ARCHIVES DAP‐NEDUET THESIS CATALOGUE 10‐Oct‐19 Call # Author Title Topic/Subject Date Institute TP‐0005 Yasira Naeem Pasha Investigating the Stateus of Culture in Architectural Thesis (PhD)01‐Dec‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Education: Selected Evidences at Undergraduate Level TP‐0004 Masooma Mohib Shakir Recontructing the Sufi Shrine as a Living Cultural Thesis (PhD)01‐Jun‐18 Bauhaus Univer Heritage: Case of Shrine of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, Sindh (Pakisan) TP‐0003 Anita Kapadia Architectural Space & Technology; A Historical Thesis (PhD)01‐Jan‐02 Welsh School o Exploration Design Protfolio (Appendix E) TP‐0002 Gul Asatekin The Role of the Inhabitant in Conservation A Proposal Thesis (PhD)01‐Jun‐94 Middle East Tec for the Evaluation of Traditional Residential Architecture in Anatolia TP‐0001 Dr. Baha Bin Hussein Shipping & Development in Saudi Arabia Thesis (PhD)01‐Dec‐91 Dept. of Mariti Azzee TM‐0018 Adam Abdullah Orchestrating an Identity Through Monuments in the Thesis 01‐Jun‐16 Middle East Tec City: The Case of Ankara, 1923‐2016 (Master) TM‐0017 Qammar‐un‐Nisa Understanding Urban Sprawl (Suburbs in Karachi) Thesis 01‐Jun‐17 DAP‐NEDUET (Master) TM‐0016 Tania Ali Soomro Revival of the Forgotten Heritge: Conservation of Thesis 01‐Sep‐15 KU Leuven Empress Market & Revitalization of its Historic & Social (Master) Context TM‐0015 Amin Monassar A Study of Urban Open Space in Sana'a; Issues Related Thesis 01‐Jul‐98 DAP‐DCET Abdullah Monassar to the Rehabilitation & Management of Open Space in (Master) the Historic Built Environment TM‐0014 M. Ismail Faya A Proposed Urban Conservation Model for Cultural Thesis 01‐Jul‐98 DAP‐DCET Heritage City Walled City of Shibam‐Hadramawt (Master) Republic of Yemen TM‐0013 Wajeeha Laiq Assessing Embodied Energy in Historic Structures Thesis 01‐Dec‐14 DAP‐NEDUET (Master) TM‐0012 Qurat ul Ain Rehman Post Disaster Sustainable Emergency Shelter Design Thesis 01‐Dec‐14 DAP‐NEDUET (Master) Page 1 of 53 Call # Author Title Topic/Subject Date Institute TM‐0011 Sana Tajuddin Exploring the Experience of Confluences: Religious Thesis 12‐Sep‐14 Aga Khan Unive Identities * Sacred Spaces ‐ A Case study on the Shrine (Master) of Shams Sabzwari of Multan, Pakistan TM‐0010 Faisal Nadeem Future Vision for Mai Kolachi By Pass Thesis 21‐Jun‐05 DAP‐DCET (Master) TM‐0009 Farooq Saleh Leasing Process of Katchi Abadis Thesis 01‐Dec‐00 DAP‐DCET (Master) TM‐0008 S. Affan Iqbal Independent Study Project Green Urbanism‐Karachi Thesis 01‐Jun‐13 DAP‐NEDUET (Master) TM‐0007 Fariha Tahseen Traditional Values Versus Modern Conveniences: A Thesis University of Li Typological Analysis of Traditional & Modern Houses in (Master) Lahore TM‐0006 Rabela Junejo Architectural Permeability: Stylistic Enocuounters in the Thesis 01‐Dec‐12 Middle East Tec Architecture of the Makli Necropolis (14th ‐16th (Master) Centuries) TM‐0005 Ravindar Kumar Ravi Urbanisation of Intermediate Cities & Development of Thesis 01‐Dec‐99 DAP‐DCET City Fringes, Case Study of Mingora, Swat, N.W,F.P., (Master) Pakistan TM‐0005 Ravindar Kumar Ravi Urbanisation of Intermediate Cities & Development of Thesis 01‐Dec‐99 DAP‐DCET City Fringes, Case Study of Mingora, Swat, N.W,F.P., (Master) Pakistan TM‐0005 Ravindar Kumar Ravi Urbanisation of Intermediate Cities & Development of Thesis 01‐Dec‐99 DAP‐DCET City Fringes, Case Study of Mingora, Swat, N.W,F.P., (Master) Pakistan TM‐0004 Islamudin Siddiqui The Implementation of the Metroville‐I Programme in Thesis 01‐Dec‐80 Asian Institute Karachi (Master) TM‐0003 Jawed Ali Khan Managing the Government Lands in Karachi to Supply Thesis 01‐Dec‐84 Asian Institute Land for Housing (Master) TM‐0002 Noman Ahmed An Insight into Metropolitan Administration Case Study Thesis 01‐Dec‐92 Middle East Tec of Karachi, Pakistan (Master) TM‐0001 Anila Naeem Conservation of Historic Traditional Settlement Thesis METU Proposal for Preservation of Housing Cluster Around (Master) Baltit Fort, Karimabad, Hunza Page 2 of 53 Call # Author Title Topic/Subject Date Institute TM‐0001 Anila Naeem Conservation of Historic Traditional Settlement Thesis METU Proposal for Preservation of Housing Cluster Around (Master) Baltit Fort, Karimabad, Hunza TB‐1083 M. Faheem Bin Tariq Rethink Slums: Relating Socioeconomic Linkages & Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Spatial Dynamics Arch) TB‐1082 M. Fahad Amir Architecture for Space Tourism "Humanoid" The Tourist Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Station Arch) TB‐1081 Syed Raghib Hussain Addressing The Changing Needs of Devotees of Sehwan Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1080 Faizan Jabbar Developing Space for Inspiring & Guiding Youth for Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Their Career Development Arch) TB‐1078 Wasama Amber Dewan Choreographing Architecture: Designing Spaces Inspired Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET from Dance Movements & Qualities Karachi Cantt Arch) Station TB‐1077 Syed Warris Hussain Designing for Truck Movements: Provision of Facilities Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET for Intercity Truck Drivers Arch) TB‐1075 Tooba Aftab Narrative Architecture: The Story of the Divided Valley Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1074 Tasneem Mazhar Urban Transient Spaces A Case Study of Merewether Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Tower, Karachi Arch) TB‐1073 Syeda Hafsa Fatima Power & Architecture Exploring the Dynamics of Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Control Through Built Space Arch) TB‐1072 Syed Shahnoor Revamping Socio‐Cultural Connection of Lyari River Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1071 Syed Basil Haider Rehabilitation of Thari Community by Using Vernacular Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Principles Arch) TB‐1070 Sumra Zia Inclusive Public Spaces: Addressing the Socio‐Economic Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Disparity in the Context of Karachi Arch) TB‐1069 Sumaiya Akhtar Urban Stress: Exploring the Healing Potential of Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Architecture Arch) TB‐1068 Syeda Sukaina Rizvi The Role of Architecture in Women Empowerment Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) Page 3 of 53 Call # Author Title Topic/Subject Date Institute TB‐1067 Shaheera Safdar Vanishing Crafts Architecture as a Catalyst for Reviving Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Local Crafts Arch) TB‐1066 Salwa Shafiq Kinetic Architecture Dynamo Art Complex Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1065 Rabbiya Riaz Architecture of Remembrance: Exploring Memorial Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Architecture Arch) TB‐1064 Nimra Afzal Exploring Therapeutic Dimension of Architecture for Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Schizophrenic Patients Arch) TB‐1063 Midhat Zaka Exploring the Role of Architecture in the Development Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET of Children Arch) TB‐1062 Mehwish Noor Aquatecture; Exploring Possibilities of Adventure Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1061 Marium Afzal Vertical Gardening: Improve Urban Environment Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1060 Maha Razzak Inclusive Design Architecture for Physically Challenged Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET People Arch) TB‐1059 Komal Shabbair Courtyard Houses: A Spatial Intervention in the Local Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Context & its Future Arch) TB‐1058 Javairya Yaseen Women & Sports: Addressing Gender Disparity Through Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Architectural Intervention Arch) TB‐1057 Isra Akram Social Integration of the Marginalized Community of Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Transgenders Through Spatial Intervention Arch) TB‐1056 Hafiz Muhammad Umair Empowering of the Youth of Karachi: By Encounter the Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Khan Promblem of Drug Addiction Arch) TB‐1055 Duresham Ilyas Mosque Architecture: A Study of its Architectural Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Identity Arch) TB‐1054 Bilawal Aslam Uplifting Youth of Lyari Through Sports Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1053 Abeera Saleem Architecture & Identity: Architecture Representing Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Communites of Karachi Arch) TB‐1052 Abeer Shaikh Architectural Response to the Needs of Alzheimer's Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Patients Arch) Page 4 of 53 Call # Author Title Topic/Subject Date Institute TB‐1051 Aamna Zeb Role of Architecture in the Development of Orphans Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1050 Aamir M. Umer Ecotouism A Sustainable Approach for the Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Preservation/ Rehabilitation of Mangroves Arch) TB‐1049 Biba Fatima Zaban Aur Zameen; Working for the Promotion & Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Celebration of Urdu Language Arch) TB‐1048 Noman Khan Boarding School in Quetta (Sustainable, Climate Thesis (B. 01‐Sep‐18 DAP‐NEDUET Responsive Architecture Practice in Quetta) Arch) TB‐1047 M. Muddassir Iftikhar Fire Station: The Need of the City Thesis (B. 01‐Dec‐17 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1046 Maleeha Khan Durrani Biomimicry Using Principles to Create Urban Closed Thesis (B. 01‐Dec‐17 DAP‐NEDUET Loop Systems Arch) TB‐1045 Karim Ali Samnani To Introduce Spatial Interventions that Rethink Single Thesis (B. 01‐Dec‐17 DAP‐NEDUET Function Architecture Arch) TB‐1044 Irsa Arshad To Revitalize the Abandoned Railway Station Thesis (B. 01‐Dec‐17 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1043 Hiba Beg Stimulating Social Change: Architecture as a Catalyst; Thesis (B. 01‐Dec‐17 DAP‐NEDUET Empowerment Centre for Women Arch) TB‐1042 Fazila Zaman Prision for Non Recidivism Thesis (B. 01‐Dec‐17 DAP‐NEDUET Arch) TB‐1041 Bushra Sultan Mosque Architecture; Reviving the Traditional Function Thesis (B. 01‐Dec‐17 DAP‐NEDUET of Mosque Arch) TB‐1040 Zainab Afzal Khan The Role of Roadside Architecturein Elevating Tourism Thesis (B. 01‐Dec‐17 DAP‐NEDUET Rest Station; A Traveller's Sanctaury Arch) TB‐1039 Urooj Mughal Articulation of a Post‐Apocalyptic Identity; Sanctuary on Thesis (B. 01‐Dec‐17 DAP‐NEDUET Mars Arch) TB‐1038 Tashfeen Shuneed Architectural Response to Urban Guerilla Warfare: Thesis (B.
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