Books About U.S. Latina/O Culture and Literature

Books About U.S. Latina/O Culture and Literature

BOOKS ABOUT U.S. LATINA/O CULTURE AND LITERATURE Acosta-Belen, Edna. The Puerto Rican Woman. New York: Praeger, 1979. Acuña, Rudolfo. Anything but Mexican; Chicanos in 1980's and !90. os Angeles & New York: Routledge & "#a$%an & &all., 199'. ———. A Mexican-American Chronic#e. New York: A%er)can Book Co., 1971. ———. $ccupied America& A 'istory of Chicanos. New York: &ar$er & Row, 19*1. Alarc+n, Nor%a, et al. Chicana Critica# Issues. Berkele,: -#)rd .o%an Press, 199/. Ana,a, Rudolfo A. A Chicano in "#)na. Al0u1uer1ue, New 2e3.: 4n)5ersit, o New 2e3)co Press, 19*6. ———. and 7ranc)sco o%el), eds. A*t#+n: Essays on the Chicano 'ome#and. Al0u1uer1ue, New 2e3.: Acade%)a 8 El Norte, 19*9. Arnold, Ell)ott. The Time of the -ringo. New York: 9no$f, 19'/. Balderra%a, 7ranc)sco E. .ecade of Betraya#& Mexican Re%atriation in the 1900's. Al0u1uer1ue: 4 of New 2e3)co, 199'. Bruce-No5oa, :uan. Chicano Authors& Inquiry by Inter2ie3. Aust)n, -e3. 4n)5ersit, of -e3as Press, 19*;. ———. Retros%ace& Co##ected Essays on Chicano 4iterature. &ouston, -e3. Arte P<0l)co Press, 19*;. Calder+n, &=ctor, and :osé >a5)d ?ald)5ar. Chicano Criticism in a 5ocia# Conte3t. >ur#a%, N.C.: >uke 4n)5ersit, Press, 19*9. Ca%ar)llo, Al0ert. Chicanos in a Changing 5ociety. Ca%0r)dge, 2ass.: &ar5ard 4n)5ersit, Press, 1979. Castro, -on,. Chicano Po3er. New York: >utton, 197@. "#a5ez, :o#n R)c#ard. The 4ost 4and: The Chicano Image of the 5outh3est Al0u1uer1ue, New 2e3.: 4n)5ersit, of New 2e3)co Press, 19*@. "#a5ez, )nda. $ut of the Barrio& To3ard a 6e3 Po#itics of 'is%anic Assimilation. New York: Basic Books, 19*1. "#r)st)an, 9aren. 5ho3 and Te##& Identity and Performance in 7.5. #atina8o fction. Al0u1uer1ue: 4 of New 2e3)co P, 1997. >e e+n, Arnoldo. 6o Room Enough& Mexican Americans: Ang#os and 5ocioeconomic Change in Texas& 18;0-1900. Al0u1uer1ue: 4 of New 2e3)co P, 199/. >el Cast)llo, Adela)da R. Bet3een Borders& Essays on Mexicana8Chicana 'istory. os Angeles: 7lor)canto Press, 199;. >elgado, R)c#ard and :ean ?tefanc)c, ed. The 4atino Condition: A Critica# Reader. New York ! ondon: New York 4P, 199*. >eutsh, ?ara#. 6o 5e%arate Refuge& Culture: C#ass: and -ender on an Ang#o 'is%anic 5outh3est: 1980" 19<0. Re$r)nt: New York: B3ford 4P, 19*9. 7)sasser, Nan, 9,le 2ackenA)e, and Y5onne -)3)er. 4as Mujeres& Conversations from a 'is%anic Co%%un)t,. New York: 2cCraw-H)ll, 19*;. 7a0re, Cene5)e5e, ed. Euro%ean Pers%ectives on 'is%anic )terature )n the 7nited 5tates. &ouston, -e3.: Arte P<0l)co Press, .19**. 7lores, :uan. .ivided Borders. &ouston, -e3.: Arte P<0l)co Press, 19*1. 7o3, Ceoffre,. 'is%anic 6ation: Culture: Po#itics and the Constructing of Identity. -ucson: 4 of Ar)zona, 199*. Calarza, Ernesto. Barrio Boy: The 5tory of a Boy's Acculturation. 6otre >a%e Ind.: 4n)5ersit, of Notre >a%e Press, 1971. Cann, . &., and Peter :. >u)gan. The 'is%anics in the 7nited 5tates& A 'istory Boulder, Colo.: .est5)ew Press, 19*6. CarcEa Ignac)o. Chicanismo& The >orging of a Militant Ethos among Mexican Americans. -ucson: 4 of Ar)zona, 199*. —. 7nited 3e Win: The Rise and >a## of 4a Ra*a 7nida. -ucson: 4 of Ar)zona, 19*9. CarcEa, :uan Ed. Mexican Americans in the 1990s& Po#itics: Po#icies and Perce%tions. -ucson: 4 Bf Ar)zona, 199*. CarcEa, 2ar)o -. Memories of Chicano 'istory: The 4ife and 6arrative of Bert Corona. Berkele, & os Angeles: 4 of CA P, 199@. ———. Mexican Americans& 4eadership: Ideo#ogy: and Identity: 1900-19?0. New #a5en: Yale 4P, 19*9. C+%ez-Qu)ñonez, :uan. Chicano Po#itics& Rea#ity and Promise: 19<0-1990. Al0u1uer1ue: u of New 2e3)co P, 199@. ———. Mexican American 4abor. Al0u1uer1ue: 4 of New 2e3)co P, 199@. ———. Roots of Chicano Po#itics 1?00-19<0. Al0u1uer1ue: 4 of New 2e3)co P, 199@. ConAGlez, 2arEa C. Contem%orary Mexican American Women 6o2e#ists& To3ard a >eminist Identity. New York: Peter ang, 1997. Cr)swold del Cast)llo, R)c#ard: The Treaty of -uada#upe 'ida#go& A 4egacy of Confict. Nor%an: 4 of Bkal#o%a P, 199;. Cut)=rrez, >a5)d. Wa##s and Mirrors& Mesican Americans: Mexican Immigrants: and the Po#itics o( Ethnicity. Berkele, & os Angeles: 4 of Cal)forn)a P, 199@. Cut)=rrez, Ra%+n. When Aesus Came: the Corn Mothers Went A3ay: Marriage: 5exua#ity and Po3er in 6e3 Mexico: 1;00-18<?. ?tanford: ?tanford 4P, 1991. &errera-So0ek, 2ar)a. Beyond 5tereotypes& The Critica# Ana#ysis of Chicano )terature. Bing#a%ton, N.Y.: Bil)ngual Re5)ew Press, 19*'. ———. and &elena 2ar)a H)ra%ontes, eds. Chicana Creativity and "harting 6e3 >rontiers in American 4iterature. &ouston -e3.: Arte P<0l)co Press, 19**. &o%ero H)lla, Ra<l. Barrio"#ogos& 5%ace and Place in 7rban Chicano 4iterature and Culture. Aust)n, -I: 4 of -I P, J;;;. &orno-Delgado, Asunc)on, ed. BreaBing Boundaries& 4atina Writings and Critica# Readings. A%#erst, 2ass.: 4n)5ersit, of 2assac#usetts Press, 19*9. :)%=nez, Carlos. The Mexican American 'eritage. Re5. ed. Berkele,: -F? Pu0l)shers, 199@. :)%=nez, 7ranc)sco, ed. The Identifcation and Ana#ysis of Chicano 4iterature. Bing#a%ton, N.Y.: Bil)ngual Re5)ew Press, 1979. 9anellos, N)colas. 7nderstanding the Chicano Ex%erience Through 4iterature. &ouston, -e3.: 4n)5ersit, of &ouston Press, 19*1. att)n, Hernon E. Contem%orary Chicano >iction: A Critica# 5ur2ey. Bing#a%ton, N.Y.: Bil)ngual Re5)ew Press, 19*6. ———, Rolando &)nojosa, and Car, 9eller. -o%Gs Rivera: 190;-198<& The Man and 'is WorB. -e%$e, Ar)z.: Bil)ngual Re5)ew Press, 19**. o%el), 7ranc)sco A., and Carl A. ?#)rle,, eds. .ictionary of 4iterary Biogra$#,. Holu%e .*J: "#)cano .r)ters. >etro)t, 2)c#.: Cale Researc#, 19*9. u)s, .)ll)a%. .ance Bet3een T3o Cultures& 4atino Caribbean 4iterature Written in the 7nited 5tates. Nash5)lle& ondon: Hander0)lt 4P, 1997. 2ac)el R. >a5)d and 2arEa &errera-So0ek. Culture across Borders& Mexican Immigration and Po%ular Culture. -ucson: 4 of Ar)zona, 199*. 2ac)el R. >a5)d, Isidro >. Brt)z, 2arEa &errera-So0ek Chicano Renaissance& Contem%orary Cultura# rends. -ucson: 4 of AL P, J;;;. 2Gr1uez, Benja%)n. 474AC& The ,2o#ution of Mexican American Po#itica# $rganization. Aust)n: 4 of -e3as P, 199/. 2arEn, 2arguer)te H. 5ocia# Protest in an 7rban Barrio& A 5tudy of the Chicano Mo2ement: 199??-19C<. an#a%, 2d.: 4 P of A%er)ca, 199;. 2artEnez, El)za0et# C., ed. >ive 'undred Dears of Chicano 'istory in Pictures& ;00 años de# %ueblo Chicano. Al0u1uer1ue: ?out#.est Brgan)A)ng Project, 1991. 2e)er, 2att ?., and 7el)c)ano R)5era. The Chicanos& A 'istory of Mexican Americans. New York: &)ll, 197J. ———. Mexican Americans8American Mexicans& >rom Conquistadors to Chicanos. Rec. ed. New York: &)ll and .ang, 199/. ———. Readings on 4a Ra*a& The T3entieth Century. New York: &)ll, 197@. 2el5)lle, 2argar)ta. T3ice a Minority: Mexican American .o%en. ?t. ou)s, 2o.:2osb, Press, 19*;. 2)rande, Alfredo. The Chicano Ex%erience& An A#ternative Pers%ective. Notre >a%e: 4 of Notre >a%e P, 19*'. 2)rande, Alfredo, and E5angel)na Enr)1uez. 4a Chicana& The Mexican American Woman. "#)cago: 4n)5ersit, of "#)cago Press, 1977. 2o#r, Eugene. The 6uyorican Ex%erience& 4iterature of the Puerto Rican 2)nor)t,. .est$ort, Conn.: Creenwood Press, 19*J. 2oore, :oan .., and &arr, Pac#on. 'is%anics in the 7nited 5tates. Englewood Cl)ffs, N.:.: Prent)ce- &all, 19*'. 2o1u)n, .a,ne, and "#arles Han >oren, eds. A .ocumentary 'istory of the Mexican Americans. New York: Banta%, 1971. 2uñ+z, Carlos. Identity Po3er& The Chicano Mo2ement. New York: Routledge, "#a$%an & &all, 19*9. Na5a, :ul)an. Mexican-Americans& Past: Present: and >uture. 2)ll0rae, Cal)f: A%er)can Book Co., 1969. Na5arro, Ar%ando. Mexican American Douth $rganization: A2ant"-arde of the Chicano Mo2ement in Texas. Aust)n: 4 of -e3as P, 199'. Neate, .)lson. To#erating Ambiguity: Ethnicity and Community in Chicano 8 A Writing. New York: Peter ang, 199*. B0oler, ?uzanne. Ethnic 4abe#s: 4atino 4ives. 2)nnea$ol)s: 4 of 2N P, 199'. Bl)5ares, :ul)an, ed. Internat)onal 5tudies in 'onor of Tom+s Rivera. &ouston, -e3.: Arte P<0l)co Press, 19*6. ———. 7.5. 'is%anic Autobiogra%hy. &ouston, -e3.: Arte P<0l)co Press, 19**. Brnelas, 2)c#ael R. Beyond 5tereotypes >orty Eight& Readings in the Modern Chicano 'istorica# Ex%erience. >u0esque, Iowa: 9endall-Hunt, 199/. Paredes, A%=r)co. With a Pisto# in 'is 'and: A Border Ba##ad and Its 'ero. Aust)n, -e3.: 4n)5ersit, of -e3as Press, 19'*. ———. >o#Bta#es of Mexico. "#)cago: 4n)5ersit, of "#)cago Press, 197;. ———. A Texas-Mexican GCancioneroG& >o#Bsongs of the 4o3er Border. 4r0ana, Ill.: 4n)5ersit, of Ill)no)s Press, 1976. Pearlstone, Lena. Ethnic 4.A. Be5erl, &)lls: &)llcrest Press, 199;. Perez-F)r%at, Custa5o. .o the Americas 'a2e a Common 4iteratureH >ur#a%, N.C.:>uke 4n)5ersit, Press, 19*;. Powell, awrence. 5outh3est C#assics& The Creative 4iterature of the Arid 4ands - Essays on the BooBs and their Writers. -ucson, Ar)z.: -#e 4n)5ersit, of Ar)zona Press, 197@.

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