- .......p-- V I ......=A-#--. -*..gv-'.-„------ ... ........Y.. ... UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPOLIS 6 .1. .. .... I I.1.-.. :, li -z '2 Battle of the Bands Men's Tennis - ..... :r ./4.1 0= .--- , lk':10& 0#.1. - A preview of the six bands competing. 'Hounds kick off spring season. - /=a,- 1 7-7'= I m. -1./.DAP Page 7 Page 4 ...11... PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY PIECE SUVT .51 -r ..i THREE -- ..:..%9//3/a" PHOTO BY Du=lv BRowl, , , -i-'E.imal.12:'6 -'ll.-- .-OV THE li REFLECTOR REFLECTOR.UINDY.EDU VOL. 85 / ISSUE 7 FEBRUARY 7,2007 Athens concerns hit home Students cite concerns with academic intergrity; university disputes accusations ,' ' By Katy Yeiser students who doubt the claims. The university responded with full' them were very, very easy. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Over the past two months, UIndy's supportforthebranchcampus's standards Richardson also spoke of her classes Athens campus has been in and out of and its chancellon being cancelled frequently. Ulndy-Athens thenews-overseasandathome-under (For details on what has been printed Senior psychology major Cassandra ' As the University of Indianapolis- analytical and unfavorable voices. On and the reaction from the university, see Danzl, who took major, core and elective by the numbers Athens campusundergoescriticismfrom Dec. 15,2006, The Chronicle of Higher Page 3.) courses with the Odyssey program from former faculty and staff, a new set of Education addressed the concerns oftwo Students and faculty from the home September 2005 to June 2006, said that bpinions has entered the circle of crit- former faculty members from the Athens campus are voicing their mixed feelings her academic experience was far from Enrollment 500 (Around five ics: its former students-students who campus whoquestionedtheacademicand about their experiences with the Athens what she expected. students from the University of hay the academic rigor in Athens does ethical standardsofthebranchcampusand campus. "The classes there were easier aca- Indianapolis enroll in the hot live up to that of the home campus; its chancellor, Vasilis J. Botopoulos. Although students have expressed a demically, with lower expectations and Odysey program per semes. the in Athens universal appreciation opportunity requirements," students who say professors forthe DanzI said. "I took 34 ter) F--& hours and only areunqualified; andalso . 1 .- C -6-1 to study overseas, some have found that credit had three classes .. 4 T----M & 1#.9+- .7r ..'-i'•--3.-#q-* .==,W,Il theirexperiencesintheclassroomdidnot that stimulated meinanywayacademi- t --«-„ . ...3.- .-I it offeis 30 undergraduate and -/t.. - - ' mirror those of the home campus. cally." Sophomore political science major Another student spoke of parallel eight graduate programs. ... ' : I. .--3,/6....F& I. IT*. I -- -- .-,--P- --- ---= 1# ChrisOwenstookacourseaboutOlympic experiences. - ...-.... ...1........... 7 , Chancellor Botopolous has k;.. 1.-- : . 3 philosophy while he studied at Athens "I was there for the whole semester last fall. and took 15 credit hours, which was worked for the AthenS CampUS : "They were teaching it out of an probably equivalent to three hours here since 1997. 1 home 2006 1- - * 1 x* 1e 1j elementary school gym book and one [at the campus]," said gradu- C ''.of the projects in the book' was [to] ate Carey Hart. UIndy took full control in t ..93:2 ' ' - * ---'. .- ., .t draw the flag ofyour favorite country," Whileotherstudents alsospokeoflow said. academic standards, not all students had 2004. 1 -··..i Owens ' the same sentiments. 1 r He later dropped the course. 1';;r In17#,47.9111> TiI'l litf:;'fo .gr Otherstudents·hared,imilarstories Senior theatre major Amanda Gwin - 1 , , li· f) l -1 of their academic expectations not said that although the academics may describedhertimeinAthensasbeneficial T being met. not have been as stringent, she still had becauseofthe opportunities to learn how f j ...1. - ... '1 t : ;:-: # t , 1·i "Academicswerealotdifferent-a a valuable learning experience. · businesses work internationally. " lotless challenging," said seniorcom- "It was nice to be able to not work as "Youhavetogoinwithanopenmind, 2-1 - - =.-'.....-•it - c : - *... major Danielle Rich- hard and learn the culture you're going »= .1 munication about Hanni said. "You're not to leam 1*. - I ---- --- ' --- - - - . - -' ' ' * ardson. "I had one macro in. I learned more that way," Gwin said. everything in the classroom." - Cok'11111,Ul'ED BY U. 11, Elt f n' COJBiljiLATIO> S class, economics, which was fairly hard. "I wasn't stuck in the classroom." The Acropolis is in the background of Athens campus. But the otherclasses I took...all of KenaHanni, aseniormarketing major, See ATHENS, Page 3 Gateway Business Alliance plans to rehabilitate declining south side By Abby Adragna beforehand? Where are you going to get velopment vision. However, Cardwell - \ 05 .311 NEWS EDIToR dinner afterward? You can't. You have is confident that the project will be com- . - to go miles away to do that. So we want pleted much quicker thanplanned. STREET TREE TYP. ##A,MikA1*- MEDIAN . 4.W LANOSCAFED to turn it around and make it a destina- Both Cardwell and Wantz agree that ' 11 74\ \ ai & -. The Gateway Business Alliance has tion place." successfully carrying out GBA's vision LANOSCAPE·LAND- to:to , ,·t,J , re== =,MARKER , proposed as its first project a redevelop- GBA raised $40,000 through mem- for the area surrounding the university '. ·. ·.'. " 8;.UL-- - ment vision for the area surrounding the bership fees in order to get a company will take full community support and 6196-6 11.....'... ·19/1==6 involvement. University of Indianapolis. A desire to called Schneider Corp. to illustrate its ,_ _121,-=--*ilt--r,·:':·; :.1 0·.·: ·.'S *rp T.Ti--LA :1-· restore the aesthetically-pleasing and visionforthe redevelopmentofthe south "It'soneofthosethingswhereit'smore 0 03 C A/Str= r°JA thriving Madison Avenue of the past side of Indianapolis. The vision involves important for us to pick up momentum t*co:I===:U:=:S=10''g, 1 POURED CONCRETE BANDS TYP-- was sparked by the city's $8.1 million mdking Madison Avenue a tree-lined about this," Wantz said. "It's a slow pro- \\\\\ / renovation of the street surfaces of U.S. boulevard with sidewalks, bike trails, cess because we don't have millions of INLARGEMENT OF YNTERSECTION AT /\ \\\ i \ MADiSON AVENUE AND HANNA AVENUE \\\. \ , 31 and Madison Avenue. colorfullandscapinganddecorativepoles dollars, but ifwe getbusinesses involved According to David Wantz, associate and stoplights. in this-and we've been talking to the --- - vice president of community relations According to Wantz, this vision is the city about this-pretty soon the plans and UIndy representative for GBA, the first step toward GBA's goal of making will start to come together." 0 ' Cardwell believes thatthe idea of rehabilitating Madison Avenue the South side of Indianapolis a gateway implementa- _ 1-4 i i r-1 fits into the university's strategic plan to the city. By improving the appearance tion and execution of the visionary plan j 1, 4 in two ways. First, it supports the goal of the area, GBA hopes to draw in more goes beyond business and city support. A - ' =% of making the neighborliood around the business. "Everyone has a role to play," he said. -rr university a welcoming place to live. "Everybody is noticing the decline "Ifyoustandontwofeet,have aheartbeat B »- * Second, itsupportsthe goal ofimproving in business, so what we're trying to do and breathe, you're qualified." - . the - . Ill I. the economic development of the city of is to stop that," Wantz said. "It's much As part of redevelopment vision, . "= 9* Indianapolis. like graffiti. If graffiti shows up in your GBA will sponsor three key events this a university neighborhoodandnobodywashes it away year. On April 28, GBA and UIndy will , "We would like to make districtoutofthisplacehere,"Wantzsaid. orpaintsoverititherewillbemoregraffiti work to clean up the University Heights "We have art, music, theater-all man- theretomorrow. Buttheminuteyouerase neighborhood during the Greatkmerican i ners of cultural events on campus. The it, it stops the graffiti." Cleanup. PHOTOS CONTRIBUTED BY JEFF CARDWELL "America problem is you can't make an evening of According to GBA President Jeff GBA also will sponsor the Part of the Gateway Business Alliance's redevelopment plan it. You can come to a great athletic event, Cardwell, the company has a 10-year includes updating the intersection at Hanna and Madison but where are you going to go get dinner master plan for implementing the rede- See GBA, Page 3 avenues. introduces A SUPER SEASON University My UIndy Web portal with updated features -- ... - - - - By Meisha Baker sell, the updated features enable students and faculty „. t - - c - STAFF RITER to get more business done online than they could in - - the past. .- 54' - "We're hoping to eliminate lines of students hav- '... „..., - The University of Indianapolis introduced a new to enroll in the it easier for „ 46 - - . it --7 ing hallways and make I Webportal atthebeginningofthis semester.Thenew . : -:-'-. 1 - 1 -1 - - S ....1: studentstotakecareoftheirtuitionpaymentsonline," portaliscalledMyUIndybecauseoftheindividualized Russell said. -,.. According to although the system is up '4 6*A.- - 9 · featuresandthefactthatstudents, facultyandstaffcan Russell, . - GARY W. GREEN/ MCI' ...\ personalize the site. The Web site now has features and running, it is still in its adjustment period, and ., ., ..... such as individual feedback is - group
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