Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 5-4-1959 The Ledger and Times, May 4, 1959 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, May 4, 1959" (1959). The Ledger & Times. 3600. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3600 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • eas s., C /AY — MAY 2, 1959 6 Answer to Yesterday's Runts Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newst.usper First ... - POPOV moon lenA. .00300M W0.9000 Largest PP BOOL1300rj with 1,.• V= DOOMPOP Circulation In UMW WWM MOP ••••:•_?-- MOW 009000 Local News The City UMW 0000 ;4(1Y:-= MMUMOW COMO • and Largest UOWO OMO OW00 MOO WORMU POP Circulation In 30 MORMON MO Local Pictures 1 • 303000 MUM The County MOM 00000 IN OUR • United Press International 80th YEAR Si Murray, Ky., MURRAY POPULATION Quebec 37-Command Monday_ Afternoon, May 4, 1959 10,100 Vol. LXXX No. 106 peuiiinida to cat In afraid 39-conib. form; Winter the ear prg,liatatIon Tidal Wave Alert 41-1:,rn Truman Says 6 7 8 Called Off, Hawaii 10 it United Press International Two Arrested For. Two A severe earthquake, apparently 13 Terms Is 14 centered in the eastern reaches 17 of Siberia, set off a "precaution- Not Enough ary" tidal wave alert in Hawaii 21 t day. The alert was called off, how- Housebreaking;'57 24 ever, a short time later when By RONALD H. NESSEN the threatened wave failed to The office of Sheriff Cohen United Press International materialize. 19 30 31 The quake was recorded as a Acree Austin Of Stubblefield had a busy weekeni WASHINGTON (1:1P9 — Kerner strong one on seismographs around Foreign Aid Mayfield Dies with four persons being arrested. lesident Truman told Congress the world. It registered a magni- A warrant was issued against 37 today the two term limitation on tude of 7 on the Richter scale At Hospital Today Walter Hargrave, his wife Thel- presidents was pushed through by of 10 on the Fordham seismograph Bill Ready ma Hargren and Jehnny Carnoll 40 41 Republican -Roosevelt haters" and in New York, The University of ' ler "breaking end entering!" inta should 43 be repealed for the coun- California at Berkeley set it si hsme in Dover, Tennessee .n try's welfare.' 7.5. For Hard Trip January 1957. The heme 43 The shock was strong enough Lewis Allen of Dover was enter- The appeal by the blunt-spoken to put the instruments of the San ed and approximately $500 in tare Truman brought from Senate Re- Syndicate, Inc. Domenico Observatory in Prato,. quilts, sheets, a h, tgun, and publican Leader Everett M. Dirk. • Italy. out ef action. WASHINGTON other items were taken. sen a statement that he also (UPI) — Pres- First reports put the quake's ident Beth Hargrave ar.d Carnell kvors repealing the anti - third Easenhewer's $3.900,000.- I epicenter near the Kamchatka 000 foreign were arrested, hswever the charge De Sent Me" For e lirm amendment and will take aid prsearm began Peninsula of the Soviet Union its rough ride was only read to Men Hargraee up the matter with President thi..u,rh the Sen- ecial Margarine near the Aleutian islands, touch- ate today. since she is expecting a child 'ii Eisenhower and fellow GOP lead- off the tidal wave alarm. the flea? futur... ers this week. ing The Senate Foreign Relations '. PAUL. M,nn. — fl;PI) — A reports put the quake on TOMY LEE WINS THE ROSES — Tomy Lee, winner of the 85th Kentucky Derby, A bend if $750 was set on Later Cammittee called Uunersecretary ia I margarine for heert pa- Siberian mainland, however, with Willie Shoemaker in the saddle, stands in the Hargrave and Cornell. Hargrove Eisenhower already has indicated the winner's circle after winning of State C. Douglas Dillon as the ts and others orf low-fat diets tidal wave alert. the in th gained he free:dim Friday when he favors repeal of the restriction quelling the classic eseventh fastest time in Derby history, 2:02-1/5, as owner, Fred first witness at its public hear- led to a kind of revival of the Foot his b: rid ws,: made and Carn--11 passed by the GOP 80th Congress Tide Rises One Turner, Jr., of Midland, Tex., (holding horse) and trainer, F. E. Childs, beam proud- ings. The House F,,reign Affairs "speakeasy" days in Mame- of the Geodetic Survey was released Saturday on bond. and ratified by the states. Officials ly. The roses were removed from Tomy Lee's neck after Willie Boland, jockey of Committee planned Ii c mplate Honolulu said the tide rose They were arrested by Cohen in Sword Dancer, who finished second, claimed he had been -its 54 hearings this week. ie product, called Emdee, Truman told a Senate judiciary one foot at the island of fouled by Shoemaker. Stubblefield and his deputy Ver- only Officials, however, denied the claim after As the Senite inquiry opened, int be sold in Minnesota be- subcommittee • the amendment is the Aleutians and no rise viewing movies of the race, and replaced non Roberts. Attu* the roses. First a Chairman J. William Futeright e it is yellow-colored. Tim aad" and that, ironically, it is reported at Adak, Midway or Landing, pre-race favorite, finished third. 'A hearing is set fur TunedaY was D-Ark, of the Foreign Relations whkh relies so heavily oW -Republican - President Esenhower Islands. at 1:00 p. .Rs Wake Committee e.a.med "a let of sup- kairy 'industry, allows the sale who is the first to be "hara-strung" quake was recorded at On Saturday Deputy Roberts The Students Strike In port" for the principle el his incolored margarines only — by the restriction. e.d.t. in New York 'Three Killed Over Shoemaker went to Lexingten. Kentucky and 3:28.14 a.m nreposal to greatly increase over- here:1 be no mistaking them It was not immediately deter- Protest, Rape Of Weekend In Acres Austin orrested Noble Dick who has Full wing Truman's half hour State seas development Ins while scal- real butter. mined whether the quake's center Atones For been charged with uttering a appearance as a Senate witness, Negro By White Boys ing down military assistance. MAYFIELD (UPI) — A for- . a result, according to Dr. , was near a populated area but cold chock, according to the I.:T- ell Dirksen told newsmen he thinks 1957 'But he conceded that many mer clerk if the Kentucky Court Weber of Minneapolis in the likelihood was small. Normally "Boner" ea-dist Dick is nsw in' the ceuray mony there will be early ccwienittee TAILL1A.HASSEE. Fla. (UPI) — FRANKFORT (UPI) — State lawmakers who favored the prir- of Appeals. Aeree Austin, 50. before the Minnesota on-the-scene reports of earth- jai!. The. check a lleged:y was action on the repeal proposal of About 750 Negro college students police said today at least three ciple of has idea were reluctant died today at a Mayfield hesspaal se health committee, some quakes in the Soviet Union are By RAY AYRES issued to W. E. Ahart fur $8000 Sen. Thomas C. Hennings (D-Mo.). plan to stage a clasereom strike persons were killed in weekend to vote the $1,500,000,000 he rec- after having twice recently un- icians are sending their pa. extremely slow to break through United Press International on the Peoples Bank. .s The Illinois Republican said that today in protest against the rape Irene accidents on state high- ommended for the development dergehe major surgery. across State lines to buy official Soviet news channels to LOUISVILLE, Ky. nfe - All The sher.ff's +dike also pickod special margarine, which co4 Illpe will raise the question at this od a 19- year-eld clasenate. Four ways. hands agreed today that Willie lean fund for each of the next Austin. a native of Graves the outside world. smal- up Cortez Merrell in Paris, Ten- an acid week's White House legislative young white men are charged The tall was one of the five years. County, was clerk of the state's that helps to lower A quake of 7 or 7.5 on the Shoemaker's great ride aboard nessee yesterday. He was are' - and also bring it before with the rape. lest of the year, despite heavy Tomy Lee ,Rep. Wayne L. Hays D-Ohio, highest court 'during the adminis- i cholesterol levels. conference Richter scale would be quite se- atoned for his "boner" ed by Sheriff Hortie Hudson of. Senate GOP pslicy meeting The Negro students at Florida traffic caused by the Kentucky in 1957, a member of the lisuse Foreign tratien of Gav. Lawrence W. Wet- .e committee was consider- the vere. The scale, devised in the but the other disputes Pares local authorities and chant- a bil: A & M University turned out by Derby at Louisville Saturday. Affairs Camm.ttee, urged a herby. He aiso was a farmer to legalize the sale of Wednesday. 1930's by Dr. Charles F Richter stemming from the Kentucky ed with cold checking. ee. Asked if he now favors repeal. loga- the hundreds Sunday night at a The deaths brought the toll far Derby won't be settled the $200,000,000 increase in develop- clerk a Graves Circuit Court, of Cal-Tech, is based on the until "I'd rather think so seismo- mass meeting to try to focus the year thus far to 236, cen- Preakness on May 16.
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