- Nirr PRESS RUN nUi WIATHEB J AVERAGE DAILV CIRCULATION I PoMeast kr O.' a* Weathks Barcaa, for the Month of May, 1029 "'f ' ' Vikr’Bkvdk 5,330 Showers and cooler tonight'and Membera of the A adit Bnrean oC gtste librsfy* Thnnday. Clrcolatlons . / v. <; t r r VOL. XLIII., NO. 209. (ClaMifled Advertising on Page lif) SOOTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19 ,1929. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS QUEER MALADY GRADUATION M ENACES SEVEN Stowaway Coming Home FESTIVITIES Three Dead and Four Seriously INUMEUGHT lU—-Fifteen Doctors Study­ ing the Case. AND^ETAIKS STAUTODAY ' Chicago,. June 19.— ^Three- DAWES SCORES ■\ ’ yrar-oid Lorraine Markowskl diednoagy, the third victim of a mysteribus poison that is Famous Newlyweds i Pose High School Commencement threatening to claim the lives to Great Brit­ of a ff^ ily of seven. Heat Wave Qontinues Program Opens With An­ Fifteen*, 'physicians, includ­ for Prctmres and Talk ing several specialists, were ain Stnick Keynote of studying the case as Lorraine With Reporters— L 0 n e All Over TTie nual Class Day; To Award qnccumbed. The other dead I Nation’s Policy Toward were Chester Kwlatkowskl, 7, and'blff sister, Agnes, 8. These Eagle Back to Work. < 1 Diplomas Tomorrow Eve. two were children of Mrs, Irv­ The gods of beat continued toAreported 108 and 110 qegreea re­ Naval Disarmament; Brit­ ing Markbwski by a former hurl their fireballs with relentlew spectively. Manchester High school will marriage. abandon at most of the United .The mid-west after a, scorching Mltchel Field, N. Y.. June 19.— yesterday saw no prospects of a let­ ish Press Unanhnons in graduate a class of 139 students to­ Two ' other children and States today. M^kowskl and his wife are The honeymoon* was over for In-virtually every section of the up today. Chicago, Cleveland, morrow evening thus bringing an­ fighting for their lives in the ^Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh add country, particularly the east, the Cincinpatl, SU Louis and Kansas Praising Maiden Address other school year an an end. Today, county and psychopathic hos­ his bride, Joy and grief of news­ mercury had mounted to near­ City all reported temperatures in however, the chief point of Interest pitals. record heights. the neighborhood of 90. paper cameramen, as the famous Farther west found the weather Is the annual Class Day ceremonies. Doctors who examined the Innumerable deaths and prostra­ of New Envoy. newlyweds stepped back into the tions n#ere reported in International slightly more <9ndurable, Bismarck, The program started this afternoon stomach contents of the dead und living said the poison ap­ picture today, News Service dispatches from the j N. D., boasted temperature of 76; and will come to a conclusion this north, south, east and west. Denver, 78; Salt Lake City, 76, San Washington, June 19.— General evening In the school assembly ball. peared to have a metallic base The. colonel was back on the job and may have been caused by acting as a judge at the safe air­ In New York City, resldenU were Prandsco 70^; Portland, Oregon, Charles G. Dawes struck the key­ History and Gifts. preparing to endure another day | 64 and Helena, Mont., 62. Phoenix, The program this afternoon canned food. It was said it They’re proud of that stowaway craft iompetition under the aus­ note of tbe Hoover administration’s pices of the Gugeheirri Foundation similar to Tuesday when the mer- | Arizona, however, wks just about opened in Educational Square with also may have been due to in­ sou of theirs, you bet! “ He’s a cury touched 93 degrees to record the'hottest city to be found any- whole policy toward world peace gredients > of paint, which for the promotion of Aviation. and naval disarmament in bis first hero” to Mr. and Mrs. Morris He scanned the skies expertly, the hottest June 18 in 48 years.' where. The temperature touched Markpwskl used in his occu­ Eleven deaths have been attributed an even 100 degrees there yester­ speech as ambassador to Great pation. Schrelber, above, of Portland. and perhaps a trifle longingly, as Britain. Nothing but praise of tbe myriad planes scintillated in the to the beat in the east In the last day. The coolest city perhaps was Me., even it young Arthur Schrel- Seattle, Washington, where the as­ speech was heard today in ad­ sunlight. 24 hours. b3r’s extra weight In the “ Yollow New England likewise felt the tonishingly low inark of 58" was re­ ministration quarters. As usual, Lindbergh was without That policy, briefly summed up, Bird" cIlJ Jeopardize the lives of a hat. As usual, be wore a dark wrath of the tropical temperatures. ported. W A R l m E S three llyers and cause tho big The Weather Bureau predicted Bosr The south stood on a par with contemplates a aaval understand­ blue suit. But contrary tb the ing between tbe United States and usual, the colonel chatted volubly ton would be as hot today as It was the mid-west. San Antonio report­ plane to fall short of its trans- yesterday when 94 degrees were ed 90 degrees; New Orleans, 86; Great Britain— an understanding Atlantic goal. They’re over­ — with his bride. based upon equality— which can BIGGEST ITEM, Both Sunburned recorded. One death and a score of Jacksonville, 80; Galveston, 84; joyed by the financial aspects of prostrations were reported In the Charleston, 86; Atlanta, 84; Balti­ serve as a foundation for a broader For almost the first hour, the world understanding that will take their boy’s exploit, too. At the returned bridal couple kept to the Massachusetts metropolis. more, 90; Savannah, 88, and Tam­ Gloucester and Fall River, Mass., pa, 88. in the other principal naval powers, REPO U SHOWS right Is young Schrelber. protection of their automobile, sit­ Japan, France and Italy. ting together, and commenting in Carried "Yardstick** overlapping dialogue on' things Moreover, the “ yardstick” for aeronautical. tbe measuring relative naval needs, Mrs. Lindbergh, the former Anne Out of Three Billions Spent 'Burden O f Presidency which the general emphasized so Morrow, wore a summery costume heavily In. bis speech, reposed In “ GREEN” MEN TO BLAME of light bine. his hip-pocket while he spoke. He by Government Two Were Both were sun-tinted from their carried it away from Washington honeymoon yachting excursion. Appaling”—Coolidge with him two weeks ago, and if It The newspaper photographers is not already under British scruti­ for War or Preparations FOR BORDER KILLINGS were-also back on the Job. ny It is only because tbe volatile They surrounded the automobile New York, June 19— The presi-, The actual duties of the Presi­ general has not found time, in tbe for War— The Items. and “ shot" the ex-honeymooners dency of the United States gives its dent, Mr. Coolidge poln^ out, are hectic "few days be has been in from more positions than an aero-' possessor more power than kings but briefly outlined in the Consti­ England, to present it to hie hosfa. Resigned Patrol Leader De­ plane ever hoped to attain. and emperors, Calvin Coolidge de­ This “ yardstick” Is of American WILLA GATHER GETS The couple held an informal clared in his latest literary article tution. Every new administration, Washington, June 19.— Out of design and structure, evolved hy William Johnson. salon while remaining in their auto which will appear tomorrow in the he says races problems that require American technical experta under $3,427,990,000 spent by the gov­ scribes Rum War Around and chatted with various friends American magazine. In addition to presidential decisions and, as a re­ the reading of the class history by Mr. Hoover’s directions, over a ernment the first eleven months pf DEGREE FROM YALE including Harry Guggenheim, this, be states, the burden of the sult, new presidential power. period of several months. It alms to Miss Florence Schlldge, but ad­ president: of the Guggenheim “ Yet,” continues the former the 1929 fiscal year, $2,056,734,- presidency is “ appalling.” reconcile the differences— princi­ journed to the High school when Detroit— Is Tired of KiD- Foundation, Edward Warner, form­ “ While it is wise for the Presi­ President, “ he exercises his author­ rain fell. This was followed by the 000 represented costs directly at­ pally cruiser differences— between er assistant secretary of the navy dent to get all the competent advice ity In true accordance with the Con­ the American and British experta. presentation of the gifts to the tributable to the World War, or for aviation, and Captain Emory S. possible,” Mr. Coolidge says, “ final stitution and the law. For all members of the senior class. The ing Innocent People. Noted New York Aatlior Gen. Dawes proposed to take preparations for future wars. Lamb. judgments are necessarily bis own. ordinary occasions the specific these differences out of the hands latter feature is one always awaited P os^ for. Cameramen. ' No one can sharAwltb him th« re­ powers assigned toithe President in with eager Interest by the students Treasury figures today showed of the experts and the technicians Washington, June 19:— “ They •Under, insistent qrglng. Col. sponsibility for them. Hlr decisions a few brief paragraphs in the .Con­ and put them in the hands of sta t^ as it affords them an opportunity of that all but $1,371^247.000 of the Honored— ip . Jlonorar; Lindbergh Surprised the camera­ are final and usually Irreparable. stitution will' be found sufllelent to settling old scores in public total outlay for government In this don’t tell you to shoot but they men who are more used to the man by consenting to pose for a This xonstltutes the appalling bur­ provide for tbe welfare of the'coun­ philosophy of "give and take" la through the presentation of most period was for the War and Navy might as well— they tell you to picture with his bride.
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