E688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2019 an eternal optimist by confronting the chal- the wrong religion, love the wrong person, or legacy of the late Theresa Turner Burroughs. lenge with grace and fortitude. Up until her are not married. Mrs. Burroughs, a champion of the right to passing, Joyce continued to do the things she My friends, this is discrimination. It is not vote, was a beloved member of the Hale enjoyed the most including spending time with right, not fair, and not just. County community who, through grace, grit her family and grandchildren, attending Plym- I am proud to sponsor the Every Child De- and love, helped move her hometown of outh Park United Methodist Church, and mak- serves a Family Act to change that. This bill Greensboro, Alabama towards a more just ing phone calls for her favorite local can- is the right thing to do, and quite frankly, it is and equal future. Sadly, Mrs. Burroughs didates. long overdue. passed away on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at Madam Speaker, I extend sincere condo- It does not matter whether we are gay or the age of 89. lences to the Pittman family and I ask all of straight, married or single, Christian, Jewish, Mrs. Burroughs was the youngest of eleven my colleagues to join me in honoring the life or Muslim. It does not matter whether we children born to Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon and and legacy of Joyce Howard Pittman. practice all religions or no religion. It does not Mattie Turner near Moundville, Alabama on f matter whether we are African American, August 14, 1928. Due to a flood, the family Latino, Native American, Asian American, or moved to Greensboro, Alabama, where she REMEMBERING ROBERT JAMES white. remained throughout her life. Mrs. Burroughs GLASS We are all one people, one country. graduated from Hale County Training School And we must each do our part to ensure in 1946 and later from the Bestita School of HON. JOHN GARAMENDI that every young person and aspiring parent is Beauty. She was married to the late Walter OF CALIFORNIA able to enjoy the dream of a loving, stable Kenneth Burroughs, who retired from the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES family. United States Army. Mrs. Burroughs was the I look forward to reintroducing the Every mother of four children: Paula Renee, Kathy Thursday, May 30, 2019 Child Deserves a Family Act next week. Sue, Leslie Erroll and Toni Teresa. Mr. GARAMENDI. Madam Speaker, I rise f From a young age, Mrs. Burroughs became today to honor the memory and service of fascinated by the right to vote and wondered Robert James Glass, a 40-year Yuba City HONORING MARIO CARTAYA why that right was solely given to white citi- resident who embodied the American spirit of zens in the Black Belt. During the Jim Crow enduring dedication to his family and country. HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ era, the board of registrars at Alabama’s Hale Born on December 4, 1927, Robert joined OF FLORIDA County Courthouse prevented African Ameri- the U.S. Merchant Marine at age 16 to fight in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cans from registering to vote. Undeterred, she the Pacific Theater during World War II. went to the Hale County Courthouse to reg- Thursday, May 30, 2019 Through his service as a merchant mariner ister to vote on the first and third Monday of during the war, Robert joined in an effort that Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Madam each month, where she sometimes waited for proved to be an instrumental asset on an un- Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I con- hours before being tested with irrelevant ques- told number of occasions. gratulate Cartaya and Associates Architects tions. She was quizzed on how many red jelly President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated in on their 40th anniversary in South Florida. beans there were in a jar and was asked to 1944 that the Merchant Marine had ‘‘delivered Mario Cartaya and his firm Cartaya and As- recite the second line of the second paragraph the goods when and where needed in every sociates Architects have helped shape the of the U.S. Constitution and the American theater of operations and across every ocean look and architectural landscape of South Flor- Creed, among other tasks, but was denied the in the biggest, the most difficult, and dan- ida for our many visitors to enjoy. right to vote time after time. After two long gerous transportation job ever undertaken. As Mr. Cartaya is a visionary whose work can years, Mrs. Burroughs’ determination paid off, time goes on, there will be greater public un- be seen throughout Broward County, from the and she successfully registered to vote. derstanding of our merchant fleet’s record dur- Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Air- Mrs. Burroughs carried these experiences ing this war.’’ It was in that ultimately vic- port and several municipal centers, to public li- with her throughout her life. Mrs. Burroughs torious cause that Robert volunteered to lend braries and performing arts centers, and even said it was a joy to finally be able to cast her his hand. in our police headquarters and fire stations. ballot but remarked that it should not have Following the war, Robert served 22 years Cartaya and Associates has also designed been so difficult to do so. She knew just how in the U.S. Air Force, including deployments several additions and renovations for many precious her right to vote was and worked across the world. He retired as a Master Ser- hospitals and health care facilities in the area. hard to ensure her own voice and those of all geant at Beale AFB, California. Through his Mario Cartaya has also dedicated himself to the citizens in the Greensboro community active engagement in local organizations such giving back to our community. He served as were counted at the ballot box. She never as the American Legion he remained a dedi- chairman of Broward College’s Board of Trust- missed a chance to exercise that sacred right, cated member of the Yuba City community ees, as a member of former Senator Bob Gra- voting in elections at every level. until his passing. ham’s Air Force and Naval Academy Selection Mrs. Burroughs showed the depth of her He is survived by his three sons, Robert, Committees, and as a member of the Broward bravery and dedication to the Civil Rights Richard and Bruce and their families. I know County Cultural Arts Council. He also served Movement when she marched over the Ed- that they, along with the rest of his family and as an adjunct professor at Florida Atlantic Uni- mund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama on friends, join me in celebrating his life and his versity’s School of Architecture. March 7, 1965 along with hundreds of other memory. His life has been dedicated to the pursuit of Foot Soldiers to protest for their right to vote. f excellence in his professional career and the That day, Bloody Sunday, she was brutally improvement of the community in which he beaten and arrested by state troopers and HONORING NATIONAL FOSTER lives. sheriff’s deputies. CARE MONTH Mario Cartaya is a selfless, compassionate, Mrs. Burroughs is best known for her stew- and thoughtful citizen, one whom I am proud ardship of the ‘‘Safe House Museum’’ in HON. JOHN LEWIS to call my friend. I applaud his work and wish Greensboro, Alabama, which she founded in OF GEORGIA him continued success. 2002. The museum is located in the same IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f house where local residents hid Rev. Dr. Mar- tin Luther King, Jr. from the Ku Klux Klan on Thursday, May 30, 2019 IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE LIFE a visit to West Alabama in 1968. The Safe Mr. LEWIS. Madam Speaker, I rise in honor AND LEGACY OF THERESA TUR- House Museum is a reminder of the pivotal of National Foster Care Month, which has NER BURROUGHS role the Black Belt of Alabama played in the been observed in May for more than thirty Civil Rights Movement. It houses photographs, years, and to speak about an issue that af- HON. TERRI A. SEWELL biographies and historical artifacts to docu- fects foster children and families across Amer- OF ALABAMA ment and educate future generations about ica. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the local struggle for the right to vote. The Too many children dream of a stable, lov- walls of the museum are lined with mug shots ing, family. Many adults want to open their Thursday, May 30, 2019 of Foot Soldiers, including one of Mrs. Bur- homes and their hearts, but they face barriers Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Madam Speaker, roughs holding a towel and glasses to protect because the system says that they practice I rise today to honor the extraordinary life and her eyes from tear gas. A black ’’X’’ police VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:20 May 31, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30MY8.020 E30MYPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS May 30, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E689 drew on the bottom of her mug shot signifies honor her great contributions to the Civil Brandon Cruz, Chuck Downs, Butch Ekstam, her status as a leader among the marchers. Rights Movement. Mike Ellsworth, Milt Emmerson, Tom Fat- ten, Howard Hallstein, Mike Hammons, Bob Mrs. Burroughs always sought greater f Handley, Roy Hanks, Jill Henry, Clayton equality in her community and demanded to ACKNOWLEDGING THE HONOR James, Royden Jones, Gina Keller.
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