I Township’s Nei or!.y Own Newspaper tNews and V,ews The Record F,onk,,n l Voi. XIV. No. 25. MIDDLEBUSH,N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY23, 1948 . 5 Cent’ $2.00 By the Year azel I ombe, Around theEases The Onlooker Hoi - 1 sz Bo County Budget Rbbert Sm,th I .. .ppe, Came intowork Ju~t, nowol ,|L:mA.I ’--IL4/.o1’0C El From whatwe’veseenthusfar, ~lJIilE~J lEE YVE~II ~we’d say that this year’s entrants one of the Millstone busses . At a candlelight, dottble ring J in the Township Basketball League And naturally, .because we were in Taxes Same A cheery word to local taxpayers ceremony in East Millstone[ are definitely exhibiting a brand stuck.a hurry, Seemsthe busthere went were and twogot Methodist Church, Miss Hazell G. iof play that is far above the level parked cars Jutting out on Divl-: BETTERPHONE fin this day of rising taxes was Holcombe. daughter of Addison l el last season’s, sion Stree~ in New Brunswick. one sounded Wednesday when the Board of Freeholders announced C. Holcombe, East Millstone, and The additions made to the on one side and one on the other, SERVi’CE SEEN that they had aproved the annual Mrs. Cherries Vanderhoven of league, the Boy’s Club and the and the rear of our bus slid into budget on first reading and that Pluckemln, became the wife of Swishers, have been good ones one of them while trying to get The Franklin Township Corn- there would be no increase in the Robert F, Smith, son of Mr. ana and the loop has been strength° by. No damage was done, except Mrs. 1~rank D. Smith, Canal road, ened by their addition. The two to the nerves of the passengers, mittee was assured by the Bell county tax rate. The budget totals Bound Brook on Sunday. weaker clubs of last year have but ~he next ten or more mtnutes Telephone Co. that the East Mill- $1,050,036.00.The new budget shows an in- The Rev. Gilbert B. Heat, on of- been eliminated, were spent trylng to get back on stone exchange area, which serves crease of $62,435.00 from last year, flciated, in the church decorated In fact, the league as a whole the road again without hitting a large area ein the township, will $31,715.00 of which is to be raised wl~h winter flowers a~d greezzs. Charles Vanderhoven furnished has been improved in many ways. either of ~he cars...What struck receive improved service "by Oc- by an increase in taxation. In- Not the least of these has been us was the skill of the driver... music,The bride’s off.the-shoulder the introduction of officials who With only inches to spare, he got tober of this year" in a letter holdre- thecreased rate ratablesto the presentwill, however,level are well qualified for the Job. A~ out of the Jam withou~ even ~cwed Thursday night, of 79 ents. gown of white slipper satin had we saw it, the main weakness in ~ scratching anything... It go~ us The letter, from E. H. Pringle, The Board will hold a public an illusion neckline, scalloped last year’s circuit was the bad of- to thinking, which is a noble manager of the Telephone Corn- peplum and a long ~rain. A lace ficiating that was the rule, not i achievement in ~tself, we all ~re pony’s New Brunswick office, said hearing on the budget Feb. 9 at style cap held her finger ,tip thv exception. This situation ha~ i quick ¢o criticize bus drivers andtionthat planSofa newCallingcablef°rinthet"einstalla’more Somervflle.ll a. m. at the courthousein edged with lace. and she beer~ corrected. Last Wednesday the like, but we never stop ,to thickly populated Mtddlebt~h and In an explanatory statement, an arm bouquet of white ~r instance, the officials were t the Freeholders said that they had .~e famous "S.S." twins from[ think¯ the oflight theof good all the Job criticism they do andtn East Millstone sectors will be car- I aCbendants wore 31mllarly ~outh River, Steve Senkc and] abuse they have to take from .the tied out as soon as delivery of the :onsldered the increased cost of gowns. Mrs. Warren Praso kndy Sivess. Both of these boys, i i ~re, as you probably know, out-I public for things that are very cable has been completed. When living of all employees, increased ¯ of Plainfield, matron of honor, ~tanding athletes at Rutgers and often not their fault in the least laid down, the new cable will make ~osts for institutional maintain- emerald green velvet head- Thls same thought can be two and four-party lines possible. ~nce,materials and theand increasedsupplies. pricesThey saidof of metching phtmos and members of the Scarlet basketball ¯aplied . to a great many other Pringle’s letter was in answer a colonlal bouquet of yel- squad. That the}" are well qualified .things. Someoneonce s~ld t, hp,’, to a resolution recently adopted tlso that salary adjustments have roses, can not be disputed.On Monday,if you can’t say anythinggood by the committeewhch calledfor been madeand for increases all officialshave been and Mrs. GilbertHeaton of East Bob Stlrllng,assistant coach at Orangewore an AmericanBeauty th e university,was the whistleabut someoneor something;then betterbeenservee, prompted The by r,~solutiona groupof localhad employeesmade for the variousdepartments don’tsay anythingat all . residentswho had clrculatedpett- ’n orderto insurethe countythe velvetgown and plumesand ear- blower. Locallegislators looking vastly re- tionsasking that the Townshiprequired services flthout inereas- fled a bouquetof Americanbeaq- Lookingover the leagueen- Itevedthese days now .that the Committeetake a hand in the of- ins the tax rate. t7 roses.Miss Pamela Eas~burn, trants, we see that all of the taskof budgetmaking is over for fairand attemptto inveiglethe Altogether,the totalto be raised .the bride’scousin and flowerzirl, teams are well matchedand no anotheryear. Most of us don’tTelephone Company into doingby taxesthis year is $6~.4,886.63, ~Ikworeand haloa kelly hatgreen and carriedvelvet sownJellow "runaways" have yet takenplace, realize ~t, but it’sa toughJob in somethingto alleviatethe presentwhile last year’s total was $593,- roses,)~ ~, ,~ althoUghcompletedeaChoneclUbroundhaSand.alreadYhas dollngout the t~payers’ doug.h condition wherein there are as :171’56’Aredued approprlatlo n~f" Mr. Pz~sterw&~ 1~,~t,man, with facedevery other team in the so that it will go whereit shouldmany as 14 to 16 personson one 500 for the departmentof roads ¯ . Still,we wouldn’tmind the llne. ¯ RichardSmith, the bridegroom’sleague. This is a good sign and Job...Try to get out some even-Efforts al~ng the same llnewere and bridgeshas been includedin ¯ brother, Edwin Rub and Joseph an indicationof many close tokes~ts ushers. IstrugglesIn the weeksto come.Lug and watchthe basketballmade beforethe war and the corn-the budget~ashas an increasein Aftera receptionfor 100 guests[The Eagles,the Sportsmen,Mid- games bclng played in PineGrove pony had agreedto improvethe the anticipatedrevenues of $30.- Far H111sInn, the coupleleft[dlebush, the Swishers,and the SchoolMonday and Wednesdayservice then, but the war curtailed000, a tourof the Sottth,They will Boy s Clubare all well-balancednights. There are threegames a all suchactivities. TI~ biggestincrease is in the in East Millstone. squads.Even East Millstone,cur- nightand admissionis free.Prlngle acknowledged this and appropriationfor charitable,cor- er. Smith,a graduateof Boundrently wallowing in lastplace, has You’llget a realkick ou ,tofsee- said that the companyhad beenrectlonal and penalpurposes, up ~ok HighSchool and a veteranat timeslooked good, They haveins the fellowsIn actionand the contemplatingbetter service for $66,395.97to a new high of $361,- ~zreeytazs in the k~zropeanllostmany a heartbreakerand may best partIs---one of themmay be the EastMillstone area in 1941,675,42 from a year ago. )perations,is a civilen- yet findthemselves in timefor your next door neighbor’s kid . ¯ and hadformulated plans for bet- In generalappropriations, gen- ur good samaritan.Ralph Ahrens ter service.When the war had eral governmentis $19.1,136.50, with RaymondP. Wilsonthe play-offs, thlscity. The bride, a NorthADDED INFO: It hasbeen no- Sr. wh is whole-heartedlyback- forced the cancellation of theseupUp $1,599.50;$5"749’89; regulatlon,JUdlciary’ $94,492-$64’842’ HighSchool gr~du.~te, tieed by yourstruly that a largeInS the recreationprogram, in- plans,he continued,the company in the trafficdepartment group of FranklinEagles athletes forms us that a prefermotto for decidedto go throughwith them ,2, up $11,697,96;roads and t Johnson& Johnson. are goingto the Prlnctonoutdoor the programwould be "FromSix afterthe war, but shortagesof ~rldges,$219,1"/0, a decreaseof skating]’ink these days. What’s it to SixW", . ¯ When expanded,the necessarymaterial have de- :27,490.82:educational, $20,150, all aboutfellows? Can it be poe- the plan will featureget-to, layed the work up untilnow. ’m $6,795;unclassified items, slblethat an ice hocky team is gethers for older folks, ~oo. Good! In addition toreducing greatly ~15,726.86,,~ e~s~/.~61.25,down $4,200;down $6,~8~.debt set- in the making?Joe Varga,Steve We can’t think of a bebteraim the numberof subscriberson a TO V~t Lanscak,Charles Smith, Ernest~Or slogan . Our friends,Chef single line in the East Millstone Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dl Qlovanni Tobas, Nick Tobias, Joe (Dokey),,Lazicky and son. Chet, r., and and Mlddlebush sections of the F kli P k ran n a r l _~8~)n Ave. have announcedOecs, Tony Pritz, and CharlerI William Hart vacationingin exchange,the company,accord- engagementof their dough-Blair are all includedin thisI Floridat~ese days--Luckyguysl ins to Pringle,will also put the .PEAK AT PTA MEET MissMarie Agnes Di Oiovan-group .
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