BUSINESS DIRECTORY WHERE TO GET Exclusively Devoted to Construction WHAT YOU NEED Roll-Forming Professionals JUNE/JULY 2021 22021021 Vol. 4, No. 3 BBUYERS’UYERS’ PPRODUCTRODUCT PPROFILES:ROFILES: RROLL-FORMINGOLL-FORMING SSUPPLIESUPPLIES GGUIDEUIDE & EQUIPMENTEQUIPMENT PAGE 30 PAGE 35 PAGE 30 PAGE 35 PAGE 34 PAGE 35 PAGE 36 11-RF0721-RF0721 CVRCVR WWEBEB nono box.inddbox.indd 1 77/12/21/12/21 44:39:39 PMPM FFULLULL PPAGEAGE AADS.inddDS.indd 2 66/29/21/29/21 22:26:26 PMPM GET TO KNOW YOUR BUSINESS! Where to ,QWHJUDWH\RXU2τFHWRWKH Plant Floor, Evaluate Data, Get What Set Goals and more. Where www.beckautomation.com 814 Fee Fee Rd. St. Louis, MO 63043 Tel: (314) 576-9736 • Email: [email protected] ver wonder where to get sup- plies for your roll-forming busi- ness? Maybe your current sup- plier is back-ordered and you Eneed some options, or just think it’s time to shop around. We think we’ve pulled together some pretty good choices in our first-ever Rollforming Buyers’ Guide. You’re holding the print version in your hands (or possibly looking at an e-version) but it is also accessible through a spe- cial online portal with additional prod- uct images and content provided by the listed companies. You can access the virtual guide directly from our new website: www. rollformingmagazine.com. Just go to the home page and you’ll find the buyers’ guide link in the top navigation bar. For the print version, we’ve also added some select product profiles to whet your appetite for all things roll forming. When you do visit the website, stop and take a look around. It’s exclusively devoted to industry professionals. While the buyers’ guide takes the main spotlight in this issue, don’t overlook our photo report on the second Construction Rollforming Show, held in June. It was a challenge to plan and carry off an event during a pandemic, but we finally suc- ceeded, and it was a good show. But don’t take my word for it, find out what other people had to say. May you have a safe, happy, and healthy summer season. [email protected] ROLLFORMINGMAGAZINE.COM 33-editors-editors nnote_stjf.inddote_stjf.indd 3 77/6/21/6/21 99:20:20 AAMM CContentsontents )) . RF 4400 22021021 RRollformingollforming 44: Western Roofing BBuyers’uyers’ GGuideuide Expo 2021 Plan to attend the Sept. 21-23 10: Product Guide event in Las Vegas A quick guide to companies providing products & services 46: Turbo-Charge Your Roll Former 12: Company Listings How to maximize impact Learn more about each on your bottom line company and how to contact them 47: Colorado Custom 29: Featured Products Reflecting on 21 years of A select group of products portable roll forming targeted to the roll-forming industry 56: Packing & Storing 40: Construction Smart storage & Rollforming Show packaging solutions A photo review of the 2021 event 44-5-TOC_st.indd-5-TOC_st.indd 4 77/6/21/6/21 110:450:45 AMAM Managing Editor: Sharon Thatcher [email protected] 715-257-4197 Editors: Karen Knapstein Jessica Franchuk Circulation/Subscriptions: Barb Prill [email protected] 920-471-4846 Digital Product and Data Engineer: For help with online Classifi ed Ads & the Business Directory contact: Steve Duberstein: 4477 [email protected] Publisher: Gary Reichert [email protected] 715-252-6360 Departments )) Executive/Advertising Assistant: Kathy Budsberg 3 Editor’s Page [email protected] Sales Assistant: 6 Industry News Kathy Welk [email protected] 54 Business Connections Graphic Designers: 58 Advertiser Index Tom Nelsen, Kevin Ulrich ROLLFORMING MAGAZINE (ISSN: 2639-6742) (Volume 4, Issue 3) is published six times annually in March, April, July, September, November and BUSINESS December by Shield Wall Media LLC, 150 Depot 2021 Rollforming DIRECTORY WHERE TO GET WHAT YOU NEED Exclusively Devoted to Construction St., Iola, WI 54945. Periodical postage paid at Iola, Roll-Forming Professionals JUNE/JULY 2021 Vol. 4, No. 3 WI, and at additional mailing offices. Canadian Buyers’ Guide 22021021 Agreement Number: 40665675. POSTMASTER: BBUYERS’UYERS’ Send address changes to Rollforming, Barb Prill, PO PPRODUCTRODUCT PROFILES:PROFILES: RROLL-FORMINGOLL-FORMING SSUPPLIESUPPLIES BOX 255, Iola, WI 54945. Copyright 2021 Shield GGUIDEUIDE & EEQUIPMENTQUIPMENT Wall Media LLC. Rollforming Magazine and its logo are registered trademarks. Other names and logos referred to or displayed in editorial or advertising content may be trademarked or copyright. 56 PAGE 30 PAGE 35 PAGE 31 Rollforming Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials sent to it. Publisher and advertisers are not liable for typographical errors that may appear in prices or descriptions PAGE 36 PAGE 34 PAGE 36 in advertisements. Mailed free to roll forming contractors and their suppliers throughout North America. Others may subscribe: $19.98 for 1 year, $36.98 for 2 years, and $50.98 for 3 years. 29 PAGE 36 On the cover: View these products in our special buyers’ guide section Next • High Capacity Roll Formers Issue: • Coil Handling Machines 44-5-TOC_st.indd-5-TOC_st.indd 5 77/6/21/6/21 110:450:45 AMAM IIndustryndustry NNewsews )) Surging Prices, Tight Supplies Not Yet a Deterrent to Sales ompanies in the roll-forming industry were still see- businesses were seeing significant sales increases over 2020. ing surging demand in Q1 and Q2. Pulling together Even those not seeing significant increases were predominately Cthe information from a recent survey revealed that reporting slight to substantial increases. Tight supplies and high prices are damp- ening some of the enthusiasm, however. Steel prices have tripled over the past half year, and sure to stretch demand for steel further is a $579 billion federal infrastructure bill. According to MarketWatch (www.market watch.com), steel prices are expected to con- tinue to rise for another quarter, “but once demand and production level out, which could take another year, we should see a more normal market,” it was noted. Calendar of Events AUGUST 2021 10-12. International Roofing Expo (IRE). Las Vegas, Nevada. www.theroofingexpo.com. SEPTEMBER 2021 21-23. Western Roofing Expo. Las Vegas, Nevada. www.westernroofingexpo.com. OCTOBER 2021 5-8. Building Component Manufacturers Conference (BCMC). Omaha, Nebraska. www.bcmcshow.com. 6-8. METALCON. Tampa, Florida. www.metalcon.com. NOVEMBER 2021 4-5. Garage, Shed & Carport Builder Show. South Bend, Indiana. www.garageshedcarportbuilder.com/2021- gsc-builder-show. 9-11. Midwest Roofing Contractors Association (MRCA) Con Expo. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. www.mrca.org. 6 ROLLFORMING • JUNE/JULY 2021 66-8-NEWS_st.indd-8-NEWS_st.indd 6 77/6/21/6/21 66:41:41 AAMM DYNAMIC FASTENER Everything for the Metal Builder & Roofer® D•F ® Butyl Tape D•F ® DROP-STOP® D•F ® SCREWS D•F ® ULTRA-PREMIUM IMPACT-TESTED™ D•F ® METAL CUTTING BLADE NUT RUNNERS D•F ® DYNA-CLAMPS® TM D•F ® RIVET BOSS® D•F ® DYNA-GUARD® FREE 140 Page Full Color Tool & Fastener Hand Guide provides prices, engineering data & details product offering. DYNAMIC FASTENER is specifically geared to handle the needs of the 5XUDO Building Contractor. We provide in-house custom color painting of screws and rivets with just a one or two day (days, not weeks) lead time. Over 100 million rivets, mostly pre-painted, & tens of thousands of power tools are stocked and sold at the lowest prices. Highest quality, top name brand fasteners are stocked and sold at the lowest prices. Same day shipment on orders received by 4:00 p.m. CST. We are a supplier to the largest metal building manufacturers. We want to be YOUR source for screws, pre-painted rivets, anchors, flashings, Dyna-Guard® snow retention system, safety equipment, hand tools, power tools and accessories. 7 warehouses to serve your construction needs for tools and fasteners (MAIN OFFICE) Kansas City • Chicago • Houston • Las Vegas • Memphis • St. Louis • St. Paul CALL 800-821-5448 or Order Online @ DYNAMICFASTENER.COM Call for your Free Full Color 140 Pg. Hand Guide. Better yet, call us for your next tool or fastener requirement. Discover for yourself why your peers enjoy doing business with our company! FFULLULL PPAGEAGE AADS.inddDS.indd 7 66/29/21/29/21 22:26:26 PMPM IIndustryndustry NNewsews )) Wood Products Manufacturers Expand Capacity he American Wood Council, citing forest supply con- though new home listings are up 19.1% over last year. Permits for sultant, Forisk, reported that North American softwood single- and multi-family projects were up 25.3% and 20.4%, respec- Tsawmill capacity increased by 1.4 billion board feet in tively. The unprecedented demand still exceeds current supply. the last year. Most of that increased capacity—1.1 billion board feet—was from manufacturing in the U.S. South. The entire Employers No Longer Required wood products manufacturing sector continues to produce at the highest levels since the Great Recession. to Record Adverse COVID-19 Many wood products companies have announced significant investments to expand the capacity of existing mills, however, Vaccine Reactions lead times to get the new equipment remains long. In some Employers are no longer required to record adverse reactions cases, machinery is back-ordered up to 24 months—potentially from COVID-19 vaccinations on their OSHA 300 logs. extending the usual 12 to 24 months it would take to complete In its advisory, OSHA indicated that the about-face in report- these types of projects. Manufacturing expansion projects are a ing requirements was done so as not to hinder incentives for long-term solution that will support increased capacity, but not employee vaccinations. It rescinds previous guidance that said until 2022 at best. employers who require employees to be vaccinated as a condi- Home demand has only increased during the pandemic and tion of employment must record any adverse reaction.
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