The Beginning

The Beginning

P A G E ■ 2 The Beginning The necessity for a premier national institution, National Defence College (NDC) was felt long before for conducting training, research and education on leadership, defence, security, strategy and development studies. The journey started when the then Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, laid the foundation stone of the Academic Complex of NDC on 10 January 1998 at Mirpur Cantonment. However, the first National Defence Course commenced in the campus of Defence Services Command and Staff College on 10 January 1999. Construction of the present academic building was completed on 22 November 2000. Since then, National Defence College has been fully devoted to its assigned responsibilities. P A G E ■ 3 College Motto Vision The National Defence College is dedicated to be the premier national centre of excellence on leadership, defence, security, strategy and development studies. Security Through Knowledge Mission To impart training to selected senior military and civil officers from home and abroad on national and international security related fields as well as to impart training to mid ranking military officers of Bangladesh on war studies. The College Emblem Objectives • To educate and train selected Armed Forces, Civil Services and Allied Officers at operational and strategic level of national security and development. • To focus on long term national security and development issues and to suggest appropriate national responses. The College Emblem is a PRODEEP (Lamp) • To support the national agencies in policy making on security and development matters. that symbolizes knowledge. Both sides are flanked by sheaves of paddy with • To support the Armed Forces on strategic and operational level planning of warfare. the national flower Shapla (water lily), • To strengthen civil-military relations in Bangladesh. crowning the whole. The tri-services’ colours ringed by the national colour in the • To strengthen military to military co-operation in the region and beyond. background denotes a national institution administered by the Armed Forces. Organization The motto imprinted in Bangla, on a scroll at the bottom means “Security Through Commandant NDC is the head of the institution and under him there are four wings namely National Defence Knowledge”. Course (NDC) Wing, Armed Forces War Course (AFWC) Wing, Headquarters (HQ) Wing and Research & Academic (R&A) Wing. An experienced group of faculty and staff are vested with the responsibilities of running the courses curricula and administration. P A G E ■ 4 HALL OF General Moin General Mubeen General Belal Lt Gen TY Buratai FAME Former CAS Former CAS Former CAS Nigerian Army Chief NDC 2006 NDC 2000 NDC 2006 NDC 2008 R Adm Mujtaba R Adm Hasan V Adm Zahir Adm Habib Adm Nizam Adm Aurangzeb Former CNS Former CNS Former CNS Former CNS Former CNS CNS, BD Navy NDC 2001 NDC 2001 NDC 2005 NDC 2006 NDC 2008 NDC 2010 Air Marshal Enam Air Chief Marshal Esrar Air Chief Marshal Masihuzzaman M A Aziz Hasan Mahmud Former COAS Former COAS COAS, BD Air Force Former Cabinet Secy Former IGP Capstone 2011 NDC 2005 Capstone 2012 NDC 2003 NDC 2005 P A G E ■ 5 HALL OF FAME (Ex-Commandants) Maj Gen Abul Muneem Mansur Maj Gen Hasan Mashhud Maj Gen Abu Kaisar Fazlul Kabir, Maj Gen Jiban Kanai Das, Lt Gen/Maj Gen Mohd Aminul Ahmed, psc Chowdhury, awc, psc ndc, psc ndu, psc Karim, ndc, ldmc, psc 10 Jan 1999 to 20 Feb 2000 01 Mar 2000 to 31 Dec 2000 14 Jan 2001 to 26 Nov 2001 10 Jan 2002 to 16 Jan 2003 04 Feb 2003 to 01 Jan 2004; 15 Jun 2008 to 12 Mar 2009 Lt Gen Abu Tayeb Muhammad Lt Gen Sina Ibn Jamali, Maj Gen A K M Muzahid Uddin, Lt Gen Mollah Fazle Akbar, Lt Gen Chowdhury Hasan Sarwardy, Zahirul Alam, rcds, psc awc, psc ndu, afwc, psc ndc, psc BB, SBP, BSP, ndc, psc, PhD 04 Jan 2004 to 12 Jun 2008 14 May 2009 to 31 Oct 2009 01 Nov 2009 to 23 Jun 2011 24 Jun 2011 to 16 Feb 2015 18 Feb 2015 to 31 May 2018 P A G E ■ 6 ivóªcwZ MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k e½feb, XvKv 18 Rvbyqvwi 2020 04 gvN 1426 evYx b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR (GbwWwm) Gi 2q cybwg©jbx Dcj‡¶ Avwg b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡j‡Ri KgvÛ¨v›U, cÖv³b I eZ©gvb MÖ¨vRy‡qU, Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvwimn mswkø ó mKj‡K RvbvB AvšÍwiK ï‡f”Qv I Awfb›`b| b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR wbQK GKwU GKv‡WwgK wk¶v‡K›`ª bq, cÖK…Zc‡¶ GwU mvgwiK Ges AmvgwiK Kg©KZv©‡`i D”Pwk¶v I cÖwk¶‡Yi GKwU cv`cxV| 21 kZ‡Ki G hy‡M wek¦vq‡bi P¨v‡jÄ †gvKv‡ejvq †ckvMZ `¶Zv I †hvM¨Zvi †Kvb weKí †bB| mvgwiK I AmvgwiK †R¨ô I ga¨g mvwii Kg©KZv©‡`i RvZxq wbivcËv I Dbœqb wel‡q D”Pwk¶v I cÖwk¶Y cÖ`v‡bi j‡¶¨ 1998 mv‡j b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR (GbwWwm), evsjv‡`k cÖwZôv Kiv nq| mg‡qi cwiµgvq G cÖwZôvbwU AvR mvgwiK I AmvgwiK Kg©KZv©‡`i AvšÍRv©wZKfv‡e ¯^xK…Z D”PZi wk¶v cÖwZôv‡b cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| Avwg Avkv Kwi RvZxq wbivcËv, †bZ…‡Z¡i weKvk, AvšÍRv©wZK m¤úK© cªf…wZ †¶‡Î AMªmigvb we‡k¦i mv‡_ m½wZ †i‡L D”Pwk¶v, cªwk¶Y, M‡elYvi my‡hvM m„wó I m¤cªmvi‡Y b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR wbijm cª‡Póv Ae¨vnZ ivL‡e| bZyb-cyivZb, mvgwiK-AmvgwiK, †`kx-we‡`kx Kg©KZv©‡`i AskMÖn‡Y AbywôZ b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR Gi cybwg©jbx wbtm‡›`‡n mswkø ó mK‡ji Rb¨ GK Avb›`NY w`b| cªexY‡`i AwfÁZv, cÖÁv I Ávb bexb‡`i Rb¨ w`K wb‡`©kbv n‡q _vK‡e Ges Zv‡`i fwel¨r wPšÍvaviv‡K mg„× Ki‡e| cybwg©jbx Abyôvb b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡j‡Ri cªv³b I eZ©gvb Mª¨vRy‡qU‡`i g‡a¨ weivRgvb åvZ…Z¡, m¤cªxwZ Ges †mŠnv‡`©i eÜb‡K AviI my`„p KiæK - G cªZ¨vkv Kwi| Avwg b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡j‡Ri 2q cybwg©jbx Abyôv‡bi mvwe©K mdjZv Kvgbv KiwQ| †Lv`v nv‡dR, evsjv‡`k wPiRxex †nvK| †gvt Ave`yj nvwg` P A G E ■ 7 cÖavbgš¿x MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi 18 Rvbyqvwi 2020 04 gvN 1426 evYx 2020 mvj evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnv‡m GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Aa¨vq| AZ¨šÍ Avb‡›`i welq GB ‡h 2020 mv‡ji 17 gvP© RvwZi RbK e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Rb¥ kZevwl©Kx‡K m¥iYxq Ges Zvrch©c~Y© Kivi Ask wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`kmn we‡k¦i wewfbœ †`‡k h_vh_ gh©v`vq ÒgywRe el©Ó wn‡m‡e D`hvcb Kiv n‡e| G Avb‡›`i mv‡_ b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR (GbwWwm) Gi 2q cybwg©jbx G eQiB AbywôZ n‡Z hv‡”Q †R‡b Avwg Avbw›`Z| Avb›`Nb G gyû‡Z© Avwg b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡j‡Ri mKj cÖv³b I eZ©gvb MÖ¨vRy‡qU, KgvÛ¨v›U, ÷vd Ges mswkøó mKj‡K RvbvB AvšÍwiK Awfb›`b| ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki ¯’cwZ RvwZi RbK e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb ¶zav I `vwi`ªgy³ DbœZ †`k wn‡m‡e GKwU Ò†mvbvi evsjvÓ M‡o Zyj‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb Ges †`‡ki mve©‡fŠgZ¡ i¶v, AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb, `y‡hv©M †gvKv‡ejvmn mvwe©K RvZxq wbivcËv i¶vq m¶g GKwU kw³kvjx Ges †ckv`vi mk¯¿ evwnbx MV‡b cÖqvmx nb| e½eÜyi †mvbvi evsjv Ges GKwU D”P wkw¶Z, `¶, AvaywbK I hy‡Mvc‡hvMx †ckv`vi mk¯¿ evwnbx Movi ¯^cœ ev¯Íevq‡bi Ask wn‡m‡e 1998 mv‡j Avgiv cÖwZôv K‡iwQjvg b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR| Avwg LyeB Avbw›`Z †h, b¨vkbvj wW‡d›m K‡jR cÖwZôvi ci †_‡K weMZ 22 eQ‡i RvZxq wbivcËv, †bZ„‡Z¡i weKvk I RvZxq Dbœq‡b bxwZgvjv cÖbqbmn RvZxq I AvšÍR©vwZK wewfbœ A½‡b Ae`vb †i‡L GKwU wfbœ D”PZvq †cuŠQ‡Z m¶g n‡q‡Q Ges AwZ Aí mg‡qi g‡a¨ RvZxq Ges AvšÍR©vwZK cwigÛ‡j cwiwPwZ Ges mybvg AR©b K‡i‡Q| cÖwZeQi b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡j‡Ri wewfbœ †Kv‡m© †`kx I we‡`kx cÖwk¶bv_©xi msL¨v e„w× AvšÍR©vwZK A½‡b b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡j‡Ri MÖnY‡hvM¨Zvi cwiPvqK| Avwg Mwe©Z †h, b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR †_‡K cÖwk¶Y I D”Pwk¶v MÖnY K‡i mvgwiK I AmvgwiK Kg©KZ©vMY ¯^‡`‡k Ges eÜycÖZxg †`kmg~‡n ¯^ ¯^ †ckvq m‡e©v”P Avm‡b Avmxb n‡q RvZxq I AvšÍR©vwZK ch©v‡q cÖf~Z Ae`vb †i‡L P‡j‡Qb| b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR‡K AvšÍR©vwZK L¨vwZm¤úbœ, D”Pwk¶v cÖwZôv‡b cwiYZ Kivi †cQ‡b Ae`vb ivLvi Rb¨ Avwg b¨vkbvj wR‡dÝ K‡j‡Ri mKj cÖv³b I eZ©gvb KgvÛ¨v›U, d¨vKvwë, ÷vd I mswkø ó mKj‡K AvšÍwiK ab¨ev` Rvbvw”Q Ges b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR cybwg©jbx 2020 G AvMZ mKj bZyb-cyivZb MÖ¨vRy‡qUMY, KgvÛ¨v›U, d¨vKvwë, ÷vdmn mKj‡K Awfb›`b Rvbvw”Q| bZyb-cyivZb, mvgwiK-AmvgwiK, †`kx-we‡`kx mKj m`‡m¨i AskMÖn‡Y AbywôZ G cybwg©jbx Avgv‡`i fwel¨r wPšÍvaviv‡K mg„× Ki‡e Ges RvZxq, AvšÍR©vwZK Z_v mK‡ji cvi¯úvwiK m¤ú©K †Rvi`vi Ki‡e| G Abyôvb mK‡ji gv‡S †`k‡cÖg RvMÖZ Ki‡e Ges †`k †mevq AvZ¥wb‡qv‡M AbycÖvwbZ Ki‡e GUvB Avgvi cÖZ¨vkv| Avwg b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR Gi cybwg©jbx 2020 Gi mvwe©K mvdj¨ Kvgbv KiwQ| Rq evsjv, Rq e½eÜz evsjv‡`k wPiRxwe †nvK †kL nvwmbv P A G E ■ 8 MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii †mbvevwnbx cÖavb gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿xi wbivcËv welqK †mbvevwnbx m`i `ßi Dc‡`óv evYx evYx b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR (GbwWwm) Gi 2q cybwg©jbx 2020 Abyôv‡bi Av‡qvRb Ki‡Z hv‡”Q †R‡b b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR (GbwWwm) Gi 2q cybwg©jbx 2020 AbywôZ n‡Z hv‡”Q ‡R‡b Avwg AZ¨šÍ Avbw›`Z| Avwg AZ¨šÍ Avbw›`Z| mdjfv‡e cwiPvjbvi avivevwnKZvq 2q cybwg©jbx Abyôv‡bi Avb›`Nb w`b Avb›`Nb G gyû‡Z© Avwg b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡j‡Ri eZ©gvb KgvÛ¨v›Umn mKj cÖv³b MÖ¨vRy‡qU, d¨vKvwë Ges Dcj‡¶¨ Avwg b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡j‡Ri eZ©gvb KgvÛ¨v›U mn mKj cÖv³b MÖ¨vRy‡qU, d¨vKvwë, Kg©KZ©vmn mswkø ó mKj‡K Rvbvw”Q AvšÍwiK ï‡f”Qv I Awfb›`b| Kg©KZ©v Ges mswk ó mKj‡K Rvbvw”Q AvšÍwiK ï‡f”Qv I Awfb›`b| †`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv I mve©‡fŠgZ¡ i¶vi cvkvcvwk AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I `y‡hv©M †gvKv‡ejvmn mvwe©K RvZxq evsjv‡`k mk¯¿ evwnbx KZ©„K cwiPvwjZ ÒÁv‡b wbivcËvÓ cÖwZcv`¨‡K mvg‡b †i‡L b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ wbivcËvq Ae`vb ivL‡Z m¶g, kw³kvjx I †ckv`vi mk¯¿ evwnbx M‡o †Zvjvi j‡¶¨ MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k K‡jR cÖwZôvjMœ ‡_‡KB D”Pwk¶v I M‡elYv †¶‡Î Abb¨ Ae`vb †i‡L Avm‡Q| `ªæZ cwieZ©bkxj I miKv‡ii eZ©gvb cÖavbgš¿x 1998 mv‡j cÖwZôv K‡ib b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR| evsjv‡`k mk¯¿ evwnbxi Awdmvi‡`i D”PZi wk¶v, cÖwk¶Y Ges `¶Zv e„wׇZ G cªwZôv‡bi Ae`vb Ab¯^xKvh©| cÖwZôvi ci †_‡K Z_¨cÖhyw³wbf©i Pjgvb we‡k^i wewfbœ P¨v‡jÄ †gvKv‡ejvq, gvbem¤ú` Dbœq‡b K‡j‡Ri AvšÍR©vwZK weMZ 22 eQ‡i b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR mvgwiK m`m¨ QvovI ivóª cwiPvjbvq wb‡qvwRZ AmvgwiK cÖkvm‡bi gvbm¤úbœ Kg©gyLx wk¶v I M‡elYv Kvh©µg B‡Zvg‡a¨ mK‡ji `„wó AvKl©Y Ki‡Z m¶g n‡q‡Q| m`m¨‡`i cÖwZi¶v I RvZxq wbivcËv wel‡q wk¶v I cÖwk¶Y cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g ÷ª¨v‡UwRK ¯Í‡ii GKwU RvZxq MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x †`‡ki mvwe©K Dbœq‡bi avivevwnKZvq wk¶v‡¶‡Îi cªwZôvb wn‡m‡e AmvgwiK cwigÛ‡jI mgv`„Z n‡”Q| b¨vkbvj wW‡dÝ K‡jR MÖ¨vRy‡qUMY eZ©gv‡b RvZxq Dbœqb I AvaywbKvq‡b AZ¨šÍ ev¯Íem¤§Z Ges hy‡Mvc‡hvMx c`‡¶c MÖnb K‡i‡Qb| gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x

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