JPlant Inventory No. 181 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D.C., June 1975 PLANT MATERIAL INTRODUCHy^JJARY 1 to DECEMBER 31, 1973 (NOS. te CONTENTS -;-J'n- ->,.*•* •'' Inventory Jr~. ^^ »"7.7 :v> Index of common and scientific names ,..._._, , *.>.». £ 5^ This inventory, No. 181, lists the plant material (Nos. 377555 to 384427) received by the Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Plant Genetics and Germplasm Institute, Agricultural Re- search Service, during the period from January 1 to December 31,1973. The inventory is a historical record of plant material introduced for Department and other specialists and is not to be considered as a list of plant material for distribution. The species names used are those under which the plant material was received. These have been corrected only for spelling, authorities, and obvious synonymy. Questions re- lated to the names published in the Inventory and obvious errors should be directed to the author. If misidentification is apparent, please submit a herbarium specimen with flowers and fruit for reidentification. HOWARD L. HYLAND Botanist Northeastern Region Agricultural Research Center-West Beltsville, Maryland 20705 INVENTORY 377555. VlCIA FABA L. Leguminosae. Broadbean. From Bolivia. Seed presented by E. E. Smith, United States Agency for International Development, La Paz. Received December 18, 1972. 377556. TAMARIX STRICTA Boiss. Tamaricaceae. From Iran. Cuttings presented by Dr. Parviz Mehdizadeh, Chief of Research Institute of Forest and Rangeland, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Tehran. Received January 4, 1973. Government nursery at Ahwaz. Irrigated. Normal annual precipita- tion 200 mm. 377557 to 377572. ORYZA SATIVA L. Gramineae. Rice. From Colombia. Seed presented by P. R. Jennings, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Cali. Received December 11, 1972. 377557. 'Cica4\ Palmira. 377558. IR930-2xIR822^432, P723-6-3-1. 377559. IR930-2xIR532-l-33, P725-10-2-2. 377560. IR93082-IR532-E208, P726-239-1-2. 377561. IR930-2xIR532-E208, P726-287-2-1. 377562. IR930-36xIR532-E208, P733-88^3-2. 377563. IR930-53xIR579-160, P738-97-3-1. 377564. IR930-63xIR579-160, P738-137-3-1. 377565. IR930-53xIR579-160, P738-137^4-l. 377566. IR930-80xIR822-432, P753-40-3-1. 377567. IR579-16-lxIR532-l-33, P757-12-3-3. 377568. IR579-16-lxIR532-E208, P758-3O-2-1. 377569. IR577-38-2-2xIR532-E208, P761-86-1-3. 377570. IR930-2xIR662-l-108-5, P773-44-3-1. 377571. IR930-80xIR532-E208, P780-55-1-1. 377572. IR930-2xIR665^31-6-5, P792-47-2-2. 377573. GLYCINE MAX (L.) Merr. Leguminosae. Soybean. From Sierre Leone. Seed presented by Njala University College, Njala to H.C. Minor, University of Illinois, Urbana. Received November 17, 1972. 'Pai-May-Drew'. Chinese origin. 377574. GLYCINE MAX (L.) Merr. Leguminosae. Soybean. From Japan. Seed presented by N. Iizuka, Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station, Shimo-Kuriyagawa, Morioka. Received November 17,1972. 'Hakuto'. 377575 to 377578. GLYCINE MAX (L.) Merr. Leguminosae. Soybean. From Thailand. Seed presented by Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen to H. C. Minor, University of Illinois, Urbana. Received November 17, 1972. 377575. 'K.S.167'. 377577. 'SJ.l'. 377576. 'K.S.252'. 377578. 'SJ.3'. 4 PLANT INVENTORY NO. 181 377579. GLYCINE MAX (L.) Merr. Leguminosae. Soybean. From Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Seed presented by B. V. Skvortzov, Instituto de Botanica, Sao Paulo, Brazil to T. Hymowitz, Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana. Received November 17, 1972. 6113. Amur Province. 377580 and 377581. PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L. Leguminosae. Common bean. From Sweden. Seed presented by Weibullsholm Plant Breeding Institute, Landskrona. Received September 22, 1972. 377580. 'Argus'. White-seeded snap bean. Derived from spontaneous cross in older variety 'Regent'. Used as green bean. 377581. 'Bonita'. Hammenhog Plant Breeding Station, southeast Swe- den. Light brown, hard shell, cooking bean. 377582. ELYMUS COREANUS Honda Gramineae. From France. Seed presented by National Plant Materials Center, Soil Conservation Service, Beltsville, Maryland. Received December 7, 1972. No. 906 Index Seminum 1970-71, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Versailles. Wild. 377583 to 377585. From New Guinea. Seed presented by J. S. Womersley, Department of Forests, Division of Botany, Lae. Received December 5, 1972. 377583. ERIACHNE PALLESCENSR. Br. Gramineae. NGF 49398. Morehead, Western District. 377584. ERIACHNE TRISETA Nees NGF 49397. Morehead, Western District. 377585. THAUMASTOCHLOA RARIFLORA(F. M. Bailey) C. E. Hubb. Gramineae. NGF 49393. Morehead, Western District. 377586 and 377587. From France. Seed presented by Vilmorin-Andrieux S.A., Centre de Recher- ches et Selection, Angers. Received December 4, 1972. 377586. CUCUMIS MELO var. CANTALUPENSIS Naud. Cucurbitaceae. 'Prescott'. Fruit with white bottom. 377587. SIUM SISARIUM L. Umbelliferae. Museum of National History, Paris. 377588 to 377616. From Yugoslavia. Seed collected in Macedonia 1972 by T. Dimitrovski, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Skopje, under Public Law 480 Project E30-CR-93. Received December 7, 1972. 377588 to 377592. MALUS SYLVESTRIS Mill. Rosaceae. Apple. 377588. No. 1. Birino-Krusevo. 377591. No. 2. Nikiforovo. 377589. No. 1. Mavrovo. 377592. No. 4. Leunovo. 377590. No. 2. Mavrovo. 377593 and 377594. PRUNUS AVIUM L. Rosaceae. Sweet cherry. 377593. No. 2/72. Slegovo. 377594. No. 3/72. Slegovo. JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1973 5 377588 to 377616—Continued 377595 and 377596. PRUNUS CERASIFERA Ehrh. Myrobalan plum. 377595. No. 4/72. Zilce-Tetovo. 377596. No. 5/72. Zilce-Tetovo. 377597. PRUNUS COCOMILIA Ten. Italian plum. Galicica. Elevation 1,500 m. 377598 to 377600. PRUNUS MAHALEB L. Mahaleb cherry. 377598. No. 1/72. Grupcin. 377599. No. 3/72. Dolna Lesnica. 377600. No. 3/72. Zegljane. 377601. PRUNUS TENELLA Batsch Russian almond. Vaksince-Kumanovo. 377602 to 377605. PRUNUS WEBBII (Spach) Vierhapper 377602. No. 1. Pletvar. 377603. No. 3. Titov Veles-Pod grad. 377604. No. 4. Titov Veles-Venole. 377605. No. 11. Pestani-Ohrid. 377606 to 377610. PYRUS AMYGDALIFORMIS Vill. Rosaceae. Almond pear. 377606. No. 1. Barovo-Kavadarci. 377609. No. 5. Kavadarci. 377607. No. 1. Demir Hisar. 377610. No. 6. Pestani-Ohrid. 377608. No. 2. Merovo-Skopje. 377611 to 377615. PYRUS PYRASTER Burgsd. 377611. No. 1. Gorna Bosava-Kavadarci. 377612. No. 1. Oresani-Skopeje. 377613. No. 7. Leunovo. 377614. No. 7. Mavrovo. 377615. No. 8. Mavrovo. 377616. RIBES MULTIFLORUM Kit. Saxifragaceae. Galicica. Elevation 1, 550 m. 377617 to 377623. ORYZA SATIVA L. Gramineae. Rice. From India. Seed presented by J. Chandra Mohan, Botany Department, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Received December 12, 1972. 377617. 'Black Puttu'. Seed medium, tannish brown. 377618. 'Jeeraga Samba'. Nonscented. Seed very small, light tan. 377619. 'Jeeraga Samba'. Scented. Seed very small, light tan. 377620. 'Purple Puttu'. Seed medium large, brownish. 377621. 'Rascadam'. Seed medium small, tan. 377622. 'Sugadass'. Seed medium, tannish brown. 377623. 'White Puttu'. Seed large, brown. 377624 to 377677. From Yugoslavia. Seed presented by Zavod Za Strna, Zita-Kragujevac under Public Law 480 Project E-30-ENT-11. Received November 14, 1972. 377624 to 377648. TRITICUM AESTIVUM L. Gramineae. Common wheat. 377624. 35. 377626. 94. 377625. 36. 377627. 177. PLANT INVENTORY NO. 181 377624 to 377677—Continued 377624 to377648—Continued 377628. 178. 377634. 186. 377629. 179. 377635. 187. 377630. 180. 377636. 196. 377631. 181. 377637. 207. 377632. 182. 377638. 261. 377633. 184. 377639. 274. 377640. 279. 377641. 326. 'Normandie 13128'. 377642. 331. 'Ulka'. 377643. 346. 'Lee' x 'Frontana 2' x'Crr. Stw 577 377644. 363. 111 1x2 'Chinese 2' x Tr. Timoj) 'Tenmarg' 2x 'Mediterranean' x 'Hope' 4x 'Sando' 60, 61912. 377645. 369. 'Frontana' 2x 'Kenya 58' x 'Newthatch' 3x 'STW.597845'. 377646. 'D-117-5-12'. Bulgaria. 377647. 938. 377648. 982. 377649 to 377663. TRITICUM DICOCCON Schrank 377649. 937. 377657. 973. 377650. 939. 377658. 974. 377651. 940. 377659. 976. 377652. 941. 377660. 981. 377653. 949. 377661. 983. 377654. 950. 377662. 984. 377655. 953. 377663. 986. 377656. 972. 377664 and 377665. TRITICUM DURUM Desf. Durum wheat. 377664. 975. 377665. 979. 377666 to 377672. TRITICUM MONOCOCCUM L. 377666. 951. 377670. 958. 377667. 954. 377671. 959. 377668. 956. 377672. 985. 377669. 957. 377673 to 377677. TRITICUM TURGIDUM 377673. 95. 377676. 209. 377674. 204. 377677. 227. 377675. 208. 377678 to 377681. ILEX VERTICILLATA (L.) Gray Aquifoliaceae. From United States. Plants selected by O. M. Neal, Division of Plant Sciences, University of West Virginia, Morgantown, West Virginia. Received De- cember 18, 1972. 377678. 'Cacapon'. Selected from several hundred mixed seedlings at Horticulture Farm. Dark green leathery leaves, attractive throughout JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, 1973 7 377678 to 377681—Continued growing season. Plant and branching habit more upright than P.I. 377679. Fruit slightly darker red. Leaves similar to /. decidua. 377679. 'Fairfax'. Selected 1947 from wild, Preston County, West Virginia. Plant reaches 3.3 m., leaves not particularly attractive. Typical of species. Heavy crop of bright red fruit, berries reach 0.9 cm. diameter, five per node. Branches partly obscured by fruit when nodes are closely spaced. Tolerant of very wet soils and low temperatures. 377680. 'Jackson'. Origin same as P.I. 377678. Male plant, dark green foliage, produces abundant pollen. 377681. 'Shaver*. Origin same as P.I. 377678.
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