JULY 1962 I . , • , • EDGAR MATCH (See Wcrld of • Chess ~ages) 60 CENTS Subscription Rate ONE YEAR $6.00 1 White to move and win 2 Black to move and win With only major pieces on This position features an· FIREWORR:S FOR THE FOURTH the boal'd, a position tends other inglorious fizzle. It to be a complete fizzle into was to have been a great big Municipal regulations around here have cut down a draw or a smashing win for boom, with Blaclt losing a the once terrific pyrotechnics for the glorious fourth one side or the other. Black full piece. And it was, in of July, and these in this quiz ought not to dazzle you has elected to smash, oft'er· a way; for Black resigned. ing an ingenious 'Queen sac­ You can prove that 'White's overmuch. Still, you can test yourself: excellent jf rifice. His torpedo sputters powder was damp If you you solve 10 correctly: good if 8; and fair if 6. out if you see how to handle look real s hal'p about it. Solutions on page 205. it safely. Do you? How does Black win! 3 White to move and win 4 Black to move and win 5 White to move and win 6 Black to move and win T his position has the ele· This is a properly con­ This, too, is a controlled As you can see here there ments for a little display or trolled bit of feu de joie explos ion. Black won't get can be no ultra·special ex­ real pyrotechnics , 1)01 just which can be run oft with no badly burned by it, unless plosion. No Queen to sacri­ tame sparklers and diminu· real danger to the exhibitor. he attempts to spoil your fice, for instance. Still and tive firecrackers. White has H YOII manage the works cor· show, then he wll!. It's all, if you combine the in· gone all out here In press­ rectly, though, White will apparently a fairly level gredients properly, and ing h is attack and now he find them far from safe! [t position, But you can start White tries to s tand up to has a \:0uple of pieces en is probable that you can put yoU!' opponent on the down­ them, you can s\ll'pl'ise him prise. Can you finish his him completely 011 the run. grade it you perceive the with a real bang. Do you job? How? means. Go to it, see II0W? 7 White to move and win 8 Black to move and win 9 White to move and win 10 Black to move and win "Hoist by his own petard," Perhaps, we can say for ·We used to have a "safe" Here you can finish of/' so loved by chessic commen­ this one that we are really sort of cannon which did the day as best you can. It tators, means really "blown setting up some good old really go "boom," and was seems White is throwing up by his own fireworks" or time fireworks. At any rate, guaranteed not to hurt, a some explosive stuff at you. "mine" as the modern term look for a couple of good carbide affair with a loud But, if you don't go off in a Is, YOll can s pring a mine blas ts and then be ready to blast to start off the 4th. panic, you can turn his pow. here which will blow Black move in. It is hardly likely You can start the fireworks der against him. Practice up, and not yourself. Do that Wllite expects much at here with a good loud blast, makes perfect, and you you see the fuse? Well, this time. Can you surprise and safely, so far as you are ought to be there by now. light it! him? concerned. Let it rip! So just win! CHESS REVIEW ,,,, ,.,au., CHIS. MAO""'" Volume 30 Number 7 July 1962 EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY I. A. Horowjt~ TV SPECTACULAR the British player John Cochrane played a [ Jlurchase your magazine occasiunally series "f games in India in the early 19th Table of Contents at the news stand and notice in your June century. His oPllonenl. !\·Joheschurder, Chessboard Magic! •............... 211 Readers' Forum some talk about a che s ~ answered I" Cuchrane's I P- K4 wilh ... spectacular on television. P-KN3. Chess Club Directory . ........ .. 194 You may be intereSled in knowing Iha! H V(;11 MYERS Chess Vignettes ........ ..... ... 224 on June 6 Ihe Houston Chess Club began Dvcalur, lllillois Finishing Touch .. ....... , ... , .. 201 a series of weekly 45 mint!!e programs HORSE Pl.AY Gruenfeld (in Memoriam) ......... 207 called Play CIJess on local educational TV Here is another Horse Play problem ref. How to Win in the Ending ......... 204 channel 8. The program is del'ot ed partly l!lO~t:' ill iVlay issue, page 145}. [n exactly On the Cover . .. ....... ......... 195 tu heginners and partly 10 Ihe mUfe ad· five legal lllOI' CS. Black's Queen Knight Postal Chess ....... ......... .. 212 I'anced players. It i., thorough I)' illteresl. t! i ~ al'pears. While's two Knighls disap. • Solitaire Chess ......... .......... 206 III g. pear, and lllack has his King Pawn at Spotlight on Openings ..... ....... 210 W. 1. llAUD! K<l. Find the moves. They're Where at Curacao? .. .... 217 HOI/stull , T!'xns Sululion: 1 N-QR3, N-QB3 2 N- KB3. Tournament Calendar ....... ..... 198 FtANCHETTO DEL RE N-Q5 3 NxN, P-K4 't N- K6, BxN 5 World of Chess ..... ............. 195 May I comment on the eonlllwn confu­ N-BS. BxN. sion, as evidenced on page 146 of the IV[av (Composed while attempting to solve Blustein\ problem.) EXECUTIVE EDITOR issue, of what to call the Ollening of P­ Jack Straley BatteU KN3 011 the first move by Black: King's TOM ll.~nNAIIII CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Fianchetto. Fianchetto del Re, Ro),atsch, PrQVidl'flC~, R. I. A. B. Bisguler, l. CherneY, J. W. Collins, Yugoslav, Pirc or-the Soviet version­ REGRETS and CORRECTION T. A. Dunst, Dr. M. Euwe, Hans Kmoch. W. Korn, Fred Relnfeld. Yfimtsev? Of course, the lauer Ihree may I was shncked indeed to read of the Staff Phatagrapher R. Echeverria. strictly apply only to the variation 1 P-K4, most untimeh' death of one of our tndy CORRESPONDE.NTS P-Q3, but by transposition it becomes Ihe great prohlemists and very fine gentleman, Alabama E. M. Cockrell. same as P- K4, P- KNJ more often than Alalka S. H. O'Neill. 1 Vincent Lanius Eaton. This is a serious California Dr. H. Ralston, M. J. Roye,.. not. Before continuing, I wish to say that blow and irreparable loss tv Ihe chess Colorado J. J. Reid. I'm presuming to speak as an expert on Connecticut Edmund E. Hand. world. Some thirty odd years agu. we District of Columbia R. S. Cantwell. 1 P-KN3 because I am a sincere advocak were fellow·Ladderites solving in J. R. Florida R. C. lilutwood. of the m"ve. and I believe thai with White Bigelow's Ladder competition. Georgia Braswell Deen. Idaho R. S. Vandenberg. lind Black I have won more luurnament Unfortunately in YOUI" diagram depicI­ Iliinall J. G. ·Warren. games against player~ uf maskr $trenglh ing Eaton's fine problem in memory nf Jndlana D. C. Hills, D. E. Rhead. Iowa J. M. Osness. --Lumbardy, Steinmeyer and Feuerstein, the great Emanuel Lasker a white Pawn Kentucky J. W. Mayer. for example, using P - KN3 on the first is omitted at QR7 without wlilch. of Kansas K. R. MaCDonald. move, than any other American pla),er. Be course, the problem cannot he ~<)Ived Loul,lana A. L. McAuley. Maine L. Eldridge. that as it may, I really believe that 1 P ­ (page 191. May issue). Maryland Charles BaraSCh. KN3 is a good defense with Black, and CfU:SS R~:vtP.w is a most excellent pub­ Massachuutts Franklin J . Sanborn. Michigan R. Buskaser. wilh White thllt it is, for players of a po­ lication which I have been enjoying for Minnesota R. C. (k,ve. sitional style, the best first move. man}' years and which I ~till conlinue to Mississippi E. A. Durninc-. To get 10 the point, the Black defense Missouri E. A. Talley. enjoy immeasurahly. Nebraska B. E. Ellsworth, Jack Spence, of 1 ... P- KN3 was known as the Fian­ G.;()HC ~: Ross R. E. Weare. chetto del He before the 191h tentury. New York, N. Y. Nevada R. L. Wheeler. New Hampshire Ralph M. Gerth. However, the system was misunderstood FINEST New York Edward La.sker, H. M. Phillips. and it was normally analyzed in combina· \Ve wnuld like 1/, extend our congratu· North CaNlllna Dr. S. Noblin. North Dakota D. C. Macdonald. tion with a Queen's Fianchetto nr P- K3 lations on the lerrific job you dn in Ohio R. B. Hayes, J. R. Schroeder. plus P- Q4. The modern system of the CtH:sS REV I;:W. Jt is absolutely the finest Pennsylvania J. E. Armstrong. King's Fianchetto in combination wilh South Carolina PrOf. L. L. Foster. chess IlUblicatinn in the world- - a "must" South Dakota 1\£. F. Anderson. P-Q3 should legitimately be called simply for every chess player. Keep up the Tennessee Mrs. Martha Hardt, J. G. SUlli- the Indian Defense, its original name. The good work. van. Jr. Texas Homer H. Hyde. parent of all the varied "Indian" defenses GRonGE STA1iLF.Y Utah Harold Lundstrom. is ... 1 P- KN3. The name originated when Nassau. Chess Club Virginia Leonard Morgan. West Virginia C. Pride. Wisconsin E.
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