What The A 5-Star Reporter Heard Hoopster Story On Page B Story on Page 3 VOL. XXI. No. 11 — EIGHT PACKS PROVIDENCE COLLKr.E. PROVIDENCE. R. I.. KKRRUARY 18. 1959 10 CENTS A COPY Thomson, PC English Prof, New Raymond Hall Facilities WritesUniqueReligiousWork Available By Next Semester "The Church of God alone is sufficient; and to the • New Raymond Hall dining hull-dormitory tmilitics claims of the One. Holy, Roman Catholic and A|M>stolic will be completed mid ready for use by the fall, the Church to the Church of God I make my thankful Very Rev. Robert J. Slavin, O.P., revealed in an inter• submission." This is the climactic line toward which Cowl Recruits view early this week. Dr. Paul van K. Thomson's new book Whv I Am A "When ground was broken on Catholic builds. New Reporters; the new structure, our deadline EUROPEAN TOURS was May 15. but the delay is Dr Thomson, an associate not so great as to cause alarm, professor of English at PC. is Frosh Invited since the building will be avail• a former Episcopal clergyman Freshman staff members will able and equipped for use in who was converted to Catholi• be accepted by the COWL be New Opportunities the foil." -.ml PCs President cism in the fall of 1949 His per• ginning tomorrow at 10:15 a.m.. sonalized account of the origin, He attributed the failure to Charles J. fioetz, managing edi• history, and traditions of the On NFCCS Excursions meet the original construction tor, announced this morning. A Catholic Church will be released schedule lo cold weather com• brief course or journalism in• A sight-seeing summer in commercially on Feb 23. Ad• bined with .in unforeseeable d< struction will be In' i• • I for Europe is currently being of- vance copies are available in lay in the procurement of spe- fefred by the National Federa• the College bookstore the new reporters. cial steel joists Registration for appointment tion of Catholic Students Very Rev. Robert J Slavin. to the newspaper staff will lake through its four 1939 European All dining room space in President of the College, recom• place In the llarkins Hall of tours. Alumni Hall will be made avail• mended the book as "... a able to day students upon the flee of the COW1. tomorrow These lours will visit many stimulating approach to the sub- completion of the new cafeteria morning at the 10:15 break and of the popular European tourist >ecl. Dr. Thomson's deft, self- in Raymond Hall. Pr. Slavin each schooldaj thereafter un• attractions Ireland, England. effacing treatment raises this stated. The Alumni Halt facili• til Tuesday. Feb. 24. The stu Austria, Germany and Italy will work to a level far above the ties will then be closed at night dent iMihlu.iin.ii. for news, be included in the itinerary sensational 'convert' book which except on evenings of home bas• sports, and feature assignments The highlight of the trip will we occasionally encounter." ketball games or other special at that time. be stopovers in Paris and along The book deals with the or Prospective artists, as well as events ganic structure of the Church Dr. Thomson the Riviera those interested in the business, Evening Service as the Body of Christ, and it in- The NFCCS European tours circulation, or photography de• Raymond Hall facilities will corporate* a discussion of the Visitor broke the story of h. will bring together college stu- s partments, may likewise apply. sarve trut resident students riur. hrstory of Catholicity as well as r«eption into the Catholic dents from the whole United Ing the day and be made avail• its organization and works in Church in its Sept 15 issue I'pperrlassmen may also seek States. There will be much op• able lo them in the evening, he r appointment during this week. portunity for getting acquainted modern times. Dr Thomson de- E* >'" that day the chancellor •aid A snack bar which the •cnbes tns conversion along a of the Diocese o Providence Goetx said. Previous experience on the ocean cruises to and from President hopes will be "lived theme of 'coming home" to the *>»d confirmed that he former will not be a prerequisite for Europe. in" by the students will be one true Faith 1 Pa,tor °' Sl Stephen s had been selection since attendance at New Feature four weekly journalism classes of the main features of the new Prof. Thomsons book is part baptred '0 St. Pius Church This year a new feature has w h nd to be conducted by the editors dorm. of a series by men of various »>°?f " •»» *"« " been added lo the NFCCS Eu• hlldren oa tne Drevlou Su will be required, he added. religions wh.ch is planned by | ^ - "- ropean tours The tour partici Fr. Slavin's plans are to the New York publisher. Thorn ,day Iti n i instructions in the tech• punts will have the opportunity have the front entrance to the snack bar equipped with vend• as Nelson tt Sons Thomson's statement to the niques of news, sports, and to meet European University ing machines which will dis• Nine years a Protestant Epis- press at that time mirrors the feature writing will be con• students at parlies, picnics, etc.. pense such items as coffee, copal minister. Prof Thomson sentiments of his recent book: ducted during the 1:40 assem• which will be arranged with the sandwiches, milk, and candy It resigned as rector of St Step-1 "If there is any one thing bly period on four consecutive aid of Pax Romana, the Inter is planned that these machines hen's pariah. Providence, on which can be said to have most Tuesdays beginning February national Movement of Catholic will meet the students' needs Sept 1, 19*9 The Providence (Continued on Page 2) 24. Initial speaker next Tues• Students regardless of whether the food day will be Dale P. Faulkner, The NFCCS Travel Program counter of the snack bar is editor-in-chief and former offers four different tours to open Normally this food coun• sports editor of the COWL. Europe, ranging in price from ter will be open from 7-11 p.m.. Department editors wilt in $687 to $1051 and in length while the snack bar itself will struct the novice reporters In from 44 to 67 days The first Noted Catholic Layman be open al all times. the special facets of collegiate tour leaves June 6, 1050 and Color Scheme newspaper work. the last on July 3. Abandonment of "institution• Addresses DES Meeting Results of a written examina• For further information con• al green"in favor uf some more tact the campus travel chair• tion covering the rudiments ol diversified color scheme will be man, Ken Roche, or the NFCCS- The way of Christ is the way of everything, ac• journalistic writing will deter one of the innovations in the cording to an aeronautical engineer who addressed the mine the final selection of staff NNCF Travel Program, 1 Thom• as Circle, Washington 5. D. C I new resident halls With possi• meeting of the Theta Chapter, Delta Epsilon Sigma, in members, it was learned. bly four basic color combina- Alumni Hall last night. I tions planned, rooms will have j diversified color schemes. Dr. James B. T. Chu. assistant professor of aerodynamics at Ah* conditioning equipment Brown University, told an over-1 HOLY ANGELS FUND DRIVET0M0RR0W i will be installed in the main flow crowd in the Guild Room dining room, the lobby, and the that we have the capabilities to Tag day will be held on President's private dining room. cope with the challenges of the campus tomorrow in connection The walls in the interior dining immediate future, and that we with the NFCCS-Student Con• area will be of Honduras ma• can meet these challenges by gress drive to raise funds for hogany channeling our efforts in the the victims of Chicago's burned- right direction. We must recog• out Holy Angels School, co- Teaching Pamphlet nize our problems and realisti• chairman Paul Crane confirmed cally appraise our own ability yesterday. Published By ACE to solve them, according to the Msgr. Joseph S. Cussen, pas• Copies of the booklet "Col• educator. tor of Holy Angels parish, has lege Teaching as a Career" are He claimed that the most ef• indicated that all money col• available in the adult education ficient way ol doing this is to lected in the drive at PC will be office, the Rev. Richard D. Da- begin with ourselves. placed in a fund to defray the nilowicz announced this week. coat of hosiptal bills and to Students interested in the teach• Dr. Chu outlined what he help rebuild the razed school. ing profession may receive this considered to be the major Ninety children and three pamphlet free of charge. challenges to our way of life, nuns lost their lives in the Dec. The 28-page publication was both on the national and in• 6 catastrophe which shocked prepared by the American ternational levels. Stressing the nation. Several children Council on Education "to help the challenge of communism, are still hospitalized and medi• give an impression of the pleas• Dr. Chu noted that the pro• cal expenses have mounted past ures ' and satisfactions to be ponents of this doctrine will found in a career in college concentrate on economic gains ^-flTrelv " ar^Vc "students 1 MONEY IN THE TILL: Co-chairmen Paul Crane teaching," said O Meredith Wil• in order to establish themselves called upon lo support such a ! Lovely are Interested observers as Charles J.
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