. « MV. I Avange Daily Nat PreM Run Iwr Um WMk Bnted »air It, taaa 14,103 MMnbw of the Andlt Botcm of Olhmlotioii ManehmaUr-^A City o f VUlaga Charm VOL. LXXXIV, NO, 28» (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 12, 1965 (OtaMifled Advorliitac aa tmm M ) Eight Bodies Recovered Nothing New OHESTBR, Pa. (AP) — Today waa just the atart Narcotics Seized, Two of another 40-hour week for attorney Oharlea Palm­ 11 Men Saved er, who waa, 103 laat BVl- day. UnUl five yeara ago Palmer drove to and from hli office each day, but In Air Crash now ridea the bua. As Result of Motel FALMOUTH, Maas. (A P)— Coast Guard searchers reported today that 11 men were rescued and eight belies recovered from the 19-man crew of an Air Force Events Richard Jepson, 20, plane down in the fog-shrouded North Atlantic. One crewmen reported eo'^' atm mladnf waa found alive on were spotted vrith-the first rays In State a German deatroyer. of morning sunHght. Dead, Probe Started U . Cmdr. William T. White, duty officer at Salem Coast Rescue planes and ahlpa had By *R1CHARD EgADA Guard Rescue StaUon, said the searched in thick fog late Sun­ Mid Survivors were aboard German day night and early this morn­ BtALOOLM BARLOW ing. More planes and ships were Five Are Hurt . - » • and American destroyers. Capt. Richard Barros, In­ rushed to the scene at dawn. In the aftermath of an untimely death at the Conr formation officer at OUs Air The Coast Guard said debris, Ag Plane Flips necticut Motor Lodge yesterday, authorities have Force Base from which the papers and an oil slick had also seized a supply of narcotics and presented two youths downed plane took off Sunday been sighted in the area where During Landing in court today on charges of possession of narcotics. night, confirmed the report. the plane went down. > A State Police narcotics expert has been brought into h t o The four-engine propeller- Otis Air Force Base said the i -L DANBURY (AP) — A the case in the death of Richard Jepson, 20, who lived driven plane was on duty as an four-engine E1C121 radiw picket two-eng:ine plane with five ' -^IV" early warning radar plane. dropped Into theTAtlanC with his parents at the Marilyn (^urt Apartments at f , '’ a ; / The plane ditched late Sunday Ocean Sunday night northeast of persons aboard flipped into Olcott and Adams Sts. Police have not revealed either night 145 miles east-northeast of Nantucket Island. a ditch during an emer­ the type or quantity of narcotics invedved. Nantucket. Moments before, one of the gency landing at Danbury FoUowlng a brief and Inten-.^ ■ 'Si'S.' « [ Helicopters from the U.8. jear- three pilots aboard had radioed Airport today. sive investigation by members' ‘ '.T I rler Wasp and the German and that one engine was aflame, of the Manchester and State ed at the moUl later, allegedly American deatroyera Joined In another was feathred and they AU five—the pilot, his wife and daughter, and two boys— Police, two East Hartford carrying the drugs. the search. were forced to ditch. youths were arrested on pos­ Late yesterday morning Jep- . The Navy vessels had been on The pllot’a last words were: were treated for niinor injuries at Danbury Hospital and then session of narcotics charges son began to have convuMani. maneuvers in the area. "Altitude 200 feet. I am ditch­ waIaa aa/1 After placing him in the ambu­ Most of the survivors were and presented at the Manches­ ing.” The message was re­ ter seMlon of (Circuit Court 12 lance Service for him at 11:80 picked from the sea by helicop­ ceived by Otis radio and by Richai^ Oolhoun, 42, of 118 Davenport Ridge’ Road, Stam­ this morning. a.m. Rizza reportedly left tha ters and placed aboard a Ger Brunswick Naval Air Station, motel aometime before the am­ man destroyer. At least two ford, had taken off from Uie One, Harry J. Overend, 20, Brunswick, Maine. ^ bulance arrived at 11:40. were rescued In small boats. A Pan American World Air­ airport for Bradley Field in Is reportedly the person who 'Dk attendants wUh the am^ All eight bodies were reported ways jetliner en route to Europe Windaor Locks when the left called the ambulance service aboard the U.S. destroyer Barry engine of the Aero Commander and allegedly also signed for bulanoe found Jepeon lying flaca from New York was diverted to down on A blanket on the bed. out of Newport, R.I. Three sur the scene^jand circled overhead, failed. both himself and Jepson when After placing hml In the ambu­ vlvors also were reported as a fuU^cale military search He circled the field to make the two cnecked into the motel aboard thb Barry. and rescue mission was organ­ a landing, but apparently was Saturday night, using a single lance one of the aUendanta called Dr. Keeney at Manches­ Search efforts were hampered ized. not satisfied with the approach. fictitious name. by thick fog. Little more than an hour edter After circling again, Coihoun The other is 21-year-old Rich­ ter (Memorial H j^ lte l and ha Holcomb B. Noble, an Asso­ the plane went down, a search set the plane d o ^ on grass ard Bizza. who reportedly visit­ said he wanted to examine Jep­ ciated Press newsman who flew plane picked up a signal be­ rather than on the runway. The ed the pair at the motel with son on the scene. over the area, said thick fog lieved to be from a radio hom­ plane went Into the ditch. a rented automobile some time Dr. -Keeney anived a few clouds formed shortly after ing device used on emergency Those aboard. In addition to before Jepeon's death. ipinutea later and pronounced dawn. rafts. the pilot, were his wrlfe, DeMa- Overend, short and pale with Jepeon dead on the scene. Ha Names of the survivors and But an Otis spokesman said, ris, 89; their daughter Susan, wavy blond hair, was accom­ called the police and they aa> victims were not Immediately “ We received only the one sig­ 10; and Michael Ross, 16, and panied by his parents in court rived soon after. Ho is preaenU available. nal and we lost it. A plane went his brother Robert, 10, of 237 (Herald photo by Saternls) this morning. Rizza, who is ly conducting an autopsy. The flares and markers of dye Kenmore Drive In Longmeadow, Detective John Krinjak (rear) escorts Harry J. Oyerend (left) and Richard shorter than Overend and dark Manchester pottos Chief dumped In Uie ocean waters (Bee Page Three) Mass. James M. Reardon took charge F. Rizzo into court for their presentation this morning. and curly hair, appeared alone. I ' Neither youth was represented of the investigation with Detec­ Strike Talks Move by counsel today, but a public tive Sergeant Joaepih Sartor. NEW LONDON (AP)—Media­ defender is expected to be ap­ The chleC asked State PoUoe to tors have given up hope for sm pointed In the Overend case. asaiat end Sgit. John Marooey early settlement (k the Electric Rlzza Indicated that he may of their narootiica squad arrived Frigid Spacecraft along with other Inveatlgatora. Boat strike and the negotiations ^Big Red 1’ Infantrymen secure his own counsel. aS ct questioning of Overend have been moved here from Judge Max Relcher continued Washington, D.C. at the police station yesterday the cases until July 32 and afternoon Rizza was arrested „ "We have reached the reluct­ ordered bonds of 65,()()0 each. Nears Mars Target ant conclusion that there ,1s no and brought to the station also. hope' for an. early seiUement of Overend checked Into the mo­ Both were charged with poaaaa this dispute,” B^d Robert H. Begin Viet Nam Landings tet Satusdaiy night with J^^son slon of narcotics and Rlzaa vnui PASADENA, Calif.t and signed tor both of Uisai as Late Report Moore, depiky fUrector of the (Sea Page Eiglit) (A P )— If the U.S. space­ Federal Mediation and Cotycilla- a A T n fl M cjftiiOi ViAf^total of U.S. troops In Viet Nam<»Hon Nleu Island, about 11 mUen "Jqtoi Muffirkey." Rlxm axrlv- craft Mariner 4 could talk, PASBDENA, Calif. (AP) tion Service in Washington Sat­ XT ° /API ’ T b o 71,000. offshore r»rtheast of Vfnh. and it probably would say: — Mariner 4 is on the In­ urday. ' Nam (AP) — p e first ..^oday marks another first damaging 12 barges in an es­ 1 “ M-M-man, it’s c-c-cold up side and dosing fast. Jet The statement, Issued JolnUy large force of U.S. combat for the Big r ^ on e," the bri- tuary .about .Iflt miles north , of Propulsion Laboratory Is­ by federal and Connecticut me­ gade commander; Col. James Vlnh. here.” infantrymen — 3,900 men Magazine Story Says sued a progress report on diators, said there was no rea­ of the 1st Infantry Divi­ Simmons, told newsmen, “ We U.S. planes also dropped IM The temperature on the shady the spacecraft expected to son to keep the negotiations In were first on Omaha Beach and million propaganda leaflets on aide of'the 676-pound, wlndmlU- take up to 21 pictures Washington. Talks were scihed- sion — began landing in in Africa. Today we are the first the cities of Phat Diem, 65 miles shaped craft is 130 degrees be- W ednes^y when It passes uled to resume this afternoon Viet Nam today. unit from the continental United south of Hanoi; Lyan Han, 66 Jow zero Fahrenheit.
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