Curriculum vitae Silvana Greco (updated January 12th 2017) 1. Current position and contact information Adjunct Professor of Sociology of Judaism Freie Universität Berlin Fachbereich Geschichts-und Kulturwissenschaften Institut für Judaistik Fabeck Straße 23-25 D - 14195 Berlin E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: ++39 339 4126494 and Owner/Vice President and Head of the Social Science Unit Fondazione Palazzo Bondoni Pastorio Via Marconi, 34 I – 46043 Castiglione delle Stiviere E-mail: [email protected] http://www.fondazione-bondonipastorio.eu and Professor of Sociology IES Abroad Milan/Catholic University of Milan Via Carducci, 26 20123 Milan, Italy Personal data: Italian and Swiss Current research interests: sociology of Judaism, gender identities and women Jewish biographies, sociology of culture and art, body image and appearance, , emotions and friendship. Past research interest: social exclusion and inclusion, migration (first-and second generation) and refugees. 2. Education Appearance Matters 6 is a two day international conference 1-2 July 2014 and training school taking place at University of West of England in Bristol, financed by the COST Action IS1210 – Appearance matters: Tackling the Physical & Psychological 1 Consequences of Dissatisfaction with Appearance. Summer School of Methods for Health. Quantitative and 23, 23, 24th June 2011 Qualitative Analysis, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy. April 2008 – May 2008 University Milan Bicocca, Italy. Course: Social inequalities and health. January 2001 – February 2005 PhD in Sociology, University of Milan, Italy. Dissertation: Transitional labour market of call centre agents in the banking and telecommunication sectors: A comparative analysis in Lombardy and Nordrhein-Westfalen. 29th July 2002 – 9th August 2002 Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. Two courses (20 hours): The Use of Biographical Narratives in Social Research; Gender and Comparative Employment Systems. 7th July 2001 – 17th August 2001 Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis & Collection, University of Essex, Colchester, UK. Two courses: Qualitative interviewing and focus groups: A practical Introduction; Introduction to Time series analysis. September 1986 – November B.A and M.A., Economics, University L. Bocconi of Milano, Italy. 1993 September 1971 – June 1985 Swiss School in Milan, Milan, Italy. Scientific Abitur (Typus B). 3. Employment February 2010 – present IES Abroad, Milano/ Catholic University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Professor of Sociology at an American University (IES Abroad) based in Milan. Course: title The Italian Society and the City of Milan since 1945: Comparative and Multicultural issues (course in English). Silvana Greco introduced in 2010 for the first time a sociological course at IES Abroad in order to enhance the supply of courses of the American University and increase the profits of the Institute. The course almost doubled the number of its participant whitin 3 years. October 2013 -present Freie Universität Berlin / Institut füt Judaistik, Berlin, Germany Adjunct Professor of Sociology. Courses: 2013-2014 Winter – “Sabbatianer in sozialhistorischer Perspektive” (Sabbatian movement from a historical and sociological perspective” within the Master entitled Religions- 2 Kultur und Sozialgeschichte des Judentums im islamisch-christlichen Kontext“ (Religious culture of the Judaism in Christian-Islamic context) 2014 - Summer: “Jüdische Biografien zwischen Assimilation und Kosmopolitismus” (Jewish Biographies from Assimilation and Cosmopolitanism) 2014-2015 - Winter: “Marranos: Gespaltene Jüdische Identitäten von der Frühneuzeit bis in die Moderne (Marranos: Split Identities from Pre-modernity to Post-modernity). 2015 – Summer: “Jüdische Identität in der Moderne (Jewish Identities in Modernity) November 2012 - present Fondazione Palazzo Bondoni Pastorio, Castiglione delle Stiviere, Italy Role: Vice President and Head of the Social Science Unit. Member of the management Committee of the Cost-Action IS1210 – Appearance Matters. Tackling the Physical & Psychosocial Consequences of Dissatisfaction with Appearance. Within this research network, she is coordinating a qualitative research on body image, body language and self-presentation in the workplace in 11 countries. January 2001 – December 2011 University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Science, Milan, Italy Role: i) Project Manager of Bridge. Successful Pathways for the Second Generation of Migrants (European research project co-funded by Grundtvig programme) (Dec. 2009-Nov. 2011) For the first time the Department won as an applicant and not only as a partner a European research project co-funded by the European programme Grundtvig (see more at point. 6) thanks to project proposal realized by Silvana Greco and Paola Rebughini and then managed by themselves. There was the need for the Department to increase the international research co-funded by European programmes instead of the State funds, which are diminishing, and create new international research networks for the future. ii) Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Dec. 2009- April 2012) iii) Adjunct Professor of Sociology to the course of Human Science at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (2004-2008) iv) Tutor and Assistant Professor (support to teaching and exams), at the Faculty of Political Science (Sept 2001-Feb. 2008) 3 v) Tutor and Assistant Professor (support to teaching and exams), at the Faculty of Letter and Philosophy, University of Milan, (September 2001 – July 2004) vi) PhD student in Sociology (“Dottorato di ricerca”, Jan. 2001- Feb. 2005) February 1998 – November 2009 CDRL - Centro Documentazione Ricerche per la Lombardia, Milan, Italy. Role: Manager and Scientific Supervisor of European Co-Funded Projects research and senior researcher. In order to modernize the research centre and to make it more competitive at international level, Silvana Greco as a member of the Direction changed the strategy of the Centre proposing CDRL as the Italian partner of European co-funded programmes. For this task she took advantage of her previous work-experience at FRPS and of her many contacts at an European level. She became Head of International Projects and managed four European projects: Pilgrimage, TAG, Mainstreaming vocational guidance for refugees and migrants, Vocational guidance for low- paid workers: an online course (see point 6). February 1995 – October 2008 FRPS - Fondazione Regionale Pietro Seveso, Milano, Italy. Role: Junior and then Senior Researcher. She was involved in different international and national research projects. International research projects co-funded by the European programmes in which she played a role as a researcher: i) vocational guidance for people at risk of social which at that time was very innovative active labor market policies in the Italian context; ii) Sprew – Social Patterns of Relation to Work; iii) WWW-ICT - Widening Women Work in Information Communication Technology; iv) The social partners and vocational guidance for low-paid workers; IWO - Innovative Working Organization; v) European data base on good practices of positive actions supporting equal opportunities between women and men in 15 European countries National research: i) Research focused on secretaries in different Italian enterprises. May 1998 – December 1999 CGM - Consorzio Nazionale della Cooperazione di Solidarietà Sociale Gino Matterelli, Brescia, Italy. Role: Senior researcher and project manager. She managed together with Flaviano Zandonai the Locin project (see point 6). November 1993 – May 1994 University L. Bocconi of Milan, Milano, Italy Role: Teaching and research assistant. September 1995 – September 2009 European Union Consultant and external evaluator for the following European projects: 4 i) ERGO - Evaluation of the Ergo Programme to combat long-term unemployment. Evaluation for DG V of the European Commission – Directorate General of Employment Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (1995-1996). ii) Integration Through Education (ITE). Acronym: AAR – Attract and Retain (coordinator Marijke van den Bos, Roc Nijmegen, Nijmegen, the Netherlands) (2007-2009)- Co-funded: Grundtvig programme. 4. Visiting Positions 2-12th September 2003 – 9th Scholar-in-residence at the Max-Planck-Institut für October – 18th November 2003 Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln, Germany (supported by a grant). 5. Teaching November 2012 - present Adjunct professor of sociology of Judaism and Co-tutoring MA students and PhD candidates on the sociological aspects of their works for the MA Program “Judaism in Historical Context” at the Freie Universität Berlin, (Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften / Touro College Berlin). February 2010 – present Professor of Sociology. IES Abroad, Milano/ Catholic University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Italian Society and the City of Milan since 1945: Comparative and Multicultural issues (courses in English). Identità ebraica attraverso i secoli (Jewish identities through the March 19-20 2015 centuries), part of the course on Judaism held at Fondazione Palazzo, Bondoni Pastorio, Castiglione delle Stiviere co-funded by Fondazione Cariplo. April 2011-July 2013 Adjunct Professor for a Master of Health System, Traditional and Non Conventional Medicine, University Milano-Bicocca April 2009 – June 2013 Adjunct Professor of Sociology. Faculty of Sociology, University Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy. Environment, Well-Being and Health. February 2005 – June
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