THE STATES AND LOCALITIES February 2019 SEGREGATED IN THE How local governments reinforce the racial divide GOV02_cov.indd 18 1/15/19 11:16 AM __________Designer __________Creative Dir. 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 __________Editorial __________Prepress www.erepublic.com CMY grey T1 T2 T3 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 Page # __________Other ____________OK to go BLACK YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN “The storm was a huge public safety issue with very personal ties for our agency.” ROBERT PATTERSON Former acting administrator of the DEA ´Æ¸¬ÇÈ·Ì | AT&T Public Sector An Ecosystem Approach to Disaster Response Government agencies on the front lines need a trusted ally that can help manage all aspects of an emergency. COMMUNICATION IS CRITICAL before, ­»¸¹Â¿¿ÂʼÁº´Å¸Å¸¶¸ÁǸ˴Àÿ¸Æ ·´À´º¸´Á·´ÆƼÆÇŸƼ·¸ÁÇÆ­»¸¦ÂÁŸ ·ÈżÁº´Á·´ì¸Å´·¼Æ´ÆǸũ¸Âÿ¸Á¸¸· ¹»ÂÊ­­¼ÆÈÁ¼Äȸ¿ÌÆÈÃÃÂÅǼÁº ÂÈÁÇÌÀ¸Åº¸Á¶Ì¨Ã¸Å´Ç¼ÂÁƸÁǸŠGovernment agencies on the front ¼Á¹ÂÅÀ´Ç¼ÂÁÆÂÃÅÂǸ¶Ç¼ÁºÂÅŸÆÇÂżÁº ·¼Æ´ÆǸÅŸÆÃÂÁƸ¸æÂÅÇÆƼ·¸µÌƼ·¸ ¨¿Â¶´Ç¸·¼Á¦´Å´Ç»ÂÁÊ´Æ·¼Å¸¶Ç¿Ì ¶ÂÀÀÈÁ¼¶´Ç¼ÂÁƼÁ¹Å´ÆÇÅȶÇÈŸ¼Æ´¿Ê´ÌÆ Ê¼Ç»èÅÆÇŸÆÃÂÁ·¸ÅÆ´ÇÇ»¸ÆǴǸ¿Â¶´¿ ¼ÁÇ»¸Ã´Ç»Â¹¢ÅÀ´ÂÅÇÈÁ´Ç¸¿ÌÇ»¸¨ ´ÃżÂżÇÌÈǶÂÁƼ·¸Å¼Áº´·¼Æ´ÆǸŠ´Á·¹¸·¸Å´¿¿¸É¸¿Æ µÈ¼¿·¼ÁºÆÈÆÇ´¼Á¸·ÂÁ¿ÌÀ¼ÁÂÅ·´À´º¸ÈÇ ´Æ´Ê»Â¿¸ÆÌÆǸÀÃÅÂÀÂǸƵÅ´·¸Å ¼ÇÆ赸ÅÁ¸ÇÊžʴÆʼø·ÂÈǶżÃÿ¼Áº ÿ´ÁÁ¼Áº´Á·µ¸ÇǸŶÂÂøŴǼÂÁ´ÀÂÁº Bouncing Back from Irma Ç»¸ÂÈÁÇÌÔƸÀ¸Åº¸Á¶Ì¶ÂÀÀÈÁ¼¶´Ç¼ÂÁÆ lines need a trusted ally that can help ·¼æ¸Å¸ÁǺÅÂÈÃÆ©ÅÂǸ¶Ç¼ÁºÂÅŸÆÇÂżÁº ƹ¬¸ÃǸÀµ¸Å#¦ÂÁŸÂÈÁÇÌ ¶´Ã´µ¼¿¼Ç¼¸Æ¬´Ç¸¿¿¼Ç¸»¸¿Ã¸·Æ¸Åɸ´Æ´ ¶ÂÀÀÈÁ¼¶´Ç¼ÂÁƼÁ¹Å´ÆÇÅȶÇÈŸÄȼ¶¾¿Ì ¿´»´·ÁÔǵ¸¸Á´æ¸¶Ç¸·µÌ´À´½ÂÅ µ´¶¾ÈõÈǶÂÁÁ¸¶Ç¼ÂÁÆʸŸ¿¼À¼Ç¸· ŸÄȼŸƴÁ¸ÇÊž¹¿Âº¼ÆǼ¶ÆÆÈÃÃÂÅÇ »ÈÅż¶´Á¸¹ÂÅ̸´ÅÆÈǼÇÊ´Æ´µÂÈÇ ¨Á°¸·Á¸Æ·´Ì­­§´Ç¼ÂÁ´¿¼Æ´ÆǸŠ¸À¸Åº¸Á¶Ìÿ´ÁÁ¼Áº´Á·¸Ëøż¸Á¶¸ Ǻ¸Ç»¼ÇµÌ´Ê»ÂÃøżÁÇ»¸¹ÂÅÀ¹ «¸¶ÂɸÅ̶ŸÊÆ´Åżɸ·¼Á¦ÂÁŸÂÈÁÇÌ Ö¼Æ´ÆǸÅŸÆÃÂÁƸ¼ÆÁÂǽÈÆÇ´µÂÈÇ ¡ÈÅż¶´Á¸¢ÅÀ´ ʼǻ¸¿¿ÂÁ¥¼º»Ç­Åȶ¾Æ¨¥­ÆÊ»¼¶»´Å¸ manage all aspects of an emergency. »¸¿Ã¼Áº¶ÂÀÀÈÁ¼Ç¼¸Æº¸ÇÇ»¸¼ÅÆÌÆǸÀÆ ­»¸ÀÂÆÇÃÂʸŹȿǿ´ÁǼ¶»ÈÅż¶´Á¸¼Á Àµ¼¿¸ÈÁ¼ÇƸÄȼÃø·Ê¼Ç»»¼º»¶´Ã´¶¼ÇÌ µ´¶¾ÈüÇÔÆ´µÂÈÇÇ»¸Ê»Â¿¸¸¶ÂÆÌÆǸÀ× Å¸¶ÂÅ·¸·»¼ÆÇÂÅÌÆÈÆÇ´¼Á¼Áº$!À¼¿¸ ´ÁǸÁÁ´Æ­»¸¨¥­ÆÃÅÂɼ·¸·ÂÈÁÇÌ Æ´ÌƬǴ¶Ì¬¶»Ê´ÅÇÍɼ¶¸ÃŸƼ·¸ÁÇ­­ øÅʼÁ·Æ¹ÂÅ#»ÂÈÅÆ¢ÅÀ´À´·¸ Âﶼ´¿Æ´Á·¸À¸Åº¸Á¶ÌŸÆÃÂÁ·¸ÅÆʼǻ ©Èµ¿¼¶¬´¹¸ÇÌÖ¢ÇÔÆ´µÂÈÇÆÈÃÃÂÅǼÁºèÅÆÇ ¿´Á·¹´¿¿¼Á¿Âż·´ÂÁ¬¸ÃǸÀµ¸Å´ ¶¸¿¿Ã»ÂÁ¸¶ÂɸŴº¸´»Èº¸»¸¿Ã¼ÁÇ»¸¼Å ŸÆÃÂÁ·¸ÅƼÁ¸É¸ÅÌÊ´ÌÃÂÆƼµ¿¸ÆÂÇ»¸Ì ¬ÈÁ·´ÌÀÂÅÁ¼Áº¨Á¦ÂÁ·´ÌÀÂÅÁ¼Áº ·¼Æ´ÆǸÅŸÆÃÂÁƸ¸æÂÅÇÆÌ°¸·Á¸Æ·´Ì ¶´Á»¸¿Ã¶¼Ç¼Í¸ÁÆ× èÅÆÇŸÆÃÂÁ·¸ÅÆ´Åżɸ·Ç´ÆƸÆÆÇ»¸ Á¼º»Ç­­»´·Å¸ÆÇŸ·¶¸¿¿È¿´Å´ÁǸÁÁ´Æ ´ÇÇ»¸¦´Å´Ç»ÂÁ¨´Á·´ÇǻŸ¸¸À¸Å º¸Á¶ÌŸÆÃÂÁƸ¿Â¶´Ç¼ÂÁƼÁ¤¸Ì°¸ÆÇ Read the study at “Disaster response is not just about helping communities Ö¢ÇÊ´Æ´ ·ƸÁ·×Æ´ÌÆ¿´Á get their systems back up, it’s about the whole ecosystem.” ¦´¶´¶»¸ÅÁ·¼Å¸¶ÇÂŹ¼Á¹ÂÅÀ´Ç¼ÂÁ Ǹ¶»Á¿º̹ÂŦÂÁŸÂÈÁÇÌÖ¿¿ STACY SCHWARTZ, VICE PRESIDENT, AT&T PUBLIC SAFETY ¹´ÆÈ··¸Áʸ»´·É¼¶¸Ç¸ËÇ´Á· bit.ly/HurricaneResponse ·´Ç´¶´Ã´µ¼¿¼Ç¼¸Æ­»´ÇʴƻȺ¸¹ÅÂÀ © 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. __________Designer __________Creative Dir. __________Editorial __________Prepress 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 CMY grey T1 T2 T3 5 25 50 75 95 100 __________Other ____________OK to go www.erepublic.com 5 25 50 75 95 100 Page # 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 BLACK YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN VOL. 32, NO. 5 Contents 02.2019 SEGREGATED IN THE HEARTLAND: A SPECIAL REPORT2019 42 In the Zone A new federal program may be 22 Houses Divided a boon to distressed cities—if it In downstate Illinois—and in cities targets the right ones. across the country—government By J. Brian Charles policies are keeping racial segregation fi rmly rooted in place. 50 The Union By Daniel C. Vock, J. Brian Charles That Roars and Mike Maciag In an anti-union era, nurses are proving that organized labor can 34 Still Separate still be powerful. After All These Years By Graham Vyse Despite eff orts to integrate, Illinois remains home to some of the most racially divided schools in the country. By J. Brian Charles, Daniel C. Vock and Mike Maciag Long Island City, N.Y., was once an industrial hub. Now, it’s an “opportunity zone.” PHOTO BY APIMAGES.COM; COVER PHOTO BY DAVID KIDD PHOTO BY APIMAGES.COM; COVER DAVID February 2019 | GOVERNING 1 GOV02_01.indd 1 1/11/19 3:00 PM __________Designer __________Creative Dir. 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 __________Editorial __________Prepress www.erepublic.com CMY grey T1 T2 T3 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 Page # __________Other ____________OK to go BLACK YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN Departments 6 Dialogue Observer 10 Hmong Breakthrough The number of Hmong legislators has tripled in the Minnesota House. 16 11 Seattle’s ‘Great Expectations’ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Voters aren’t satisfi ed with their leaders’ ability to handle growth. URBAN NOTEBOOK ON LEADERSHIP 18 The Rent Is 57 Achieving Happy Workers 12 New Day for Tenants Too Damn Low As Tennessee has shown, employee Newly elected Democratic judges in High housing prices aren’t the only engagement isn’t unattainable. Texas may be less landlord-friendly. problem in America’s housing crisis. PUBLIC MONEY 13 All Those in Favor of BEHIND THE NUMBERS 58 A Taxing Question a Raise, Say ‘Aye’ 20 The Black What’s a fair tax during the It’s not easy for lawmakers to give Gender Imbalance recession? themselves more money. Women far outnumber men in many black neighborhoods. TRANSPORTATION + INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENTS 60 Do Americans Hate 14 Driven to Distraction The Business ‘Density’? How will autonomous vehicles of Government It’s a poor word to describe how change metropolitan life? people occupy urban spaces. SMART MANAGEMENT WASHINGTON WATCH 56 The Withering HEALTH + HUMAN SERVICES 16 The Riddle of Rebuilding Watchdog 62 Voting for Mental Health Towns destroyed by natural disasters Those who check up on government Initiatives to improve services are all want to start over. But who pays? face greater management hurdles. seeing wins at the ballot box. ENERGY + ENVIRONMENT 63 Electrifying the Valley A new program will furnish low- income homes with energy-effi cient 60 appliances. 64 Last Look 2 GOVERNING | Month 2019 APIMAGES.COM GOV02_01.indd 2 1/16/19 11:45 AM __________Designer __________Creative Dir. 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 __________Editorial __________Prepress www.erepublic.com CMY grey T1 T2 T3 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 Page # __________Other ____________OK to go BLACK YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN in collaboration with JUNE 5-6, 2019 SAVE THE DATE MINNEAPOLIS, MN SUMMIT ON GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE & INNOVATION2019 Governing and Living Cities cordially invite you to our 5th Annual Summit on Government Performance & Innovation. This national Summit brings together innovators, disrupters, and civic entrepreneurs — and all those interested in making government work better for local communities. A must-attend event for those who want to stay on top of the latest trends and meet the dreamers and doers of government performance and innovation. JOIN THE INNOVATION IN MINNEAPOLIS – JUNE 5-6, 2019 Visit our website for hotel and registration information! Registration is complimentary for public sector. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT: www.governing.com/gpi GOV18 AD GPI STD.indd 2 11/7/18 11:22 AM __________Designer __________Creative Dir. 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 __________Editorial __________Prepress www.erepublic.com CMY grey T1 T2 T3 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 Page # __________Other ____________OK to go BLACK YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN Publisher Mark Funkhouser Executive Editor Zach Patton Managing Editor Elizabeth Daigneau Senior Editors Alan Ehrenhalt, John Martin Chief Copy Editor Miriam Jones Copy Editors Kate Albrecht, Lauren Harrison Staff Writers J. Brian Charles, Liz Farmer, Alan Greenblatt, Mattie Quinn, Daniel C. Vock, Graham Vyse Correspondent John Buntin Contributing Editor Penelope Lemov Columnists Katherine Barrett & Richard Greene, Scott Beyer, Mark Funkhouser, Nicole Gelinas, Peter A. Harkness, Donald F. Kettl, Anne Kim, Justin Marlowe, Alex Marshall, Pete Saunders Senior Editor, Governing.com Caroline Cournoyer Data Editor, Governing.com Mike Maciag Web Producer and Writer, Governing.com Candice Norwood Chief Content Offi cer Paul W. Taylor Chief Design Offi cer Kelly Martinelli Photo Editor David Kidd Graphic Designer Kale Mendonca Production Director Stephan Widmaier Founder & Publisher Emeritus Peter A.
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