Ms. BALDWIN submitted the fol- S. RES. 379 season with a record of 21 wins, 1 loss, and 2 lowing resolution; which was referred Whereas, the Permanent Subcommittee on ties by securing a victory over the Lynn Uni- to the Committee on Health, Edu- Investigations of the Committee on Home- versity Fighting Knights in the national cation, Labor, and Pensions: land Security and Governmental Affairs con- championship; S. RES. 378 ducted an investigation into the purchase Whereas the University of Charleston and shipment of illicit opioids into and Whereas, in 1938, a group of employees in throughout the United States; men’s soccer team has become a symbol of Wisconsin banded together to eliminate po- pride and success to the University of litical influence in the jobs of those employ- Whereas, the Subcommittee has received a request from a federal law enforcement agen- Charleston and the surrounding communities ees as revenue collectors, marking the begin- in West Virginia; ning of the National Treasury Employees cy for access to records of the Subcommit- tee’s investigation; Whereas the University of Charleston Union (referred to in this preamble as the men’s soccer team did not allow a goal in 5 ‘‘NTEU’’); Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of the United States and Rule XI of the Stand- games throughout the NCAA Division II Whereas that group persisted for 14 years Men’s Soccer championship tournament, be- and finally won civil service protections, ing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under leading to the establishment of the profes- the control or in the possession of the Senate coming just the second team to shutout sional workforce at the Internal Revenue can, by administrative or judicial process, be every opponent in tournament history; Service that exists today; taken from such control or possession but by Whereas the Golden Eagles held their oppo- permission of the Senate; Whereas, in 1972, the NTEU signed the first nents scoreless in 19 of 24 matches in 2017, negotiated bargaining agreement of the Whereas, when it appears that evidence with All-American goalkeeper Paulo Pita NTEU, which developed a shared set of re- under the control or in the possession of the registering 16 shutouts, the best in NCAA Di- sponsibilities for managers and bargaining Senate is needed for the promotion of jus- vision II Men’s Soccer championship tour- unit employees that were designed to im- tice, the Senate will take such action as will promote the ends of justice consistent with nament history; prove the workforce and achieve the mission Whereas Paulo Pita was recognized as the of the Internal Revenue Service; the privileges of the Senate: Now, therefore, be it 2017-2018 NCAA Division II statistical cham- Whereas, since that initial agreement, the pion for Goals Against Average; NTEU has promoted new and innovative Resolved, That the Chairman and Ranking workplace policies that benefit Federal em- Minority Member of the Permanent Sub- Whereas the University of Charleston ployees and agencies, such as alternative committee on Investigations of the Com- Golden Eagles earned the 2017-2018 Division work schedules and telework policies; mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- II men’s soccer statistical championship mental Affairs, acting jointly, are authorized title for Goals Against Average and Shutout Whereas the NTEU— to provide to law enforcement officials, regu- (1) serves as a powerful voice for the mem- Percentage; latory agencies, and other entities or indi- Whereas the University of Charleston bers of the NTEU and for Federal employees viduals duly authorized by federal or state in general; Golden Eagles won the championship in the governments, records of the Subcommittee’s first season with Dan Stratford as head (2) has successfully sought to promote and investigation into the purchase and ship- defend Federal service as a noble calling in- ment of illicit opioids into and throughout coach; volving a variety of challenging and reward- the United States. Whereas this championship follows 3 sea- ing professions; and Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, on sons with Dan Stratford as an assistant (3) has fought tirelessly to ensure that coach, in which the Golden Eagles reached 3 Federal employees are free from discrimina- behalf of myself and the distinguished consecutive NCAA Division II Men’s Soccer tion, politicization, and retaliation for dis- Democratic leader, Mr. SCHUMER, I Final Four tournaments and appeared in 2 closing Government waste, fraud, and abuse; send to the desk a resolution on docu- National Championship games; Whereas the work of the NTEU and the mentary production by the Permanent Whereas Thomas Vancaeyezeele became knowledge and skills of the highly trained Subcommittee on Investigations, and just the second athlete in the history of the individuals represented by the NTEU who ask for its immediate consideration. Golden Eagles to be named National Player work for the Federal Government contribute significantly to the greatness and prosperity Mr. President, the Permanent Sub- of the Year after leading the University of of the United States; committee on Investigations of the Charleston men’s soccer team to the na- Whereas the NTEU has grown to represent Committee on Homeland Security and tional championship, anchoring a defense more than 150,000 employees from 32 dif- Governmental Affairs recently con- that allowed just 8 goals in the 2017 season ferent Government agencies, and the mem- ducted an investigation into the pur- and trailed just twice in 24 matches; bers of the NTEU— chase and shipment of illicit opioids Whereas the University of Charleston (1) collect the money to fund the Govern- into and throughout the United States. men’s soccer team started the 2017 season ment; The Subcommittee has now received a with 15 consecutive wins, cruising to their (2) help protect the borders of the United fourth straight Mountain East Conference States; request from the Department of Home- regular season title and fourth straight (3) ensure that individuals in the United land Security seeking access to records NCAA Division II Men’s Soccer Atlantic Re- States have clean air and water; that the Subcommittee obtained dur- gion title, losing just one match all season; (4) regulate financial services companies; ing the investigation. Whereas Paulo Pita, Thomas and In keeping with the Senate’s practice Vancaeyezeele, Patrick Guier, Will Roberts, (5) make sure that the manner in which under its rules, this resolution would Kieran Bywater, and Armando Tikvic were the airways are used is in the public interest; authorize the Chairman and Ranking all named as All-American players; Whereas the mission of the NTEU, to help Minority Member of the Permanent Whereas the coaching staff of the Univer- create workplaces in which every Federal Subcommittee on Investigations, act- sity of Charleston men’s soccer team was employee is treated with dignity and respect, named the United Soccer Coaches National has been met by the efforts of the NTEU to— ing jointly, to provide records, ob- tained by the Subcommittee in the Staff of the Year for NCAA Division II Men’s (1) advocate for fair pay and benefits; Soccer; and (2) negotiate for work-life balance initia- course of its investigation, in response to this request and requests from other Whereas the University of Charleston tives; and men’s soccer team should be praised for the (3) ensure a merit-based, nonpartisan civil Federal or State government entities and officials with a legitimate need for historic season of both athletic and aca- service; demic accomplishments: Now, therefore, be Whereas, whether advocating on Capitol the records. it Hill, at the bargaining table, or in work- f places across the United States, the NTEU Resolved, That the Senate— continues to make history through its ac- SENATE RESOLUTION 380—CON- (1) congratulates the University of Charles- complishments; and GRATULATING THE UNIVERSITY ton men’s soccer team for winning the Na- Whereas, in 2018, the NTEU is celebrating OF CHARLESTON MEN’S SOCCER tional Collegiate Athletic Association Divi- its 80th anniversary: Now, therefore, be it TEAM FOR WINNING THE NA- sion II Men’s Soccer Championship; Resolved, That the Senate— TIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC (2) recognizes the athletic program at the (1) congratulates the National Treasury ASSOCIATION DIVISION II MEN’S University of Charleston for its achievement Employees Union on its 80th anniversary; SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP AT in both sports and academics; and and SWOPE SOCCER VILLAGE IN (3) respectfully requests that the Secretary (2) commends— KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI of the Senate prepare an official copy of this (A) the work of the National Treasury Em- resolution for presentation to— ployees Union; and Mr. MANCHIN (for himself and Mrs. (A) the University of Charleston for appro- (B) the members of the National Treasury CAPITO) submitted the following resolu- priate display; Employees Union for their outstanding con- tion; which was considered and agreed tributions to the United States.
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