130 Broadband Seismic Recorder RT520 Board Lid Interconnect -B01 130-01/-02 Refraction Technology™ RT520 Lid Interconnect 130-RT520-D 6/23/04 Refraction Technology, Inc. 2626 Lombardy Lane, Suite 105 Dallas, Texas 75220 USA Telephone: (214) 353-0609 FAX: (214) 353-9659 EMAIL: [email protected] FTP: ftp.reftek.com WWW: http://reftek.com This document is located at:m:\130\boards\RT520D\docs\RT520D.book Copyright 2004 Refraction Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA ii RT520 Lid Interconnect 130-RT520-D REF TEK Update Notification You can receive E-mail notification of updates by subscribing to one of the REF TEK 130 notification lists. To subscribe: 1 Send an E-mail to [email protected] with one of the following in the body of the message: “subscribe <listname> <your name> where <list name> is one of the entries in the following table and <your name> is replaced by your name. 2 For the REF TEK 130 Strong Motion (130-SM) product use rt_130_sm. DAS <listname> example 130 rt_130 subscribe rt_130 tom smith 130_ANSS rt_130_anss subscribe rt_130_anss john doe 130_SM rt_130_sm subscribe rt_130_sm mike smith 3 Your E-mail address is automatically extracted from the header of the E-Mail you send. To obtain updates for REF TEK software, firmware, and documents: [1] Login to our FTP site at: ftp.reftek.com\pub [2] User name: Anonymous [3] Password: Your E-mail Address Revision History: Rev Date Reason for change Affected Pages 0.1 7/05/03 Initial release All C 8/13/03 Created separate RT520C book with three B0 All versions (-B01, -B02, -B03) D 9/19/03 Improved filtering for all B0 versions All RT520 Lid Interconnect 130-RT520-D iii Notation Conventions The following notation conventions are used throughout Ref Tek documentation: Notation Description ASCII Indicates the entry conforms to the American Standard Code for Information Interchange definition of character (text) information. Binary Indicates the entry is a raw, numeric value. Hex Indicates hexadecimal notation. This is used with both ASCII characters (0 – 9, A – F) and numeric values. BCD Indicates the entry is a numeric value where each four bits represents a decimal digit. FPn Indicates the entry is the ASCII representation of a floating-point number with n places fol- lowing the decimal point. <n> Indicates a single 8-bit byte. When the contents are numeric, it indicates a hexadecimal numeric value; i.e. <84> represents hexadecimal 84 (132 decimal). When the contents are capital letters, it represents a named ASCII control character; i.e. <SP> represents a space character, <CR> represents a carriage return character and <LF> represents a line feed character. MSB Most Significant Byte of a multi-byte value. MSbit Most Significant Bit of a binary number. LSB Least Significant Byte of a multi-byte value. LSbit Least Significant Bit (bit 0) of a binary number. YYYY Year as a 4-digit number DDD Day of year HH Hour of day in 24-hour format MM Minutes of hour SS Seconds of minute TTT Thousandths of a second (milliseconds) IIII Unit ID number n, nS nano, nanoSecond; 10-9 = 0.000000001 u, uS micro, microSecond; 10-6 = 0.000001 m, mS milli, milliSecond; 10-3 = 0.001 K, KHz Kilo, KiloHertz; 103 = 1,000 M, MHz Mega, MegaHertz; 106 = 1,000,000 G, GHz Giga, GigaHertz; 109 = 1,000,000,000 Kb, KB Kilobit, KiloByte; 210 = 1,024 Mb, MB Megabit, MegaByte; 220 = 1,048,576 Gb, GB Gigabit, GigaByte; 230 = 1,073,741,824 iv RT520 Lid Interconnect 130-RT520-D Related Manuals: 130-01 System Documents Number PDF file 130-01 System Startup 1301-SYS-001 130_startup_01.pdf PFC_130 Users Guide 130-PFC-001 130_pfc.pdf REF TEK Utilities Users Guide UTILS-OP-002 130_utilities.pdf 130 Theory of Operations 130-SYS-002 130_theory.pdf 130 PFC Release Notes 130-RN-001 130_PFCRN.pdf 130 CPU Release Notes 130-RN-002 130_CPURN.pdf 130 Command Reference 130-CR-001 130_command.pdf 130 Recording Format 130-RF-001 130_record.pdf 130 GPS/01 130-TR-003 gps01.pdf 130-01 Board Documents Number 130_techr_01.pdf RT505 - A/D Board 130-RT505 RT505r.pdfa RT506 - CPU Board 130-RT506 RT506r.pdf RT520 - Lid Interconnect Board 130-RT520 RT520r.pdf RT526 - MicroDrive/Flash Board 130-RT526 RT526rB01.pdf RT527 - Sensor Control Board (optional) 130-RT527 RT527rB01.pdf RT535 - Mass Memory Board 130-RT535 RT535rB01.pdf Optional Manuals Number PDF file SNDP Installation and Users Guide SNDP-OP-003 SNDPUser.pdf SNDP Reference Guide SNDP-S-002 SNDPRef.pdf RNC2 Installation Guide RNC2-OP-006 RNCinstallation.pdf RNC2 Users Guide RNC2-OP-007 RNC2user.pdf RTPD Installation and Users Guide RTPD-OP-005 RTPD.pdf RTP Protocol RTP-S-004 RTP.pdf 131A-01/3 Standard Triaxial Accelerometer 131A-TR-004 131A.pdf 131A-01/2 Low Noise Triaxial Accelerometer 131A-01/1 Uniaxial Accelerometer 131A-TR-005 131A011.pdf a. r = Revision level of 130 Board RT520 Lid Interconnect 130-RT520-D v About this manual: This 130 Family RT520 manual provides detailed drawings, schematics, and parts for the RT520-B01 Lid Interconnect board. 4 RT520-B01 Lid Interconnect board for 130-01/3 (-01/6) and 130-02/3 (-2/6) DAS units 5 RT520-B02 Lid Interconnect board is used in 130-ANSS DAS units 6 RT520-B03 Lid Interconnect board is used in 130-ANSS/02/6 DAS units Software Version: Current software and documentation is available on our web site. Some early units may require hardware modifications to use the latest software. Contact REF TEK if you have any queries on the compatibility of your unit(s) and the current software release. vi RT520 Lid Interconnect 130-RT520-D Table of Contents Section: 1 RT520-B01 Lid Interconnect 1.1 Overview 1-1 1.2 RT520-B01 Primary Functions 1-1 1.3 Technical Specifications 1-2 1.4 RT520-B01 Bill of Material 1-3 Section: 2 RT520 Lid Interconnect Drawings 2.1 RT520 Assembly 2-10 2.2 RT520D Schematic 2-12 130-RT506-D vii viii 130-RT506-D Section 1 RT520-B01 Lid Interconnect 1.1 Overview This document provides detailed technical information on the electronic operations of the RT520-B01 Lid Interconnect board. This document includes the following: - Primary Functions - Technical Specifications - RT520-B01 Parts List (Bill of Materials) - RT520 Assembly Drawings - RT520 Schematics 1.2 RT520-B01 Primary Functions The RT520-B01 Lid Interconnect board is used in the 130-01/3 and 130-01/6 DAS units as well as the 130-02/3 and 130-02/6 units. This board contains: Power supply Lightning protection Physical interface DC-DC Converter Figure 1 - 1 RT520 Board Functions RT520-B01 LID Rev D 130-RT520-B01-D 6/23/04 1-1 Technical Specifications 1.3 Technical Specifications TO BE ADDED Figure 1 - 2 RT520-B01 1-2 RT520-B01 LID Rev D 130-RT520-B01-D RT520-B01 Bill of Material 1.4 RT520-B01 Bill of Material Assembly Number Assembly Description Rev Lot Size U/M RT520-B01 Assembly, PCB, Lid Interconnect, 3rd Generation 1 EA Component Component Description Rev Qty Per Assy CCC0603C101J5GAC Capacitor, 100pF, 5%, 50V, COG, Chip 0603 3.00000 C13, C32, C41 CCC0603C102K5RAC Capacitor, 1nF, 10%, 50V, X7R, Chip 0603 10.00000 C3, C4, C9, C11, C12, C14, C15, C33, C37, C44 CCC0603C103K5RAC Capacitor, 0.01uF, 10%, 50V, X7R, Chip 0603 3.00000 C21, C34, C39 CCC0603C104K4RAC Capacitor, 0.1uF, 10%,16V, X7R, Chip 0603 6.00000 C5, C6, C7, C19, C22, C48 CCC0603C332K5RAC Capacitor, 3.3nF, 10%, 50V, X7R, Chip 0603 3.00000 C23, C36, C38 CCC0603C391J5GAC Capacitor, 390pF, 5%, 50V, COG, Chip 0603 3.00000 C20, C31, C40 CCC0805C334M4VAC Capacitor, .33uF, 16V, Ceramic, Chip 0805 4.00000 C27, C28, C35, C49 CCTSM0068 Capacitor, 68uf, 10V, Tantalum, Chip 7343 2.00000 C46, C47 CCTSM0100 Capacitor, 100uf, 10V, Tantalum, Chip 7343 1.00000 C45 CCUWF1C101MBR1GS Capacitor, 100uF, 16V, Chip, Nichicon 3.00000 C18, C30, C43 CR1N5821 Diode, 1N5821 3.00000 D21, D23, D26 Figure 1 - 3 RT520D-B01 BOM (Sheet 1 of 5) 1-3 RT520-B01 Bill of Material Assembly Number Assembly Description Rev Lot Size U/M RT520-B01 Assembly, PCB, Lid Interconnect, 3rd Generation 1 EA Component Component Description Rev Qty Per Assy U/M CRMBRA130LT3 Diode, Schottky power 10.00000 EA D1, D2, D5, D8, D10, D12, D13, D19, D22, D24 CRSMBJ12A Diode, TVS, 12V, Uni-Directional 6.00000 EA D3, D4, D6, D11, D17, D20 CRSMBJ15A Diode, Transorb, 15V, Unidirectional 1.00000 EA D18 CRSMBJ5.0A Diode, TVS, 5V, Uni-Directional 8.00000 EA D7, D9, D14, D15, D16, D25, D27, D28 CRSMDA05C-4 Diode, TVS, 5V, Bi-Directional, Quad 3.00000 EA DN6, DN7, DN10 - DO NOT USE MICROSEMI PARTS. APPROVED PARTS ARE SEMTECH SMDA05C-4 OR PR CRSMDA12C-4 Diode, TVS, 12V, Bi-Directional, Quad 10.00000 EA DN1-DN3, DN4, DN5, DN8, DN9, DN11-DN13 CT491A155M010AS Capacitor, 1.5uF, 20%, 10V, Tantalum, Chip 8.00000 EA C1, C2, C8, C10, C16, C17, C26, C29 CUPL1E151MPH Capacitor, 150uF, AE, 25V, Low ESR 2.00000 EA C50, C51 CUPM1A471MPH6 Capacitor, 470uF, 20%, 10V 3.00000 EA C24, C25, C42 Figure 1 - 4 RT520D-B01 BOM (Sheet 2 of 6) 1-4 RT520-B01 LID Rev D 130-RT520-B01-D RT520-B01 Bill of Material Assembly Number Assembly Description Rev Lot Size U/M RT520-B01 Assembly, PCB, Lid Interconnect, 3rd Generation 1 EA Component Component Description Rev Qty Per Assy HKFS2-632 Nut, #6-32, PEM, SS 6.00000 HPH4-40X3 Screw, 4-40X3/16, PPH, SS 4.00000 LCTX100-4 Inductor, 100uH, 20% 1.00000 L4 LCTX50-4 Inductor, 50uH, 25% 3.00000 L1-L3 MFSMD100 Fuse, 1.1Amp, Polyfuse 5.00000 F2, F3, F5, F6, F8 MFSMD200 Fuse, 2.0Amp, Polyfuse 2.00000 F1, F4 MFSMD260 Fuse, 2.6Amp, Polyfuse 1.00000 F7 MLM4047-BG-2C16-HNG-/5 LCD, 2 Line X 16 Character, Extended 1.00000 LCD1 P104702 Connector, 110 Pin, 3.7mm tails, 2mm Hard Metric 2.00000 P1, P2 P104704 Connector, 55 Pin, 3.7mm tails, 2mm Hard Metric 1.00000 P3
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