APPENDIX 1: Preliminary list of site associations in British Columbia1 CONIFEROUS FORESTS AMABILIS FIR FORESTS Bl Ð Huckleberry Ð Utah honeysuckle (CWH; occasionally in the ICH along the Bl Ð Lady fern Ð Horsetail Coast transition) Bl Ð Lingonberry Bl Ð Oak fern Ð Bluebells BaCw2 Ð Devil's club Bl Ð Oak fern Ð Brachythecium BaCw Ð Foam¯ower Bl Ð Oak fern Ð Heron's-bill BaCw Ð Oak fern Bl Ð Oak fern Ð Knight's plume BaCw Ð Salmonberry Bl Ð Oak fern Ð Sarsaparilla BaSs Ð Devil's club Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Azalea Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Falsebox Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Feathermoss SUBALPINE FIR FORESTS Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Foam¯ower (ESSF; infrequent in SBS, ICH, BWBS, Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Grouseberry and SWB) Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Heron's-bill Bl Ð Alder Ð Horsetail Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Horsetail Bl Ð Azalea Ð Cow parsnip Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Lady fern Bl Ð Azalea Ð Feathermoss Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Mountain-heather Bl Ð Azalea Ð Gooseberry Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Oak fern Bl Ð Azalea Ð Oak fern Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Queen's cup Bl Ð Azalea Ð Pipecleaner moss Bl Ð Rhododendron Ð Valerian Bl Ð Azalea Ð Rattlesnake plantain Bl Ð Trapper's tea Bl Ð Azalea Ð Rhododendron Bl Ð Trapper's tea Ð Valerian Bl Ð Azalea Ð Soopolallie Bl Ð Twinberry Ð Lady fern Bl Ð Azalea Ð Step moss Bl Ð Valerian Ð Arnica Bl Ð Devil's club Ð Lady fern Bl Ð Valerian Ð Groundsel Bl Ð Devil's club Ð Rhododendron Bl Ð Valerian Ð Oak fern Bl Ð Globe¯ower Ð Horsetail Bl Ð Valerian Ð Sickle moss Bl Ð Gooseberry Ð Foam¯ower BlBa Ð Azalea Ð Pipecleaner moss Bl Ð Gooseberry Ð Horsetail BlBa Ð Oak fern Ð Lady fern Bl Ð Gooseberry Ð Oak fern BlBa Ð Rhododendron Bl Ð Gooseberry Ð Valerian BlHm Ð Azalea Bl Ð Grass-of-Parnassus Ð Horsetail BlHm Ð Cladonia Bl Ð Grouseberry Ð Cladonia BlHm Ð Devil's club Ð Lady fern Bl Ð Grouseberry Ð Valerian BlHm Ð Feathermoss Bl Ð Horsetail Ð Feathermoss BlHm Ð Heron's-bill Bl Ð Horsetail Ð Glow moss BlHm Ð Horsetail Bl Ð Horsetail Ð Leafy moss BlHm Ð Huckleberry Bl Ð Horsetail Ð Sphagnum BlHm Ð Oak fern Bl Ð Huckleberry Ð Arnica BlHm Ð Oak fern Ð Leafy moss Bl Ð Huckleberry Ð Brachythecium BlHm Ð Rhododendron Ð Leafy liverwort Bl Ð Huckleberry Ð Crowberry BlHm Ð Rhododendron Ð Oak fern Bl Ð Huckleberry Ð Falsebox BlHm Ð Rhododendron Ð Pipecleaner moss Bl Ð Huckleberry Ð Feathermoss BlHm Ð Twistedstalk Bl Ð Huckleberry Ð Heron's-bill BlPa Ð Azalea Bl Ð Huckleberry Ð Leafy liverwort BlPa Ð Cladonia Bl Ð Huckleberry Ð Mountain liverwort BlPa Ð Juniper Bl Ð Huckleberry Ð Thimbleberry BlPl Ð Cladina 281 APPENDIX 1. Continued SUBALPINE FIR FORESTS - CONTINUED Cw Ð Solomon's seal Cw Ð Sword fern BlPl Ð Crowberry Ð Cladina CwBg Ð Foam¯ower BlPl Ð Juniper Ð Cladonia CwFd Ð Kindbergia BlPl Ð Juniper Ð Rhacomitrium CwHw Ð Blueberry BlSb Ð Labrador tea CwHw Ð Sword fern CwSs Ð Conocephalum CwSs Ð Devil's club INTERIOR WESTERN REDCEDAR ÐWESTERN CwSs Ð Foam¯ower HEMLOCK FORESTS CwSs Ð Salal (ICH and IDF) CwSs Ð Skunk cabbage Cw Ð Devil's club Ð Foam¯ower CwSs Ð Swordfern Cw Ð Devil's club Ð Ostrich fern CwYc Ð Goldthread Cw Ð Mountain alder Ð Skunk cabbage CwYc Ð Salal CwFd Ð Dogwood CwFd Ð Falsebox CwFd Ð Falsebox Ð Feathermoss INTERIOR WESTERN REDCEDAR ÐSPRUCE CwFd Ð Feathermoss FORESTS CwFd Ð Hazelnut (mainly ICH; often in IDF) CwFd Ð Juniper Ð Falsebox CwSx Ð Devil's club Ð Horsetail CwFd Ð Soopolallie Ð Twin¯ower CwSxw Ð Aspen CwHw Ð Devil's club Ð Lady fern CwSxw Ð Devil's club Ð Horsetail CwHw Ð Devil's club Ð Sarsaparilla CwSxw Ð Douglas maple Ð Fairybells CwHw Ð Horsetail CwSxw Ð Falsebox CwHw Ð Oak fern CwSxw Ð Falsebox Ð Feathermoss CwHw Ð Oak fern Ð Foam¯ower CwSxw Ð Falsebox Ð Knight's plume CwHw Ð Oak fern Ð Spiny wood fern CwSxw Ð Falsebox Ð Soopolallie CwHw Ð Utah honeysuckle Ð Oak fern CwSxw Ð Falsebox Ð Wintergreen CwHw Ð White pine Ð Devil's club CwSxw Ð Oak fern HwCw Ð Cladonia CwSxw Ð Oak fern Ð Bunchberry HwCw Ð Falsebox Ð Feathermoss CwSxw Ð Oak fern Ð Electri®ed cat's-tail HwCw Ð Falsebox Ð Step moss CwSxw Ð Raspberry Ð Oak fern HwCw Ð Feathermoss CwSxw Ð Skunk cabbage HwCw Ð Juniper Ð Falsebox CwSxw Ð Soopolallie HwCw Ð Spruce Ð Step moss CwSxw Ð Thimbleberry HwCw Ð Step moss CwSxw Ð Twinberry Ð Soft-leaved sedge CwSxw Ð Velvet-leaved blueberry COASTAL WESTERN REDCEDAR FORESTS (CWH and CDF) COASTAL WESTERN HEMLOCK FORESTS Cw Ð Black twinberry (CWH) Cw Ð Devil's club Hw Ð Flat moss Cw Ð Foam¯ower Hw Ð Queen's cup Cw Ð Indian plum Hw Ð Sphagnum Cw Ð Lady fern HwBa Ð Blueberry Cw Ð Salmonberry HwBa Ð Bramble Cw Ð Skunk cabbage HwBa Ð Pipecleaner moss Cw Ð Slough sedge HwBa Ð Queen's cup Cw Ð Snowberry HwBa Ð Step moss 282 APPENDIX 1. Continued COASTAL WESTERN HEMLOCK Fd Ð Feathermoss FORESTS - CONTINUED Fd Ð Feathermoss Ð Step moss Fd Ð Juniper Ð Big sage HwCw Ð Deer fern Fd Ð Juniper Ð Bluebunch wheatgrass HwCw Ð Salal Fd Ð Juniper Ð Cladina HwFd Ð Cat's-tail moss Fd Ð Juniper Ð Grouseberry HwFd Ð Kindbergia Fd Ð Juniper Ð Haircap moss HwPl Ð Cladina Fd Ð Juniper Ð Kinnikinnick HwPl Ð Feathermoss Fd Ð Juniper Ð Pasture sage HwSs Ð Blueberry Fd Ð Juniper Ð Peltigera HwSs Ð Lanky moss Fd Ð Juniper Ð Pinegrass HwSs Ð Step moss Fd Ð Juniper Ð Saskatoon Fd Ð Penstemon Ð Pinegrass INTERIOR WESTERN HEMLOCK FORESTS Fd Ð Pinegrass Ð Aster (ICH) Fd Ð Pinegrass Ð Feathermoss Fd Ð Pinegrass Ð Kinnikinnick Hw Ð Azalea Ð Cladonia Fd Ð Saskatoon Ð Pinegrass Hw Ð Azalea Ð Skunk cabbage Fd Ð Snowberry Ð Balsamroot Hw Ð Devil's club Fd Ð Snowberry Ð Bluebunch wheatgrass Hw Ð Devil's club Ð Gooseberry Fd Ð Soopolallie Ð Feathermoss Hw Ð Kinnikinnick Ð Cladonia Fd Ð Water birch Ð Douglas maple Hw Ð Redcedar Ð Cladonia FdBl Ð Falsebox Ð Pinegrass Hw Ð Step moss FdBl Ð Huckleberry Hw Ð Wood horsetail Ð Sphagnum FdCw Ð Falsebox Ð Prince's pine HwBl Ð Oak fern FdCw Ð Wavy-leaved moss FdLw Ð Spruce Ð Pinegrass FdPl Ð Cladonia COASTAL DOUGLAS-FIR FORESTS (CDF and CWH) FdPl Ð Juniper FdPl Ð Juniper Ð Pinegrass Fd Ð Fairybells FdPl Ð Pinegrass Ð Arnica Fd Ð Oniongrass FdPl Ð Pinegrass Ð Feathermoss Fd Ð Salal FdPl Ð Pinegrass Ð Twin¯ower Fd Ð Sword fern FdPl Ð Sitka alder Ð Pinegrass FdBg Ð Oregon grape FdPl Ð Velvet-leaved blueberry Ð Cladonia FdHw Ð Falsebox FdPy Ð Bluebunch wheatgrass Ð Balsamroot FdHw Ð Salal FdPy Ð Bluebunch wheatgrass Ð Pinegrass FdPl Ð Arbutus FdPy Ð Bluebunch wheatgrass Ð Rough fescue FdPl Ð Cladina FdPy Ð Bluebunch wheatgrass Ð Selaginella FdPl Ð Kinnikinnick FdPy Ð Ninebark FdPy Ð Pinegrass FdPy Ð Pinegrass Ð Feathermoss INTERIOR DOUGLAS-FIR FORESTS FdPy Ð Pinegrass Ð Idaho fescue (mainly IDF, but also common in PP, ICH, MS, FdPy Ð Snowberry Ð Bluebunch wheatgrass and SBS, and occassionally in SBPS and ESSF) FdPy Ð Snowberry Ð Pinegrass Fd Ð Big sage Ð Pinegrass FdPy Ð Snowberry Ð Saskatoon Fd Ð Bluebunch wheatgrass Ð Needlegrass FdPy Ð Snowberry Ð Spirea Fd Ð Bluebunch wheatgrass Ð Pinegrass FdPy Ð Snowbrush Ð Pinegrass Fd Ð Douglas maple Ð Step moss FdPy Ð Spirea Ð Feathermoss Fd Ð Falsebox Ð Pinegrass FdPy Ð Western snowberry Ð Bluebunch wheatgrass 283 APPENDIX 1. Continued MOUNTAIN HEMLOCK ÐAMABILIS Pl Ð Fescue Ð Stereocaulon FIR FORESTS Pl Ð Grouseberry Ð Cladonia (MH) Pl Ð Grouseberry Ð Feathermoss Pl Ð Grouseberry Ð Kinnikinnick BaHm Ð Oak fern Pl Ð Grouseberry Ð Pinegrass BaHm Ð Twistedstalk Pl Ð Huckleberry Ð Cladina HmBa Ð Blueberry Pl Ð Huckleberry Ð Cladonia HmBa Ð Bramble Pl Ð Huckleberry Ð Pinegrass HmBa Ð Mountain-heather Pl Ð Huckleberry Ð Velvet-leaved blueberry HmSs Ð Blueberry Pl Ð Juniper Ð Dwarf blueberry Pl Ð Juniper Ð Feathermoss Pl Ð Juniper Ð Grouseberry MOUNTAIN HEMLOCK ÐYELLOW- Pl Ð Juniper Ð Lupine CEDAR FORESTS Pl Ð Juniper Ð Pinegrass (MH) Pl Ð Juniper Ð Ricegrass HmYc Ð Deer cabbage Pl Ð Kinnikinnick Ð Cladonia HmYc Ð Goldthread Pl Ð Kinnikinnick Ð Feathermoss HmYc Ð Mountain-heather Pl Ð Lingonberry Ð Cladonia HmYc Ð Sphagnum Pl Ð Lingonberry Ð Feathermoss YcHm Ð Hellbore Pl Ð Lingonberry Ð Velvet-leaved blueberry YcHm Ð Skunk cabbage Pl Ð Oregon-grape Ð Pinegrass YcHm Ð Twistedstalk Pl Ð Pinegrass Ð Arnica Pl Ð Pinegrass Ð Feathermoss Pl Ð Pinegrass Ð Kinnikinnick Pl Ð Pinegrass Ð Arnica TAMARACK FORESTS (BWBS, and sometimes SBS) Pl Ð Pinegrass Ð Feathermoss Pl Ð Pinegrass Ð Kinnikinnick Lt Ð Buckbean Pl Ð Pinegrass Ð Lupine Lt Ð Glow moss Pl Ð Scrub birch Ð Lichen Lt Ð Horsetail Pl Ð Scrub birch Ð Lingonberry Pl Ð Soopolallie Ð Pinegrass Pl Ð Sphagnum WHITEBARK PINE FORESTS Pl Ð Spirea Ð Pinegrass (ESSF; see also BlPa site associations) Pl Ð Trapper's tea Ð Crowberry Pl Ð Velvet-leaved blueberry Ð Cladonia Pa Ð Junegrass PlHw Ð Feathermoss PlHw Ð Velvet-leaved blueberry PlSb Ð Feathermoss LODGEPOLE PINE FORESTS PlSe Ð Falsebox Ð Pinegrass (mostly in SBS, SBPS, BWBS and MS, but also PlSe Ð Pinegrass in ESSF, IDF, ICH, ESSF, and SWB) Pl Ð Cladina Ð Step moss Pl Ð Cladonia Ð Haircap moss SHORE PINE FORESTS Pl Ð Crowberry Ð Stereocaulon (CWH, and sometimes CDF) Pl Ð Douglas-®r Ð Juniper Pl Ð Kinnikinnick Pl Ð Dwarf blueberry Ð Sphagnum Pl Ð Sphagnum Pl Ð Falsebox Ð Lupine PlYc Ð Rhacomitrium Pl Ð Feathermoss Ð Cladina PlYc Ð Sphagnum 284 APPENDIX 1.
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