CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 ~3ERIES-10 UTTAR PRADeSH DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - A & B AURAIYA VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT {_ -~. I ( ! ) I F·~ ~ ~ _~. ~: ~ i I'i (\I'i!. (11(11 NIIII Dlr~ECTORATE OF Cf-':l\ISUS OPERATIONS, UTTAR PF~!\DESH LUCKNOW UTTAR PRADESH DISTRICT AURAIY A KILOMETRES , ,. 5 5 10 15 20 25 N A Area(sq.km.) . 2,015 (:::, Pepu) a tion .. ... 1,1'79,993 Number of Tahsils .. Number of Vikas Khand. ... ~ I· Number of Towns. Q; Number of Villages .. ·•• sj A L A DISTRICT AURAIYA-i S - PART OF VIKAS KHAND SAHAR (NEWL Y CREATED) CHANGE IN JURISDICTION 1991 - 2001 KILOMET~ :'".~~ '.~ . BOUNDARY DISTRICT -----: ! TAHSIL VIKAS KHAND .~ HEADQUARTERS DISTRICT, TAHSIL VIKAS KHAND @ @ NATJONAL HIGHWAY NH 2 STATE HIGHWAY SH 21 IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD RAILWAY LINE BROAD GAUGE. RIVER AND STREAM VILLAGE HAVING 5000 AND ABOVE POPULATJON WITH NAME • Kasba Khanpur TOWNS WITH POPULATION SIZE AND CLASS II JIl , IV , V ~.~.-.~" . DEGREE COLLEGE ~ AREA GAINED- FROM ~ DISTRICT ETAWAH MOTIF JAMUNAPARI GOATS The main centre of availability of Jamunapari Goats is considered in the surroundings of the village Pachnada in the district Auraiya at the banks of the rivers Yamuna, Chambal, Kunwari, Rind and Pahunj. Though these goats are extended from Chakarnagar to the either of the banks of river Yamuna, their height is much more than other goats with the backbone lying downwards likewise came and having two long ears in addition to two amazing short ears below their necks. There is a variety of species which are bit different from each other, but among them ~Alwari goats' are the best one, which give about 3 to4 kg. milk at a time. Speciality of the Jamunapari goats is their unique thickly wide spread spiral horns and unusually long teats with large bladder to contain enough volume of milk. The main origin of these goats is Chakranagar, where an animal husbandry and veterinary hospital is established. These goats are also found in large number in the nearby districts of Etawah, Jalaun and Firozabad, while a few in the doab area of Ganga and Yamuna rivers. Most of the residents of these areas earn their livelihood by melching milk from goats which is very much nourishing and healthy for the health and mind as well. Contertts Page Foreword x Preface XI! Acknowledgement XIII District Highlights - 200] Census xv Important Statistics in thc District XVI Ranking of l"ahsils in the District XVIII Statement-l Name of the headquarters of districtltahsil, their rural-urban status XIX and distance from district headquarters, 200 1. Slatement-2 Name of the headquarters of district/C 0 block their rural-urban status XIX and distance frol11 district headquarters, 200 I. Statement-3 Population of the district at each census from 190 1 to 200 I. )G\( Statcment-4 Area, number of viHagesltowns and population ill district and tahsil, 200 I. XXI Statement-5 C D Blockwise number of villages and rural population, 2001. XXI Statement-6 Population of Urban Agglomerations/towns, 200 I. XXII Statement-7 Villages with population of 5,000 and above at C 0 Block level as per 2001 census and amenities available. XXII Statement-8 Statutory towns with population less than 5000 as per 200 I census and amenities available. XXIll Statement-9 Houseless and Institutional population of tahsils, rural and urban, 200 t. XXIII Analytical Note (i) History and scope of the District Census Handbook 2 (ii) Brief history of the district :2 (iii) Administrative set-up J (iv) Physical features 4 (1) Location and size (2) Physiography 4 (3) Drainage (4) Climale 4 (5) Natural Economic Resources 5 (v) Census Concepts 7 (vi) Non-Census Concepts 13 (vii) 200 I Census findings-Population, its distribution ctc. J 7 (viii) Brief ar1alysis of peA data based on inset tables I to 36 18 (ix) Brief analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory data based 011 il1set 38 tables 37 to 47 (x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities, Housel isting 45 Operations, Census of India 2001 based on inset tables 48 to 52 (vii) (xi) Major social and cultural events, natural ;:Jl(! cicin-,ini:,t:-'ltivc developmcnts ,mel 49 significant activities during the dccade (xii) Brief description of places of religiotls, historical or mchacological imporlance in villages and places of tourist interest in the tOWllS of tilC district 49 (xiii) Major characteristics and contribution of the district. 49 (xiv) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory. 49 Part A - Village and Town Directory (Section I and ill Section l - Village Dil-cctOl-Y (3) Notc explaining the abbreviations used in the Villagc Directory 54 (b) Statement-List a r vi lIagcs mcrged i tl towns and outgrowths at 2001 Ccnsus 57 (c) C.D. Block wise prcsentation of Village Directory Data (i) Map of Erwa Katra CD Block (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Erwa Katra CD Block (iii) Village Directory Erwa Katra CD Block (i) Map Bidhuna CD Block ~2 (i~ Alphabetical list of villages BidhunCl CD Block 83 (ii~ Village Directory Bidhuna CD Block 86 (i) Map Achhalda CD Block 106 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Achhalda CD Block 107 (iii) Village Directory Achhalda CD Block 110 (i) Map Sahar CD Block 130 eii) Alphabetical list of villages Sahar CD Block 131 (iii) Village Directory Sahar CD Block 133 (i) Map Ajit Mal CD Block 151 (ii) Alphabetic<11 list of villages Ajil Mal CD Block l52 (iii) Village Directory Ajit Mal CD Block 155 (i) Map Bhagya Nagar CD Block l75 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Bhagya Nagar CD Block 176 (iii) Village Directory Bhagya Nagar CD Block 179 (i) Map Aurayia CD Block 203 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages Aurayia CD Block 204 (iii) Village Directory Aurayia CD Block 208 APPENDICES-VILLAGE DIRECTORY APPENDIX I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villages CD Block level 239 APPENDIX lA Villages by number of Primary School 247 APPENDIX IB Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 241\ APPENDIX IC Villages with different smirees of drinking water facilities available 249 APPENDIX II Villages witl1 5000 and above popUlation which do not havc one or more amenities available 250 APPENDIX IrA CensllS towns which do not have one or more amenities. 251 APPENDIX HI Land utilization data· in respect of Census Towns/non-municipal towns 252 APPENDIX IV CD Blockwisc list of inhabited villages where no amenity othcr than drinking water facility is available 253 (viii) APPENDIX V Summary showing number of villages having or not having Scheduled Castes population 256 .APPENDIX VI Summary showing number of villages having or not having Scheduled Tribes population 257 APPENDIX VIlA List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges 258 APPENDIX VIIB List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled Tribes to the total popu lation by ranges 274 APPENDIX VIII- Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C D block wise) 275 APPENDIX IX Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages 276 Section II - Town Dh'cctory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory 278 Town Directory Statements (I to VII) (b) STATEMENT I Status and Growth History 282 (c) STATEMENT II Physical aspects and location of towns 284 (d) STATEMENT III Municipal Finance. 286 (e) STATEMENT IV Civic and other amenities 288 (f) STATEMENT V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities 290 (g) ST A TEMENT VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 294 (h) STATEMENT VII Civic and other amenities in slums 296 (i) Appendix to Town Directory 297 Part B - Primary CCllSUS Abstract (a) Brief n<:rte on· Primary Census Abstract 299 (b) District Primary Census Abstract (General) 303 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e. Urban block wise figures of Total, SC and ST Population 309 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 314 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 320 CD Block wise Village. Pdmal'y Census Abstract 'Primary Census Abstract Erwa Katra CD Block 327 Primary CeIiSUS Abstract Bidhuna CD Block 339 Primary Census Abstract Achhalda CD Block 351 Primary Census Abstract Sahar CD Block 369 Primary Census Abstract Ajit Mal CD Block 38 I Primary Census Abstract Bhagya Nagar CD Block 393 . Primary Census Abstract Aurayia CD Block 411 . Urban Primary Census Abstract 430 Atmexure I Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat 443 Annexure II Fertility and Mortality, 1991 Census 444 Annexure III Various measures of feltility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census 444 Atmexure IV Percentage distribution of Migrants by place of birth/place of last residence, 1991 Census' iz Annexure V Brief account of main religions in the district/tahsil as per 1991 Census 446 Annexure VI Marital. status of popUlation as per 1991 Census 447 Ann~xure VII Age, Sex ~md Education in the district, 1991 Census 451 Anll~xureVIII Distribution ofdifferent mother tongues retumed in 1991 C.ensus 453 (ix) Foreword The District Cei1sus Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organisation since 195 I census, is one . 1. of the impOitant publications in the context of planning and development at gross-root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village-\-vise and town-wise of the district alongwith the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastructural facilities, etc. 2. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the di·strict. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The DCHB published at the 1961 census provided a descriptive account of the district, admin istrative statistics,· census tables and a village and town directory including PCA.
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