NEWS CBK BROADCASTS WJ~~T_RAN_N_ET_SW_C_t:_R_~_D_A_1 • ~~¥:J~~ ~ DAILY I WATROUS Trans·Canada Network: (Trans-Canada Nelwork) 8;00,9.00 a.m. 1 ;00. 6;30, 540 Kcs. 9:00 p.m. 12 Midni3ht PROGRAM CBC Dominion Network: . SCHEDULE Prairie Region 10:00 p.m. CRC Transmitter Times given in this Schedule are Central Daylight DATE OF ISSUE, MARCH 3, 1945 PRAIRIE REGION Wuk of March 11 th, 1945 612 Telephone Bldg., Winnipeg/Canada What is Seen at CBK Kerry Wood To Tell Radio News? New Series Of Yarns esc Chief Editor Discusses it on Kerry Wood, the Outdoor Philos­ Basis of Entertainment Versus In­ opher of Red Dee.r, Alberta, will be formation heard in a series of Canadian Yarns, beginning Sunday, March 11, at 11: 15 The following article, by D. C. Mc­ a.m. Arthur, chief editor of the CBC Mr. Wood's stories of Canadian National News Service, is reprinted from "Radio," the staff magazine of places, people, and animals are fami­ liar to CBC listeners. He was the the CBC. prairie pilgrim who described his Radio news-the latest and speed­ travels to the western coast so en­ iest means of getting news to the tertainingly last fall. His first "yarn" public-had its principal develop­ is called Big Fleas and Little Fleas ment in the period between the first -the story of a man who collected great war and the present one. It fleas! - and collected them by started during the 'twenties; and, crawling into a bag beside the dead like almost everything else, reflected body of an animal whose fleas were the feverish and slap-happy char­ wanted. Thanks to this early collec­ acter of that curious decade. Toaay, G. A. J. LESSARD, French program director and announcer at CBK, as he tor, says Mr. Wood, the species types I think, it has reached maturity, with looks through his studio window. of most fleas in western Canada and a sober sense of it:.s responsibility to the Sta.tes ha.ve Red Deer as their the public. origin. Mr. Wood also describes a of enthusiasm, ingenuity and hard Novelty With Sauce Anne Francis Talks day spent collecting fleas and the Abe Schechter, who was news work on the part of early radio news­ methods used - possibly somewhat chief for NBC until he joined the men, provided the public with some­ To U.S. Children less heroic than the one already United States army, published an thing that was novel and unques­ Headline historian, Anne Francis, mentioned. interesting book of personal remin­ tionably entertaining; it had to be, whose talks are a popular feature on iscence which covered that period of to compete for broadcast time. the western network, Tuesdays and radio news development. By scalping The very fact that a listener was Thursdays at 5: 15 p.m., recently re­ In New Yarns the papers, using the telephone, and hearing, for the first time in his life, turned. from a trip to Washington. picking up scraps of news by any on-the-spot descriptions of things as While in the American capital, Miss handy means, radio managed to give they were happening, brought into Francis was interviewed on a news a service of news in which small nubs the home from far-off and unusual broadcast feature for school chil­ of fact were dished up with a thick places-from the bottoms of mines dren over Station WAML. She told sauce of showmanship. News in­ and the peaks of mountains, from of Canada's war work and stressed terest, and entertainment value, were great cities and remote hamlets­ the fact that 47 per cent of all con­ of considerably greater importance gave these broadcasts a special zest voy work on the North Atlantic was than such dull and inhibiting con­ and interest. The presentation of done by the Canadian navy; inci­ siderations as factual accuracy and straight factual bulletins on the day'S dentally she spoke of Canadian hoc­ completeness of coverage. A wealth Continued on page 2 key and the fact that Canadian boys' training in hockey-speed and keen­ ness-probably had something to do Program Highlights of the Week with the fact that they were such good tighter pHots. SUNDAY In Washington Miss Francis also Kerry Wood begins a new series of talks on "Canadian Yarns." addressed the Workshop Group of See story elsewhere on this page. the American Institute of Radio Edu­ Vancouver Symphony heard in its monthly concert. See program cation and the Federal Radio Educa­ note on page 2. tion Commission. She described the Stage 45 presents a radio musical comedy. Story on page 2. preparation and production of her MONDAY program on the CBe-Headline His­ "Yesterday's Enemies" begins-a new series of dramatized episodes tory. from the report of the first newspaperman to drop by parachute be­ hind enemy lines. Story on page 3. WEDNESDAY German Morale-"l don't think it Projesior Bertha Oxner speaks about farm home kitchens. See can be too often emphasized that program note on page 5. the outstanding fact about the war THURSDAY is the extraordinary Wgh level of KERRY WOOD, "Miracle by the River" is drama broadcast from Montreal. Sec Gelman morale. Under a succession oj Red Deer, Alberta, who returns to program note on page 6. of heavy attacks the German people the CRC microphone March 11 with FRIDAY -and I repeat, the Gennan people, a new series 0/ stories oj Canadian "Here's Your Health:' new serio-comic health series conUnues. not the NaZis, are unbroken and are natural history. Mr. Wood's talks see program note on page 7. fighting with bravery and skill.­ will be heard on the "Canadian George Ferguson, on CBC, Feb. 25. Yarns" spot at 11:15 a.m. Sundays. Page 2 .eBe PROGRAM SCHEDULE Prairie Region Musical Comedy Is QUESTIONS 1111l-_S_U_ND_A_y,_M_arc_h_11t_h,_19_45__1111 Next Stage 45 Show and ANSWERS All times given aTe Central Daylight; tor Mountain Time deduct one hour. A musical comedy written for the be medium of radio drama will in­ Prairie Schooner STATION CBK, WATROUS 9:45 a.m. MUSICAL PROGRAM troduced on CBC's Stage 45, Sunday, "I notice "The Prairie Schooner" 10:00 CBC NEWS (2 Mins.) Recorded. (15 Mins.) March 11, at 8 p.m., over the TraI1S~ listed as a Saturday program. My 10:02 NEIGHBORLY NEWS FROM 10:30 a.m. MUSICAL PROGRAM Canada network. "Wonderful Char­ dictionary says a "schooner" is THE PRAIRIES (13 Mins.) Recorded. (30 Mins.) lie" is the title of the musical. Writ­ a "large, tall drinking glass for beer or 10:15 THE PRAIRIE GARDENER 11:00 p.m. BBC NEWS REEL ten by Fletcher Markle, with music (15 Mins.) <15 Mins,) • by Lucio Agostini and Markle, the ale". .. why use that for the program title?-W.M., Regina, Sask. 10:30 NOTRE FRANCAIS SUR LE 11:15 TALK BY RALPH WIGHT- work is the first of its kind to be VIF (15 Mins.) Man (15 Mins.) presented in this drama series. an­ [Our dictionary says the same thing. It also gives another meaning 10:45 CAUSERIE DE L'HEURE drew Allan, CBC's supervisor of dra­ DOMINICALE (15 Mins) DOMINION ma, handles production. for schooner-a fore-and-aft rigged 11 :00 BBC NEWS (15 Mins.) (Programs of the Dominion network vessel. From this meaning "prairie Offered to Prairie Region networks or "Wonderful Charlie" tells the story schooner" was derived-a vessel that 11:15 CANADIAN YARNS stations, not carried on CBK) of a modern wandering minstrel of (15 Mins.) sailed across the prairies, or, to put the western world whose songs are it more literally, a covered wagon, as 11:30 THE WAY OF THE SPIRIT 5:00 HALL OF FAME (60 Mins.) born out of the places and people he (29 Mins.) 7:00 SONGS OF THE VOLGA explained in a note in the Program comes across on his way. The music Schedule for March 4.] 11:59 DOMINION OBSERVATORY (30 Mins.) for the entire production was written OFFICIAL TIME SIGNAL 7:30 MUSIC FOR CANADIANS and orchestrated by Lucio Agostini, •• • (1 Min.) (30 Mins.) What Opera? with the author supplying some of 12:00 MUSICAL PROGRAM 8:00 RADIO READERS' DIGEST the melodies for the lyrics. Why don't you give the name 01 Recorded. (15 Mins.) (30 Mins.) the Metropolitan Opera on Saturday 12:15 JUST MARY (15 Mins.) 8:30 STAR THEATRE (30 Mins.) John Drainie plays the title role instead of listing it simply as 12:30 PARLOW STRING QUARTET 9:00 QUENTIN MACLEAN, of Charlie, and the cast includes "Metropolitan Opera." I'd be willing (30 Mins.) ORGANIST (15 Mins.) Ruth Springford, Bernard Braden, to break an important engagement Budd Knapp, Tommy Tweed, Alan 1 :00 CBC NEWS (4 Mins.) 9:15 THE RED CROSS to stay home and hear "Faust," but 1:04 WASHINGTON COMMENT­ REPORTER (15 Mins.) Pearce and Jules Upton. 1 would not cross the street to hear ARY (11 Mins,) Charlie's guitar will be strununed 9:30 LATIN AMERICAN Wagner.-L.T., Winnipeg, Man. 1: 15 ANZAC NEWS (15 Mins.) SERENADE (30 Mins.) by guitarist stan Wilson, and Jack [We make that information avail­ 1:30 RELIGIOUS PERIOD Allison's v.:>cal quintet is cast as an able just as soon as we have advice 10:00 CBC NEWS AND COMMENT­ integral feature. Among the lyrics on the program, but this is not al­ (30 Mins,) ARY (15 MinsJ 2:00 NEWYORK PHILHARMONIC that Charlie sings are "My Name Is ways in time for inclusion in our SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 10:30 PACIFIC STORY (30 Mins.) Charlie," "Give Me Your Laughter," regular listings.
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